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< Shivering Isles: Items(Redirected from Shivering:Dark Shortsword)

This article lists all of the weapons added by the Shivering Isles expansion.

Unique WeaponsEdit

Name Type         Speed Reach Description Location
  Apostle Dagger
One Hand Blade 3.0 350 25 7 1.4 0.6 Only ten exist. Ra'kheran will ask you to find three during the Symbols of Office quest. The Howling Halls
  Bone Arrow
000135A6 / 000788DF
000788E0 / 000788E1
000788E2 / 000788E3
000788EE / 000788EF
Arrow 0.1 N/A 10 8-15 N/A N/A Jayred Ice-Veins is equipped with ten Bone Arrows during the quest Through the Fringe of Madness, but only if the player does not complete Jayred's part of the quest.
There are eight different leveled varieties of these arrows.
The Fringe
  Dagger of Depletion
One Hand Blade 5.0 162 40 9 1.4 0.6 Ghostly dagger found during the Ghosts of Vitharn quest that offers one way for Hloval Dreth to recharge his magicka. It has an enchantment of Absorb Magicka 5 pts for 5s, making it slightly different to the Dagger of Depletion found in the standard game. Vitharn Keep
  Dagger of Friendship
One Hand Blade 12 225 (45) 10 1.3 0.6 A Grummite dagger with a Restore Health 10 pts on strike enchantment. An oddity for The Museum of Oddities. Found Randomly in Containers
See link for IDs
One Hand Blade leveled 7-25 0.9 1 A magical blade that switches between two forms. Dawnfang has a Fire Damage enchantment; Duskfang has a Frost Damage enchantment. Xedilian
  Fork of Horripilation
One Hand Blade 6.0 220 5 2 1.4 0.6 Needed for the quest of the same name. Gives the player the Stunted Magicka ability when equipped. Longtooth Camp
  Gatekeeper Bone Arrow
0007E0BF / 0007E0BE
0007E0BD / 0007E0BC
0007E0BB / 0007E0BA
0007E0B9 / 0007E0C0
Arrow 0.1 N/A 10 9-16 N/A N/A The player is given twenty of these Gatekeeper Bone Arrows and Jayred Ice-Veins is equipped with another twenty during the quest Through the Fringe of Madness, but only if the player completes Jayred's part of the quest.
There are eight different leveled varieties of these arrows. The IDs to the left are for the weakest item to the strongest.
The Fringe
  Grommok's Blade
One Hand Blade 15 100 1000 10 1 1 Carried by Grommok gro-Barak. Identical in appearance to Dawnfang, but lacks the enchantment. Xedilian
  Incomplete Staff of Sheogorath
Staff 10.0 100 10 10 1.0 1.0 Handed to the player by Dyus at the end of the Symbols of Office quest. Automatically removed when it turns into the Staff of Sheogorath. This version's editor id is SE11MinorStaffMania. Knifepoint Hollow
  Incomplete Staff of Sheogorath
Staff 10.0 100 10 10 1.0 1.0 Not found in game. Its editor ID is SE11MinorStaffDementia. It seems as though there were two different possible versions at some point in development, but only one made it to the final game. N/A
Elven Bow 10 360 66 11 1 N/A The bow of Alyssa, the lost love of Traelius. It has no enchantments; its damage and value are worse than a standard Elven Bow. Dire Warren
  Nelrene's Ceremonial Shortsword
Dark Shortsword 8 98 10 7 1.2 0.8 A weaker version of the Dark Seducers' standard shortsword. Found during The Lady of Paranoia Quest. Crucible
Two Hand Blunt leveled 15-29 0.6 1.3 Retrieved from Syl during either the Ritual of Dementia or The Roots of Madness quest.
High base damage, plus Shock Damage and Weakness to Shock enchantments.
Xirethard or the Pools of Madness
  Ruin's Edge
Dark Bow 10 300 662 12 1 N/A A bow given to you by the Duchess of Dementia during the main quest. It casts a random spell effect (Burden, Demoralize, Frenzy, Paralyze, or Silence) on strike. New Sheoth Palace
Two Hand
(Blunt or Blade)
leveled 12-28 0.85 1.3 A claymore or battle axe (depending upon whether your blade or blunt skill is higher), obtained during the quest Symbols of Office.
High base damage, plus Damage Health and Weakness to Magic enchantments.
  Staff of Sheogorath
Staff 10 100 (10) N/A 1.0 N/A The staff you create during the main quest so you can occupy Sheogorath's throne. New Sheoth Palace
  Sword of Jyggalag
0009669D / 000966A1
000966A4 / 000966A6
000966A7 / 000966A9
Two Hand Blade leveled 14-24 0.8 1.3 Sword received after defeating Jyggalag. Unenchanted. It lies on a table behind Sheogorath's Throne, near the entrance to the Pools of Madness. New Sheoth Palace
  Syndel's Boltcaster
0007F3D5 / 0007F3D6
0007F3D7 / 0007F3D8
Staff 12 200 (100) N/A 1.0 N/A Not found in game. Its editor ID is SE03SyndelShockStaffXX, where "XX" is a number from 01-04. It seems as though there was another treasure received from Baiting the Trap quest for dealing with team of adventurers. Its name suggests as it was intended to be Syndelius' personal staff. N/A

