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< Elder Scrolls Online: Treasures

The following are contraband items that originated in the Summerset zone of the Summerset chapter.

Icon Item Description Value Type
ON-icon-stolen-Cloth Roll.png Aldmeri Dinner Tapestry (page) A banquet-sized table cloth elaborately embroidered with a scene from Aldmer myth. Its colorful patterns easily conceal stains. 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Paper Quill.png Aldmeri Sheet Music (page) Aldmeri musical notation is notoriously difficult to read. Still, there's a flourishing market for these ancient symphonies. 00000100100 Gold Musical Instruments
ON-icon-stolen-Fork.png Alinori Eight-Tine Fork (page) This polished silver fork is highly impractical, but according to tradition, the auspicious number of tines improve any meal. 00000250250 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Cloth Roll.png Alinori Scroll Case (page) Ornate Elvish script covers this polished golden cylinder--a choice item for anyone delivering royal correspondence. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-misc-Diamond.png Altmer Calian (page) This ornate crystal sphere holds tremendous spiritual and cultural significance in High Elf society. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Pen.png Ancestry Scroll Mount (page) This elaborately carved wooden stand can be adjusted and reoriented to accommodate thirty-two traditional display methods. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Archon's Hive Boot Polish (page) The bees of Archon's Grove produce some of the finest wax in all of Tamriel--perfect for polishing a kinlord's boots. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Ascendency Hymnal (page) Driftwood filagrees [sic] adorn the cover of this book of religious hymns. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Spoon.png Auri-El's Golden Spoon (page) Every kinlord's cupboard contains one of these cultural heirlooms--a treasure passed down from generation to generation. 00000250250 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-furnishing-Orrey.png Auri-El's Pocket Orrery (page) This finely calibrated device tracks the month, day--even the hour! Unfortunately, it must be rewound every twenty minutes. 00000250250 Gold Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Gilded Conch.png Auri-El's Spinning Arrow (page) High Elf youths often spin this perfectly balanced, golden arrow to select a peer at random. What comes next is always exciting. 00000100100 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Mounted Bird.png Auspicious Stuffed Eagle (page) This taxidermied eagle is allegedly the same one seen atop the statue of Topal the Explorer when Princess Ayrenn disappeared. 000015001500 Gold Relic
ON-icon-stolen-Linen.png Auta-Kerchief (page) Gently pinching this cloth over the nose will magically expel any mucus out to sea, depositing it in the vicinity of Thras. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Aviel-Fold Envelopes (page) These handmade envelopes are flawless examples of the renowned Aviel paper-folding technique. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-food-Ale.png Bailiff's Canteen (page) Even this humble wooden canteen displays the High Elves' dedication to crafstmanship [sic]. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Collar.png "Barbas" Dog Collar (page) The gleaming, golden tag hanging from this black leather collar simply reads "Barbas." Authentic? 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Branch of Thrassian Coral (page) A living stalk of deep sea coral said to have been taken as a trophy from Thras by sailors of the All Flags Navy. 000015001500 Gold Relic
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Cherry Blossom Collection (page) This folio contains a vast array of cherry blossom flower pressings. The diversity of species is a sight to behold. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Pen Knife.png Cherrywood Razor (page) This polished, foldable razor is a favorite among Summerset's kinlord elite. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Devotion Shovel.png Cherrywood Spade (page) Prized for its beauty and reliability, this shovel is a must for serious gardeners. 00000100100 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Spoon.png Cherrywood Spoon (page) The deep red hue and lacquer finish of this spoon make it a very popular item at High Elf soirees. 00000100100 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Cherrywood Tambourine (page) This finely lacquered instrument is adorned with brightly colored ribbons and precious stones. 00000250250 Gold Musical Instruments
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Cherrywood Top (page) This spinning top is expertly carved and lacquered to a mirror finish--both simple and elegant. 00000250250 Gold Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Concealing Putty (page) This malleable clay takes on the appearance of adjacent materials with astonishing accuracy. Its properties are purely cosmetic. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Gilded Conch.png Conch Shell Paperweight (page) This prodigious snail shell, pulled from the Abecean Sea, is prized for its beauty and its weight. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Coral Claw-File (page) This watery pumice is perfect for sharpening a werewolf's claws. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-misc-Flimsy Carapace.png Coral Crab Marionette (page) Boiled and lacquered to a vibrant, colorful sheen. This beautiful husk can clatter about through the use of sixteen strings. 00000100100 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-stolen-Dice.png Coral Dice (page) When it comes to gambling, High Elf Ousters prefer these light, porous dice. 00000250250 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Goblet.png Coral Goblet (page) The rustic beauty of sanded coral combined with the luster of inlaid gold make this a chalice fit for a queen. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Coral Pumice Stone (page) A wand of dead coastal coral that has been shaped to easily exfoliate callouses of the feet. 00000100100 Gold Cosmetics
