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Skyrim:Weapon Artifacts

< Skyrim: Items: Artifacts

There are a number of artifact weapons that can be found throughout the game of Skyrim.

The definition used for artifacts on this article is that the item must meet all three of the following requirements:

  • Be unique in appearance.
  • Only appear once in the game.
  • Have a unique and useful enchantment.

None of these artifacts can be disenchanted to learn the enchantment. Some of them may be improved by smithing. The material and perk relevant to each item is given below. Improving enchanted items requires the Arcane Blacksmith perk. However, many artifacts do not have an applicable perk that allows improvement past flawless quality without a Smithing skill of greater than 100.

Many of the artifacts are of Daedric origin. These items are formed from the essence of a Daedric Prince, providing the items with their power. Nineteen Daedric Artifacts are available in the game; most are rewards for the Daedric Quests.


The Rueful AxeEdit

Quest Item: The Rueful Axe (0001c4e6)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Battleaxe
Editor ID DA03RuefulAxe
  Damage 22
  Damage 22 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.5
Speed 0.5 Reach 1.3
  Weight 10   Value 1183
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk None
Does 20 points of Stamina damage
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/40=75
The Rueful Axe

The Rueful Axe is a unique battleaxe. It is found in the possession of Sebastian Lort during the quest A Daedra's Best Friend, and may be given to you as a reward from Clavicus Vile for the murder of Barbas.


Artifact: Wuuthrad (000956b5)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Battleaxe
Editor ID C06BladeOfYsgramor
  Damage 25
  Damage 25 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.7
Speed 0.7 Reach 1.3
  Weight 25   Value 2000
  Tempering Not possible
  Tempering Not possible Perk
Especially deadly to elves:
Charge/Cost = Uses Unlimited

Wuuthrad is an ancient battleaxe once wielded by the founder of the Companions, Ysgramor. Ysgramor carried the axe when he and the Five Hundred Companions drove the elves from Skyrim and Solstheim.

For historical information about Wuuthrad, see the lore article.

Its primary effect is causing 1.2x damage to elves, namely High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, and Falmer. Accordingly, the visage of a screaming elf decorates the axe. At the start of the game, Wuuthrad is in several fragments, four of which are inside the Companions headquarters Jorrvaskr. During the course of the Companions quest line, the weapon is reforged and is used to gain access to Ysgramor's tomb.

After placing Wuuthrad into the hands of Ysgramor's statue at the entrance of his tomb, you can take it back straight away and continue along without affecting the rest of the quest. You can use it as you see fit, though it is no longer a quest item and so has a weight. Wuuthrad can not be improved by smithing, though it can be enchanted. Despite this, the effect text doesn't change, which means you cannot see how much damage the enchantment does. You can still modify the amount.

For more information, see the Wuuthrad article.


Auriel's BowEdit

Artifact: Auriel's Bow (xx000800)
(lore page)
Type Bow
Added by Dawnguard
Editor ID DLC1AurielsBow
  Damage 13
  Damage 13 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.000
Speed 1.000
  Weight 11   Value 1436
  Tempering Refined Moonstone
  Tempering Refined Moonstone Perk Elven Smithing
20actually 10 points of sun damage. Undead targets take triple damage.
Charge/Cost = Uses 1000/38=26
Auriel's Bow

Auriel's Bow is a powerful bow allegedly used by the elven god Auri-El. It is received from Gelebor during the quest Touching the Sky. Shooting the sun using Auriel's Bow with Bloodcursed Elven Arrows will block out the sun until the following morning, negating its negative effects on vampires for the duration.

Additionally, shooting the sun with Sunhallowed Elven Arrows will cause the sun to shoot out rays of light at nearby enemies in a similar fashion to Storm Call.

It can be improved with an ingot of Refined Moonstone and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the Elven Smithing perk doubling the improvement.

For more information, see the Auriel's Bow article.

Dwarven Black Bow of FateEdit

Artifact: Dwarven Black Bow of Fate (xx02c01a)
Type Bow
Added by Dragonborn
Editor ID DLC2KagrumezFateBow01
  Damage 13
  Damage 13 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.75
Speed 0.75
  Weight 10   Value 1446
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk Dwarven Smithing
50% chance for each attribute to absorb 25 points of Health, Stamina, and/or Magicka
Charge/Cost = Uses 2500/109=22
The Dwarven Black Bow of Fate

The Dwarven Black Bow of Fate is a unique Dwarven bow found in the Dwarven ruin of Kagrumez after completing all three puzzles. The bow has a similar structural shape to a regular Dwarven bow, except that it is made of ebony and its color scheme is much darker. It does one more point of base damage than other Dwarven Bows, putting it on par with Elven and Nordic.

