Fang of HaynekhtnametEdit
The Fang of Haynekhtnamet is a literal fang which was carved into a blade and fashioned into a small dagger in an exquisite Argonian style. It is named after Haynekhtnamet, a mythical wamasu from Black Marsh. According to the book Tamrielic Lore, the artifact was created by a score of Nords who fought Haynekhtnamet for seven days and nights before finally bringing the creature down, believing it to be a dragon. One of the survivors took a fang as a trophy, and it was later carved into a dagger which mysteriously houses some of the beast's magical properties. The dagger grants the wielder the ability to shock an opponent. Other reports indicate the dagger was taken from the eponymous wamasu in the Shadowfen region of Black Marsh in 2E 582, This jagged blade was heavily befouled and would cause disease in anyone it struck. The Fang of Haynekhtnamet has been seen occasionally by traveling heroes throughout history.
Fangs of SithisEdit
The Fangs of Sithis are a set of pre-Duskfall weapons, taking the form of either two large eggs, or a set of dual daggers.
The Fangs were gifted to the Night Mother by Sithis, the Dark Husband, who in turn gifted them to the Shadowscales. It is said that a single Shadowscale wielding the Fangs could lay waste to entire cities not just via mass killings, but also by causing crop-failures and famine. However, most are unable to safely wield the Fangs, as they feed upon the wielder's mind and soul, causing the weak-minded either to go mad, or become mindless agents of Sithis who are devoid of free will.
Fateweaver KeyEdit
The Fateweaver Key was a powerful key shaped artifact created by Azandar-al-Cybiades, an exceptionally skilled Arcanist and mage of world-class power and knowledge said to be comparable to that of Morian Zenas, after a lifetime of research and experimentation. The Fateweaver Key was created in order to allow Azandar to replicate the ability of Hermaeus Mora to gaze beyond the veil of reality, allowing its wielder to observe his unwoven fates, the "might have beens" of his life, for knowledge. The Key, however, exceeded its creator's expectations, causing his unlived fates to become "frayed" from the universe and become manifested within the world. During his efforts to track down these frayed fates and use the Key to "stitch" them back into the universe Azandar encountered the Adversary, a hostile frayed fate that sought to absorb its counterparts and take his place using its own version of the Fateweaver Key. As the Adversary could not be vanquished as long as his anchor to the world, the Fateweaver Key itself, remained, Azandar instructed the Vestige to burn the artifact out using a font of Magicka and the Adversary was banished. Acknowledging the danger and temptation the Key represented, Azandar elected to have the now inert relic cast into the ocean.
Fearstruck was a Daedric artifact created by the Daedric Prince Boethiah. It took the form of a shield. It belonged to Lyrisius, a hero from Tamriel famous for leading his army against the Akaviri slavetraders in their homeland of Akavir. The shield was utterly destroyed in the First Era by the fiery breath of a wyrm who Lyrisius encountered after his army was routed.
- Daggerfall (mentioned only), ESO (replicas only)
Feyfolken is a supposed artifact of the Daedric Prince Clavicus Vile, which is only known from a series of historical fiction books. It is a quill enchanted by a daedra by the name of Feyfolken serving Clavicus Vile at the request of Thaurbad, a sage for the Temple of Auri-El. It transfigures the writing of the user into scripture of unparalleled quality. The trade-off of wielding such an item is that the quill manipulates the thoughts of its beholder.
Firstblade, also known as Miraak's Sword, is a powerful sword linked to Apocrypha. It appears as a primal green blade with writhing sclerotic watcher tentacles and Seeker-sinew Threads wrapped around it, which extend to attack targets and drain their stamina during combat. When it is swung it takes the shape of a tentacle and grows in length, and even when not being swung, the sword writhes with tentacles around it, with them parting around the base of the sword to expose a green eye. It can be tempered with the use of ebony and daedra hearts, much like other Daedric weapons.
