Spell Name |
Form IDs |
Effect Details |
How to Obtain |
Alluring Gaze |
Spell : |
000A97AC |
Tome : |
xx084AEF |
Charm 12 pts for 30 secs on Target
21 |
Beguiling Touch |
Spell : |
000A97AE |
Tome : |
xx0022A4 |
Charm 12 pts for 30 secs on Touch
14 |
Captivate |
Spell : |
0001C4AD |
Tome : |
None |
Charm 10 pts for 10 secs on Touch
18 (3*) |
Chameleon |
Spell : |
0005DCC0 |
Tome : |
xx00229D |
Chameleon 10% for 12 secs on Self
14 |
Frenzy |
Spell : |
000A9819 |
Tome : |
xx0022EE |
- Affects humanoids up to level 5:
Frenzy 20 pts for 30 secs on Target
8 |
Illuminate |
Spell : |
000A319D |
Tome : |
xx002306 |
Light in 10 ft for 90 secs on Target
13 |
Inspiration |
Spell : |
000AA032 |
Tome : |
xx002310 |
Rally 25 pts for 20 secs on Target
5 |
Inspiring Touch |
Spell : |
000AA033 |
Tome : |
xx089900 |
Rally 25 pts for 30 secs on Touch
5 |
Minor Invisibility |
Spell : |
0005DCC1 |
Tome : |
None |
Invisibility for 6 secs on Self
24 |
Serenity |
Spell : |
000A97C6 |
Tome : |
xx002299 |
- Affects humanoids and creatures up to level 2:
Calm 10 pts for 30 secs on Target
13 |
Soothing Touch |
Spell : |
000A97C9 |
Tome : |
xx00229B |
- Affects humanoids and creatures up to level 2:
Calm 10 pts for 15 secs on Touch
13 |
Starlight |
Spell : |
000A9825 |
Tome : |
xx002302 |
Light in 20 ft for 60 secs on Self
14 |
Touch of Frenzy |
Spell : |
000A981B |
Tome : |
xx0022F0 |
- Affects humanoids up to level 6:
Frenzy 25 pts for 30 secs on Touch
7 |
Command Creature |
Spell : |
000A97CE |
Tome : |
xx0022A6 |
- Affects creatures up to level 2:
Command Creature 8 pts for 30 secs on Target
38 |
Command Humanoid |
Spell : |
0003C3F8 |
Tome : |
xx0022A8 |
- Affects humanoids up to level 2:
Command Humanoid 8 pts for 30 secs on Target
48 |
Commanding Touch |
Spell : |
000A97D0 |
Tome : |
xx0022AA |
- Affects creatures up to level 3:
Command Creature 12 pts for 30 secs on Touch
43 |
Eyes of Eventide |
Spell : |
000A982F |
Tome : |
xx002307 |
Night-Eye for 15 secs on Self
33 |
Heroic Touch |
Spell : |
000AA035 |
Tome : |
xx089901 |
Rally 50 pts for 60 secs on Touch
26 |
Heroism |
Spell : |
000AA034 |
Tome : |
xx002311 |
Rally 50 pts for 45 secs on Target
30 |
Mesmerizing Grasp |
Spell : |
000A97AF |
Tome : |
xx0022A5 |
Charm 24 pts for 30 secs on Touch
35 |
Moonlight |
Spell : |
000A9826 |
Tome : |
xx002303 |
Light 30 ft for 120 secs on Self
47 |
Pacification |
Spell : |
000A97C7 |
Tome : |
xx00229A |
- Affects humanoids and creatures up to level 2:
Calm 10 pts for 20 secs on Target
26 |
Rage |
Spell : |
000A981A |
Tome : |
xx0022EF |
- Affects humanoids up to level 10:
Frenzy 40 pts for 40 secs on Target
26 |
Seductive Charm |
Spell : |
000A97AD |
Tome : |
xx0022A2 |
Charm 24 pts for 30 secs on Target
52 |
Touch of Fear |
Spell : |
000A97D7 |
Tome : |
xx0022B7 |
- Affects living humanoids and creatures up to level 3:
Demoralize 15 pts for 20 secs on Touch
31 |
Touch of Rage |
Spell : |
000A981C |
Tome : |
xx0022F1 |
- Affects humanoids up to level 18:
Frenzy 75 pts for 30 secs on Touch
30 |
Void Gazer |
Spell : |
0006D67B |
Tome : |
None |
Night-Eye for 150 secs on Self
54 (330*) |
Calming Touch |
Spell : |
000A97CA |
Tome : |
xx00229C |
- Affects humanoids and creatures up to level 7:
Calm 30 pts for 20 secs on Touch