Its enchantment gives a 50% chance of absorbing 25 points from the target's Health, Stamina, and/or Magicka, meaning that on any given strike you may absorb points for none, one, two, or all three (similarly to Chaos Damage). It can be tempered with an Ebony Ingot with the Arcane Blacksmith perk unlocked, and benefits from the Dwarven Smithing perk.

For more information, see the Dwarven Black Bow of Fate article.

Nightingale BowEdit

Leveled Artifact: Nightingale Bow (000f652c)
(All statistics are for level 46+ version)
Type Bow
Editor ID NightingaleBow05
  Damage 19
  Damage 19 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.5
Speed 0.5
  Weight 18   Value 3405
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk None
Freezes the target for 30 points and shocks the target for 15 points:
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/67=44
Nightingale Bow

The Nightingale Bow is a bow given to you by Karliah as a reward for completing the quest Blindsighted. Its enchantment causes instantaneous frost damage, shock damage over one second, and slows the target down for three seconds. Tempering the Nightingale Bow requires one ebony ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, including leveled statistics, see the Nightingale Bow article.

Ruin's EdgeEdit

Daedric Artifact: Ruin's Edge (FExxxD63)
(lore page)
Type Bow
Added by Ruin's Edge
Editor ID ccBGSSSE004_RuinsEdgeBow
  Damage 12
  Damage 12 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.875
Speed 0.875 Reach 1.0
  Weight 7   Value 750
  Tempering Daedra Heart
  Tempering Daedra Heart Perk Daedric Smithing
Randomly applies one of these effects to the target: Frost, Demoralize, Frenzy, Drain Magicka, Paralyze.
Charge/Cost = Uses 400/5=80
Ruin's Edge

Ruin's Edge is a dark bow artifact with an animated eyeball just above the grip. It is acquired through the quest The Edge of Ruin, which has you claim the bow from bandits in Stony Creek Cave. Its enchantment applies a random effect. Tempering Ruin's Edge requires a Daedra Heart and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Ruin's Edge article.

  • Demoralize is the same effect as Fear causing certain level enemies to flee from combat for an X amount of time



Dwemer Artifact: Keening (0006a13c)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID MGRKeening
  Damage 8
  Damage 8 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 4   Value 13
  Tempering Not possible
  Tempering Not possible Perk
Charge/Cost = Uses 0/1

Keening is a unique dagger crafted by the Dwemer Lord Kagrenac. Keening, Sunder and Wraithguard are the three legendary tools created to control the Heart of Lorkhan. Arniel Gane, who is researching what happened to the Dwemer, had Keening brought to Skyrim during the quest Arniel's Endeavor. His goal is to use it in an experiment to finally solve the mystery of the Dwemer's disappearance.

Before the completion of the quest Arniel's Endeavor, Keening has a "Mortal Wound" effect, lowering maximum health by 5 points as long as it is equipped.

For more information, see the Keening article.

Mehrunes' RazorEdit

Daedric Artifact: Mehrunes' Razor (000240d2)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Dagger
Editor ID DA07MehrunesRazor
  Damage 11
  Damage 11 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.3
Speed 1.3 Reach 0.7
  Weight 3   Value 860
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk None
Hits have a small chance to instantly kill:
  • Chance is 2/101 (1.98%)
Charge/Cost = Uses Unlimited
Mehrunes' Razor

Mehrunes' Razor is a dagger and a Daedric artifact crafted by Mehrunes Dagon that has the chance to instantly kill any opponent.

Even without the disintegrate armor effect from its Oblivion counterpart, it is a very powerful dagger. The damage dealt is equal to an unenchanted Daedric dagger while weighing half as much.

It is received after the quest Pieces of the Past if the demands of Mehrunes Dagon are met and Silus Vesuius is killed. The dagger can be tempered using an ebony ingot; however, the dagger does not benefit from any Smithing perks (See Bugs section).

For more information, see the Mehrunes' Razor article.


Bloodskal BladeEdit

Artifact: Bloodskal Blade (xx01aea4)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Greatsword
Added by Dragonborn
Editor ID DLC2BloodskalBlade
  Damage 21
  Damage 21 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.75
Speed 0.75 Reach 1.3
  Weight 16   Value 500
  Tempering Silver Ingot
  Tempering Silver Ingot Perk
Releases energy blast with power attacks that deals 30 damage.
The Bloodskal Blade

The Bloodskal Blade is a two-handed greatsword found in Bloodskal Barrow on the corpse of Gratian Caerellius. Its power attack shoots out an arc of red energy, depending on the direction of the slash. This energy is used for a puzzle within the barrow. It is also useful in combat, due to the fact that it deals damage with both the slash and the energy attack, allowing you to hit enemies normally out of their reach. The sword also never needs recharging. It can be tempered with a silver ingot if the Arcane Blacksmith perk is unlocked.