It is unknown if Firstblade was seen after the Merethic Era, but by the Second Era the Skaal of Solstheim knew it as a strange sword that belonged to a renegade Dragon Priest named Miraak far in the distant past. The sword was in possession of the renegade dragon priest Miraak, perhaps dating back to the time before the Dragon War, and was in his possession during his time in Apocrypha. In 4E 201, he used the sword while battling the Last Dragonborn at the summit of Apocrypha, who killed him and took possession of the blade.
Fists of RandagulfEdit
The Fists of Randagulf were worn by Randagulf of Clan Begalin, one of the mightiest warriors from Skyrim in Tamrielic history. He finally lost the gloves, and his life, when High King Harald conquered Skyrim circa 1E 143-1E 221. As a sign of respect, Harald took Randagulf's gauntlets for himself. After the High King died, the gauntlets disappeared. The Fists grant the bearer added strength.
Flame Monarch's CrownEdit
The Flame Monarch's Crown is a legendary Daedric helmet. It offers protection equivalent to Dragonscale armor, and possesses a myriad of powerful enchantments to protect the wearer from fire, spells, and physical damage.
The origins of the Crown are shrouded in mystery. Its name refers to a Flame Monarch, a stronger form of the more common Flame Atronach. Some claim that the helmet was worn by the Daedric demiprince Fa-Nuit-Hen when he visited the collective realm of Infernace, home of the Flame Atronachs. Others insist that this tale is only conjecture. Known as a realm of intense heat, some believe that the flame-resistant enchantments placed on the helm were the only thing that made Fa-Nuit-Hen's visit to Infernace possible.
After Fa-Nuit-Hen returned from Infernace, skilled armorsmiths attempted to replicate the Crown. This led to the creation of the Flame Knight's Helmet, an ebony helmet bearing similar, albeit lesser, enchantments.
The Crown is believed to have come into the possession of the Warrior circa 4E 180 in exchange for sigils.
Flask of LillandrilEdit
The Flask of Lillandril is a magical flask that absorbs and reflects magic of all kinds. Its anti-magic property also prevents mages from detecting its location. The flask was discovered around the year 1E 470 by a group of elves living in the Summerset Isle city of Lillandril. The elves spread news of their discovery, enough to make it an artifact of song and legend. It became the city's symbol and was displayed on their banners.
The elves used the flask to perform favors for the barons of Summerset Isle by keeping in check the magical power of the Bosmer in Valenwood. One legend says that a stable boy defeated the High Wizard of Valenwood using only the flask. After some time, the elves who discovered the flask feared that Bosmer assassins would kill them, so they fled for Daggerfall, hoping to buy safety from the Direnni. The elves shipwrecked off the southern coast of Stros M'Kai, killing all of them according to legend, and the Flask of Lillandril was lost.
Folium DiscognitumEdit
The Folium Discognitum is a Daedric artifact created by Sheogorath. It is a tome of knowledge, filled with insights compiled from the ramblings of madmen. The pages bear near incomprehensible scrawls that move to avoid your gaze when read. The power obtained from reading these insights is the equivalent of absorbing at least six skyshards.
Fork of HorripilationEdit
The Fork of Horripilation is a cursed artifact created by the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, who refers to it affectionately as Forky. In appearance and in function, it is a mundane iron fork. However, it is imbued with an enchantment which excites and synergizes magicka around it, and can produce dramatic results when held by certain people. Sheogorath is fond of forcing mortals to use it as a weapon, in which case it curses the wielder with Fork's Wound, a magical effect which stunts the wielder's magicka or drains it completely. The term horripilation refers to the standing of hairs on end due to cold, fear, or excitement. In the context of the fork, excitement arises within Sheogorath when he convinces mortals to use the fork, while fear is evoked in mortals from just touching it, resulting in horripilation. The Fork smells lightly of roast beef.
Frostbreak ChaliceEdit
The Frostbreak Chalice is a goblet emblazoned with the seal of Frostbreak Fortress. It was believed by some that the chalice possessed the ability to infuse any beverage consumed from it with restorative qualities.
Fulcrum ObscuraEdit
The Fulcrum Obscura is an artifact created by Prior Durdryn of the Keepers of the Dead with the assistance of Hermaeus Mora. It was said to be able to recover lost and forgotten memories, of names and knowledge, even from the dead.