Shivering:Miscellaneous Items
< Shivering Isles: Items(Redirected from Shivering:Madness Boots Matrix)This page lists all miscellaneous items introduced by the Shivering Isles expansion.
Quest ItemsEdit
Name | Notes | |||
Active Focus Crystal 0004FEE9 |
7.0 | 0 | The normal Focus Crystals turn into these after being placed in their correct locations during A Better Mousetrap. | |
Althel's Arrows 0001E972 |
0.1 | 2 | Found in Vitharn's Keep during the Ghosts of Vitharn quest. | |
Amber 00016568 |
1.0 | 10 | Needed for forging Amber weapons and armor in the quest The Antipodean Hammer. The article on Amber provides details on where it can be found. |
Aquanostrum Flask 0006EA50 |
1.0 | 0 | Bernice's Empty Flask after it is filled with Aquanostrum during A Liquid Solution. | |
Attenuator of Judgment 000135A9 |
0.0 | 0 | You will receive this "tuning fork" from Sheogorath to reactivate Xedilian. Used on the Resonator of Judgment in the quest A Better Mousetrap. |
Bernice's Empty Flask 0006EA4F |
0.5 | 0 | Given to you by Sickly Bernice to recover her cure. Needed to hold Aquanostrum, found during the quest A Liquid Solution. |
Big Head's Charm 00083F60 |
0.1 | 2 | A fork given to you by Big Head which allows you to understand Bolwing. Used to find a different fork in the quest The Fork of Horripilation. |
Blood Liqueur 00013577 |
0.0 | 0 | An element found in the Gardens of Flesh and Bone. Used to make a new Gatekeeper in the quest Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. |
Brithaur's Heart 00078675 |
0.0 | 0 | Found on Brithaur if you decide to kill him during the Brithaur quest. Note that this is a quest-related item, but not a "Quest Item" in the normal sense of the term. |
Chalice of Reversal 000131C6 |
1.0 | 3 | Found in the final zone of Dunroot Burrow. Needed to complete the quest Addiction. |
Ciirta's Eye 0001363C |
1.0 | 0 | Recovered from Ciirta during Symbols of Office. This version is blue. | |
Ciirta's Eye 0001363D |
1.0 | 0 | Not found in game. This version is green. | |
Dermis Membrane 000523B5 |
0.0 | 0 | An element found in the Gardens of Flesh and Bone. Used to make a new Gatekeeper in the quest Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. |
Desideratus' Doll 00012D0C |
1.0 | 0 | Found in Vitharn's Keep during the Ghosts of Vitharn quest. | |
Essence of Breath 00013578 |
0.1 | 40 | An element found in the Gardens of Flesh and Bone. Used to make a new Gatekeeper in the quest Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. |
Focus Crystal 00011EC1 |
1.0 | 0 | Three of these are found during A Better Mousetrap and are needed to reactivate the Resonator of Judgment. | |
Gadeneri Ravel's Skull 000823C3 |
3.0 | 0 | Found in Knifepoint Hollow to give to Gadeneri Ralvel during the non-journal quest Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides. | |
Glass Grapes 000790C4 |
0.0 | 0 | Received from Fimmion to give to Uungor during the quest Falling Awake. | |
Key to Dementia 000120FC |
0.0 | 0 | Recovered from the corpse of the Gatekeeper when first leaving the Fringe. Unlocks the door to Dementia in the quest Through the Fringe of Madness. |
Key to Mania 000120FB |
0.0 | 0 | Recovered from the corpse of the Gatekeeper when first leaving the Fringe. Unlocks the door to Mania in the quest Through the Fringe of Madness. |
Knifepoint Crystal 00059B55 |
3.0 | 0 | Handed to the player by Haskill and required to enter Knifepoint Hollow during the Symbols of Office quest. | |
Limark's Skull 000823C0 |
3.0 | 0 | Found in Milchar to give to Limark during the non-journal quest Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides. | |
Lorenz Bog-Trotter's Skull 000823C4 |
3.0 | 0 | Found in Knotty Bramble to give to Lorenz Bog-Trotter during the non-journal quest Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides. | |
M'desi's Skull 000823C2 |
3.0 | 0 | Found in Rotten Den to give to M'desi during the non-journal quest Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides. | |
Madness Ore 00012D33 |
2.0 | 20 | Found on Grummites and in Madness Ore Deposits. Needed for forging Madness weapons and armor in the quest The Antipodean Hammer. |
Old Spoon 00072C90 |
0.1 | 0 | Given to you by Kishashi during Everything In Its Place to prove your friendship to Ranarr-Jo. | |
Osseous Marrow 0008EBFF |
0.0 | 0 | An element found in the Gardens of Flesh and Bone. Used to make a new Gatekeeper in the quest Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. |
Ritual Torch 00018D97 |
1.0 | 0 | Cannot be picked up, only held using grab. Found in Milchar and used to light torches during The Coming Storm. | |
Salonia Viria's Skull 000823C1 |
3.0 | 0 | Found in Cann to give to Salonia Viria during the non-journal quest Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides. | |
Screaming Branch 0001363E |
0.1 | 0 | Taken from the Tree of Shades during the Symbols of Office quest. | |
Syl's Heart 00014445 |
0.0 | 0 | Removed from Syl's body during the Ritual of Dementia. | |
Thadon's Blood 00016EA1 |
0.0 | 0 | Drained from Thadon's body during the Ritual of Mania. | |
Welkynd Stone 00012D15 |
1.0 | 50 | Found in Vitharn's Mausoleum during the Ghosts of Vitharn quest. |
Gatekeeper PartsEdit
The following are the body parts available when you construct a new Gatekeeper during the quest Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. You get to select one head, one left arm, one right arm, one torso, one heart, and one pair of legs. The body parts you choose determine the greater powers that are available for your use once the Gatekeeper is rebuilt (only one greater power is available at a time; activate the Gatekeeper to receive one).