For more information, see the Bloodskal Blade article.


Artifact: Chrysamere (FExxxd63)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Greatsword
Added by Chrysamere
Editor ID ccBGSSSE007Chrysamere
  Damage 25
  Damage 25 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.800
Speed 0.800 Reach 1.3
  Weight 20   Value 3288
  Tempering Ebony Ingot, Ruby
  Tempering Ebony Ingot, Ruby Perk Ebony Smithing
When equipped grants 15% resist fire, 10% absorb magic, slow health regen during combat:
Charge/Cost = Uses 2400/NA=Infinite

Chrysamere is a greatsword artifact. It is acquired through The Lost Paladin quest, which has you claim the sword from the Lost Paladin at Forelhost. Its enchantment is unique among weapons, as it is defensive rather than offensive. Tempering Chrysamere requires an Ebony Ingot, a Ruby, and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Chrysamere article.

Ebony BladeEdit

Daedric Artifact: Ebony Blade (0004a38f)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Greatsword
Editor ID DA08EbonyBlade
  Damage 11
  Damage 11 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 10   Value 2000
  Tempering Not possible
  Tempering Not possible Perk
Absorbs the life essence of your foes. Strengthened by the blood of deceit.
Charge/Cost = Uses NA/NA=Infinite
Ebony Blade

The Ebony Blade is a Daedric artifact found during the quest The Whispering Door. It is an artifact of the Daedric Prince Mephala. It is essentially a dai-katana with the speed, length, and reach of a standard one-handed sword, with designs similar to normal ebony weapons.

Upon obtaining the artifact, Mephala bids you to unlock the blade's true potential by murdering your close friends (typically, those you have done favors for). For every two such NPCs that are killed with the blade, Mephala will speak to you, and the blade's Absorb Health effect will increase by 4 points. After a total of ten people are betrayed, the absorb health effect will max out at 30 points per hit, and won't become any stronger.

For more information, see the Ebony Blade article.

Ice Blade of the MonarchEdit

Artifact: Ice Blade of the Monarch (FExxx815)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Greatsword
Added by The Contest
Editor ID ccBGSSSE069_IceBladeMonarch
  Damage 17
  Damage 17 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.950
Speed 0.950 Reach 1.3
  Weight 17   Value 1360
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Target takes 30 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina:
Charge/Cost = Uses 2000/42=47
Ice Blade of the Monarch

The Ice Blade of the Monarch is a greatsword artifact. It is acquired through the Caught in a Web quest. Tempering the Ice Blade requires a Steel Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Ice Blade of the Monarch article.

Sword of JyggalagEdit

Artifact: Sword of Jyggalag (xx00083B)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Greatsword
Added by Saints & Seducers
Editor ID ccBGSSSE025_Jyggalag
  Damage 25
  Damage 25 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.7000
Speed 0.7000 Reach 1.3000
  Weight 25   Value 3200
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk Daedric Smithing
Sword of Jyggalag

The Sword of Jyggalag is an artifact associated with Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order. It can be found in the Solitude Sewers at the end of the related quest, and can be given to Staada as part of her quest. It does not come with its own enchantment, but can be enchanted at an Arcane Enchanter. Tempering the Sword of Jyggalag requires one ebony ingot, and the Daedric Smithing perk makes tempering twice as effective.

For more information, see the Sword of Jyggalag article.


Daedric Artifact: Umbra (xx000D62)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Greatsword
Added by Umbra
Editor ID ccBGSSSE016_UmbraPlayer
  Damage 24
  Damage 24 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.700
Speed 0.700 Reach 1.3
  Weight 23   Value 4647
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk Daedric Smithing
If target dies within 20 seconds, fills a soul gem. Absorb 25 points of health. Absorb 25 points of stamina.
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/222=13

The Umbra Sword was enchanted by the ancient witch Naenra Waerr, and its sole purpose was the entrapment of souls. Used in conjunction with a soul gem, the Sword allows the wielder the opportunity to imprison an enemy's soul in the gem. Naenra was executed for her evil creation, but not before she was able to hide the Sword. The Umbra Sword is very choosy when it comes to owners and therefore remains hidden until a worthy one is found.Yagrum Bagarn, Tamrielic Lore

The greatsword artifact Umbra is an enchanted two-handed sword in the possession of the male Imperial warrior Umbra that can be found in the Nordic ruins of Champion's Rest, through the Vile Whispers quest.

For more information, see the main lore article.

For more information, see the Umbra article.