Specialized WeaponsEdit

Amber and Madness WeaponsEdit

These weapons are made available by The Antipodean Hammer quest.

Amber WeaponsEdit

Amber weapons

Amber weapons are only available from Dumag gro-Bonk at The Missing Pauldron in Bliss. Enchanted versions are also available with Damage Health enchantments. The weapon statistics are leveled; see the article on Amber Weapons for full weapon details.

  • Amber Arrows: Requires 1 piece of Amber to forge 25 arrows.
  • Amber Bow: Requires 2 pieces of Amber to forge.
  • Amber Hammer: (Blunt Two Hand) Requires 4 pieces of Amber to forge.
  • Amber Mace: (Blunt One Hand) Requires 2 pieces of Amber to forge.
  • Amber Sword: (Blade One Hand) Requires 3 pieces of Amber to forge.

Madness WeaponsEdit

Madness weapons

Madness weapons are only available from Cutter at Cutter's Weapons in Crucible. Enchanted versions are also available with Damage Health enchantments. The weapon statistics are leveled; see the article on Madness Weapons for full weapon details.

Dark Seducer and Golden Saint WeaponsEdit

Each weapon comes in a normal and a worn version. The worn versions cause less damage, are lighter, have less health, and are worth less than their normal counterparts. Most of these weapons ignore normal weapon resistance.

Most Golden Saints use bows and swords (though at lower PC levels they will use blunts), and most Dark Seducers use bows and maces (swords at lower PC levels). The quality of weapon they use is dependent on the level of your character, with the Worn versions found at the lowest levels. Depending on your choices in the main quest, you will rarely see soldiers arm themselves with the alternative form of their melee weapons: blades for Dark Seducers, blunt weapons for Golden Saints. There is a reason why they generally disfavor the weapons, though: they are substantially less powerful than their usual arms. For example, the Golden Saints' favored Golden Longswords are the equivalent of Ebony Longswords, but their Golden Maces only have the same quality of Silver Maces. The same arrangement is true for Dark Seducers, with their favored Dark Maces being of Ebony quality while their Longswords match that of Silver.

The worn versions of each weapon and the plain Dark Arrows and Golden Arrows are exclusively available during the quest Retaking The Fringe. Which ones you will find depend upon whether you have previously chosen Dementia or Mania, and upon the orders given to your troops during the quest.

Dark Seducer WeaponsEdit

Dark Seducer weapons

Weapons used by Dark Seducer Guards.

Name FormID         Speed Reach
One Handed Blade Weapons
  Dark Shortsword* 0001A136 8.0 98 10 7 1.2 0.8
Worn Dark Shortsword* 00041EBB 10.0 150 25 9 1.2 0.8
  Dark Longsword* 0001A138 28.0 252 80 14 1.0 1.0
Worn Dark Longsword* 00041EC2 24.0 200 45 12 1.0 1.0
One Handed Blunt Weapons
  Worn Dark Waraxe* 00041EB9 12.0 1120 13 8 1.1 0.8
Dark Waraxe* 0001A13A 28.0 352 345 16 1.1 0.8
  Worn Dark Mace 00041EBD 19.0 200 40 12 0.9 1.0
Dark Mace 0001A139 39.0 572 1500 22 0.9 1.0
  Frail Dark Bow 00077C28 8.0 112 11 8 N/A N/A
Worn Dark Bow* 00041EBC 10.0 150 30 9 N/A N/A
Dark Bow* 0001A137 14.0 220 155 11 N/A N/A
  Dark Arrow* 00041EBE 0.15 N/A 5 11 N/A N/A
Loathsome Dark Arrow* 00042BE3 0.2 2 9
Repulsive Dark Arrow* 0001A13B 0.2 5 11
Alluring Dark Arrow* 00042BE4 0.2 10 13
Beguiling Dark Arrow* 00042BE5 0.5 35 15

