Antiquity Furnishings are special pieces of furniture that can be excavated via the Antiquities system. After excavating an Antiquity, the furnishing is added to your inventory and a codex entry is unlocked that provides some lore or clues about the item, written by members of the Antiquarian Circle: Amalien, Gabrielle Benele, Reginus Buca, Ugron gro-Thumog and Verita Numida.
Most furnishings have a total of three codex entries, meaning each item needs to be scryed and excavated three separate times to unlock all codex entries. Some furnishings, such as the Druidic Provisioning Station, are composed of multiple fragments and have more than three codex entries.
Cost: Once you have unlocked all the codex entries for a particular furnishing, it can also be purchased from the Achievement Furnisher in the antiquity's Zone for Gold , bypassing the need to scry and excavate the item several times if numerous copies are required. This is completely optional, however, as anytime the lead is found, it can once again be scried and excavated.
Related Antiquity PagesEdit
- Antiquity Leads — A list of Leads used to find Antiquities
- Antiquities by Zone — Antiquities sorted by regions of the world map
Image | Name | Type | Cost | Source | Achievement or Quest | Description |
Altar of Celestial Convergence (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
75,000 | What occurs when the stars align to match the constellation at the heart of this ominous altar remains a mystery, but the sinister serpents on display conjure only catastrophe in the imagination. | |||
Antique Map of Alik'r Desert (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Alik'r Desert Pathfinder | This map maker's aesthetic depicts the vast desert of Alik'r in gentle flowing lines, representing dunes that have long since shifted. | |||
Antique Map of Apocrypha (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Hero of Necrom | "Mapping Apocrypha and expecting the result to help anyone else is foolish. Instead consider the map to be more of a visual guide to the cartographer's experiences there—unique to them alone."—Excerpt from an unknown Cipher's Journal | |||
Antique Map of Auridon (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Auridon Pathfinder | One of the Summerset Isles, Auridon is painstakingly rendered on this map to the exacting standard of the College of Sapiarchs. | |||
Antique Map of Bangkorai (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Bangkorai Pathfinder | The entire region of Bangkorai is shown on this antique map, though much of the detail is focused on the daunting Bangkorai pass. | |||
Antique Map of Blackwood (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Blackwood Pathfinder | On this heirloom map, the areas populated by Nibenese contain a wealth of details about the terrain, while expanses of wilderness seemingly remain fully unexplored. | |||
Antique Map of Coldharbour (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Coldharbour Pathfinder | One might question the sanity of the cartographer of this map, but according to experts in planar travel, it's remarkably accurate. | |||
Antique Map of Craglorn (page) | Library (Maps) |
The cartographer who worked on this antique map detailed the dry wastelands of Lower Craglorn and mountainous regions of Upper Craglorn with a deft hand. | ||||
Antique Map of Deshaan (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Deshaan Pathfinder | The fertile plain of Deshaan stretches out on this artful map. | |||
Antique Map of Eastmarch (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Eastmarch Pathfinder | A master cartographer lent their skills to the crafting of this map of Eastmarch untold years ago. | |||
Antique Map of Fargrave (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Hero of Fargrave | Though Fargrave defies most labels, an ambitious cartographer still attempted to map it out. Discerning collectors may wish to hang the result in a place of pride. The original owner no longer needs it. | |||
Antique Map of Galen (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Galen Pathfinder | The artistic touches on this well-preserved map of Galen resemble those of other Breton maps of this period. Its illustrative elements flow organically, casting doubt on the cartographer being a single Breton. | |||
Antique Map of Glenumbra (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Glenumbra Pathfinder | This detailed map highlights the complex topography of Glenumbra thanks to the artistry of the cartographer who crafted it. | |||