Mace of Molag BalEdit

Daedric Artifact: Mace of Molag Bal (000233e3)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Mace
Editor ID DA10MaceofMolagBal
  Damage 16
  Damage 16 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.8
Speed 0.8 Reach 1
  Weight 18   Value 1257
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk None
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/84=35
Mace of Molag Bal

Mace of Molag Bal, also known as the Vampire's Mace, is one of Molag Bal's artifacts. It can be improved using an ebony ingot. Its enchantment drains its victims of twenty-five points of magicka and stamina with every strike. Its enchantment will also inflict its target with soul trap for three seconds.

When walking around with the mace equipped, some NPCs may comment on it, saying: "That mace... get it away from me. Get it away..." or "No.. get that accursed mace away from me..."

For more information, see the Mace of Molag Bal article.

Mace of the CrusaderEdit

Artifact: Mace of the Crusader (FExxx80d)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Mace
Added by Divine Crusader
Editor ID ccMTYSSE001_KOTNMace
  Damage 16
  Damage 16 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.800
Speed 0.800 Reach 1
  Weight 18   Value 2501
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Burns the target for 15 points. Targets on fire take extra damage:
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/17=176
Mace of the Crusader

The Mace of the Crusader is a mace artifact. It is acquired through the Relics of the Crusader quest, which has you claim the mace and other relics from the Bandit Thieves at the Four Skull Lookout. Tempering the Mace of the Crusader requires a Steel Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Mace of the Crusader article.


Dwemer Artifact: Sunder (FExxx801)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Mace
Added by Sunder & Wraithguard
Editor ID BGSSSE008Sunder
  Damage 15
  Damage 15 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.9
Speed 0.9 Reach 1.0
  Weight 18   Value 1720
  Tempering Dwarven Metal Ingot
  Tempering Dwarven Metal Ingot Perk Dwarven Smithing
Does 5 points of frost, fire, and shock damage each. Does 15 points of damage to stamina and magicka.
Charge/Cost = Uses 1500/5=300

Sunder is a Dwemer artifact created by Kagrenac, one of the three tools used to siphon the power of the Heart of Lorkhan. Together with Wraithguard, it is acquired through the Legends Lost quest which has you claim them from the Sightless Vault. Tempering Sunder requires Dwarven Metal Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

If it is wielded with Wraithguard equipped, damage of one-handed weapons is increased by 15% and stamina regeneration by 50%.

For more information, see the Sunder article.


Aetherial StaffEdit

Artifact: Aetherial Staff (xx00575e)
Type Staff
Added by Dawnguard
Editor ID DLC1LD_AetherialStaff
  Weight 8   Value 1970
Summon a Dwarven Spider or Sphere for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing.
Charge/Cost = Uses 1000/75=13
Aetherial Staff

The Aetherial Staff is a staff created at the Aetherium Forge as one of three possible rewards for Lost to the Ages. The appearance of the staff is similar to the Spider Control Rod, but with an aqua-blue crystal made of Aetherium.

For more information, see the Aetherial Staff article.

Miraak's StaffEdit

Leveled Artifact: Miraak's Staff (xx039fad)
(All statistics are for level 60+ version)
Type Staff
Added by Dragonborn
Editor ID DLC2MKMiraakStaff3
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1.3
  Weight 8   Value 1849
  Tempering None
  Tempering None Perk
Sprays writhing tentacles on the ground that stagger and poison foes that enter them.
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/67=44
Miraak's Staff

Miraak's Staff is found on Miraak's corpse during the quest At the Summit of Apocrypha. It sprays writhing tentacles on the ground that stagger and poison foes that enter them, giving the staff a unique effect similar to the Destruction school's wall spells.

For more information, including leveled statistics, see the Miraak's Staff article.

Sanguine RoseEdit

Daedric Artifact: Sanguine Rose (0001cb36)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID DA14SanguineRose
  Weight 10   Value 2087
Summons a Dremora for 60 seconds
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/215=13
Sanguine Rose

Sanguine Rose is a staff received after winning a drinking contest with Sam Guevenne in A Night To Remember, or at least after you put together what happened the night before and find him again. It will summon a Dremora to aid in your fights for 60 seconds.

For more information, see the Sanguine Rose article.

Staff of MagnusEdit

Artifact: Staff of Magnus (00035369)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID MG07StaffofMagnus
  Weight 8   Value 1468
Absorb 20 magicka per second. If the target is out of magicka, absorb health instead.
Charge/Cost = Uses 5000/106=47 seconds
Staff of Magnus

The Staff of Magnus is found on the body of the dragon priest Morokei, encountered in Labyrinthian during the quest of the same name.

When fired, the Staff of Magnus emits a stream of energy that has a significantly larger range than other forms of concentration spells (i.e. Flames, Sparks, Frostbite), excluding the master-level Destruction spell Lightning Storm.

