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Location Claw's Strike, Falinesti Autumn Site, Fallen Grotto Hunting Grounds, Fallen Wastes, Reaper's March
Gold CoastDark Brotherhood
Hew's Bane, Shark's Teeth GrottoThieves Guild
Niben ForestBlackwood
Species Lion
Health 31,364
Reaction Varies
A white lion

Lions are large felines found mainly in Cyrodiil, Hew's Bane, the Gold Coast, and Reaper's March.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A basic melee attack that deals minor physical damage.
A basic melee attack that deals minor physical damage.
A basic melee attack that hits twice for minor physical damage.
Double Strike
Lion readies up before swiping his target twice, dealing moderate physical damage. This can be blocked to set the lion off-balance.
The Lion positions itself on a different side from the target.
Lion has a passive ability that causes him to deal 20% more damage when attacking the target's back.

Unique LionsEdit


Generic LionsEdit

Generic, unnamed Lions can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These Lions have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of Lions, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Tamriel Summoned by pet rangers 39,959
Cyrodiil Central Cyrodiil 42,677
Alik'r Desert Volenfell  54,028 150,375
Galen  Grove of the Chimera   108,700


  • Lions summoned by pet rangers are incorrectly named "Senche-Tiger", despite still using the Lion creature model.