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< Skyrim: NPCs(Redirected from Skyrim:Vampire Nightstalker)

This article is about NPCs who are vampires. For the disease's effects on the player, see Vampirism.


Vampires are NPCs in Skyrim afflicted with Sanguinare Vampiris. The disease causes them to physically change, giving them supernatural powers and making them immune to poison, but vulnerable to sunlight and fire. Vampires are undead and therefore susceptible to magical effects aimed at the undead but unaffected by Illusion spells unless the perk 'Master of the Mind' has been unlocked. Since they are NPCs rather than creatures, all vampires have black souls.

Vampires usually make their lairs in caves and other dark places, and may also be found gathered around ritual sites in the wilderness. They are often accompanied by mortals called Vampire's Thralls. Vampires usually attack on sight, even if you are also a vampire. If struck by a vampire's Vampiric Drain spell, you can be infected with Sanguinare Vampiris, which, if not cured within three days, will transform you into a vampire.

While most vampires encountered will have the tell-tale signs of vampirism, such as black and red eyes, some have no outward displays of vampirism and can only be discovered with use of Detect Dead - or through lack of aura from Detect Life (like Sybille Stentor and Alva, for example). All generic vampires are female; only boss-level vampires are male. The only exception to this is the vampire that appears in the "Vampire Trick" world interaction: this vampire uses the same data as the generic vampires below, but is always male instead of female.

When the Dawnguard add-on is installed, in addition to several new vampires being added, changes to the physical appearance of vampires from the base game will be seen. Most vampires will have glowing yellow eyes and distorted faces, with bat-like noses, a red line from nose to chin, and ridges above their eyes (similar to Dark Elves). During the events of the Dawnguard quests, vampires will attack some towns or cities. Dawnguard also introduces the powerful Vampire Lords and the Volkihar vampire clan as a fully fleshed out faction.

Vampire TypesEdit

All vampires have a Drain Life spell which can drain health, stamina, and magicka at a rate of a few points per second. Low-level vampires can drain only health, mid-level vampires can drain both health and stamina, and the highest-level vampires can drain health, stamina, and magicka.

Vampires also have an ability called "Chill Touch," which creates an ice hazard that deals 10 points of frost damage on forward power attacks. All vampires of level 12 or higher have a leveled ability called "Vampire Touch", which grants a constant Fortify Unarmed Damage bonus. The "Vampiric Invisibility" spell allows vampires to become invisible for 20 seconds.



Although they rely primarily on magic in battle, all vampires carry one of the following one-handed weapons as backup:

Vampires wear a pair of boots and one of the following outfits, depending on the vampire's level:

If Dawnguard is installed, vampires wear either vampire armor or vampire robes along with a pair of vampire boots.

Vampires may carry miscellaneous items, including lockpicks, potions, gems, jewelry, and books, and have a 50% chance to carry a small amount of gold. On death, vampires drop vampire dust and have a 15% chance to drop a leveled potion or poison.

The male vampire that appears during the "Vampire Trick" world interaction carries a leveled dagger (steel, orcish, dwarven. or elven) and may also carry some gold and a random scroll.

