Glass weapons and armor are an ornate design: light and flexible, although very difficult to make and expensive. Glass armor is a lightweight armor created using rare metals studded with volcanic glass. The result is stronger than steel due to its ability to absorb and distribute shocks very well. Glass armor not only surpasses other light armor in strength, but is also superior to most medium armor (with the exception of a few Artifacts and some new medium armor added by the two expansions). The armor is favored by the Buoyant Armigers, and one of the only places it can be found for sale is at their stronghold in Ghostgate.
Similarly, glass weapons are created using rare metals and volcanic glass to produce blades of virtually unparalleled sharpness and light weight. Glass weapons wear quickly however and require frequent repair.
For more information on Glass equipment, please see the following page.
Armor LocationsEdit
Glass Armor is rather rare, and since it's mostly worn by members of the Buoyant Armigers, it may be difficult to acquire a full set without killing non-hostile NPCs for it. If you've got a lot of money to burn, Dronos Llervu in Ghostgate's Tower of Dusk Lower Level can potentially have a complete set for sale (he does not have a fixed copy of the greaves and tower shield, but they have a chance of spawning in a crate that is accessed by his merchant table). Or, if you're sneaky enough, you can steal most of it from him. Notably, Dronos' shop is the only place you will find the Bracers in Vvardenfell (but they are available in Mournhold- see below). They don't even show up in random loot, so you'll have to either buy them or steal them from him.
Additionally, there are three crates scattered throughout Vvardenfell that each contain up to 3 random Glass Armor pieces (excluding bracers). They are in the following locations:
- Dronos' shop in Ghostgate
- The Redoran Vaults in Vivec
- The lower level of an Unmarked Shipwreck off the northwestern-most tip of Vvardenfell.
You might want to save before opening these crates, in order to reload if you don't get the pieces you need (causing the area to reload by leaving and returning can also be used to force the loot to be re-rolled as long as you did not take anything out of or place anything within the crates).
The TribunalTR expansion added several additional sources of glass armor that include bracers:
- Bols IndalenTR will craft any piece of glass armor for you, including the bracers, provided you bring him enough Raw Glass. He is in the Craftsmen's Hall in Godsreach.
- Catia SosiaTR, the Blacksmith and Vendor at the Mournhold armory in the Great Bazaar, has a set of the scarce bracers as well as a set of pauldrons. They are on a shelf immediately to her right and are for sale, but can be stolen by a crafty player.
- Finally, Golena SadriTR is in possession of a full set (minus helm and any shield), but you will have to complete a certain quest to get it.
- Partial Sets of Glass Armor
- Aerin (Maar Gan, Andus Tradehouse) no helm, bracers, pauldrons, or shield
- Birer Indaram (Molag Mar, Armiger's Stronghold) no helm, bracers, pauldrons, or shield
- Bovkinna (Ald Daedroth, Left Wing) no helm, bracers, pauldrons, greaves, or shield
- Enar Dralor (Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level) no helm or bracers
- Fedris HlerTR (Mournhold, Temple District, Reception Area) no helm, bracers, cuirass, greaves, or shield
- Galdal Omayn (Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk) no helm or bracers
- Golena SadriTR (Old Mournhold, Sadri Manor Sewer) no helm or shield
- Irer Nervion (Falasmaryon, Lower Level) no helm, bracers, pauldrons, or shield
- Mendel Eves (Tureynulal, Bladder of Clovis) no helm, cuirass, left pauldron, bracers, boots, or shield
- Mertis Falandas (Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level) no helm or bracers
- Percius' chest (Ald'ruhn, Guild of Fighters) no pauldrons, bracers, or shield
- Salyn Sarethi (Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level) no helm or bracers
- ThauraverBM (Sjobal) no bracers or shield
- Smokeskin-Killer (Tel Vos, Central Tower) no bracers, pauldrons, boots, or shield
- Tidros Indaram (Molag Mar, Armiger's Stronghold) no helm, bracers, pauldrons, or shield
- Ulms Drathen (Molag Mar, Armiger's Stronghold) no helm, bracers, or shield
- Volrina Quarra (Druscashti, Lower Level) no helm, bracers, or shield
- Voruse Bethrimo (Dagoth Ur, Inner Tower) no helm or bracers
- Ghostgate (Tower of Dusk Lower Level, Dronos Llervu's store) no greaves
- Vivec, Hlaalu Vaults no bracers; tower shield instead of base shield
* Sometimes comes in a cursed variety. In this case, the cursed variety is easily identified by its lower damage values.
Weapon LocationsEdit
- Guaranteed Glass Melee Weapon
- Tel Branora, Sethan's Tradehouse in the desk upstairs a random Glass Melee Weapon will be generated.
- Other sources for a possible random Glass Melee Weapon
- May be wielded by Golden Saints (random_Golden_saint_weapon)
There are many places with random respawning Daedra or guaranteed Golden Saints e.g. Daedric Shrines.
Special Weapon ItemsEdit
Glass Claymore | |
Glass Dagger | |
Glass Longsword | |
Glass War Axe |
- Garothmuk gro-Muzgub claims that Glass is of High Elven make. While the craft itself originates from the Altmer, the Codex makes it clearer that Morrowind's Glass style specifically is simply inspired by them.