Unique Jewelry are various accessories available in Skyrim that are generally found in fixed locations, unlike most of the equipment in the game, which are randomly generated or generic equipment (see Generic Magic Apparel).
Many of these items are quest rewards, although some of the most valuable quest rewards are listed at Leveled Items (unique items, but with level-dependent statistics) and Artifacts (unusually powerful unique items with unique appearances and enchantments). For unique items that are needed to complete quests, please see the Quest Items article. For other unique items in the game, see the Unique Items article. For a list of the rest of the available jewelry, see the jewelry category.
Amulet of BatsEdit
Unique Item: Amulet of Bats (xx0068ae)
Type | Amulet | |||
Added by | Dawnguard | |||
Editor ID | DLC1nVampireNightPowerNecklaceBats | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.5 | Value | 1000 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Amulet of Bats is an amulet retrieved as part of the Amulets of Night PowerDG quest. The silver-colored chain of the amulet is made of small bones and vertebra, connected to a pendant of a bat skull, with red gems in the eye sockets; as opposed to the bronze-colored chain and green gems of the other Amulet of Night Power, the Amulet of The Gargoyle. Its enchantment has no effect when you are in human form, but causes your Vampire Lord ability Bats to drain health from nearby enemies when it is used, in addition to its usual ability to allow you to dodge damage for two seconds.
For more information, see the Amulet of Bats article.
Amulet of The GargoyleEdit
Unique Item: Amulet of The Gargoyle (xx00f4d5)
Type | Amulet | |||
Added by | Dawnguard | |||
Editor ID | DLC1nVampireNightPowerNecklaceGargoyle | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.5 | Value | 1000 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Amulet of The Gargoyle is an amulet retrieved as part of the Amulets of Night PowerDG quest. The chain of the amulet is made of small bones and vertebra, with a small animal skull with green jewels covering its eye sockets serving as a pendant. Its enchantment has no effect when you are in human form, but causes your Vampire Lord ability Summon Gargoyle to summon two gargoyles instead of one.
For more information, see the Amulet of The Gargoyle article.
Charmed NecklaceEdit
Unique Item: Charmed Necklace (000c72e8) |
Type | Amulet | |||
Editor ID | WERJ06JewelryNecklaceGold | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.5 | Value | 790 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Charmed Necklace is an amulet that is carried by a Reveler who may be randomly encountered beside the road anywhere in Skyrim. In appearance, this amulet is identical to a gold necklace. The necklace's enchantment increases your carry weight by 25 points.
For more information, see the Charmed Necklace article.
The Gauldur AmuletEdit
Unique Item: The Gauldur Amulet (0002d773) (lore page) |
Type | Amulet | |||
Editor ID | dunGauldurAmulet | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0 | Value | 1864 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Gauldur Amulet was originally owned by the powerful wizard Archmage Gauldur during the First Era. His three sons Jyrik, Sigdis and Mikrul grew resentful of their father's power and murdered him in his sleep sometime during the reign of High King Harald (1E 143-1E 221). They divided his amulet between them and laid waste to the surrounding villages until the High King sent Archmage Geirmund and a company of battlemages to stop them.
After the three brothers were defeated, they were sealed away with the pieces of the amulet. The High King ordered that the whole affair be stricken from history, fearful of the terrible power of Gauldur's amulet, but the "Forbidden Legend" managed to live on through the ages. For more information, see the lore article.
For more information, see The Gauldur Amulet article.
Kyne's TokenEdit
Unique Item: Kyne's Token (00107e2d) |
Type | Amulet | |||
Editor ID | dunHunterRewardAmulet | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 1 | Value | 325 | |
Enchantment | ||||
Kyne's Token is an amulet worn by Froki Whetted-Blade. It can be obtained either as a reward for his quest, Kyne's Sacred Trials, or by killing or pickpocketing him. In appearance, this amulet is identical to an ancient Nord amulet. The token's enchantment reduces the damage you take from creatures (including Daedra, undead, etc) by 10%, while also increasing your bow damage by 5%.
