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Location Beldama Wyrd Tree, Boulderfall Pass, Near Brackenleaf, Driladan Pass, Dread Vullain, Greenshade, Hei-Halai, Jackdaw Cove, Percolating Mire, Reticulated Spine, Rootwater Grove, Shademist Moors, Shor's Stone Mine, Three Tribes Camp, Vale of the Guardians, Venomous Fens, Verrant Morass
Species Lurcher
Health 60,370
Reaction Hostile
Supple Root, Knotted Heart
West Weald Zones: Lead: Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree
A red Lurcher

Lurchers are wooden golems of multiple origins. Lurchers usually have a green aura, but other varieties include red and blue auras.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A basic melee attack dealing minor physical damage.
The lurcher quickly shoves its target, dealing moderate physical damage as well as staggering its target. This can be blocked to prevent the stagger.
Crushing Limbs
The lurcher slams its fist on the ground, dealing moderate physical damage as well as stunning its target. This can be blocked to set the lurcher off-balance and prevent the stun.
Choking Pollen
The lurcher releases a cloud of poisononous spores around itself, indicated by a red circle, dealing continuous poison damage to all targets. This can be interrupted to set the lurcher off-balance.
The lurcher transforms its arms into branches and shoots sharp twigs at its target, as indicated by a red cone, dealing moderate physical damage. (Only on some lurchers) Is this only on lurcher bosses?

Dragonstar Arena Exclusive AbilityEdit

Nature's Grasp
When Dragonstar Arena's Lurchers die, they leave two areas on top of each other. One deals high damage over time and the other restores your magicka and stamina. The damaging one increases its damage with each tick you take with stacks that last 10 seconds.

Unique LurchersEdit


Generic LurchersEdit

Generic, unnamed lurchers can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These lurchers have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of lurchers, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Reaction Difficulty Health
Vale of the Guardians Temporary follower during the quest Champion of the Guardians Friendly (?)
Arx Corinium Throughout the dungeon Hostile    117,878 (?)
Dragonstar Arena Round 6: The Grove Hostile  79,600 398,100
The Reach 
West Weald 
Briar Rock Ruins 
Hostile 66,121
Shipwright's Regret  The wooded section of the logging camp Hostile    136,502 (?)
Oathsworn Pit  Lodge of the Axe Hostile    235,758 (?)

See AlsoEdit