ON-icon-quest-Bark 01.png Coral Rasp (page) This coarse coral file seems unnaturally sturdy--the perfect tool for sharpening a keen Elven blade. 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-quest-Bark 01.png Coral Stain-Scrubber (page) This abrasive tool was intended to remove wine stains, but vampires often use it for more nefarious purposes. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-quest-Hammer.png Coral-Grip Crab Hammer (page) The perfect tool for cracking the shells of delicious Eltheric spider-crabs. 00000100100 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Coralgrist Facial Scrub (page) One of the most aggressive personal-grooming products in all of Tamriel. No smudge or blemish can survive this coarse emollient. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Coronation Coin (page) This small gold token is one of many minted to celebrate the ascension of Queen Ayrenn to the throne. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Rope.png Coupling Band (page) The enchantments on these ribbons are believed to indicate the reproductive viability of the pair who wrap it about their loins. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Red Banner.png Crimson Kerchief (page) This blood-red silk kerchief is a popular accessory for Summerset's vampiric elite. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Chess.png Cross Stones Set (page) A sturdy, portable version of the popular High Elf board game. 00000250250 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Crystal Hair-Rollers (page) These polished crystals emit low heat and a warm orange glow. High Elves use them to great effect when styling their hair. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Inkwell.png Crystal Inkwell (page) The crisp facets of this crystal vessel reflect and scatter the light in a dazzling array of colors. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-food-Chai.png Crystal Leech Jar (page) A crystal jar filled with Sil-Var-Woad leeches--a popular, squeezable aperitif for Summerset vampires. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-fragment-Sixth House Shears.png Crystal Pruners (page) Wealthier High Elves often use these translucent shears in the art of meditative gardening. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Crystal Skooma Phial (page) These crystal vessels give what's normally considered a dangerous habit an air of Elven sophistication. 00000250250 Gold Utensils, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Cutlery.png Crystal Smithing Tongs (page) These expertly crafted crystal tongs are eerily cool to the touch, even after being drawn from a forge. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Glass Bowl.png Crystal Soup Bowl (page) This eerily transparent crystal bowl allows dinner guests to enjoy their meal from any angle. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Chess.png Crystal-Column Gaming Set (page) High Elves delight in this expensive tower-stacking game. Unfortunately, the crystal blocks rarely survive their first tumble. 00000100100 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Spriggan Hoop.png Culanda Manacles (page) These enchanted shackles of meteoric glass are perfect for restraining unruly mages. 00000100100 Gold Justice
ON-icon-stolen-Marbles.png Digestion Pearls (page) Irregularly shaped, pebble-sized pearls used to treat indigestion. They are sometimes reused due to their prohibitive cost. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Ibis.png Dipping Swan (page) Once set in motion, this lovingly-crafted glass swan rocks back and forth on a wooden pedestal—presumably forever! 00000100100 Gold Devices
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Direnni Water Jug (page) A distinctive porcelain jug covered in deep gold Direnni Clan motifs. 00000100100 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Glass Bowl.png Direnni Wine Glass (page) This ornate stemware vessel was clearly blown by the master glassmiths of the Direnni Clan. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Divine Prosecution Badge (page) A coveted item for the thieves and scoundrels of Summerset. Flashing this badge can open many, many, doors. 00000250250 Gold Writings
ON-icon-food-Covered Pot.png Dominion Mess Kit (page) A well-polished set of portable cookware. Even on the front lines, High Elf soldiers demand an air of refinement at mealtime. 00000100100 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Wooden Juggling Clubs.png Driftwood Chimes (page) The hollow tones of these wooden chimes are perfect for settling the nerves and achieving a good night's rest. 00000100100 Gold Musical Instruments