For more information, see the Kyne's Token article.
Locket of Saint JiubEdit
Unique Item: Locket of Saint Jiub (xx018b91)
Type | Amulet (Light Armor) | |||
Added by | Dawnguard | |||
Editor ID | DLC1JiubNecklace | |||
Statistics | ||||
Rating | 5 | |||
Weight | 0.5 | Value | 2422 | |
Tempering | Not Possible | |||
Enchantment | ||||
The Locket of Saint Jiub is given to you by Jiub for completing the Soul Cairn quest Impatience of a SaintDG. It is unusual in that it is one of only two amulets in the game to provide an armor bonus, the other being the Amulet of Articulation.
For more information, see the Locket of Saint Jiub article.
Lynea's Amulet of DibellaEdit
Unique Item: Lynea's Amulet of Dibella (xx000C66)
Type | Amulet | |||
Added by | Fishing | |||
Editor ID | (?) | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 1 | Value | 475 | |
Enchantment | ||||
Lynea's Amulet of Dibella is a unique amulet given to you by Lynea for completing the quest Private LessonsCC. It increases your speechcraft by 15 points and your stamina by 40 points.
For more information, see the Lynea's Amulet of Dibella article.
Saarthal AmuletEdit
Unique Item: Saarthal Amulet (000233d0) |
Type | Amulet | |||
Editor ID | MG02Amulet | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.75 | Value | 184 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Saarthal Amulet is an amulet found in its eponymous location. In appearance, this amulet is identical to an ancient Nord amulet, though it weighs slightly less. It reduces the magicka cost of all spells by 3%.
For more information, see the Saarthal Amulet article.
Savos Aren's AmuletEdit
Unique Item: Savos Aren's Amulet (000f1b33) |
Type | Amulet | |||
Editor ID | MG05RewardAmulet | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 1 | Value | 818 | |
Enchantment | ||||
Savos Aren's Amulet is an amulet that is received from Mirabelle Ervine as a reward for the quest Containment. It once belonged to its eponymous owner, though he is never seen wearing it. In appearance, this amulet is identical to a silver sapphire necklace, though it weighs more. The amulet's enchantment increases your magicka by 50 points.
For more information, see the Savos Aren's Amulet article.
Skaal AmuletEdit
Unique Item: Skaal Amulet (xx039d4a)
Type | Amulet | ||
Added by | Dragonborn | ||
Editor ID | DLC2SkaalAmulet | ||
Statistics | |||
Weight | 0 | Value | 1000 |
The Skaal Amulet is a unique amulet worn by Frea. It was supposedly crafted by Frea herself to guard against the curse that is affecting the rest of the Skaal, which is mostly likely referring to the enthralled Skaal villagers at the nearby Wind Stone. The amulet has no enchantment or gameplay effect, however.
For more information, see the Skaal Amulet article.
Viriya's CharmEdit
Unique Item: Viriya's Charm (xx000F07)
Type | Amulet | |||
Added by | Fishing | |||
Editor ID | ccBGSSSE001_MudcrabAmulet | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.5 | Value | 944 | |
Enchantment | ||||
Viriya's Charm is a unique amulet obtained as a reward at the end of the quest End of the Line.
For more information, see the Viriya's Charm article.
Warlock's MarkEdit
Unique Item: Warlock's Mark (FExxx80F)
(lore page) |
Type | Amulet | |||
Added by | Arms of Chaos | |||
Editor ID | ccPEWSSE002_Necklace | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.5 | Value | 1304 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Warlock's Mark is a unique amulet. It is acquired through The Arms of Chaos quest.
For more information, see the Warlock's Mark article.
Yisra's NecklaceEdit
Unique Item: Yisra's Necklace (000d4ff7) |
Type | Amulet | ||
Editor ID | POIMageYisrasNecklace | ||
Statistics | |||
Weight | 0.5 | Value | 50 |
Yisra's Necklace is an amulet found on the charred corpse of its eponymous owner, a former College of Winterhold apprentice. Her body can be found in a circle of scorched earth east of Dawnstar, along the shore immediately south of Yngvild. In appearance, the necklace is identical to a silver necklace, though it is worth ten less gold. It does not possess an enchantment.