Antique Map of Grahtwood (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Grahtwood Pathfinder | Careful attention was paid to marking the well-trod footpaths through the old growth of Grahtwood. | |||
Antique Map of Greenshade (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Greenshade Pathfinder | Nearly a work of art in itself, this map of Greenshade provides some insight into what the region might have looked like in an earlier time. | |||
Antique Map of Hew's Bane (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Hew's Bane Pathfinder | This rare map depicts Hew's Bane, also once called Khefrem's Boot, a peninsula on the south coast of Hammerfell. | |||
Antique Map of High Isle (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: High Isle Pathfinder | Though outdated, this map's cartographer added enough artful touches to make it worthy of display in even noble homes. | |||
Antique Map of Malabal Tor (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Malabal Tor Pathfinder | The cartographer paid special attention to the coast and waterways of Malabal Tor when rendering this map. | |||
Antique Map of Murkmire (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Murkmire Pathfinder | The surveyor who succeeded in mapping the impenetrable marshlands of Murkmire made certain to note the migration of swamp leviathans. | |||
Antique Map of Northern Elsweyr (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Northern Elsweyr Pathfinder | The lands of Anequina and its majestic aqueduct are the subject of this skillfully illustrated map. | |||
Antique Map of Reaper's March (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Reaper's March Pathfinder | Skillful strokes create the boundaries and landmarks of Reaper's March on this map. | |||
Antique Map of Rivenspire (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Rivenspire Pathfinder | Somehow the cartographer behind this map accurately rendered Rivenspire in great detail through all its gloom and fog. | |||
Antique Map of Shadowfen (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Shadowfen Pathfinder | On this aged map, someone took great pains to depict the common paths and hazardous areas of the mire called Shadowfen. | |||
Antique Map of Southern Elsweyr (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Pellitine Pathfinder | The kingdom of Pellitine stretches out like a lazing senche on this artistically rendered map. | |||
Antique Map of Stonefalls (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Stonefalls Pathfinder | Though the ashfall may obscure the features of Stonefalls, the clear lines of this map are an able guide. | |||
Antique Map of Stormhaven (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Stormhaven Pathfinder | Even early maps of Stormhaven like this one show population centers, making the map a window into the past. | |||
Antique Map of Summerset (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Summerset Pathfinder | While one wouldn't want to use this map for navigation, given its age, it makes for excellent wall art. | |||
Antique Map of The Rift (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: The Rift Pathfinder | Despite its name, the sweeping temperate zone called the Rift is a hospitable place for Nords to come together, and this map points the way. | |||
Antique Map of Vvardenfell (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Morrowind Pathfinder | The vastness of Red Mountain is truly apparent in this scale map of Vvardenfell. | |||
Antique Map of West Weald (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Gold Road Pathfinder | "Once you lose sight of the coast, you start to walk the weald. It goes on and on, well out of sight, with only the road cut through the trees a marker to chart your course." - Phrastus of Elinhir | |||
Antique Map of Western Skyrim (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Western Skyrim Pathfinder | Explore the regions of Western Skyrim with this masterful map. Elevations, waterways, and roads may be a tad out of date. | |||
Antique Map of Wrothgar (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Wrothgar Pathfinder | The treacherous mountains of Wrothgar are expertly depicted on this map, though safe passage through them is anyone's guess. | |||
Antique Map of the Deadlands (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Deadlands Pathfinder | Long ago, several explorers of the Burn and the Sever worked together to map out these areas of the Deadlands, though regrettably not all who started this cartography project lived to see its result. | |||