ON-icon-furnishing-Fishing Rod.png Driftwood Fishing Rod (page) The natural curves of this bleached wooden rod make it both sturdy and distinctive. 00000100100 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Burial Mannequin.png Driftwood Idol (page) This small wooden effigy was hewn to resemble a swooping eagle—almost certainly a depiction of the God-King Auri-El. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Driftwood Token of Hircine (page) A talented whittler has turned this hunk of driftwood into a haunting depiction of the Hunt-Lord, Hircine. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Eagle-Screech Whistle (page) If you hear the piercing shriek of this golden whistle, you can be sure that bloody justice is about to be served. 00000100100 Gold Justice
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Elusive Ehlnofey Statuette (page) This gleaming platinum figure is vaguely Elven in shape, but featureless, like the fading memory of the Old Ehlnofey. 00000100100 Gold Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Razor Shard.png Elven Chisel (page) A well-maintained smiths' chisel. It bears the distinctive Altmer eagle motif. 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-food-Pig's Milk.png Extra Potent Goblin Waft (page) This concentrated Goblin-sweat distillate can be used to induce wakefulness or unconsciousness when placed under the nose. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Royal Carpet.png Fire Ribbon (page) A popular toy among young kinladies, this long satin ribbon flashes like a flame in the wind with each flick, throw, and spiral. 00000100100 Gold Children's Toy
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Five-Coast Snuff Box (page) Containing inhalants from the five most popular beaches in the Summerset Isles, this is a prized companion for long voyages. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Devotion Shovel.png Gilded Hand Trowel (page) Purely decorative, this pristine, gilded hand-tool has never touched earth. 00000250250 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Fork.png Glass Bending Fork (page) This smithing tool is purely decorative--likely the property of a wealthy hobbyist. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Marbles.png Glass Juggling Orbs (page) A set of five translucent glass orbs in a silk pouch. The perfect gift for a child who plays best when under pressure. 00000100100 Gold Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Monocle.png Goblin-Tooth Talisman (page) This charm, dedicated to Phynaster, has blessings of safe passage carved into a dozen sharp Goblin teeth. 00000100100 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-misc-Echatere Wool 02.png Gold Leaf Bandages (page) Pioneered by Altmeri duelists, these silk patches have a gold outer layer to ensure the wounded stay respectably fashionable. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Goldbanner Collar Starch (page) This premier clothes starch was made specifically for the stiff, narrow collars made popular by the aristocrats of Summerset. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Doll.png Golden Gwendariel (page) One of the most popular dolls in the Summerset Isles, this tiny High Elf damsel features ringlets of real Elf hair. 00000100100 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Golden Quill (page) This lustrous golden quill pen is favored by the followers of Clavicus Vile--perfect for sealing profane bargains. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Goldtips Bronzer (page) Hundreds of rare gold orchids are harvested to produce just one bottle of this ointment. Perfect for vampires seeking to fit in. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Graddun Spring Unguent (page) No High Elf coiffure is complete without the ample application of this sweet smelling hair-cream. 00000100100 Gold Cosmetics
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Graven Pyadonean Pearl (page) Azure serpent engravings cover this knuckle-sized pearl--a lustrous, if unsettling, work of art. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Beak.png Gryphon Beak Trophy (page) An impressively sized beak taken from a fallen gryphon. It has been fitted with a ring for easy mounting. 00000100100 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Pillow.png Gryphon Down Pillow (page) The down of a Summerset gryphon is highly prized for its texture and elegance. No High Elf noble would sleep on anything less. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-food-Golden Malt.png Gryphon Egg Lotion (page) An expensive skin softening treatment made from the yolk of an unfertilized gryphon egg and many essential oils. 00000250250 Gold Cosmetics
ON-icon-food-Pig's Milk.png Gryphon Nest Extract Moisturizer (page) A balm made from excretions found in abandoned gryphon nests after chicks have reached maturity. Mostly reconstituted saliva. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Gryphon Vellum (page) High Elf monks prefer this vellum for their illuminated texts. The distinctive feather-dimpling gives it a unique texture. 00000100100 Gold Writings