For more information, see the Yisra's Necklace article.
Circlet of WaterbreathingEdit
Unique Item: Circlet of Waterbreathing (000fc036)
Type | Circlet | |||
Added by | Dawnguard | |||
Editor ID | EnchCircletWaterbreathing | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 2 | Value | 150 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Circlet of Waterbreathing is a circlet that can be found in the hands of a Frozen Falmer Shaman at the northern end of the Inner SanctumDG. In appearance, this circlet is identical to a copper and onyx circlet. Its enchantment allows you to breathe underwater.
For more information, see the Circlet of Waterbreathing article.
Ahzidal's Ring of ArcanaEdit
Unique Item: Ahzidal's Ring of Arcana (xx01db9b)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Dragonborn | |||
Editor ID | DLC2dunKolbjornRingArcana | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 1435 | |
Enchantment | ||||
Ahzidal's Ring of Arcana is a ring that is part of a set of armor created by the legendary Nord enchanter Ahzidal. It can be found in Kolbjorn Barrow, after the third phase of digging is completed during Unearthed. The ring's appearance is identical to a gold diamond ring and also has the same weight. Its enchantment allows you to cast Ignite and Freeze. In addition, if you wear this ring along with three other relics of Ahzidal, you will receive a buff called Ahzidal's Genius that increases your Enchanting skill by ten points.
For more information, see the Ahzidal's Ring of Arcana article.
Ahzidal's Ring of NecromancyEdit
Unique Item: Ahzidal's Ring of Necromancy (xx01db9a)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Dragonborn | |||
Editor ID | DLC2dunKolbjornRingNecromancy | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 1110 | |
Enchantment | ||||
Ahzidal's Ring of Necromancy is a ring that is part of a set of armor created by the legendary Nord enchanter Ahzidal. It can be found in Kolbjorn Barrow, after the second phase of digging is completed during Unearthed. The ring's appearance is identical to a gold sapphire ring and also has the same weight. Its enchantment makes your reanimated explode for 50 points of frost damage. In addition, if you wear this ring along with three other relics of Ahzidal, you will receive a buff called Ahzidal's Genius that increases your Enchanting skill by ten points.
For more information, see the Ahzidal's Ring of Necromancy article.
The Bond of MatrimonyEdit
Unique Item: The Bond of Matrimony (000c5809) |
Type | Ring | |||
Editor ID | MarriageBondofMatrimony | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 496 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Bond of Matrimony is a ring that both you and your spouse will receive from Maramal after your marriage ceremony is complete. In appearance, this ring is identical to a gold ring. Its enchantment fortifies your Restoration skill by 10 points, decreasing the magicka cost of all Restoration spells.
For more information, see The Bond of Matrimony article.
Enchanted RingEdit
Unique Item: Enchanted Ring (0002584c) |
Type | Ring | |||
Editor ID | MG02Ring01 | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 207 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Enchanted Ring is a ring found in Saarthal, near where Arniel Gane is engrossed in his research. In appearance, this ring identical to a gold ring. Its enchantment increases your health by 20 points.
For more information, see the Enchanted Ring article.
Ilas-Tei's RingEdit
Unique Item: Ilas-Tei's Ring (000d5047) |
Type | Ring | ||
Editor ID | POIMageIlasTeisRing | ||
Statistics | |||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 40 |
Ilas-Tei's Ring is a ring found on the body of its eponymous owner, a former College of Winterhold apprentice. His body can be found next to a shrine of Talos between Ysgramor's Tomb and Septimus Signus's Outpost in Winterhold. In appearance, the ring is identical to a silver amethyst ring, though it is worth substantially less gold. It does not possess an enchantment.
For more information, see the Ilas-Tei's Ring article.