73 |
Candlelight |
Spell : |
000A9827 |
Tome : |
xx002304 |
Light in 40 ft for 180 secs on Self
103 |
Chameleon |
Spell : |
000A97CB |
Tome : |
xx00229D |
Chameleon 25% for 30 secs on Self
116 |
Deathly Visage |
Spell : |
0006D681 |
Tome : |
None |
Invisibility for 35 secs on Self
112 (140*) |
Debilitate |
Spell : |
000A9838 |
Tome : |
xx00230D |
Paralyze for 3 secs on Touch
142 |
Dominating Touch |
Spell : |
000A97D1 |
Tome : |
xx0022AB |
- Affects creatures up to level 6:
Command Creature for 30 secs on Touch
105 |
Enthralling Presence |
Spell : |
000A97D1 |
Tome : |
xx0022A0 |
Charm 24 pts in 20 ft for 20 secs on Target
105 |
Eyes of Midnight |
Spell : |
000A9830 |
Tome : |
xx002308 |
Night-Eye for 30 secs on Self
66 |
Hush |
Spell : |
00027441 |
Tome : |
xx002337 |
Silence for 10 secs on Target
90 |
Shadow Shape |
Spell : |
000A97BE |
Tome : |
xx0022FF |
Invisibility for 30 secs on Self
120 |
Shroudwalk |
Spell : |
0006D678 |
Tome : |
None |
Chameleon 15% for 30 secs on Self
98 (60*) |
Voice of Dread |
Spell : |
000A97D5 |
Tome : |
xx0022B4 |
- Affects living humanoids and creatures up to level 5:
Demoralize 20 pts for 20 secs on Target
68 |
Voice of Rapture |
Spell : |
000A97B0 |
Tome : |
xx0022A3 |
Charm 36 pts for 30 secs on Target
88 |
Black Winter |
Spell : |
0006D67D |
Tome : |
None |
Paralyze for 2 secs on Target
Frost Damage 20 pts on Target
200 (193*) |
Dominate Creature |
Spell : |
000A97CF |
Tome : |
xx0022A7 |
- Affects creatures up to level 9:
Command Creature 36 pts for 30 secs on Target
265 |
Dominate Humanoid |
Spell : |
0003C3F9 |
Tome : |
xx0022A9 |
- Affects humanoids up to level 9:
Command Humanoid 36 pts for 30 secs on Target
331 |
Fearful Gaze |
Spell : |
000A97D6 |
Tome : |
xx0022B5 |
- Affects living humanoids and creatures up to level 7:
Demoralize 30 pts for 30 secs on Target
171 |
Ghostwalk |
Spell : |
000A97BF |
Tome : |
xx002300 |
Invisibility for 60 secs on Self
240 |
Immobilize |
Spell : |
000A9839 |
Tome : |
xx00230E |
Paralyze for 7 secs on Touch
332 |
Mute |
Spell : |
000AA04C |
Tome : |
xx002339 |
Silence in 15 ft for 15 secs on Target
303 |
Shadow |
Spell : |
000A97CC |
Tome : |
xx00229E |
Chameleon 50% for 30 secs on Self
282 |
Torchlight |
Spell : |
000A9828 |
Tome : |
xx002305 |
Light in 50 ft for 240 secs on Self
183 |
Will of Sithis |
Spell : |
0006D679 |
Tome : |
None |
- Affects humanoids up to level 6:
Command Humanoid 25 pts for 25 secs on Target
315 (173*) |
Cloak |
Spell : |
000A97CD |
Tome : |
xx00229F |
Chameleon 75% for 30 secs on Self
474 |
Daylight |
Spell : |
000A9829 |
Tome : |
None |
Light in 60 ft for 480 secs on Self
462 |
Grasp of Terror |
Spell : |
000A97D8 |
Tome : |
xx0022B8 |
- Affects living humanoids and creatures up to level 20:
Demoralize 80 pts for 30 secs on Touch
401 |
Paralyze |
Spell : |
000A983A |
Tome : |
xx00230F |
Paralyze for 10 secs on Touch
475 |
Silence |
Spell : |
000AA04D |
Tome : |
xx002338 |
Silence in 15 ft for 20 secs on Target
405 |
Spectral Form |
Spell : |
000A97C0 |
Tome : |
xx002301 |
Invisibility for 120 secs on Self
480 |
Terrifying Presence |
Spell : |
000A97D9 |
Tome : |
xx0022B6 |
- Affects living humanoids and creatures up to level 17:
Demoralize 70 pts for 30 secs on Target
507 |