For the Morrowind article, see here.
"Guard your Ancestors from beasts, from thieves, from profane priest and sorcerers. Let no creature steal your spirits, for the plundered hearth is diminished, and the plundered tomb is shamed." - The Doors of the Spirit
The Dark Elves of Morrowind have long interred their dead in family tombs as part of a tradition of ancestor worship, and these tombs are scattered across mainland Morrowind just as they are on Vvardenfell. Some are in a poor state of repair, perhaps due to remoteness or a dying out of the family line. Yet many are still visited by living members of the family, for Dunmer faith commends keeping a close bond to those who came before:
"Pay reverence through gift and prayer. Acquaint the Ancestors with your affairs, with your comings and goings, with your blessings and trials." - The Doors of the Spirit
Almost all ancestral tombs are of a single archeological style, consisting of an underground series of corridors and chambers. Pitfalls and locked doors guard against thieves, as does the occasional secret passage and patroling undead. The treasures buried with the deceased often prove alluring to bandits - particularly outlanders who lack the veneration for these sites that natives possess.
One exception exists to the Velothi architectural style in which almost all tombs are moulded. This is the Raathim Ancestral Tomb, which plays host to a royal bloodline, and is constructed in the style of Old Mournhold and the architecture of the Indoril.
Mainland TombsEdit
- Adryn Ancestral Tomb — A small Aanthirin tomb whose original entrance has been buried.
- Andathril Ancestral Tomb — The family tomb of the Indoril lords of Tur Julan.
- Anthelasa Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located in the Mephalan Vales.
- Arvel Ancestral Tomb — A tomb near Teyn with a secretive walled chamber.
- Arvethu Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in Dagon Urul populated by undead.
- Aviroth Ancestral Tomb — A small ancestral tomb due north of the Telvanni quarter of Helnim, inhabited by undead.
- Balvel Ancestral Tomb — A tiny tomb south of Evos, home to Duram Balvel's opinionated ancestors.
- Belvani Ancestral Tomb — A tiny tomb located in the Sacred Lands region with very little treasure.
- Benethran Ancestral Tomb — A tomb on the northern edge of Othreleth Woods.
- Berendas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb by the high bridge overlooking Bodrum
- Bethrimo Ancestral Tomb — A large, crumbling labyrinth east of Necrom.
- Dadrys Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb due southwest of the Oran Plantation, inhabited by both undead and Orc looters.
- Daranith Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized ancestral tomb far northwest of Ranyon-ruhn inhabited by undead.
- Darano Ancestral Tomb — A large ancestral tomb due north of Tel Muthada containing undead and impressive treasure.
- Daravel Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb northeast of Aimrah.
- Darethran Ancestral Tomb — A Sacred Lands tomb containing a wealthy burial.
- Delath Ancestral Tomb — A partially sunken tomb in the Sacred Lands.
- Devan Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located in the Nedothril region, northwest of Seitur.
- Dothril Ancestral Tomb — A partially looted tomb still populated by defiant undead.
- Drenim Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb a short distance northwest of Llothanis inhabited by undead.
- Drothril Ancestral Tomb — A tomb littered with ectoplasm, high on the cliff northwest of Roa Dyr.
- Dundras Ancestral Tomb — An expansive and labyrinthine tomb in Sundered Scar, containing undead.
- Duril Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb on the isle of Althoa.
- Edryn Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb south of Almas Thirr, inhabited by undead.
- Endrovel Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located in the Boethiah's Spine.
- Erendi Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb upon a Velothi Mountains ridge.
- Erushara Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb halfway along Aranyon Pass due south of Sarvanni, inhabited by undead.
- Falanos Ancestral Tomb — A small ancestral tomb a very short distance south of Helnim containing undead and very little treasure.
- Farys Ancestral Tomb — A compact mazelike tomb, staffed with undead
- Favelnim Ancestral Tomb — A small ancestral tomb a large distance due west of Port Telvannis, containing undead.
- Gilnyth Ancestral Tomb — A tomb in the Alt Orethan region, containing multiple magical trinkets.
- Helvi Ancestral Tomb — A capacious and richly-appointed tomb on the southern shore of Lake Andaram.
- Hlandrim Ancestral Tomb — A small, neglected tomb on the Othreleth Woods' eastern edge.
- Ilvi Ancestral Tomb — A large, well-appointed ancestral tomb south of Gol Mok, containing undead.
- Indalas Ancestral Tomb — A large ancestral tomb southeast of Marog containing undead.
- Indosi Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on the southern fringes of Aanthirin.
- Irano Ancestral Tomb — A compact tomb on the road west of Vhul.
- Landoth Ancestral Tomb — A small Roth Roryn tomb inhabited by bandits.
- Llarethi Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized ancestral tomb, with undead guardians and a secret cult of Telvanni wizards.
- Llendu Ancestral Tomb — A tomb high on a Roth Roryn crag.
- Lliryn Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb packed with rare ingredients and vengeful undead guardians.
- Lloram Ancestral Tomb — A tomb in the Alt Orethan region, north of Meralag and southeast of Darvonis.
- Madalvel Ancestral Tomb — The den of a vampire in the Armun Ashlands.