The staff has an unusually large charge capacity and features a unique effect of draining 20 points of magicka per second from its target and will start draining health instead if the target has no magicka, so it is particularly useful against high level mages like Master Necromancers.

For more information, see the Staff of Magnus article.

Staff of SheogorathEdit

Daedric Artifact: Staff of Sheogorath (FExxxD62)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Added by Staff of Sheogorath
Editor ID ccBGSSSE019_StaffOfSheogorath
  Weight 8   Value 3965
Targets that fail to resist are paralyzed for 10 seconds:
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/450=7
Staff of Sheogorath

The Staff of Sheogorath is an artifact of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, which can be obtained through the quest Put A Fork In It. The staff is able to paralyze any targets who fail to resist its area of effect.

For more information, see the Staff of Sheogorath article.

Skull of CorruptionEdit

Daedric Artifact: Skull of Corruption (00035066)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID DA16SkullofCorruption
  Damage 2
  Damage 2 {{{health}}}
  Weight 10   Value 1680
20 points damage, increases to 50 if powered with dreams collected from sleeping people:
  • Dreamsteal, 10 pts for 43200 secs in 5 ft
  • Waking Nightmare, 40 pts in 15 ft
  • Psychic Agony, 15 pts
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/40=75
Skull of Corruption

The Skull of Corruption is a dream-powered staff given by Vaermina as a reward for completing the Waking Nightmare quest in Dawnstar. To Dreamsteal, you simply cast it on a sleeping person and it will collect their dreams; however, it will still need to be charged with soul gems as well.

If equipped, guards will make comments about the staff: "What manner of staff is that? Such a horror..." and "What a foul and unnatural weapon you wield. Never have I seen its like."

The staff should never harm a sleeping NPC. Both of the damaging components of the enchantment, Waking Nightmare and Psychic Agony, affect only targets who are awake. Once cast on a sleeping NPC, that NPC gains the Dreamsteal active effect for 43,200 seconds (12 hours). While they have this effect, Dreamsteal won't work on them again. The Dreamsteal component also has neither the Detrimental nor Hostile flags checked, and has No Hit Event and Painless, and therefore should be considered non-hostile by witnesses.

Dreamsteal stores five dreams per valid target and expends one stored dream per hostile firing.

Psychic Agony, the base damaging component of the enchantment, only functions while the staff contains no stored dreams. Therefore, only Waking Nightmare or Psychic Agony can take effect from a single shot, not both.

For more information, see the Skull of Corruption article.


Daedric Artifact: Wabbajack (0002ac6f)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID DA15Wabbajack
  Damage 27
  Damage 27 {{{health}}}
  Weight 10   Value 1565
A blast from Wabbajack with an unpredictable effect
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/150=20

Wabbajack is a Daedric artifact given to you by Sheogorath in The Mind of Madness quest. The staff applies a variety of random effects on the target it is used against. It can randomly cause 60 points of fire, frost, or shock damage, absorb attributes (damaging the target's Health, Stamina and Magicka by 50% of their maximum value, and restoring the player's attributes by 50% of their maximum values), make the target invisible, heal the target by 75 points, and in some cases instantly kill the target. Along with its offensive abilities it can also randomly transform a target into a chicken, rabbit, mudcrab, Dremora, more rarely into a sweet roll or a shower of 50 gold coins, along with a pile of ash. Transforming the target into a sweet roll or gold coins usually terminates the target. However, if the Wabbajack is used to transform a target into an animal, it only delays the fight as they often transform back a short time later with full health (using it on the same target will return them to their true form where the fight can continue as normal).

For more information, see the Wabbajack article.


Blackwater BladeEdit

Artifact: Blackwater Blade (xx000A4B)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Added by Dead Man's Dread
Editor ID ccBGSSSE031_BlackwaterBlade
  Damage 12
  Damage 12 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 14   Value 1949
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Absorb 30 points of stamina.
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/33=91
Blackwater Blade

Blackwater Blade is a Cyrodiilic steel pirate artifact associated with the Blackwater Brigands. It is carried by Celeste, the leader of the Blackwater Brigands. Tempering the Blackwater Blade requires a Steel Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Blackwater Blade article.


Artifact: Bloodthirst (FExxxC92)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Added by Dawnfang & Duskfang
Editor ID ccBGSSSE013_Bloodthirst
  Damage 14
  Damage 14 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.000
Speed 1.000 Reach 1
  Weight 16   Value 1619
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk Daedric Smithing
Absorb 15 points of health. Increases speed by 7%. Targets take additional bleed damage.
Charge/Cost = Uses 1000/62=17

Bloodthirst is an Akaviri artifact created by the Tsaesci. It is similar to Dawnfang/Duskfang, and is acquired from a miscellaneous quest obtained from reading a note during the A Soul Divided quest. Tempering Bloodthirst requires an Ebony Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Bloodthirst article.