* Weapons marked with an asterisk ignore Resist Normal Weapons effects, in other words, they will cause damage to creatures such as ghosts that are immune to most unenchanted weapons.

Golden Saint WeaponsEdit

Golden Saint weapons

Weapons used by Golden Saint Guards.

Name FormID         Speed Reach
One Handed Blade Weapons
  Worn Golden Shortsword* 00041EB7 10.0 150 25 9 1.2 0.8
Golden Shortsword* 00017D30 16.0 330 320 15 1.2 0.8
  Worn Golden Longsword* 00041EC3 24.0 200 45 12 1.0 1.0
Golden Longsword* 00017D2F 44.0 572 1700 22 1.0 1.0
One Handed Blunt Weapons
  Worn Golden Mace* 00041EBA 19.0 200 40 12 0.9 1.0
Golden Mace* 00017D31 23.0 252 70 14 0.9 1.0
  Worn Golden Waraxe* 00041EB6 12.0 120 13 8 1.1 0.8
Golden Waraxe* 00017D32 12.0 112 13 8 1.1 0.8
  Worn Golden Bow* 00041EB8 10.0 150 30 9 N/A N/A
Golden Bow* 00017D2E 12.0 180 55 10 N/A N/A
  Golden Arrow* 00041EBF 0.1 N/A 3 10 N/A N/A
Corroded Golden Arrow* 00042BE6 0.2 1 8
Tarnished Golden Arrow* 00017D33 0.2 3 10
Burnished Golden Arrow* 00042BE7 0.2 8 12
Lustrous Golden Arrow* 00042BE8 0.4 20 14

* Weapons marked with an asterisk ignore Resist Normal Weapons effects, in other words, they will cause damage to creatures such as ghosts that are immune to most unenchanted weapons.

Grummite WeaponsEdit

Grummite weapons

Grummite Weapons can be looted from Grummites across the Shivering Isles. The weapons that appear are dependent upon the Grummite. Grummite daggers appear on mages and archers, crude cudgels are used by Beaters, cudgels are used by Torturers, crude cleavers are used by Painbringers, and cleavers are used by Deathdealers. Grummites that use bows and arrows can be found in any type, so Grummite arrows are always available. Refer to the Grummite section for details on levels the Grummite variants appear at.

Name FormID         Speed Reach
One Handed Blade Weapons
  Crude Grummite Cleaver 00044C98 51.0 275 210 19 1.0 1.0
Grummite Cleaver 000552D8 48.0 320 420 21 1.0 1.0
  Grummite Dagger 000552D6 12.0 225 45 10 1.4 0.6
One Handed Blunt Weapons
  Crude Grummite Cudgel 0004EF90 24.0 150 30 13 0.9 1.0
Grummite Cudgel 000552D7 32.0 200 90 17 0.9 1.0
  Grummite Bow * 0007908C 5.0 100 100 17 1.0 1.0
  Grummite Arrow 00079089 0.1 N/A 1 9 N/A N/A
0008E339 0.1 2 10
0008E33A 0.1 3 11
0008E33B 0.1 5 12
0008E33C 0.1 8 13

* This weapon is not found in the game. Grummites actually use Iron Bows instead.

Order WeaponsEdit

Order Weapons

Crystal Staves (Grummite)Edit

These staves are found during A Better Mousetrap and are carried by Grummite Shamans. It is impossible to obtain them except through use of the console, as they are removed from your inventory during the quest. Coincidentally, these staves carry the same name as the staves found on Priests of Order.