Name Level Race   ID       Spells Perks
Vampire Fledgling 1 Breton   00107a9b 35 75 50
• Chill Touch
Drain Life
Raise Zombie
• Vampiric Invisibility
BretonDG   xx0176fb
Dark Elf   00107a9c
Dark ElfDG   xx0176fa
High Elf   00107a9d
Imperial   00107a9e
Nord   00107a9f
NordDG   xx0176f9
Vampire 6 Breton   0003300e 120 120 90
• Chill Touch
Drain Life
Raise Zombie
• Vampiric Invisibility
BretonDG   xx0176fc
Dark Elf   0003315a
Dark ElfDG   xx0176fd
High Elf   000332c1
Imperial   000332c4
Nord   00033424
NordDG   xx0176fe
Blooded Vampire 12 Breton   00033853 224 169 112
• Chill Touch
Drain Life
Raise Zombie
• Vampiric Invisibility
Vampire Touch
Bladesman, rank 1
Custom Fit
Fighting Stance
Hack and Slash, rank 1
BretonDG   xx0176ff
Dark Elf   00033854
Dark ElfDG   xx017700
High Elf   00033855
Imperial   0003386e
Nord   0003386f
NordDG   xx017701
Vampire Mistwalker 20 Breton   00033870 331 226 148
• Chill Touch
Drain Life
Ice Spike
Reanimate Corpse
• Vampiric Invisibility
Vampire Touch
Bladesman, rank 1
Extra Damage 1.5
Fighting Stance
Hack and Slash, rank 1
BretonDG   xx017f84
Dark Elf   00033875
Dark ElfDG   xx017f85
High Elf   0003387b
Imperial   0003387c
Nord   0003387d
NordDG   xx017f86
Vampire Nightstalker 28 Breton   0003387e 413 283 179
• Chill Touch
Drain Life
Ice Spike
Lightning Bolt
Reanimate Corpse
• Vampiric Invisibility
Vampire Touch
Bladesman, rank 1
Extra Damage 2
Fighting Stance
Hack and Slash, rank 1
Mage Armor, rank 1
Magic Resistance, rank 1
Savage Strike
BretonDG   xx017f87
Dark Elf   0003387f
Dark ElfDG   xx017f88
High Elf   00033880
Imperial   00033881
Nord   00033882
NordDG   xx017f89
Ancient Vampire 38 Breton   00033883 583 348 224
• Chill Touch
Drain Life [1]
Ice Spike
Lightning Bolt
• Vampiric Invisibility
Vampire Touch
Augmented Frost, rank 1 Hack and Slash, rank 2
Bladesman, rank 2 Magic Resistance, rank 1
Dark Souls Necromancy
Extra Damage 2.5 Savage Strike
Fighting Stance Wind Walker
BretonDG   xx017f8a
Dark Elf   00033884
Dark ElfDG   xx017f8b
High Elf   00033885
Imperial   00033886
Nord   00033887
NordDG   xx017f8c
Volkihar Vampire 48 Breton   00033888 823 413 294
Chain Lightning
• Chill Touch
Drain Life [2]
Ice Storm
• Vampiric Invisibility
Vampire Touch
Augmented Frost, rank 1 Hack and Slash, rank 3
Bladesman, rank 3 Mage Armor, rank 2
Dark Souls Magic Resistance, rank 2
Extra Damage 2.5 Necromancy
Fighting Stance Savage Strike
BretonDG   xx017f8d
Dark Elf   00033929
Dark ElfDG   xx017f8e
High Elf   0003392d
Imperial   0003392e
Nord   0003392f
NordDG   xx017f8f
Nightlord VampireDG 60 Breton   xx00282c 1031 486 318
Chain Lightning
• Chill Touch
Drain Life
Ice Storm
Icy Spear
• Vampiric Invisibility
Vampire Touch
Augmented Frost, rank 1 Hack and Slash, rank 3
Bladesman, rank 3 Mage Armor, rank 2
Dark Souls Magic Resistance, rank 2
Extra Damage 2.5 Necromancy
Fighting Stance Savage Strike
Breton   xx017f90
Dark Elf   xx00282d
Dark Elf   xx017f91
High Elf   xx00282e
Imperial   xx00282f
Nord   xx002830
Nord   xx017f92
^1If Dawnguard is installed, the damage decreases from 15 points per second to 13 points per second.
^2If Dawnguard is installed, the damage decreases from 20 points per second to 14 points per second.