Leveled Artifact: Chillrend (000f8318)
(All statistics are for level 46+ version)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID TG07Chillrend006
  Damage 15
  Damage 15 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 16   Value 1442
  Tempering Refined Malachite
  Tempering Refined Malachite Perk Glass Smithing
Target takes 30 points of frost damage:
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/72=41

Chillrend is a unique glass sword found during The Pursuit in Mercer Frey's house in a display case with an expert-level lock. It deals frost damage as well as having a chance to paralyze anything it strikes. Tempering Chillrend requires one refined malachite and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, with the tempering being twice as effective if you have gained the Glass Smithing perk. It would be identical in appearance to a glass sword were it not for its blue hue.

For more information, including leveled statistics, see the Chillrend article.


Daedric Artifact: Dawnbreaker (0004e4ee)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID DA09Dawnbreaker
  Damage 12
  Damage 12 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 10   Value 740
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk None
Burns for 10 points, and when killing undead, a chance to cause a firey [sic] explosion that turns or destroys nearby undead:
  • Meridia's Retribution, 1 pt for 10 secs
  • Fire Damage, 10 pts
Charge/Cost = Uses 5000/16=312

Dawnbreaker is a Daedric artifact given as a reward by Meridia upon the completion of her quest, The Break of Dawn. It can be improved using an ebony ingot. Besides dealing ten points of fire damage on every strike, Dawnbreaker has a chance to create a fiery explosion upon defeating undead. Any undead caught within the blast radius are set on fire and will flee. If you are a vampire, the blast will harm and can potentially kill you. Undead killed by the explosion disintegrate and leave behind an ash pile. Light emanates from Dawnbreaker's cross-guard, an effect that is particularly pronounced in nighttime hours or in dungeons without illumination.

For more information, see the Dawnbreaker article.

Dawnfang and DuskfangEdit

Artifact: Dawnfang (FExxxD63)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Added by Dawnfang & Duskfang
Editor ID ccBGSSSE013_Dawnfang
  Damage 14
  Damage 14 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.000
Speed 1.000 Reach 1
  Weight 16   Value 2449
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk Daedric Smithing
In daytime, deals 7 points of fire damage. At night, deals 7 points of frost damage. After killing 12 creatures, absorbs 5 points of health or magicka. X creatures killed.
Charge/Cost = Uses NA/NA=Infinite
An inactive Dawnfang/Duskfang

Dawnfang and Duskfang is an Akaviri artifact created by the Tsaesci. During the day, it is Dawnfang and deals fire damage, at night it transforms to Duskfang and deals frost damage. It is acquired through the A Soul Divided quest, which has you claim the weapon from the Guardian Vault in Riften's Ratways. Tempering Dawnfang/Duskfang requires an Ebony Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk: however, although not itself a Daedric item, it is considered to be of Daedric quality and requires that perk for the maximum improvement to its tempering.

For more information, see the Dawnfang article.


Leveled Artifact: Dragonbane (000f71d0)
(All statistics are for level 46+ version)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID MQ203AkaviriKatana5
  Damage 14
  Damage 14 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 14   Value 2596
  Tempering Quicksilver Ingot
  Tempering Quicksilver Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
40 points of extra damage to dragons, 10 points of shock damage to others:
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/84=35

Dragonbane is an Akaviri katana found in Sky Haven Temple. As the name would suggest, Dragonbane does additional damage to dragons if used against them. The blade will do shock damage when used against other opponents instead, as suggested by its unique lightning effect. Tempering Dragonbane requires one quicksilver ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, and the Steel Smithing perk makes tempering twice as effective. It cannot be broken down for its enchantments.

For more information, including leveled statistics, see the Dragonbane article.

Harkon's SwordEdit

Artifact: Harkon's Sword (xx0067cf)
Type One-handed Sword
Added by Dawnguard
Editor ID DLC1HarkonsSword
  Damage 8
  Damage 8 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 9   Value 1472
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Absorbs 15 points of Health, Magicka, and Stamina if wielded by a vampire:
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/128=23
Harkon's Sword

Harkon's Sword is a one-handed sword carried by Lord Harkon. It can be acquired through either pickpocketing or by killing him when completing the Dawnguard add-on's main questline. It is similar in appearance to a Blades katana, except that its sword guard is decorated to resemble Molag Bal, and the handle is black. Its effect is unique in that its enchantment will only take effect if wielded by a vampire.

For more information, see the Harkon's Sword article.