Level ID     Enchantment Charge/Cost=Uses
  1-7 0005E236 5.0 3 Shock Damage 10 pts on Target. 2000/22=90
8-12 000696A1 5.0 3 Shock Damage 15 pts on Target. 3000/37=81
13-17 00069682 5.0 3 Shock Damage 20 pts on Target. 4000/81=49
18-22 00077B46 5.0 3 Shock Damage 25 pts on Target. 5000/108=46
23+ 0006965E 5.0 3 Shock Damage 30 pts on Target. 6000/136=44

Order SwordsEdit

Swords used by the Knights of Order.

Level Name         Speed Reach
  1-7 Tarnished Order Sword*
24.0 155 23 11 1.0 1.0
8-9 Sterile Order Sword**
32.0 255 100 15
10-12 Primal Order Sword**
36.0 315 210 17
13-15 Simple Order Sword**
28.0 205 63 13
16-19 Pure Order Sword
40.0 375 420 19
20-23 Immaculate Order Sword
44.0 460 850 21
24+ Perfect Order Sword*
48.0 540 1550 23

* Weapons marked with an asterisk ignore Resist Normal Weapons effects, in other words, they will cause damage to creatures such as ghosts that are immune to most unenchanted weapons.
** These weapons appear to be out of order.

Crystal StavesEdit

Staves used by the Priests of Order.

Level ID     Enchantment Charge/Cost=Uses
1-5 At early levels, Priests carry a random generic dagger or shortsword instead.
  6-7 0005EE23 15.0 (100) Shock Damage 10 pts on Target 1400/22=63
8-9 0008E32D (100) Shock Damage 15 pts on Target 1400/37=37
10-11 0008E32E (100) Shock Damage 20 pts in 10 ft on Target 1800/81=22
12-14 0008E32F (100) Shock Damage 25 pts in 10 ft on Target 2000/108=18
15-19 0008E330 (100) Shock Damage 30 pts in 10 ft on Target 3400/136=25
20+ 0008E331 (100) Shock Damage 35 pts in 10 ft on Target 3600/166=21