Vampire BossesEdit

Name PC Level NPC Level Race   ID       Spells Perks
Master Vampire 1-20 14 Breton   0002e1dc 252 177 126
• Chill Touch
Drain Life
Raise Zombie
• Vampiric Invisibility
Vampire Touch
Bladesman, rank 1
Bone Breaker, rank 1 [1]
Custom Fit
Fighting Stance
Hack and Slash, rank 1
Dark Elf   0002e1dd
High Elf   0002e1e1
ImperialDG   0003377b
Nord   0002e1e2
Master Vampire 28 23 Breton   0002e1f1 378 268 169
• Chill Touch
Ice Spike Drain Life
Raise Zombie
• Vampiric Invisibility
Vampire Touch
Bladesman, rank 1
Bone Breaker, rank 1 [1]
Custom Fit
Fighting Stance
Hack and Slash, rank 1
Dark Elf   0002e1f8
High Elf   0002e1f9
ImperialDG   0003377c
Nord   0002e1fc
Master Vampire 38 31 Breton   0002e509 500 310 210
• Chill Touch Reanimate Corpse
Drain Life • Vampiric Invisibility
Ice Spike Vampire Touch
Lightning Bolt
Bladesman, rank 1 Mage Armor, rank 1
Bone Breaker, rank 1 [1] Magic Resistance, rank 1
Extra Damage 2 Necromancy
Fighting Stance Savage Strike
Hack and Slash, rank 1
Dark Elf   0002e50a
High Elf   0002e511
ImperialDG   00033828
Nord   0002e519
Master Vampire 48 42 Breton   0002ea9b 669 414 257
• Chill Touch Revenant
Drain Life [2] • Vampiric Invisibility
Ice Spike Vampire Touch
Lightning Bolt
Augmented Frost, rank 1 Hack and Slash, rank 2
Bladesman, rank 2 Magic Resistance, rank 1
Bone Breaker, rank 2 [1] Necromancy
Dark Souls Savage Strike
Extra Damage 2.5 Wind Walker
Fighting Stance
Dark Elf   0002ea9d
High Elf   0002ea9c
ImperialDG   0003383e
Nord   0002ea9e
Volkihar Master Vampire 58 53 Breton   0002eabe 968 458 354
Chain Lightning Revenant
• Chill Touch • Vampiric Invisibility
Drain Life [3] Vampire Touch
Ice Storm
Augmented Frost, rank 1 Hack and Slash, rank 3
Bladesman, rank 3 Mage Armor, rank 2
Bone Breaker, rank 3 [1] Magic Resistance, rank 2
Dark Souls Necromancy
Extra Damage 2.5 Savage Strike
Fighting Stance
Dark Elf   0002eabf
High Elf   0002eac0
ImperialDG   0003383f
Nord   0002eac1
Nightmaster VampireDG 60 65 Breton   xx002831 1226 531 378
Chain Lightning Revenant
• Chill Touch • Vampiric Invisibility
Drain Life Vampire Touch
Ice Storm
Augmented Frost, rank 1 Hack and Slash, rank 3
Bladesman, rank 3 Mage Armor, rank 2
Dark Souls Magic Resistance, rank 2
Extra Damage 2.5 Necromancy
Fighting Stance Savage Strike
Dark Elf   xx002832
High Elf   xx002833
Imperial   xx002834
Nord   xx002835
^1The Dawnguard add-on removes the Bone Breaker perk from all boss-level vampires.
^2If Dawnguard is installed, the damage decreases from 15 points per second to 13 points per second.
^3If Dawnguard is installed, the damage decreases from 20 points per second to 14 points per second.

Named VampiresEdit

Name Location Description
Alva Alva's House An agent of Movarth in Morthal.
Arch-Curate Vyrthur(DG) Inner Sanctum An ancient Snow Elf vampire.
Babette Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary A three-hundred-year-old child member of the Dark Brotherhood.
Fenrik(CC) Quicksilver Mine An ex-Vigilant of Stendarr found within Quicksilver Mine in Dawnstar.
Feran Sadri(DG) Volkihar Keep An alchemist vampire.
Fura Bloodmouth(DG) Volkihar Keep A Nord warrior found in Volkihar Keep.
Garan Marethi(DG) Volkihar Keep A mage formerly of House Dres.
Hern Half-Moon Mill A lumberjack and the target of a Dark Brotherhood assassination.
Hert Half-Moon Mill A lumberjack and the wife of Hern.
Hestla(DG) Volkihar Keep A smith and former member of the Companions.
Laelette the Vampire Morthal A Breton woman turned into a vampire by Alva.
Lokil(DG) Dimhollow Crypt A vampire searching for the artifact sealed in Dimhollow Crypt.
Lord Harkon(DG) Volkihar Keep The Vampire Lord patriarch of the Volkihar clan.
Malkus(DG) Forebears' Holdout The captor of the Moth Priest Dexion Evicus.
Modhna(DG) Volkihar Keep A low-ranking member of Lord Harkon's court.
Movarth Piquine Movarth's Lair The subject of the book Immortal Blood, who is attempting to conquer Morthal.
Namasur(DG) Volkihar Keep A Redguard vampire living at Volkihar Keep.
Orthjolf(DG) Volkihar Keep A warrior vampire and Vingalmo's rival.
Rargal Thrallmaster(DG) Volkihar Keep The overseer of thralls and cattle at Volkihar Keep.
Ronthil(DG) Volkihar Keep An assistant to Feran Sadri and an expert Speech trainer.
Salonia Caelia(DG) Volkihar Keep An Imperial vampire involved in The Bloodstone Chalice.
Serana(DG) Dimhollow Cavern A Vampire Lord found sealed in a sarcophagus in Dimhollow Cavern.
Stalf(DG) Volkihar Keep Salonia Caelia's accomplice during The Bloodstone Chalice.
Sybille Stentor Blue Palace The court wizard for Elisif the Fair in Solitude.
Valerica(DG) Soul Cairn The wife of Lord Harkon and mother of Serana.
Venarus Vulpin(DG) Redwater Spring An Imperial vampire in search of the Bloodspring of Lengeir's Feast.
Vighar Bloodlet Throne An elderly vampire hunted by his descendant, Dengeir of Stuhn.
Vingalmo(DG) Volkihar Keep A mage vampire and rival of Orthjolf.