ON-icon-style material-Wolfsbane Incense.png Gryphon-Feather Broom (page) The stiff feathers of Summerset gryphons make for fine (if expensive) house tools. 00000250250 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight 02.png Half-Moon Indrik Heart (page) The blood vessels protruding from this firm hunk of muscle have crystalized. Consuming them is said to forestall aging. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Humbled Hero Figurine (page) This bronze rendering of a kneeling Elf warrior raises his sword defiantly into the air. The resemblance to Trinimac is obvious. 00000250250 Gold Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Toy.png Indrik Maquette (page) This palm-sized sculpture depicts a majestic Indrik, rearing up on its hind legs. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Mounted Head.png Indrik Skull Trophy (page) Summerset werewolves often collect and embellish the skulls of their most impressive kills. The indrik is no easy prey. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Blanket.png Infant's Gold-Spun Nightcap (page) Narrow strands of golden thread give this child's cap a lustrous shine. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Net.png Ironkelp Fishing Net (page) The surprisingly resilient stems of Abecean ironkelp plants make for perfect fishing nets. 00000100100 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Pen Knife.png Jeweled Bloodletter (page) This glistening razor features a ruby-encrusted grip. Favored by High Elf vampires to test their prey's quality. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-quest-Fish Scales.png Jeweled Salamander (page) Close inspection of this small golden salamander reveals that the scales are actually tiny citrine gems. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Treethane Nirel Book.png Journal of Divine Citation (page) This leatherbound journal contains formalized bills of citation--perfect for punishing minor offenses and filling city coffers. 00000100100 Gold Justice
ON-icon-stolen-Marbles.png Malondo Marbles (page) These expensive marbles glow faintly with aetherial power. A royal gift for a High Elf youth. 00000250250 Gold Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Halfhearted Love Letters.png Mannimarco's Writ of Banishment (page) This ancient Psijic document is covered in bizarre and illegible runes. It includes Mannimarco's name—scrawled in red ink. 000015001500 Gold Relic
ON-icon-stolen-Tongue.png Maormer Salt Drinker (page) For reasons unknown, dropping this dried Sea Elf tongue into a glass of salt-water will make it potable in a few hours. 00000250250 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Sand Bottle.png Mariner's Depth-Bottle (page) This rough-blown bottle is filled with sand and bits of coral—a popular antique and conversation piece. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-book-Generic 114.png Mephala's Book of Silken Sheets (page) This forbidden text includes detailed renderings of various sensual arrangements, including the dreaded "Eight-Legged Embrace." 00000250250 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Meteoric Moonstones (page) These tiny replicas of Nirn's moons, Masser and Secunda, glow softly with aetherial power. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Measures.png Moon-Sugar Scale (page) This lovingly polished silver scale is used for apportioning specific quantities of moon-sugar for sale and distribution. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Saint Jhoanne Bones.png Mummified Aldmer Head (page) This ancient Elf's visage is a lustrous bronze tone and surprisingly supple, raising some questions about its age and origin. 00000250250 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Egg 03.png Nocturnal Weeping Stone (page) This rough jet stone sobs gently when exposed to the light. An inexplicably popular item among Nocturnal worshipers. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Ibis.png Obsidian Crow (page) This unsettling figurine is hewn from unnaturally dark obsidian stone—greatly prized by followers of Nocturnal. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-food-Sweet Tea.png Ousters' Fiasco (page) This large, rounded bottle rests easily inside a driftwood basket. Ousters favor this vessel, mostly because of its size. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Cup.png Oyster Shell Goblet (page) This rustic chalice lends any event an air of nautical sophistication. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Bowl.png Oystershell Candy Stash (page) Rounded into a perfectly symmetrical shallow dish with a hinged lid, this sizable oyster is perfect for holding small candies. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Comb.png Oystershell Comb (page) High Elves trust the rough, natural contours of this hair comb to rid their heads of stray hairs and unsightly knots. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Blade.png Pearl-Glass Fillet Knife (page) The milky green hue of High Elf pearl-glass can turn even the most commonplace utensils into masterpieces. 00000250250 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-food-Yeast.png Pearl-Shimmer Foundation (page) Sure to give those proud High Elf cheekbones a youthful and otherworldly shimmer. 00000100100 Gold Cosmetics