Random WeaponsEdit

Enchanted Random WeaponsEdit

Name Type         Speed Reach Level Effects
Blade One-Handed Weapons
  Dagger of Soul Embers
Iron Dagger 3 360 (6) 5 1.4 0.6 3 Fire Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Dagger of Soul Sparks
Steel Dagger 4 112 (20) 7 1.4 0.6 4 Shock Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Dagger of Soul Chill
Silver Dagger 5 162 (40) 9 1.4 0.6 6 Frost Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Dagger of Soul Scorching
Dwarven Dagger 6 220 (110) 11 1.4 0.6 8 Fire Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Dagger of Soul Voltage
Elven Dagger 7 286 (260) 13 1.4 0.6 11 Shock Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Dagger of Soul Fire
Glass Dagger 8 360 (570) 15 1.4 0.6 14 Fire Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Dagger of Soul Blizzards
Ebony Dagger 9 442 (1250) 17 1.4 0.6 18 Frost Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Dagger of Soul Storms
Daedric Dagger 10 532 (2700) 19 1.4 0.6 22 Shock Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Shortsword of Soul Embers
Iron Shortsword 8 98 (10) 7 1.2 0.8 3 Fire Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Shortsword of Soul Sparks
Steel Shortsword 10 144 (25) 9 1.2 0.8 4 Shock Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Shortsword of Soul Chill
Silver Shortsword 12 198 (50) 11 1.2 0.8 6 Frost Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Shortsword of Soul Scorching
Dwarven Shortsword 14 260 (145) 13 1.2 0.8 8 Fire Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Shortsword of Soul Voltage
Elven Shortsword 16 330 (320) 15 1.2 0.8 11 Shock Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Shortsword of Soul Fire
Glass Shortsword 18 408 (670) 17 1.2 0.8 14 Fire Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Shortsword of Soul Blizzards
Ebony Shortsword 20 494 (1400) 19 1.2 0.8 18 Frost Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Shortsword of Soul Storms
Daedric Shortsword 22 588 (2900) 21 1.2 0.8 22 Shock Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Longsword of Soul Embers
Iron Longsword 20 140 (20) 10 1 1 3 Fire Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Longsword of Soul Sparks
Steel Longsword 24 192 (45) 12 1 1 4 Shock Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Longsword of Soul Chill
Silver Longsword 28 252 (80) 14 1 1 6 Frost Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Longsword of Soul Scorching
Dwarven Longsword 32 320 (200) 16 1 1 8 Fire Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Long Sword of Soul Voltage
Elven Longsword 36 396 (420) 18 1 1 11 Shock Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Longsword of Soul Fire
Glass Longsword 40 480 (840) 20 1 1 14 Fire Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Longsword of Soul Blizzards
Ebony Longsword 44 572 (1700) 22 1 1 18 Frost Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Longsword of Soul Storms
Daedric Longsword 48 672 (3100) 24 1 1 22 Shock Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
Blade Two-Handed Weapons
  Claymore of Soul Embers
Iron Claymore 22 168 (40) 12 0.8 1.3 3 Fire Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Claymore of Soul Sparks
Steel Claymore 26 224 (80) 14 0.8 1.3 4 Shock Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Claymore of Soul Chill
Silver Claymore 38 288 (130) 16 0.8 1.3 6 Frost Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Claymore of Soul Scorching
Dwarven Claymore 38 360 (310) 18 0.8 1.3 8 Fire Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Claymore of Soul Voltage
Elven Claymore 44 440 (600) 20 0.8 1.3 11 Shock Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Claymore of Soul Fire
Glass Claymore 50 528 (1150) 22 0.8 1.3 14 Fire Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Claymore of Soul Blizzards
Ebony Claymore 56 624 (2200) 24 0.8 1.3 18 Frost Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Claymore of Soul Storms
Daedric Claymore 62 728 (4000) 26 0.8 1.3 22 Shock Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
Blunt One-Handed Weapons
  Mace of Soul Embers
Iron Mace 15 140 (17) 10 0.9 1 3 Fire Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Mace of Soul Sparks
Steel Mace 19 192 (40) 12 0.9 1 4 Shock Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Mace of Soul Chill
Silver Mace 23 252 (70) 14 0.9 1 6 Frost Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Mace of Soul Scorching
Dwarven Mace 27 320 (180) 16 0.9 1 8 Fire Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Mace of Soul Voltage
Elven Mace 31 396 (380) 18 0.9 1 11 Shock Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Mace of Soul Fire
Glass Mace 35 480 (750) 20 0.9 1 14 Fire Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Mace of Soul Blizzards
Ebony Mace 39 572 (1500) 22 0.9 1 18 Frost Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Mace of Storms [sic]
Daedric Mace 43 672 (3200) 24 0.9 1 22 Shock Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
War Axes
  War Axe of Soul Embers
Iron War Axe 12 112 (13) 8 1.1 0.8 3 Fire Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  War Axe of Soul Sparks
Steel War Axe 16 160 (35) 10 1.1 0.8 4 Shock Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  War Axe of Soul Chill
Silver War Axe 20 216 (60) 12 1.1 0.8 6 Frost Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  War Axe of Soul Scorching
Dwarven War Axe 24 280 (165) 14 1.1 0.8 8 Fire Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  War Axe of Soul Voltage
Elven War Axe 28 352 (345) 16 0.9 1.1 11 Shock Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  War Axe of Soul Fire
Glass War Axe 32 432 (710) 18 1.1 0.8 14 Fire Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  War Axe of Soul Blizzards
Ebony War Axe 36 520 (1450) 20 1.1 0.8 18 Frost Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  War Axe of Soul Storms
Daedric War Axe 40 616 (3100) 22 1.1 0.8 22 Shock Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
Blunt Two-Handed Weapons
Battle Axes
  Battle Axe of Soul Embers
Iron Battle Axe 27 168 (35) 12 0.8 1.2 3 Fire Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Battle Axe of Soul Sparks
Steel Battle Axe 35 224 (75) 14 0.8 1.2 4 Shock Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Battle Axe of Soul Chill
Silver Battle Axe 41 288 (125) 16 0.8 1.2 6 Frost Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Battle Axe of Soul Scorching
Dwarven Battle Axe 48 360 (300) 18 0.8 1.2 8 Fire Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Battle Axe of Soul Voltage
Elven Battle Axe 55 440 (580) 20 0.8 1.2 11 Shock Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Battle Axe of Soul Fire
Glass Battle Axe 62 528 (1050) 22 0.8 1.2 14 Fire Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Battle Axe of Soul Blizzards
Ebony Battle Axe 69 624 (2100) 24 0.8 1.2 18 Frost Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Battle Axe of Soul Storms
Daedric Battle Axe 76 728 (3800) 26 0.8 1.2 22 Shock Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Warhammer of Soul Embers
Iron Warhammer 30 196 (60) 14 0.7 1.3 3 Fire Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Warhammer of Soul Sparks
Steel Warhammer 39 256 (125) 16 0.7 1.3 4 Shock Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Warhammer of Soul Chill
Silver Warhammer 48 324 (200) 18 0.7 1.3 6 Frost Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Warhammer of Soul Scorching
Dwarven Warhammer 57 400 (430) 20 0.7 1.3 8 Fire Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Warhammer of Soul Voltage
Elven Warhammer 66 484 (800) 22 0.7 1.3 11 Shock Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Warhammer of Soul Fire
Glass Warhammer 75 576 (1500) 24 0.7 1.3 14 Fire Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Warhammer of Soul Blizzards
Ebony Warhammer 84 676 (2800) 26 0.7 1.3 18 Frost Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Warhammer of Soul Storms
Daedric Warhammer 93 784 (5000) 28 0.7 1.3 22 Shock Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Bow of Soul Embers
Iron Bow 8 112 (11) 8 1 0 3 Fire Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Bow of Soul Sparks
Steel Bow 10 144 (30) 9 1 0 4 Shock Damage 5 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Bow of Soul Scorching
Dwarven Bow 14 220 (155) 12 1 0 8 Fire Damage 10 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Bow of Soul Voltage
Elven Bow 16 264 (360) 14 1 0 11 Shock Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Bow of Soul Fire
Glass Bow 18 312 (735) 16 1 0 14 Fire Damage 15 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Bow of Soul Blizzards
Ebony Bow 20 364 (1550) 18 1 0 18 Frost Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs
  Bow of Soul Storms
Daedric Bow 22 420 (3200) 20 1 0 22 Shock Damage 20 pts
Soul Trap for 5 secs