Antique Map of the Gold Coast (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Gold Coast Pathfinder | Though this antique map doesn't note it, the Gold Coast was once called the Strident Coast. | |||
Antique Map of the Reach (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: The Reach Pathfinder | Reachfolk have little use for maps, knowing the land as well as they know their own bodies, so an intrepid explorer must have drafted this cartographic wonder—perfect for hanging on your wall or planning your next Reach excursion. | |||
Antique Map of the Telvanni Peninsula (page) | Library (Maps) |
Reward for: Necrom Pathfinder | The fine detail work on the coastlines contrasts strongly with inland portions of the map. Almost as if House Telvanni had little interest in a truly accurate depiction of the peninsula. | |||
Anvil of Old Orsinium (page) | Services (Crafting Stations) |
75,000 | Add a touch of Old Orsinium to your home with this well-crafted anvil and cinder-dousing bearskin rug. | |||
Apocrypha Fossil, Arch (page) | Undercroft (Remains) |
This arching fossil may have once belonged to a gigantic creature of Apocrypha, but now it can serve as an archway within your home. | ||||
Apocrypha Fossil, Bones Large (page) | Undercroft (Remains) |
Though you may not ever find out what creature these bones belong to, they're a must-have for any ossuary garden or, if you're more traditional in your reliquiae displays, fossil collection. | ||||
Apocrypha Fossil, Nautilus (page) | Undercroft (Remains) |
Lovers of large fossils, rejoice! This enormous nautilus fossil can serve as the backdrop for your next outdoor gathering. | ||||
Apocrypha Fossil, Ribcage (page) | Undercroft (Remains) |
The remnants of a long-dead predator that once slouched across the unending landscape of Apocrypha. This is a large house item. | ||||
Apocrypha Fossil, Slug (page) | Undercroft (Remains) |
The remnants of a long-dead worm that once slouched across the unending landscape of Apocrypha. This is a large house item. | ||||
Apocrypha Fossil, Tree (page) | Conservatory (Trees) |
The remnants of a long-dead tree that once flourished in the ineffiable realm of Apocrypha. This is a large house item. | ||||
Apocrypha Fossil, Wall Beast (page) | Courtyard (Yard Ornaments) |
The remnants of a strange protector beast that once protected the entrance to a cultist sanctum. This is a large house item. | ||||
Apocrypha Fossil, Worm (page) | Undercroft (Remains) |
Faithful of Mora believe that the fossils embedded across the realm of Apocrypha are remnants of another place, another realm, the origin point of the Daedric Prince of Knowledge. Certainly, they correspond to no creatures native to Tamriel. | ||||
Apocrypha Jewelry Crafting Station (page) | Services (Crafting Stations) |
Create powerful trinkets to wear with this Jewelry Crafting Station from Hermaeus Mora's realm of Oblivion. When placed in your home, it allows you to craft Jewelry Crafting items. | ||||
Apocryphal Clothier Station (page) | Services (Crafting Stations) |
150,000 | This Apocryphal loom was crafted by the artisans of Cipher's Midden in reverence for Mora. And, of course, to practically sew garb for new initiates. This is a large house item. When placed in your home, it allows you to craft Clothing items. | |||
Apocryphal Well (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
100,000 | The liquid in this well never stills and resembles a roiling portal to the realm of Hermaeus Mora. | |||
Archival Light Diffuser, Large (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
This spherical light still glimmers with the infinite potential of the Archive. This is a large house item. | ||||
Archival Light Diffuser, Small (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
This spherical light still glimmers with the infinite potential of the Archive. This is a standard house item. | ||||
Ashen Infernace Gate (page) | Structures (Doorways) |
12,500 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Ebonheart
Foreboding and grim, this gate emanates a sense of danger and gloom. Are you fearless or foolish enough to welcome whatever might pass through it into your home? | ||
Ayleid Arch, Wide (page) | Structures (Building Components) |
15,000 | The Heartland Elves saw arches as doors not just from outside to in, from room to room, but as symbols of change and transition. Part of a strong tradition to revere travel and pathfinding with near religious reverence. | |||
Ayleid Blacksmithing Station (page) | Services (Crafting Stations) |
150,000 | The wisdom, power, and magic of the Heartland Elves still lingers about this potent crafting station. What will you forge? | |||