ON-icon-stolen-Chess.png Pearls of Pyandonea Gaming Set (page) This incredibly complex High Elf board game features hundreds of tiny pieces, carved from driftwood, sea glass, and pearls. 00000250250 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Doll.png Pedigree Effigy (page) Precious generational dolls are unique to every family and made to assist young Altmer in identifying their lineage. 00000250250 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-stolen-Decanter.png Pocket Bloom Carrier (page) This dainty glass container is meant to hold a single plucked flower of moderate size for transport to a waiting paramour. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Decanter.png Polished Watering Can (page) A watering can, polished to a mirror finish. The owner must take gardening very seriously. 00000100100 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Doll.png Preserver Doll (page) This rugged-leather likeness of Phynaster is believed to watch over children during their adventures away from their parents. 00000100100 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-stolen-Cross.png Prosecutorial Emblem of Merit (page) This small ivory pin is fashioned to resemble a screaming eagle--an award for meritorious service in the line of duty. 00000250250 Gold Justice
ON-icon-stolen-Wine Rack.png Psijic Zoetrope (page) This fragile device creates the illusion of a galloping pig when lit and spun. Truly, a mechanical wonder. 00000100100 Gold Devices
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Pure Language Pearl (page) When placed in the ears these stones interpret all speech into High Elvish with negligible attention to accuracy in translation. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Cameo.png Queen's Cameo (page) A master artisan carved Queen Ayrenn's likeness into this glowing malondo stone, creating an item of both beauty and power. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Repurposed Game-Piece Idol (page) Hulkynd and other outcasts unwelcome in temples are known to invent their own devotional idols from found objects like this one. 00000100100 Gold Statues
ON-icon-quest-Silver Buckle.png Revelator Divining-Lens (page) The mystical investigators known as revelators use these lenses to perceive clues invisible to the naked eye. 00000250250 Gold Justice
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Rose Oil Perfume (page) This small crystal phial contains an aromatic bouqet made popular by the aristocrats of Alinor. 00000250250 Gold Cosmetics
ON-icon-stolen-Drinking Bowl 02.png Rose Water Gargle (page) A blood-drinker's breath often needs freshening up. Sophisticated vampires favor this expensive alchemical mixture. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Basket.png Russafeld Harvesting Basket (page) The craftsmen of Russafeld are renowned for their complex basket-weaving techniques. This one is exceptional. 00000100100 Gold Tools
ON-icon-food-Pig's Milk.png Russafeld Sword-Oil (page) This peerless weapon oil smells faintly of grapeseed. No self-respecting High Elf would set out for a duel without it. 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Sapiarch Portrait (page) A small, but skillfully painted portrait of an Altmer Sapiarch. His expression suggests a lack of patience and high self-regard. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Needle.png Seaglass Hairpin (page) This elaborate hairpin features seaglass arranged in gorgeous floral patterns. Perfect for seaside soirees. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Sealed Box of Disposable Napkins (page) These thin paper napkins have been mildly enchanted to vaporize themselves and any dirt they've absorbed when crumpled. 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Diagna Statuette.png Seht's Mechanical Dreugh (page) This tiny curiosity resembles a dreugh and moves about when exposed to water. Some surmise it came from the Clockwork City. 00000250250 Gold Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Fishhook.png Shimmerene Snail-Hook (page) High Elf cuisiniers use this long, curved implement to pry delicious snails from their shells. 00000100100 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-food-Small Game.png Sil-Var-Woad Hare's Foot (page) Capped in nickel, this amputated rodent's foot is a popular alternative to a worry stone. 00000100100 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Rabbit.png Sil-Var-Woad Stuffed Rabbit (page) This imitation rabbit is made from the pelts of Sil-Var hares and stuffed with swan's down for unrivaled cuddliness. 00000250250 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-misc-Echatere Wool 02.png Silk Earbinders (page) Vain or self-conscious High Elves sometimes turn to these embroidered silk ribbons to correct their ear shape and sharpness. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Pen.png Silver Cultivator (page) The silver shanks of this hand-tool are smithed to resemble the fierce talons of a bird of prey. 00000250250 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Carved Wooden Leg.png Silver Shoehorn (page) High Elves often wear overtight boots to showcase their svelte ankles. A reliable shoehorn is essential. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-tannin-Embroidery.png Silver-Spun Fishing Twine (page) This expensive spool of fishing line is as expensive as it is impractical. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Ring.png Silversmithed Manacles (page) Sometimes a werewolf wants to stay in for the evening. These manacles ensure that they never make it out the door. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-book-Generic 255.png Singed Aldmeric Patent of Lineage (page) This ancient document details the complex lineage of an Elven royal family. Age and fire have made it impossible to read. 00000100100 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Doll.png Six-Silk Ballroom Belle (page) Collecting and dressing Ballroom Belles is out of fashion among young nobles, but the luxurious materials fetch a fair price. 