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Online:River Troll

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
River Troll
(lore page)
Location Anvil Castle Tunnels, Gold Coast
Sareloth Grotto
Bal Fell, Khartag Point, Nchuleftingth, Shulk Ore Mine, VvardenfellMorrowind
Southwestern river in Northern Elsweyr, Predator MesaElsweyr
Along rivers in Southern Elsweyr, Western PlainsDragonhold
Blackwood, Zenithar's AbbeyBlackwood
OakenvaldHigh Isle
Species Troll
Health 108,669 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
River Troll

River Trolls are a type of troll that can be found along coastlines and swamp regions throughout Tamriel.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As elite creatures, river trolls are immune to all crowd control effects.

A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
The troll pounds the ground in front of itself three times, indicated by a red circle, dealing moderate physical damage with the first two hits, and slightly more with the last hit.
Swinging Cleave
The troll swings both arms in front of itself, indicated by a red cone, dealing moderate physical damage.
The troll lunges towards distant targets and slams the ground, indicated by a red cone, dealing moderate physical damage and staggering. Blocking prevents the stagger.
Crab Toss
The troll digs up a mudcrab and throws it at its target, indicated by a red circle, dealing moderate physical damage. If this attack connects, the mudcrab will be friendly and will fight for the troll's target briefly. If the attack misses, the mudcrab will instead be hostile and must be killed along with the troll.
Close Wounds
If badly hurt, the troll channels an ability that heals itself over time. If not interrupted, they will can quickly reach full health again.
The river trolls has a passive ability that heals themselves slowly over time.

Generic River TrollsEdit

Generic, unnamed river trolls can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These river trolls have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of river trolls, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Blackrose Prison 
Moongrave Fane 
Black Drake Villa 
Round 2: Hall of Beasts
In the river near the entrance
Flooded Gardens
   235,758 760,077
Murkmire  Ixtaxh Xanmeer   81,502
Southern Elsweyr  River near the Black Heights Wayshrine, River near the New Moon Fortress   6,292