Miraak's SwordEdit

Leveled Artifact: Miraak's Sword (xx039fb4)
(All statistics are for level 60+ version)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Added by Dragonborn
Editor ID DLC2MKMiraakSword3
  Damage 16
  Damage 16 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 3   Value 1267
  Tempering Ebony Ingot, Daedra Heart
  Tempering Ebony Ingot, Daedra Heart Perk Dwarven Smithing
Absorb 15 points of stamina:
Charge/Cost = Uses 25/1=25
Miraak's Sword

Miraak's Sword is carried by Miraak. It is obtainable from his corpse at the end of At the Summit of Apocrypha. It absorbs 15 points of stamina and has a unique visual effect similar to a Lurker attack, shooting a tentacle out during each swing, but doesn't affect weapon range. It can be tempered with one ebony ingot and one Daedra heart, and the Dwarven Smithing perk doubles the improvement.

For more information, including leveled statistics, see the Miraak's Sword article.

Nightingale BladeEdit

Leveled Artifact: Nightingale Blade (000f6527)
(All statistics are for level 46+ version)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID NightingaleBlade05
  Damage 14
  Damage 14 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 15   Value 2050
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk None
Absorb 25 points of health and 25 points of stamina per second from the target.
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/55=54
Nightingale Blade

The Nightingale Blade is a sword, originally owned by Gallus, given to you by Karliah during the quest Hard Answers. Its enchantment absorbs the health and stamina of whoever is slashed by it for one second. Tempering the Nightingale Blade requires one ebony ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. The sword itself is similar in color to ebony, with the Nightingale insignia engraved on the guard.

For more information, including leveled statistics, see the Nightingale Blade article.

Sword of the CrusaderEdit

Artifact: Sword of the Crusader (FExxx80c)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Added by Divine Crusader
Editor ID ccMTYSSE001_KOTNSword
  Damage 14
  Damage 14 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
  Weight 13   Value 2001
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Burns the target for 15 points. Targets on fire take extra damage:
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/17=176
Sword of the Crusader

The Sword of the Crusader is a Sword artifact. It is acquired through the Relics of the Crusader quest, which has you claim the sword and other relics from the Bandit Thieves at the Four Skull Lookout. Tempering the Sword of the Crusader requires a Steel Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Sword of the Crusader article.


Unique Item: Torment (xx000B5F)
(lore page)
Type One-handed Sword
Added by The Cause
Editor ID ccBGSSSE067_DaedricLongswordTorment
  Damage 18
  Damage 18 {{{health}}}
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.05
  Weight 16   Value 3163
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk Daedric Smithing
Burns the target for 30 points. Targets on fire take extra damage.
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/37=81

Torment is a unique sword, wielded by Valkyn Methats in the Deadlands. Its enchantment deals fire damage. Torment has the highest base damage and highest reach of all one-handed swords.

For more information, see the Torment article.

War AxesEdit

Dawnguard Rune AxeEdit

Artifact: Dawnguard Rune Axe (xx01668c)
Type One-handed War Axe
Added by Dawnguard
Editor ID DLC1DawnguardRuneAxe
  Damage 11
  Damage 11 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.9
Speed 0.9 Reach 1
  Weight 13   Value 175
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Sun Damage, 0–100 pts in 15 ft
Dawnguard Rune Axe
"An axe imbued with magic fueled by the destruction of the unholy. With every victorious blow against an undead creature, its power grows." — Florentius Baenius

The Dawnguard Rune Axe is a powerful war axe received as part of the Lost Relic quest. It is the only artifact in the game that is a war axe.

Its enchantment deals 10 extra sun damage to undead for every 10 undead killed with the axe. Consequently, the enchantment becomes more powerful the more it is used, up to a maximum of 100 extra damage. This axe can be extremely powerful against groups of undead, as the enchantment has an area of effect. It also doesn't need to be recharged with soul gems.

In addition, this axe instantly shatters any ward spells it hits.

For more information, see the Dawnguard Rune Axe article.


Dawnguard Rune HammerEdit

Artifact: Dawnguard Rune Hammer (xx011bad)
Type Two-handed Warhammer
Added by Dawnguard
Editor ID DLC1DawnguardRuneHammer
  Damage 22
  Damage 22 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.6
Speed 0.6 Reach 1.3
  Weight 26   Value 500
  Tempering Steel Ingot
  Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Steel Smithing
Bashing places a rune on a nearby surface; the rune explodes for 50 points of fire damage when enemies come near.
Dawnguard Rune Hammer
"A powerful warhammer imbued with magic that places warding runes on the ground to obliterate it's [sic] wielder's foes."Florentius Baenius

The Dawnguard Rune Hammer is a powerful warhammer received as part of the Lost Relic quest. Its enchantment gives you the unique defensive ability to create a Fire Rune by bashing with the hammer while aiming at the surface the rune is to be placed upon, however the range at which the rune can be placed is not particularly long unless you have the Destruction perk Rune Master.