00000250250 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-stolen-Dirennis Inflammable Rug.png Sliced-Coral Placemat (page) This thinly sliced, dried, and polished coral from the coast of Summerset makes for a beautiful, asymmetric table setting. 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Sour Oak Moth Acorns (page) Feather moths, while beautiful, can be a nuisance. These strong-smelling acorns serve as an effective repellent. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-tannin-Hemming.png Spool of Daedric Thread (page) This spool of glistening, sticky thread likely came from one on Mephala's servants. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Fishhook.png Sunglass Fishhook (page) The secrets of sunglass smithing are zealously guarded by the artisans of Sunhold. This hook is an ideal example of their craft. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Swan Kite (page) A neatly folded kite cut and framed to resemble a swan in flight. 00000100100 Gold Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Swan-Feather Quill Pen (page) Less expensive than a gryphon-feather pen, but no less elegant. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Swan-Feather Tackle (page) A masterfully spun lure that tempts fish with an enticing ivory feather. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Coronation Decanter.png Swanglass Decanter (page) An exquisite glass vessel molded in the distinctive swan-feather style. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Syrabane's Safeguardian (page) This blessed crystal likeness of the Warlock's God is carried by Syrabane's faithful to ward off curses and disease. 00000250250 Gold Statues
ON-icon-style material-Culanda Lacquer.png Thalmor Treatment for Seditious Speech (page) This alchemically treated Sload soap inhibits speech by swelling the tongue for a fortnight. Tastes like dreugh phlegm and bile. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Inkwell.png Thrassian Ink (page) This rare, midnight-black ink is drawn from the elusive Thrassian squid—always at great expense. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Book Set.png The Tiny Trials of Trinimac (page) This rare children's picture-book has the look of a family heirloom, complete with "Happy Attestation Day!" inscription. 00000250250 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Tower Vase (page) This long-necked vase is fashioned to resemble Crystal-Like-Law. Both attractive and mildly blasphemous. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Towers-Eight Deck (page) A popular pastime among Summerset's youth, this collectible card game is renowned for its beautiful art and opaque rules. 00000100100 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Model Ship.png Toy Frigate (page) This toy's resemblance to an actual frigate is so uncanny that one is left to wonder—did they just shrink a real ship? 00000250250 Gold Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Mirror.png Triptych Vanity Mirror (page) It's said an Altmer's perfection is best viewed from three angles, making this array of mirrors a staple of socialites. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Coronation Decanter.png Unity Philtre (page) Traditionally used during marriage negotiations to ensure the betrothed harbor no lingering feelings toward other paramours. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-food-Pig's Milk.png Vibrant Sload Eyes (page) This tiny jar contains two bulbous, glistening Sea Sload eyes that stare unblinkingly out from a clear brine. 00000250250 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Glass Bowl.png Vineyard Chalice (page) Fruit juice squeezed into this silver chalice ferments and ages ten years for every hour that passes. Doubles as vinegar maker. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Visual Guide to Skooma (page) This thoroughly banned picture-book contains renderings of skooma paraphernalia and popular methods of smuggling. 00000100100 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Carved Wooden Leg.png Wayfarer's Lucky Boots (page) A pair of tiny copper boots fashioned in the canonical style of Phynaster and laced together with intricate knots. 00000100100 Gold Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Riding Crop.png Whalebone Gaff (page) This distinctive hook-pole is a popular tool among the grizzled whalers of the Abecean Sea. 00000100100 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Wind-Up Feather Moth (page) The wings of this delicate metal moth rise and fall rhythmically when the machine's key is turned. 00000100100 Gold Devices
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Winged Auri-El (page) The principle god of the High Elf pantheon is depicted in gold with his gaze turned skyward and eagle wings spread wide. 00000250250 Gold Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Akaviri Armistice Banquet Tray.png Winged Serving Tray (page) This pewter serving tray is fashioned to look like a descending eagle. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Pillow.png Wisp Ephemera Massage Pillow (page) This silk pillow was originally stuffed with live wisps, providing a cool, undulating surface to alleviate aching muscles. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods