Polymorphs are cosmetic collectables which visually transform your character completely. They override all other cosmetic and equipment items. Polymorphs were originally classed as costumes.
Accursed DeathEdit
- Become one with death, allowing it to flow from within you and change your very appearance. This Polymorph will also override any currently equipped Personality.
The Accursed Death polymorph is available as an Apex-level reward in Nightfall Crates. It has separate forms for Argonians and Khajiit. Using this polymorph also overrides your equipped Personality with feral animations similar to Bloodfiends.
Armor of the UnfeatheredEdit
- "Scholars of the topic once gathered to re-enact the battle between Pelinal Whitestrake and Umaril the Ayleid sorcerer-king. Thankfully, their well-crafted illusion magics live on to this day. Care to daunt the dauntless by donning it?"—Stephen Surilie
The Armor of the Unfeathered is acquired by purchasing a bundle containing 25 Unfeathered Crates for 8,000 in the Crown Store. It cannot be obtained from the crates themselves.
Azure Blight SprigganEdit
- The otherworldly blue glow of the Azure Blight radiates from the cracks in your illusory bark, screaming "danger" to anything that lays eyes on you. Though your corrupted appearance is a false one, the menace becomes you.
The Azure Blight Spriggan is a polymorph in the appearance of an azureblighted Spriggan. It is available in the Crown Store as a Crown Gem exclusive for 500 / 7,200 from August (?), 2022 to (month) (?), 2023.
Bloodroot SprigganEdit
- Like the vines choking the Bloodroot Forge, your boughs share Hircine's thirst for prey. Bathe your roots in the blood of the fallen and feel it course through the crimson arteries of the predator that you are.
A polymorph resembling a Spriggan from the Bloodroot Forge. It is available in the Crown Store for 500 or 7,200 .
- "We die. We pray. To live. We serve."—The Boneman's Oath, The Book of Life and Service
A polymorph resembling a Boneman from the Soul Cairn. It is available as a Legendary-level reward in Wraithtide Crates.
Cadaverous AssassinEdit
- "Yea, those brothers and sisters who have spoken the Litany of Blood may thereafter walk as Cadaverous Assassins, striking fear of loathsome death into the hearts of all who behold them."
The Cadaverous Assassin is unlocked by completing the Litany of Blood achievement.
Clockwork CuratorEdit
- "It seems that permanent residence within a titanic factotum wears heavily upon one. A vacation, then, may be better for the soul in the end."
Found inside a Runebox: Clockwork Reliquary, which drops rarely in Asylum Sanctorium, in the hardest configuration of Veteran Mode. Overrides any equipped personality too.
- This guise makes the wearer appear to have withered flesh beneath ancient Nord armor—perfect for lurking in tombs.
Makes you look like a draugr. It was previously sold in the Crown Store for 1,000 from March 17, 2015 to June 3, 2017. It is now available as a Legendary-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.
Dread Anka-RaEdit
- When Emperor Tarish-Zi returned out of the mists of the past, his ancient warriors rose from the dead to serve him as the stony Anka-Ra, undead that seemed hewn from rock itself. …It could be a good look for you.
The Dread Anka-Ra polymorph was available from the Crown Store for 1,200 from February 22, 2018 through April 4, 2019. It returned from August 30 to September 7, 2021, and was offered to ESO Plus Members at a discounted (?) .
- Abandon the false form of Nirn-Prior, ash-child, and assume the perfected figure of a Factotum! Move with clockwork precision and set aside the flaws of the et'Ada gears. Anuvanna'si! This Polymorph will also override any equipped Personality.
The Factotum polymorph was previously sold in the Crown Store for 2,000 . It returned to the store from March 1 to March 9, 2021, where it was offered at a discount to ESO Plus Members for 1,800 It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.
Glass AtronachEdit
- Spin an illusion to appear as a scintillating glass Atronach, native of the realm of Mirrormoor. Those razor-sharp edges reflect how dangerous you truly are.
The Glass Atronach polymorph turns the wearer into an atronach composed of mirror-like glass. It is acquired by purchasing a bundle containing 25 Mirrormoor Crates for 8,000 in the Crown Store. It cannot be obtained from the crates themselves.
The polymorph has different models for male and female characters, with the male version having more prominent shards protruding from the back. When equipped, the atronach visage materializes in a burst of white light, surrounded by long "threads of fate". The polymorph hides equipped weapons when they are sheathed.
Harrowing ReaperEdit
- Terrify your enemies. Don the guise of the dreaded harrowing reaper! It's time to reap what they sowed!