Vampires are sometimes accompanied by a few monsters, which will vary depending upon your level. The monsters will be the same level as the minimum PC level listed in the table below (so at levels 6-11, the Frostbite Spider companion will be level 6, and so on).

Vampire's Thrall
Without Dawnguard
Player Level Companion
1 Frostbite Spider, Skeever, or Wolf
2 Wolf
3 Frostbite Spider
6 Ice Wolf
7 Giant Frostbite Spider
20 Chaurus Reaper
With Dawnguard
Player Level Companion
1 Frostbite Spider or Skeever
3 Frostbite Spider
5 Death Hound
7 Giant Frostbite Spider
13 Gargoyle
25 Gargoyle Brute

Vampire's ThrallEdit

Vampire's Thralls are often encountered along with vampires, though they are not actually vampires themselves. All of the thralls are based off the data used for bandits (one-handed melee fighters, two-handed melee fighters, archers, and mages), so they use many different combat styles and can vary greatly in terms of strength, level, equipment, and known spells. They have their own faction and are considered friends to vampires. Note that with exception of Dexion Evicus and Hroggar, thralls can never be "freed". Killing all of the vampires in the area will not make their thralls become non-hostile. However, if you are a werewolf and you encounter a vampire and its thrall while you are in beast form, you can kill the vampire, change back to human form, then draw and sheathe your weapon as if you were surrendering. This will cause the surviving thrall to cease hostility.[verification needed — Is this true, or even notable?]

Related QuestsEdit

Dawnguard QuestsEdit

Dawnguard's entire main quest is focused on vampires. In addition, vampires are involved in the following Dawnguard side quests:

World InteractionsEdit



  • "...still always hungry... there's no prey down in this hole... need to hunt more... all this hiding and skulking around, pah..."
  • "...first kill is always the best... the blood has never tasted as sweet since..."
  • "...I won't hide down here forever... gather a few of the brethren, we'll strike out on our own..."
  • "...maybe the clans have it right... hunting's so chancy... why not keep a few thralls... blood whenever you want it..."
  • "...blood... so hungry all the time now... need to hunt again soon..."
  • "...she said I'd forget, and usually I do, but sometimes... still remember their faces, their pleading..."
  • "...Dawnguard getting to be more than a nuisance... gather some of the hunters... teach them a lesson..."
  • "...the clans think they're better than us... putting on airs... pah, they'll be the first to burn when the mortals get organized..."
  • "...just fed but still hungry... blood... all I can think about these days... last kill was so good... just the right amount of struggle..."
  • "...too much hiding... the mortals are weak... he's a coward to fear them, we should feed when we like... can't stand this hunger gnawing at me..."


  • "I don't converse with my prey."
  • "Don't speak to me, meat."

The non-hostile captive vampires encountered in Fellglow Keep have a unique greeting:

  • "Out of the way, meat."


  • "Ohh... but I will have your blood..."
  • "My thirst will be sated..."
  • "Oh, I can smell your blood..."
  • "Bleed for me, mortal!"
  • "Just a taste!"
  • "Hssssss!"