Ayleid Lens Array, Reassembled (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
20,000 | The Ayleid people knew how to focus magic in a way few still understand. These relics of the past speak to that heritage, to that promise. | |||
Ayleid Lightwell (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
20,000 |
Vendor: Lozotusk in Stonetooth Fortress
Ayleids believed that four elements composed Nirn: light, earth, water, and air. Light, when used in lightwells, allowed mages to restore their energy, though this one is primarily a showpiece. | ||
Ayleid Sculpture, Complex Tree (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
A beautiful sculpture hinting at shades of magical and religious symbology from the base of the trunks to the tips of the branches. | ||||
Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
20,000 | Whether a sign of ancient magics now unmoored or intentional aesthetics, the magicka mist around this statue is another sign of the Ayleid mastery of magic. | |||
Ayleid Sculpture, Simple Tree (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
A surprisingly complex structure for one with such a simple (and beautiful) history. | ||||
Ayleid Window, Large (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
20,000 | What wonders did this relic once look out upon? What wonders will it see now that its in your care? | |||
Beacon of Tower Zero (page) | Lighting (Lightposts) |
40,000 | Long removed from the Direnni Tower, give the holy light of Ada-mantia a place to shine forth from your abode. | |||
Blackwood Tapestry (page) | Parlor (Tapestries) |
Exquisitely designed, this warm-hued tapestry of Blackwood serves as both an art piece and a practical guide to the region. | ||||
Blessed Dais of Almalexia (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
100,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Mournhold
Elegant. Grand. Pointed. Much like Almalexia herself. Woe unto those who would let this blessed dais fall into dust and disuse. | ||
Branch of Falinesti (page) | Gallery (Thrones) |
25,000 | Formed by the Bosmer tree shapers of the Walking City, this throne subtly conforms to whomever sits upon it, providing strangely comfortable seating from this ancient hardwood. | |||
Brazier of Frozen Flame (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
20,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Mournhold
With its dazzling mix of sapphire and silver hues, this brazier lights up dramatically with an icy blaze. | ||
Breton Well, Storm Grey (page) | Courtyard (Wells) |
7,500 |
Vendor: Lozotusk in Daggerfall
A sturdy example of Breton architecture from Glenumbra. This is a large house item. | ||
Carved Whale Totem (page) | Gallery (Art) |
25,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Fort Amol
Crafted from opal, this whale totem expresses a sense of simple joy to some. Others, however, believe it to hold more spiritual significance. | ||
Cat's Eye Prism (page) | Gallery (Display) |
40,000 | The strange stone on this pedestal appears to catch light as easily as it catches the eye, but how it does this remains a mystery. | |||
Cliff Strider Skeleton Stand (page) | Gallery (Display) |
20,000 | Set up this experiment in taxidermy and Cliff Strider anatomy in your home—just make sure to warn any guests about it before they enter its space. It's a bit … startling. | |||
Clockwork Wall Gears (page) | Gallery (Mounted Decor) |
10,000 |
Vendor: Achievement Furnisher
Painstakingly removed from an outbuilding in Clockwork City, this mechanism has sustained some light damage in transit. This is a large house item. | ||
Coil of Satakal (page) | Parlor (Instruments) |
50,000 | Call guests to dinner with this stunning ceremonial gong. Just don't be surprised if your guests aim to consume more than what you prepared. | |||
Colovian Tapestry, Fancy Gate (page) | Parlor (Tapestries) |
A faded holdover from a more prosperous time in the Empire's past. | ||||
Colovian Tapestry, Pastoral Farm (page) | Parlor (Tapestries) |
The fertile ground of West Weald is ideal for all kinds of planting and growing. Its art speaks to this tradition, and this strength. | ||||
Colovian Tapestry, Worn (page) | Parlor (Tapestries) |
The rich blue dyes featured on this tapestry come from over the border in Hammerfell, commemorating the centuries-long trade relationship between that region and Colovia. | ||||
Daedric Enchanting Station (page) | Services (Crafting Stations) |
150,000 | Who knows what vile enchantments took shape on this Daedric worktable? Perhaps you can craft something even darker. When placed in your home, this crafting station allows you to craft Enchantment items. | |||