For more information, see the Dawnguard Rune Hammer article.


Daedric Artifact: Nerveshatter (xx000BE3)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Warhammer
Added by Saints & Seducers
Editor ID ccBGSSSE025_Nerveshatter
  Damage 29
  Damage 29 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.7000
Speed 0.7000 Reach 1.3000
  Weight 29   Value 3235
  Tempering Refined Amber
  Tempering Refined Amber Perk Daedric Smithing
Target takes 30 points of shock damage, and half as much Magicka damage.
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/46=65

Nerveshatter is a Daedric artifact composed of Madness Ore and Amber found in Crystaldrift Cave as part of the Nerveshatter quest. Like generic weapons "of Storms", it does 30 points of Shock Damage to its targets. Tempering Nerveshatter requires Refined Amber and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, and the Daedric Smithing perk makes tempering twice as effective. It cannot be broken down for its enchantments.

For more information, see the Nerveshatter article.

Stendarr's HammerEdit

Artifact: Stendarr's Hammer (FExxxd62)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Warhammer
Added by Stendarr's Hammer
Editor ID ccBGSSSE006StendarsHammer
  Damage 28
  Damage 28 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.6
Speed 0.6 Reach 1.3
  Weight 100   Value 4575
  Tempering Ebony Ingot, Flawless Sapphire
  Tempering Ebony Ingot, Flawless Sapphire Perk Ebony Smithing
Damages the target for 22 points. Depletes 20 Stamina from wielder per hit.
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/26=116
Stendarr's Hammer

Stendarr's Hammer is a unique Warhammer associated with the deity Stendarr. The hammer is acquired through a quest which involves stealing it from the Dwemer Museum in Markarth. Its enchantment causes respectable damage to the target, but drains stamina from its wielder.

Tempering Stendarr's Hammer requires an ebony ingot, a flawless sapphire, and the Arcane Blacksmithing perk. It is particularly notable for its extreme weight (slightly more than three times the weight of a Dragonbone Warhammer,DG which has the same base damage), giving it an incredible power attack stamina cost in addition to its base Stamina cost enchantment.

For more information, see the Stendarr's Hammer article.


Daedric Artifact: Volendrung (0002acd2)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Warhammer
Editor ID DA06Volendrung
  Damage 25
  Damage 25 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.7
Speed 0.7 Reach 1.3
  Weight 26   Value 1843
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk None
Absorb 50 points of Stamina
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/129=23

Volendrung, also known as the Hammer of Might, is said to have been created by the Dwemer of the now-abandoned clan of Rourken, hundreds of years before they disappeared from Tamriel. Like the dwarves who created it, Volendrung is prone to disappearing suddenly. Unlike the Dwemer, Volendrung is also prone to resurfacing unexpectedly. It is the reward for completing Malacath's daedric quest, The Cursed Tribe. It can be tempered with an ebony ingot. Its swing speed is faster than other warhammers (the same speed as battleaxes and greatswords). It is the second fastest warhammer in the game, after the Longhammer, which is the fastest two-handed, non-artifact, weapon in the game.

For more information, see the Volendrung article.



Daedric Artifact: Shadowrend (FExxxd63)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Greatsword
Added by Shadowrend
Editor ID BGSSSE018ShadowrendClaymore
  Damage 25
  Damage 25 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.700
Speed 0.700 Reach 1.3
  Weight 23   Value 2500
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk Daedric Smithing
Target is 15% weaker to magic for 30 seconds.
Charge/Cost = Uses NA/NA=Infinite
Shadowrend in greatsword form

Shadowrend is a Daedric artifact that can take the form of a greatsword or battleaxe. You can find it in Eastmarch switching back and forth in form. To take it and complete the quest Through a Glass, Darkly, you must defeat your shadow: a clone of your player character. After completing the quest, the weapon can be switched out for the other form anytime at the location you found it. Shadowrend's enchantment makes the target temporarily weaker to magic. Tempering Shadowrend requires an Ebony Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

Daedric Artifact: Shadowrend (FExxxd62)
(lore page)
Type Two-handed Battleaxe
Added by Shadowrend
Editor ID BGSSSE018ShadowrendBattleaxe
  Damage 26
  Damage 26 {{{health}}}
Speed 0.700
Speed 0.700 Reach 1.3
  Weight 27   Value 2750
  Tempering Ebony Ingot
  Tempering Ebony Ingot Perk Daedric Smithing
Target is 15% weaker to magic for 30 seconds.
Charge/Cost = Uses NA/NA=Infinite
Shadowrend in battleaxe form

The battleaxe form of Shadowrend has the same enchantment and is tempered in the same way, but has different stats appropriate for a heavier weapon.

For more information, see the Shadowrend article.