  • "Bleed and die!"
  • "Just a taste..."
  • "You're mine, mortal!"
  • "Pah, your blood is foul."
  • "Soon... soon your blood will be mine..."
  • "Your blood calls me..."
  • "Why fight me? Your blood is already mine."
  • "Stop struggling. I'll give you a swift and beautiful death."
  • "I'll drink you dry, mortal!"
  • "Your kind are finished."
  • "Mortal fool, you can't stop us."
  • "We own the night, fool."
  • "The night belongs to us."
  • "The Tyranny of the Sun has been broken!"
  • "The sun cannot protect you any more!"
  • "Behold the power of Night!"
  • "You've seen your last dawn. I bring the night."
  • "The night eternal awaits."
  • "Your blood will not protect you from me." (only spoken if you are a vampire, as are the following five lines)
  • "You're no match for me, fledgling."
  • "Let me show you how mortal you still are, vampire."
  • "This is my hunting ground."
  • "You should not have come here, vampire."
  • "There's no blood here for you."

A vampire who is being hit may say:

  • "Is that your best, mortal?"
  • "You dare defy me?"
  • "Now it's my turn."

A vampire who has been severely wounded may say:

  • "No... my blood is strong..."
  • "Death is nothing to me..."
  • "I do not fear death."
  • "Never... not yet..."

A vampire who has won a battle may say:

  • "And so you learn the power of the night."
  • "Is that all of them?"
  • "That ends it."
  • "And now for the feast."


Vampires will sniff the air and speak one of the following lines when they are detecting you:

  • "... what's that?"
  • "Something's not right."
  • "There's something out there."
  • "Hmm?"
  • "We may feed again today."
  • "I could feed again."
  • "... Hmm? ..."
  • "Running is your only chance to live."
  • "...I'll find you..."
  • "I'll find you, don't worry."
  • "There's no use hiding from me."
  • "Where are you?"

A vampire who has already detected you may say:

  • "I love it when dinner walks right into my arms."
  • "You're mine!"
  • "Die!"
  • "The prey is here!"
  • "Aha... and now you die."
  • "Ha ha ha! Here you are."
  • "There you are."
  • "I knew I smelled mortal blood!"
  • "Now your blood is mine!"
  • "It's the Dawnguard! Let none escape!"
  • "When will you fools learn? The night is ours!"
  • "Your blood will not protect you." (spoken if you are a vampire)
  • "You dare to interfere with me?" (spoken if you are a vampire)


A vampire who has discovered a corpse may say:

  • "Whoever did this is mine."
  • "Someone will bleed for this."
  • "I will avenge you, brother."
  • "I will avenge you, sister."

A vampire who has lost sight of you may say:

  • "Running will warm your blood nicely."
  • "You don't think you can escape me, do you?"
  • "I will find you."
  • "All quiet now."
  • "Must have run off."
  • "Hmm. Cowards."
  • "Hmm. Nothing."'
  • "It's gone now."
  • "The scent has gone cold."'
  • "I was hoping to feed."

A vampire who has lost sight of you and found you again may say:

  • "Ha ha ha! I knew I'd find you."
  • "You should have kept running."
  • "Fool. You should have run."
  • "Now let's finish this."
  • "You had your chance to escape, vampire." (spoken if you are a vampire)


  • Regular vampires have a morality of "Any Crime", which means they're willing to commit any crime, but boss-level vampires have a morality of "No Crime," which means they are unwilling to commit crimes of any sort. Because of their aggression, however, they will still attack you on sight.
  • Not only vampires' forward power attacks inflict the chill touch effect, but they also do 3x the damage of a normal attack, instead of 2x.
  • Vampires' Drain Life spell is listed in the Active Effects menu as "Drain Health" with the effect being listed as "Drain Life: Absorb 7 points of health per second from the target. Only equipped in the left hand." with a duration of 1 second.
  • Vampires are not limited to once-a-day with their invisibility spell, as you are when a vampire.


  • Chill Touch may never disappear and continue afflicting you until you die. ?
    •  Use console commands to remove the effect.[verification needed — which commands?]
  • With Dawnguard installed, the Voice of the Sky blessing will prevent vampires (and their animal companions) from turning hostile. Thralls and Gargoyles remain adversarial, however.
  • Nightmaster Vampire bosses might add to their combat dialogue that from the "MaleOldGrumpy" voicetype, such as "I've fought colds tougher than you!" ?
  • When sneaking in vampire lairs (even if you're undetected), one or more might "know" you are there and warn you of "trespassing" and that they will call for guards, as if they were regular NPCs. ?

See AlsoEdit

For historical information about vampires, see the lore article.