The Harrowing Reaper is a polymorph that mimics the appearance of a Harrowing Reaper. It is available as an Apex-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates.
Iron AtronachEdit
- Not content to simply summon iron atronachs, some mages weave powerful illusions to assume the shape of these molten behemoths! Harden your heart and embrace the iron!
The Iron Atronach polymorph is available as an Apex-level reward in Iron Atronach Crates. Equipping this polymorph will hide your shield when stowed.
- "Want to look like a lich without all the bother of manipulating your own soul? Illusion's your friend! Just work magic from this school and before you can say "Mannimarco's a s'wit," you're a figure of necromantic majesty."—Othreloth Hlaalo, Illusionist
The Lich is a collectible polymorph that is available as an Apex-level reward in Unfeathered Crates.
Maelstrom BaronEdit
- The Barons-Who-Move-Like-This are paragons of the martial arts styles of Oblivion. They are also psycho-magical projections from the mind of Daedric Demiprince Fa-Nuit-Hen, his concept of perfect masters of combat.
The Maelstrom Baron polymorph is acquired by completing Maelstrom Arena in Veteran Mode.
- Though you may not truly be a Minotaur, you can take on challenges in the name of Morihaus and bring further honor to his name.
The Minotaur polymorph transforms the wearer into a brown minotaur wearing a light amount of armor. It is available as an Apex-level reward in the Dark Brotherhood Crate. It is not as large or as bulky as a regular minotaur due to model limitations.
Molag Bal IllusionEdit
- Assume the fearsome visage of the Prince of Schemes. Ride to war atop the Shackled Titan to terrify your enemies. The battlefield is yours to dominate!
The Molag Bal Illusion polymorph will be available as an Apex-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Dark Anchor effects appear while riding the Shackled Titan mount with this polymorph equipped.
Pumpkin SpectreEdit
- A Pumpkin Spectre is like a horrific figure from a skooma-induced nightmare! And with this costume, the wearer can take on the semblance of these dread monsters.
A Pumpkin Spectre polymorph. Sold in the Crown Store for 1,200 . It returned to the Crown Store from October 26 through November 3, 2020.
Reaper's End Scarecrow SpectreEdit
- "Harvest's reaping brings out all sorts of ill-omened beings. I avoid that nonsense by looking like a scarecrow spectre animated by amethyst flames. An illusion, yes, but yours if you can handle the terror you'll inflict.""—Othreloth Hlaalo, Illusionist
The Reaper's End Scarecrow Spectre transforms the wearer into a glowing purple scarecrow spectre. It will be available in the Crown Store for 2,000 from October 24 to October 31, 2024.
Scarecrow SpectreEdit
- The dark magic that makes a spectre animate a scarecrow is thought to be related to those spells that create lurchers from spriggans. Wherever they come from, this costume enables the wearer to appear to be one of these Scarecrow Spectres.
A Scarecrow Spectre polymorph. Sold in the Crown Store for 1,200 .
- While you may not actually become a nightmare straight out of a necromancer's fever dreams, you can certainly fool onlookers by taking on the guise of a shade. Just try not to do any cutesy things while drifting around. Ruins the immersion.
The Shade turns the wearer into a shade. It was acquired by purchasing a bundle containing 25 Ragebound Crates for 8,000 in the Crown Store.
Shadowsilk GoblinEdit
- Feel left out? Alienated? Alone? Adopt the form of a Shadowsilk Goblin, and you might* find that sense of belonging you crave among these creatures! Fleas not included, but easily attainable. *Might is no guarantee. They may try to eat you instead.
The Shadowsilk Goblin is a polymorph that turns the wearer into a goblin wearing primal armor. It was first available in the Crown Store for 2,000 from November 24 to December 2, 2021. This Polymorph will override any currently equipped Personality, and modifies the /cheer, /search, and /taunt emotes. It appears to use armor different from the Shadowsilk Gem disguise.
- This guise causes the user to take on the appearance of a living skeleton.
The Skeleton polymorph is received as a reward for completing The Bargain's End in Shadowfen.
Solstheimstone IncarnateEdit
- Invoke the icy fury of the frozen north with this Daedric seeming. Even the fiercest foes will freeze in their tracks when confronted with an incarnation of a Solstheim blizzard.
The Solstheimstone Incarnate is a polymorph that turns the wearer into a frosty Incarnate. It is acquired by purchasing the Frozen Fury Crate Bundle, which contains 25 All-Maker Crates, for 8,000 in the Crown Store. It cannot be obtained from the crates themselves.