Daedric Pillar of Torment (page) | Undercroft (Torture) |
10,000 |
Vendor: Lozotusk in The Hollow City
Piece of art? Or torture device? Maybe both, depending on how you choose to view it. | ||
Dagon's Scalding Gibbet (page) | Undercroft (Torture) |
17,500 | Fear is a tool best used in moderation, but when you must turn to it, be ready with the appropriate accessories. This torture device, for instance—even looking at it may cause some to spill their secrets. | |||
Dark Elf Altar, Ceremonial (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
15,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Mournhold
A simple Dark Elf altar drawn from the ancient hinterlands of Deshaan. This is a large house item. | ||
Draoife Storystone (page) | Courtyard (Posts and Pillars) |
15,000 |
Vendor: Jeran Antieve in Gonfalon Bay
Need a focal point in your garden? This druidic megalith certainly works as one, plus lends the environment both a sense of agelessness and dramatic story. | ||
Druidic Provisioning Station (page) | Services (Crafting Stations) |
100,000 |
Vendor: Jeran Antieve in Gonfalon Bay
This unusual cooking set consists of several druid-crafted elements, including various implements to help prepare all manner of foods. What will be your favorite dish to cook on this station? | ||
Dwarven Puzzle Box (page) | Parlor (Knick-Knacks) |
7,500 | Is it a toy? A vault? A piece of an even more elaborate puzzle? No one will know until someone opens it. | |||
Dwemer Star Chart (page) | Library (Maps) |
25,000 | Show off your love of Dwarven astronomical knowledge by placing this wondrous star chart in your home. | |||
Ebony Fox Totem (page) | Gallery (Art) |
7,500 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Riften
The mischievous fox of this totem calls to kindred spirits. Watch closely anyone drawn to it, then judge accordingly. | ||
Echoes of Aldmeris (page) | Gallery (Paintings) |
40,000 | This triptych may stir ancestral memories in Mer—a longing of the soul for home. Or so the antiquarian claimed. | |||
Eight-Star Chandelier (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
15,000 |
Vendor: Athrahgor in Redfur Trading Post
Brighten up a large space with this welkynd-stone chandelier dedicated to the blessed Eight. | ||
Font of Auri-El (page) | Structures (Building Components) |
100,000 | Nestled inside this massive stone edifice shines a glowing symbol of Auri-El, King of the Aldmer. | |||
Forged Black Book (page) | Library (Literature) |
20,000 | A remarkable simulacrum of the real thing. Mind your sanity, now. This is a small house item. | |||
Fresco, Colovian Lady (page) | Gallery (Art) |
A classical interpretation of Colovian expression, this pastoral scene of a beast and a lady repeats again and again in Imperial and near-Cyrodiilic art. | ||||
Golden Idol of Morihaus (page) | Gallery (Mounted Decor) |
25,000 | Winged. Golden. Arresting, as the demigod himself. Kneel before this idol and pray for a fraction of his might! | |||
Greensong Gathering Circle (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
12,500 | With this cauldron, you can gather companions to honor the Green or simply display it as an interesting Wood Elf creation. | |||
High Elf Altar, Crystal (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
A simple altar to the High Elf pantheon, it glows with the inner fire of Auri-El. This is a large house item. | ||||
Hollowbone Wind Chimes (page) | Courtyard (Yard Ornaments) |
20,000 |
Vendor: Athrahgor in Vulkwasten
This mix of bone, metal, and sinew provides a strangely soothing and meditative sound. | ||
Infinite Tome (page) | Library (Literature) |
100,000 | No matter how many pages you turn, more remain. This is a small house item. | |||
Jeweled Skull of Ayleid Kings (page) | Undercroft (Remains) |
10,000 |
Vendor: Lozotusk in Daggerfall
If skulls feature prominantly in your decor, this jeweled skull can become the crowning piece of your collection. | ||
Khajiiti Arch, Rising (page) | Structures (Doorways) |
A beautiful relic from the Khajiiti lands of Reapers March. This is a large house item. | ||||
Khajiiti Water Vessel, Large (page) | Undercroft (Basins) |
Used in Northern Elsweyr to collect and retain what little rainwater falls on that arid region. This is a large house item. | ||||
Khajiiti Well (page) | Courtyard (Wells) |
10,000 |
Vendor: Martina Ocella in Dragonguard Sanctum
Khajiit of Southern Elsweyr dig their wells deep to ensure they gain access to the groundwater desperately needed in that arid region. This is a large house item. | ||
Kingmaker's Trove (page) | Suite (Trunks) |
65,000 |
