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Death recap

Death occurs when your Health is reduced to zero. Normally, you will be given the option to revive in place at the cost of a Soul Gem, or respawning at the nearest Wayshrine. If you are in an interior area such as a Delve or Dungeon, you will respawn at the entrance instead. If you choose to spend a Soul Gem and revive in place, you will be revived in ghost-form, unable to attack or be damaged for several seconds. The Soul Summons passive in Soul Magic can save you a Soul Gem provided you haven't died recently. If there are allies nearby, they may spend a Soul Gem to Resurrect you in place without the ghost-phase. This can be very helpful in boss battles, because if your whole group dies, you'll have to start the battle over. Each time you die your armor is damaged.

Death in PvPEdit


When you die in Cyrodiil by PvP, you will not have the option to revive in place, but instead be forced to respawn at a Keep of your choice which your Alliance controls, or possibly a Forward Camp if one exists. You may not respawn at a Keep which is currently under attack. You can still be Resurrected by your allies if any are around.

Imperial CityEdit

Dying in the Imperial City to most PvE enemies will give you the option to respawn in your current location at the cost of a Soul Gem (giving you several seconds in ghost-form as usual), or to Release, which will cause you to respawn at your Alliance's Rally Point in the District you are in or your section of the Imperial Sewers. In the case of deaths to PvP enemies, or NPC soldiers of the opposing alliances, the Release option is the only one available. You will lose Tel Var Stones in either case, and in the event of a PvP death, the player who killed you will claim those stones.


Dying in a duel in PvE zones allows you to revive in place for free, without the damage to your armor or spending a Soul Gem, though you still have to spend several seconds in ghost-form.

Death RecapEdit

This article is currently undergoing a major expansion or revamping by BixenteN7Akantor. However, you are free to help in the construction of this page by improving it—use the talk page to do so. Please review the edit history if you would like to see whether the page is still being worked on. If the editor who placed this notice has not made any changes in a while, please contact the editor or, if they're inactive, remove this template. This WIP notice was originally posted on BixenteN7Akantor (talk) 23:12, 13 March 2025 (UTC). I'm updating this as best I can, but there is a monstruous amount of stuff to do so feel free to edit yourself too

When you die, you have the option to see a recap showing you the most recent source(s) of damage, and possibly providing tips to avoid dying in the same way again. Skills, poisons and most siege weapons display their respective icons. Other types of damage in recaps are shown in the following table:

Damage Type Description
    Anthelmir's Construct Damage from Anthelmir's Construct set
    Bash Damage from Bashing attacks, Deadlands Demolisher set, also "Mother's Calling" attack from Oakenclaw
    Beast Attacks Light Attacks from player Werewolves, "Lunge" and "Powerful Lunge" attacks from Bloodmaw, "Claw Strike" from Tharrikers.
    Bleeding Damage over time from Bleed Damage attacks
    Boughroot Slash Boughroot Slash attack from Oakenclaw
    Burning Burning status effect
    Chill Chilled status effect
    Deep Freeze Deep Freeze ability from Ice Pillars
    Devour Devour attack from Clannfears
    Disease Area Disease Damage area attacks
    Disease Melee Disease Damage melee attacks
    Disease Ranged Disease Damage ranged attacks
    Diseased Diseased status effect
    Environmental Environmental hazards such as lava or Slaughterfish
    Fall Damage Damage from falling from heights
    Flame Area Flame Damage area attacks
    Flame Melee Flame Damage melee attacks
    Flame Ranged Flame Damage ranged attacks
    Flame Ranged NPC Various Flame attacks from NPCs such as "Fire Salvo" from Honor Guards and "Burning Bolt" from Ogrim in Arlimahera's Sanctum.
    Fire Lancer Fire Lancer attacks
    Fire Siege Weapon Colf Fire Ballista/Trebuchet and Firebolt Ballista/Trebuchet attacks
    Frost Area Frost Damage area attacks
    Frost Lancer Frost Lancer attacks
    Frost Melee Frost Damage melee attacks
    Frost Ranged Frost Damage ranged attacks
    Hemorrhaging Hemorrhaging status effect
    Magic Area Magic Damage area attacks
    Magic Melee Magic Damage melee attacks
    Magic Ranged Magic Damage ranged attacks
    Melee Heavy Physical Damage from heavy melee attacks
    Melee Light Physical Damage from light melee attacks
    Oblivion Damage Oblivion Damage from attacks
    Overcharged Overcharged status effect
    Poison Area Poison Damage area attacks
    Poison Melee Poison Damage melee attacks
    Poison Ranged Poison Damage ranged attacks
    PvP Bomber Flame Damage from the Vicious Death set and Oblivion Damage from the Occult Overload Champion Star.
    Ranged Heavy Physical Damage from heavy ranged attacks
    Ranged Light Physical Damage from light ranged attacks
    Root Corruption Root Corruption damage from Distributary
    Shock Area Shock Damage area attacks
    Shock Lancer Shock Lancer attacks
    Shock Melee Shock Damage melee attacks
    Shock NPC PvP Zones Shock Damage attacks from various NPCs in Cyrodiil and Imperial City such as Guardian Storm from Mage Guards
    Shock Ranged Shock Damage ranged attacks
    Sunbolt Sunbolt attack from Distributary
    Sundered Sundered status effect
    Triple Strike Triple Strike attack from Honor Guards