Durable WeaponsEdit

These tables list all the durable weapons added by the Shivering Isles expansion pack. These weapons generally have the same statistics as the standard Oblivion weapons, except their health is higher.

Durable weapons can only be found in containers/chests in the Shivering Isles, not on enemies, vendors or other NPCs. Ebrocca, Sepechra is by far the best source to find these (1.8 on average).

Durable Blade Weapons

Name FormID         Speed Reach
Durable Daggers
  Durable Iron Dagger 00045E49 3.0 150 8 5 1.4 0.6
  Durable Steel Dagger 00045E5B 4.0 225 24 7
  Durable Silver Dagger* 00045E52 5.0 325 48 9
  Durable Dwarven Dagger 00045E25 6.0 450 130 11
  Durable Elven Dagger 00045E37 7.0 575 310 13
  Durable Glass Dagger 00045E40 8.0 725 685 15
  Durable Ebony Dagger 00045E2E 9.0 900 1500 17
  Durable Daedric Dagger* 00045E1C 10.0 1075 3240 19
Durable Shortswords
  Durable Iron Shortsword 00045E4C 8.0 200 12 7 1.2 0.8
  Durable Steel Shortsword 00045E5E 10.0 300 30 9
  Durable Silver Shortsword* 00045E55 12.0 400 60 11
  Durable Dwarven Shortsword 00045E28 14.0 525 175 13
  Durable Elven Shortsword 00045E3A 16.0 675 385 15
  Durable Glass Shortsword 00045E43 18.0 825 805 17
  Durable Ebony Shortsword 00045E31 20.0 1000 1680 19
  Durable Daedric Shortsword* 00045E1F 22.0 1175 3480 21
Durable Longswords
  Durable Iron Longsword 00045E4A 20.0 300 24 10 1.0 1.0
  Durable Steel Longsword 00045E5C 24.0 400 54 12
  Durable Silver Longsword* 00045E53 28.0 500 150 14
  Durable Dwarven Longsword 00045E26 32.0 650 240 16
  Durable Elven Long Sword 00045E38 36.0 800 505 18
  Durable Glass Longsword 00045E41 40.0 975 1010 20
  Durable Ebony Longsword 00045E2F 44.0 1150 2040 22
  Durable Daedric Longsword* 00045E1D 48.0 1350 3720 24
Durable Claymores
  Durable Iron Claymore 00045E48 22.0 225 48 12 0.8 1.3
  Durable Steel Claymore 00045E5A 26.0 450 96 14
  Durable Silver Claymore* 00045E51 38.0 525 156 16
  Durable Dwarven Claymore 00045E24 38.0 725 370 18
  Durable Elven Claymore 00045E36 44.0 900 720 20
  Durable Glass Claymore 00045E3F 50.0 1050 1380 22
  Durable Ebony Claymore 00045E2D 56.0 1250 2640 24
  Durable Daedric Claymore* 00045E1B 62.0 1450 4800 26