Vendor: Lozotusk in Daggerfall
Eye-catching, is it not? This gorgeous chest requires more than a second look to take in all its masterful filigree and accents. | ||
Kothringi Tidal Canoe (page) | Courtyard (Vehicles) |
75,000 |
Vendor: Miraso Marvayn in Leyawiin
Undoubtedly crafted to allow for local water travel, this sleek Kothringi boat features a colorful doubled sail and sturdy construction. | ||
Maormeri Serpent Shrine (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
7,500 | The Maormer are said to tame the great serpents of the sea, but while such magnificent creatures may be out of reach, this winding statue is the next best thing. | |||
Meridian Sconce (page) | Lighting (Chandeliers) |
50,000 | It's said that the light of Meridia is boundless and eternal. Sadly, the candles in this majestic sconce are neither, but the impression this installation creates is long lasting. | |||
Mnemonic Star-Sphere (page) | Gallery (Art) |
12,500 |
Vendor: Razoufa in Brass Fortress
Experts continue to deduce the purpose of this device, but for now it serves as a memorable decoration. | ||
Moonlight Mirror (page) | Suite (Mirrors) |
25,000 | Framed gorgeously, the moons dominate this mirror, making it more for gazing at than into. | |||
Moons-Blessed Ceremonial Pool (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
75,000 |
Vendor: Martina Ocella in Dragonguard Sanctum
Khajiiti legends claim that moon sugar comes from the light of the Two Moons trapped in the blessed waters of their homeland. The wondrous twinkling of this moonpool would lead you to believe it. | ||
Morwha's Blessing (page) | Courtyard (Statues) |
100,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Abah's Landing
The four-armed Yokudan fertility goddess Morwha stands enshrined and flanked by her winged guardians, promising prosperity to all who stand before her. | ||
Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
10,000 | Don't mistake this humble bowl as a simple object of sanitation! This cleansing bowl is believed to have removed impurities from the fingers of Moth Priests before they went about reading the Elder Scrolls. | |||
Mushroom Classification Book (page) | Library (Literature) |
Flip through the illustrated pages of this Telvanni library staple. While it may not share the deep knowledge that mycoturges possess, it can serve as an entertaining conversation starter at your next gathering. | ||||
Music Box, Blessings of Stone (page) | Services (Music Boxes) |
150,000 |
Vendor: Idrenie Beren in Vastyr
When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the contemplative "Blessings of Stone" composition. | ||
Music Box, Dreams and Memories (page) | Services (Music Boxes) |
150,000 | When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the poignant "Dreams and Memories" composition. | |||
Music Box, Glyphic Secrets (page) | Services (Music Boxes) |
150,000 | When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the recondite "Glyphic Motion" composition. | |||
Music Box, Lament For the Path Not Taken (page) | Services (Music Boxes) |
150,000 | When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the haunting "Lament for the Path Not Taken" composition. | |||
Nest of Shadows (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
40,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Alten Corimont
Deadly and dramatic, this metal serpent encircles, and some say threatens, the lavender-hued egg nestled in its coils. | ||
Nisswo's Soul Tender (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
17,500 | This pedestal is considered sacred to the "nothing speakers" of Sithis, but it is believed to play a part in the eternal cycle of creation and destruction. | |||
Noble Knight's Rest (page) | Undercroft (Remains) |
20,000 | Become the caretaker of this knight's sarcophagus and remains—but take your duties to heart lest you end up haunted! | |||
Painted Stone Frog (page) | Courtyard (Statues) |
A curious stone beast carved and painted by the denizens of Shadowfen. This is a small house item. | ||||
Petrified Watcher (page) | Gallery (Display) |
Close study indicates this Watcher was petrified in an instant, prompting the question of what circumstances caused this transformation. This is a standard house item. | ||||
Pottery, Sanguine Repaired (page) | Hearth (Pottery) |
A relic of Sanguine worship in Colovia, this piece combines the love of weald wines and Daedric worship in one small package. | ||||
Prismatic Sunbird Feather (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