- Maryon Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb in the Sacred Lands.
- Moril Ancestral Tomb — A tomb in the Lan Orethan region, containing worthwhile loot.
- Mugan Crypt — A medium-sized crypt in the Sacred Lands region, northwest of Sailen.
- Nandiryon Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on an island northwest of Firewatch's docks.
- Narad Ancestral Tomb — A tomb near Tel Oren, populated by undead.
- Nerendus Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb filled with undead found on an isolated island northeast of Port Telvannis.
- Nerethi Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb containing an Acrobat's grave.
- Nerethril Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb filled with undead, found northwest of the Oran Plantation.
- Neriath Ancestral Tomb — A small Sacred Lands tomb containing hidden keys.
- Olms Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb northwest of Gol Mok, inhabited by undead.
- Olthan Ancestral Tomb — A Roth Roryn tomb and apparent tourist hotspot.
- Omathi Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb northwest of Andar Mok, inhabited by undead.
- Onosi Ancestral Tomb — A tomb in the Lan Orethan region.
- Orando Ancestral Tomb — A tomb southeast of Roa Dyr, containing a valuable Indoril Helmet.
- Orothri Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb home to a sacred artifact.
- Raathim Ancestral Tomb — The atypical tomb of the royal Raathims.
- Radobar Ancestral Tomb — A middling sized tomb on the road south of Idathren.
- Ralaal Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb teeming with undead guardians.
- Raloran Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb that has just repulsed a raid by a pair of adventurers.
- Rangirth Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on the eastern edge of Sunad Mora, containing skeletons.
- Raran Ancestral Tomb — A tomb overlooking a popular pilgrim's spot.
- Rathryon Ancestral Tomb — A tomb directly east of Dondril, populated by undead.
- Ravith Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb southeast of Mundrethi Plantation, inhabited by undead.
- Relvenim Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in Sunad Mora containing undead.
- Romavel Ancestral Tomb — A small mountain tomb in the shadow of Ngelfltingth.
- Rothrilis Ancestral Tomb — A compact, twisting tomb in Sundered Scar.
- Sadalvel Ancestral Tomb — A tomb near Necrom and the residence of a newly turned vampire.
- Sadri Ancestral Tomb — A gem-filled tomb on the river east of Old Ebonheart.
- Saldro Ancestral Tomb — A partially flooded tomb east of Vhul.
- Salvarys Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located in the Sacred Lands region with an active ghostfence.
- Sandil Ancestral Tomb — The ancestral tomb of the rulers of Gorne, in Nedothril.
- Sarnat Ancestral Tomb — A flooded tomb located in Sundered Scar, north of Ildrim and inhabited by Dreugh.
- Sarvayn Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb on the road between Velonith and Aimrah.
- Savani Ancestral Tomb — A small hilltop tomb southwest of Omaynis.
- Selas Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located in the Sacred Lands.
- Sevenas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in the Lan Orethan region, containing a valuable shield.
- Sevil Ancestral Tomb — A two-room tomb northeast of Mundrethi Plantation, where smugglers have set up shop.
- Shanat-Tul Ancestral Tomb — A large and extremely haunted tomb connecting to an ancient burial ground.
- Soril Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb near Alencheth, populated by undead.
- Taaldrun Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb east of Tel Ouada in the Sunad Mora region, containing undead.
- Telomas Ancestral Tomb — A necromancer's hideaway near the small town of Menaan.
- Teriviel Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb located in the Sacred Lands region.
- Thelaro Ancestral Tomb — A very large tomb located in the Mephalan Vales.
- Thelvil Ancestral Tomb — A tomb in the Alt Orethan region.
- Thendas Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb northeast of Tel Oren.
- Theras Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on the coast due east of Alt Bosara inhabited by undead.
- Thervoth Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located in the Sacred Lands region.
- Thirvayn Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in the Telvanni Isles containing undead.
- Tilvur Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb overlooking Veloth's Path.
- Tomaril Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb close to Savrethi Distillery
- Trelo Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in Sunad Mora due west of Hla Bulor, containing undead.
- Ules Ancestral Tomb — An expansive tomb on the Thirr River that contains a sacred relic of St. Felms.
- Ultham Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb filled with the corpses of Hlaalu guards.
- Uvayn Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb that holds the ancestors of Arvud's governor.
- Vaden Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located in the Nedothril region.
- Vadryon Ancestral Tomb — A small partially collapsed tomb high upon Mount Dunul.
- Vaerin Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located in the Sacred Lands region. From Necrom head west by bridge, then turn right in directions of Alt Bosara and follow the road along rocks. After rocky part end turn left and the tomb is ahead of you.
- Varyon Ancestral Tomb — A small ancestral tomb located west of Ranyon-ruhn in Sunad Mora.
- Vaynth Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb close to Firewatch
- Veniroth Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized ancestral tomb near Baldrahn containing Vampires.
- Veri Ancestral Tomb — A tomb in the Mephalan Vales with a few levelled skeletons and very little loot.
- Virith Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb located in the Sacred Lands.
- Vulunith Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb south of Tur Julan.
- Zuldassur Ancestral Tomb — The ancestral tomb of the family that inhabited the ill-fated Zuldassur Manor.
For all pages in the Ancestral Tombs category, see here.