Name | Greater Power | Effect on the Gatekeeper | Body Part | |||
Angry Mind 00014AFE |
20 | 0 | Fortify Willpower 20 pts for 60 secs on Self | Fortify Willpower 20 pts | Head | |
Helm of Power 00014AFB |
20 | 0 | Fortify Strength 20 pts for 60 secs on Self | Fortify Strength 20 pts | ||
Arm of Bashing 00014AF8 |
20 | 0 | Fortify Blunt 20 pts for 60 secs on Self | Fortify Blunt 20 pts | Right (weapon) arm | |
Arm of Chopping 00014AF9 |
20 | 0 | Fortify Blunt 20 pts for 60 secs on Self | |||
Arm of Slashing 00014AFF |
20 | 0 | Fortify Blade 20 pts for 60 secs on Self | Fortify Blade 20 pts | ||
Arm of Fire Shielding 00014AF6 |
20 | 0 | Fire Shield 20% 30 secs on Self | Fire Shield 20% | Left (shield) arm | |
Arm of Frost Shielding 00014AF4 |
20 | 0 | Frost Shield 20% 30 secs on Self | Frost Shield 20% | ||
Arm of Shock Shielding 00014AF5 |
20 | 0 | Shock Shield 20% 30 secs on Self | Shock Shield 20% | ||
Breast of Life 00014AFC |
20 | 0 | Fortify Health 100 pts for 60 secs on Self | Fortify Health 50 pts | Torso | |
Breast of Magic 00014AF3 |
20 | 0 | Fortify Magicka 100 pts for 60 secs on Self | Fortify Magicka 50 pts | ||
Heart of Spell Turning 00014AF0 |
0.1 | 20 | Reflect Spell 20% 30 secs on Self | Reflect Spell 20% | Heart | |
Heart of Wound Sharing 00014AEF |
0.1 | 20 | Reflect Damage 20% 30 secs on Self | Reflect Damage 20% | ||
Legs of Nimbleness 00014AFD |
20 | 0 | Fortify Agility 20 pts for 60 secs on Self | Fortify Agility 20 pts | Legs | |
Legs of Fortitude 00014AFA |
20 | 0 | Fortify Endurance 20 pts for 60 secs on Self | Fortify Endurance 20 pts |
Museum OdditiesEdit
Miscellaneous items that can be donated for The Museum of Oddities quest. In each case, the first ID number is that for the item when first found. The second ID is for the item after you have donated it to the museum. Oddities that are considered unique weapons, ingredients, or jewelry can be found on their respective pages; the complete list of quest-related items is provided on the quest page.
Name | Finder's Fee | Notes | |||
Din's Ashes 00081E61/00080575 |
3/0.2 | 25 | 200 | Ashes found deep within the ruins of Ebrocca in the zone 'Ebrocca Crematorium'. Din was an insane man encountered in Morrowind. | |
Gatekeeper's Arm 0008241C/0008241B |
20 | 0 | N/A | The arm of an old Gatekeeper. This oddity is in the museum before the quest begins. It is not one of the Gatekeeper Parts that can be used for the quest Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. |
Hound's Tooth Key 00081E63/00081E64 |
0 | 0 | 200 | A uniquely shaped key randomly found in containers. It does not unlock anything. | |
Mixing Bowl 00081E6E/00081E6F |
1.25 | 75 | 250 | An odd alchemy apparatus randomly found in containers. For alchemy purposes, it is equivalent to an apprentice Mortar and Pestle. |
Pelvis of Pelagius 0006D0F3/0006D0F4 |
7 | 25 | 250 | A bone found at The Howling Halls in a display case. | |
Pygmy Skull 00082419/0008241A |
3 | 0 | N/A | An extremely small skull of a supposed Pygmy. This oddity is in the museum before the quest begins. | |
Sheogorath-Shaped Amber 00078977/00079F50 |
1 | 10 | 300 | Randomly found (1% chance) in Hollowed Amber Limbs and Stumps. In appearance, it looks like a regular piece of amber. | |
Soul Tomato 00081E60/00081E62 |
0.5 | 250 | 350 | A tomato that works like a Grand Soul Gem, randomly found in containers. It is not edible. | |
Two-Headed Septim 00081E5E/00081E5F |
0 | 10 | 150 | A rare coin randomly found in containers. When you first find it, it is identified as a "Two-Headed Coin"; after you give it to the museum, it becomes a "Two-Headed Septim". This may be of use to people who decorate their houses, as this is one of the two "coins" you can place without the aid of mods. The other one is found on Marana Rian. |
Weapon and Armor MatricesEdit
There is a small percentage chance that you will find a matrix instead of amber/madness ore. These can be used to craft enchanted versions of the respective item.
AmberEdit |
MadnessEdit |
Name | Notes | |||
Decanter 00015605 |
0 | 0 | Not found in game. | |
Shambles Skull 0007FF64 |
3 | 1 | Found in houses, campsites, and quite frequently in Ruins. Strangely though, it can not be recovered from fallen Shambles. |
Fractured Humerus 00078457 |
2 | 0 | Five exist: in Fain; in Ebrocca, Descenia; in Ebrocca, Crematorium; in Jastira Nanus' (Dementia) House and in the wilderness cell (11,13). They look just like normal bones. |