25,000 | Gloriously stunning doesn't even begin to describe this unusual feather. Allow it to light up a dark nook or perhaps place it front and center in your personal collection of eye-catching objects. | |||
Red Eagle Cave Painting (page) | Gallery (Art) |
7,500 | Though this cave painting stands tall, the legend of Red Eagle stands taller still among those living in the Reach … and beyond. The visceral impact of this piece may just haunt your dreams. | |||
Remnant of the False Tower (page) | Conservatory (Crystals) |
50,000 | Rich rose-hued colors delight the eye when gazing upon this unusual stone remnant. | |||
Riven King's Throne (page) | Gallery (Thrones) |
20,000 | Add some elegance to your abode with this opulent throne from Rivenspire. | |||
Ruby Dragon Skull (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
25,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Mournhold
The size and luster of this ruby would be a magnificent addition to any Dragon's hoard, even if wasn't masterfully cut into their likeness. | ||
Rune-Carved Mammoth Skull (page) | Gallery (Mounted Decor) |
25,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Riften
The metal accents on this well-dressed mammoth skull add much to its impressive staging. | ||
Sacred Chalice of Ysgramor (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
7,500 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Fort Amol
Whether you choose to honor the Harbinger by keeping this chalice on display or by filling it with the best mead in Skyrim, it will serve you well. | ||
Scrying Brazier, Short (page) | Lighting (Braziers) |
10,000 | Mora cultists swear that by staring into the logographic flames, they can see beyond Apocrypha to distant lands. This is a standard house item. | |||
Scrying Brazier, Tall (page) | Lighting (Braziers) |
20,000 | Cultists of Hermaeus Mora who know the correct, ineffable, rites can use these blazing effigies to scry on distant locales. This is a large house item. | |||
Sea Elf Galleon Helm (page) | Workshop (Tools) |
75,000 | Forged with the looted gold of Alinor, this extravagant ship's wheel once graced the deck of a Sea Elf raiding ship. | |||
Seat of the Snow Prince (page) | Gallery (Thrones) |
20,000 | The simple lines of this stone throne offer some insight into the personality of the Snow Elf ruler who ordered its creation. | |||
Shelf, Black Soul Gems (page) | Undercroft (Soul Gems) |
Traders in the Deadlands often stock black soul gems as a valuable, if grim, form of currency. This is a standard house item. | ||||
Shipbuilder's Crafting Station (page) | Services (Crafting Stations) |
150,000 |
Vendor: Idrenie Beren in Vastyr
Over time, masters of shipbuilding adapted more traditional woodworking stations to better suit their vessel-crafting needs, while retaining versatility enough to handle smaller projects. | ||
Shrine of Boethra (page) | Courtyard (Statues) |
75,000 |
Vendor: Martina Ocella in Dragonguard Sanctum
Few can resist the instinct to tuck tail and scurry from this epitome of cool, feline ferocity on display. | ||
Shrine to Dibella (page) | Structures (Buildings) |
A massive marble space carved in Dibella's name, a testament to the faith of the people of the Gold Coast. This is a large house item. | ||||
Silvenari Sap-Stone (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
10,000 |
Vendor: Athrahgor in Vulkwasten
This lovely sap-stone can add both a touch of the Green and dramatic flair to any wall you choose to place it upon. | ||
Sixth House Ritual Table (page) | Dining (Tables) |
10,000 |
Vendor: Drops-No-Glass in Vivec City
Scholars of House Dagoth would find this ornate table both beautiful and thrilling—a marvel to admire, far away from Ordinators. | ||
Sorcerer-King's Blade (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
40,000 | Complete with its own stone display furnishing, this broken blade was once wielded by an Ayleid ruler who held mastery over great magic. | |||
Spellscar Shard (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
15,000 | This captivating shard of the great obelisk retains just enough energy to emit a dramatic fire and electrical show. | |||
St. Alessia, Paravant (page) | Courtyard (Statues) |
75,000 |
Vendor: Athrahgor in Redfur Trading Post
Paravant, meaning "The First," is a title given to Alessia, leader of the rebellion against the Ayleids. Perhaps you'll be the first to display "The First," eh? | ||
St. Nerevar, Moon-and-Star (page) | Courtyard (Statues) |
25,000 |
Vendor: Drops-No-Glass in Vivec City
Behold the Champion of Azura, the Hero of Red Mountain, the Herald of the Triune Way, Saint Nerevar Moon-and-Star in all his glory from the comfort of your own home. | ||