Durable Blunt Weapons

Name FormID         Speed Reach
Durable Maces
  Durable Iron Mace 00045E4B 15.0 300 20 10 0.9 1
  Durable Steel Mace 00045E5D 19.0 400 48 12
  Durable Silver Mace* 00045E54 23.0 500 84 14
  Durable Dwarven Mace 00045E27 27.0 650 215 16
  Durable Elven Mace 00045E39 31.0 800 455 18
  Durable Glass Mace 00045E42 35.0 975 900 20
  Durable Ebony Mace 00045E30 39.0 1150 1800 22
  Durable Daedric Mace* 00045E1E 43.0 1350 3840 24
Durable War Axes
  Durable Iron War Axe 00045E4D 12.0 225 16 8 1.1 0.8
  Durable Steel War Axe 00045E5F 16.0 325 42 10
  Durable Silver War Axe* 00045E56 20.0 425 72 12
  Durable Dwarven War Axe 00045E29 24.0 550 200 14
  DurableElven War Axe [sic] 00045E3B 28.0 700 415 16
  Durable Glass War Axe 00045E44 32.0 875 850 18
  Durable Ebony War Axe 00045E32 36.0 1050 1740 20
  Durable Daedric War Axe* 00045E20 40.0 1225 3720 22
Durable Battle Axes
  Durable Iron Battle Axe 00045E46 27.0 325 42 12 0.8 1.2
  Durable Steel Battle Axe 00045E58 35.0 450 90 14
  Durable Silver BattleAxe [sic]* 00045E4F 41.0 575 150 16
  Durable Dwarven Battle Axe 00045E22 48.0 725 360 18
  Durable Elven Battle Axe 00045E34 55.0 990 695 20
  Durable Glass Battle Axe 00045E3D 62.0 1050 1260 22
  Durable Ebony Battle Axe 00045E2B 69.0 1250 2520 24
  Durable Daedric Battle Axe* 00045E19 76.0 1450 4560 26
Durable Warhammers
  Durable Iron Warhammer 00045E4E 30.0 400 72 14 0.7 1.3
  Durable Steel Warhammer 00045E60 39.0 500 150 16
  Durable Silver Warhammer** 00045E57 48.0 650 240 18
  Durable Dwarven Warhammer 00045E2A 57.0 800 515 20
  Durable Elven Warhammer 00045E3C 66.0 975 960 22
  Durable Glass Warhammer 00045E45 75.0 1150 1850 24
  Durable Ebony Warhammer 00045E33 84.0 1350 3360 26
  Durable Daedric Warhammer* 00045E21 93.0 1550 6000 28
Name FormID        
Durable Bows
  Durable Iron Bow** 00045E47 8.0 225 11 8
  Durable Steel Bow 00045E59 10.0 300 36 9
  Durable Silver Bow* 00045E50 12.0 360 66 10
  Durable Dwarven Bow 00045E23 14.0 450 185 12
  Durable Elven Bow 00045E35 16.0 550 430 14
  Durable Glass Bow 00045E3E 18.0 625 880 16
  Durable Ebony Bow 00045E2C 20.0 725 1860 18
  Durable Daedric Bow* 00045E1A 22.0 840 3840 21

* Weapons marked with an asterisk ignore Resist Normal Weapons effects, in other words, they will cause damage to creatures such as ghosts that are immune to most unenchanted weapons.
** Durable Iron Bows and Durable Silver Warhammers do not appear in the game as they were never added to any leveled lists.