Soulrazer KnightEdit
- While the origin of the Soulrazer Knights is shrouded in mystery, their power and dogged determination are legendary. Assume their guise and watch your enemies run in terror at the sight of your unnatural glow.
The Soulrazer Knight is a polymorph that turns the wearer into a Soulrazer Knight, made up of a suit of armor held together by blue energy. It is available as an Apex-level reward in the Dark Chivalry Crate.
Storm AtronachEdit
- With lightning in your blood and thunder in your heart, the mere appearance of a storm atronach sunders enemy lines. Take charge of the battle with this polymorph, and see why so many fear the oncoming storm.
The Storm Atronach polymorph is available as an Apex-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates. Stowed back weapons are hidden when this item is equipped.
Sylvan SprigganEdit
- Befriend your fellow woodland creatures as you dance under the forest's boughs, swaying gracefully in the guise of a sylvan-born spriggan, and unleash nature's fury on those who intrude upon the Green.
The Sylvan Spriggan polymorph was in the Crown Store for 500 from April 29 to May 6, 2021.
Tidal Wave IncarnateEdit
- Gather the power of Daedric energies within you, then explode with lightning in the form of a cobalt-blue Incarnate. Channeling the power of a tidal wave, you'll make quite an impact on your friends.
The Tidal Wave Incarnate is a Crown Gem exclusive that was available in the Crown Store for 400 / 8000 from May 11 to May 25, 2023. When equipped, the wearer transforms into an incarnate in a flash of lightning. The polymorph possesses a constant blue glow and crackling electricity effect.
Vampiric Soulrazer KnightEdit
- The Soulrazer Knights of High Isle were intimidating enough on their own—before a vampire twisted that power to suit their needs. Now, you too can burn with a glorious, bloody purpose.
The Vampiric Soulrazer Knight is a polymorph that turns the wearer into a Soulrazer Knight, made up of a suit of armor encompassing a red flame. It will be sold in the Crown Store as a Crown Gem exclusive for 400 / 8,000 from July 11 to July 25, 2024.
Voskrona GuardianEdit
The Voskrona Guardian is an upcoming polymorph.
Werewolf LordEdit
- Wear Hircine's Gift with pride as the leader of the lycanthrope pack with the Werewolf Lord polymorph. Time to howl!
The Werewolf Lord polymorph allows your character to turn into a Werewolf Lord. It's usually sold in the Crown Store during the month of October for 1,200 . Vykosa the Ascendant is a Werewolf Lord that can be encountered in-game.
Winterborn SprigganEdit
- The quiet desolation of snow-laden forests instills a sense of undisturbed peace. Take on the aspect of stoic winter spriggans that preserve this unmolested tranquility.
The Winterborn Spriggan is a polymorph in the appearance of an frosty white-blue Spriggan. It is available in the Crown Store as a Crown Gem exclusive for 500 / 7,200 from June 1, 2023 to January 30, 2025.
- Pay homage to Nocturnal the Night Mistress by assuming the appearance of her horrific half-bird servant!
The Wraith-of-Crows was first available in the Crown Store from January 25, 2018 and January 29, 2018 for 2,000 . It returned from July 1 to July 8, 2021, and has been available at a discounted 1,080 to ESO Plus Members every time it has returned since. It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates.
Xivkyn AugurEdit
- Xivkyn with exceptional mystical talents are subject to the horrific mental intrusions of the God of Schemes, shattering their mind and making them conduits for his dark visions. The Augurs are chief among these ravaged sorcerers.
The Xivkyn Augur polymorph is very rarely found in Superb Imperial Reward containers, purchasable from Tel Var Merchants/Greater Lockbox merchants. The runebox can also be purchased straight from Tel Var General Merchants for 250,000 .
Xivkyn DreadguardEdit
- The dreadguards are the armor-clad shock troops of Molag Bal—utterly loyal, fearless, and bereft of the pedantic attitudes of the lesser Dremora-kyn.
The Xivkyn Dreadguard polymorph is very rarely found in Superb Imperial Reward containers, purchasable from Tel Var Merchants/Greater Lockbox merchants. The runebox can also be purchased straight from Tel Var General Merchants for 250,000 .
Xivkyn TormentorEdit
- Tormentors are those among the Xivkyn schooled in the anatomies of both mortals and Daedra, studying the arts of inflicting pain over several lifetimes of men and mer.
The Xivkyn Tormentor polymorph is very rarely found in Superb Imperial Reward containers, purchasable from Tel Var Merchants/Greater Lockbox merchants. The runebox can also be purchased straight from Tel Var General Merchants for 250,000 .