Stained Glass of Lunar Phases (page) | Gallery (Art) |
75,000 | The Khajiit describe the changing of the Two Moons as a graceful dance, and this stained glass window somehow captures their elegance, especially under the moonlight. | |||
Stone Relief, Yokudan (page) | Gallery (Mounted Decor) |
15,000 | A relic unerthed from the ruins beneath the sands of the Alik'r Desert. This is a large house item. | |||
Sweet Khenarthi's Song (page) | Parlor (Tapestries) |
7,500 | The rich blues and golds of this tapestry, along with its subject matter, might just tempt you into hanging it opposite your bed, allowing it to be the first thing you see in the morning and last thing you see at night. | |||
Tall Papa's Lamp (page) | Undercroft (Incense) |
10,000 | The incense burned within this marvelous lamp is alleged to have guided Yokudans into transcendent experiences. | |||
Telvanni Alchemy Station (page) | Services (Crafting Stations) |
150,000 | With components inspired by a variety of cultures, this alchemy station not only helps you mix all manner of ingredients into useful potions, but also adds a touch of all things Tamriel to your home. | |||
The Dutiful Guar (page) | Courtyard (Statues) |
12,500 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Dhalmora
This guar looks so real it could draw breath, leading some to suggest the subject of this piece lies beneath the bronze. | ||
The Heartland (page) | Gallery (Paintings) |
7,500 | Bask in the beauty and grandeur of Cyrodiil and the Imperial City, unmarred by the Three Banners War. | |||
Tri-Angled Truth Altar (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
7,500 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Dhalmora
With markings that show veneration to old gods, this splendid altar required consummate geometric knowledge to create. | ||
Tribunal Window, Stained Glass (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
20,000 | Bring the light of the Tribunal into your home with this stained glass window. Featuring rich colors, this sacred art piece can serve as the focal point of your personal shrine to ALMSIVI. | |||
Trifold Mirror of Alternatives (page) | Suite (Mirrors) |
100,000 | "May your wardrobe reflect the dark sophistication of this mirror trio. It's not my style, but when I look deeply into your eyes, I think it suits you more than you may think."—Fairwen of Vulkhel Guard | |||
Tusks of the Orc-Father (page) | Structures (Doorways) |
10,000 | None who see these imposing tusks from Wrothgar on your estate can doubt your bravery. Having them is one thing. Keeping them? Another entirely. | |||
Vampiric Stained Glass (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
60,000 | The dramatic reds and blacks of this stained glass form striking iconography, making it a must-have for any vampire seeking to decorate their sanctuary. | |||
Vision of Mora (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
100,000 | This glimmering carving is still imbued with the latent power of the Infinite Archive. This is a small house item. When placed in your home, allows you to interact with the latent magic of the Archive. | |||
Void-Crystal Anomaly (page) | Conservatory (Crystals) |
50,000 |
Vendor: Lozotusk in The Hollow City
Floating serenely, these black crystals provide an unsettling focal point to any garden or room. | ||
Vulk'esh Egg (page) | Gallery (Display) |
20,000 |
Vendor: Idrenie Beren in Vastyr
You may not think that creatures of fire and lava would lay eggs, but the vulk'esh do! This antiquity proves it, though whether it will eventually hatch is anyone's guess. | ||
Warcaller's Painted Drum (page) | Parlor (Instruments) |
80,000 |
Vendor: Lozotusk in Stonetooth Fortress
No musical instrument collection is complete without this massive drum. When used, all who hear it feel its beat deep within their bones. | ||
Watchful Light (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
Beware the gaze of this watchful eye. For some, the eyes of Mora hold only terror, death, and despair. This is a small house item. | ||||
Yokudan Skystone Scabbard (page) | Gallery (Display) |
10,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Abah's Landing
Imagine what the sword that belonged to this stunning scabbard might have looked like! As it stands, the scabbard alone deserves all the attention it garners. | ||
Z'en Idol (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
10,000 |
Vendor: Miraso Marvayn in Leyawiin
This elegant Kothringi idol revering the god of agriculture once served as meditative focal piece for several Blackwood gardens and farms before vanishing—or so some Gideon natives claim. |