Muiri's RingEdit
Unique Item: Muiri's Ring (0006b218) |
Type | Ring | |||
Editor ID | DBMuiriRing | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 434 | |
Enchantment | ||||
Muiri's Ring is a ring that can be obtained from its eponymous owner as a reward for assassinating Nilsine Shatter-Shield during the quest Mourning Never Comes. In appearance, the ring is identical to a silver ring. Its enchantment fortifies alchemy by 15 points, making your created potions and poisons more powerful.
For more information, see the Muiri's Ring article.
Nightweaver's BandEdit
Unique Item: Nightweaver's Band (00068b83) |
Type | Ring | |||
Editor ID | DBNightweaversBand | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 1131 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Nightweaver's Band is a ring that can be obtained from Festus Krex as a reward for successfully hiding The Gourmet's body during the quest Recipe for Disaster. In appearance, the ring is identical to a silver amethyst ring. Its enchantment fortifies Sneak and Destruction by 10 points, making you harder to detect and decreasing the magicka cost of your Destruction spells, respectively.
For more information, see the Nightweaver's Band article.
Ring of BloodlustEdit
Unique Item: Ring of Bloodlust (xx0275b6)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Dragonborn | |||
Editor ID | DLC2dunFrostmoonRingBloodlust | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 1500 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Ring of Bloodlust is a ring that can be bought from Majni in Frostmoon Crag if you are a werewolf. Its appearance is identical to a silver ring, and also has the same weight. Its enchantment allows you to deal 50% more damage at the cost of taking 50% more damage in werewolf form. Multiple copies of these rings can be bought once Majni's merchant chest resets.
For more information, see the Ring of Bloodlust article.
Ring of DisrobingEdit
Unique Item: Ring of Disrobing (xx183E63)
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Saints & Seducers | |||
Editor ID | ccBGSSSE025_ClothesRingofDisrobing | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.2 | Value | 200 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Ring of Disrobing is a ring with an amber gem, retrieved from the corpse of the madman Thoron. Its special effect removes your chest slot armor automatically.
For more information, see the Ring of Disrobing article.
Ring of InstinctEdit
Unique Item: Ring of Instinct (xx0275b7)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Dragonborn | |||
Editor ID | DLC2dunFrostmoonRingInstinct | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 3000 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Ring of Instinct is a ring that can be bought from Majni in Frostmoon Crag if you are a werewolf. The ring's appearance is identical to a silver amethyst ring and also has the same weight. Its enchantment causes time to slow for 20 seconds when you enter your werewolf form. Multiple copies of these rings can be bought once Majni's merchant chest resets.
For more information, see the Ring of Instinct article.
Ring of KynarethEdit
Unique Item: Ring of Kynareth (xx0EA5CC)
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Fishing | |||
Editor ID | ccBGSSSE001_RingOfKynareth | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 320 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Ring of Kynareth is a unique ring. It can be found while fishing. If you wear the ring while fishing at temperate lakes and streams, it will trigger a rainstorm, which can be useful for catching certain types of fish. It can also be used to trigger the Fortify Barter buff from Turn of the SeasonsCC.
The ring is a rare quality junk item, which has a 3% chance (8% chance with the Dwarven Fishing Rod) of being caught when no fish is caught. See our Fishing activity page for more details.
For more information, see the Ring of Kynareth article.
Ring of MasserEdit
Unique Item: Ring of Masser (FExxx823)
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Alternative Armors - Daedric Mail | |||
Editor ID | ccBGSSSE051_Ring | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 5211 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Ring of Masser is a ring found on the body of Gunther Frost-Foot. It can be exchanged with Ma'dran for a set of Daedric mail armor, or kept for personal use. It is a Khajiiti artifact. Its appearance is identical to a generic silver ruby ring. The Ring of Masser cannot be disenchanted.
For more information, see the Ring of Masser article.
Ring of The BeastEdit
Unique Item: Ring of The Beast (xx00e7fd)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Dawnguard | |||
Editor ID | DLC1nVampireBloodMagicRingBeast | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 1927 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Ring of The Beast is a ring retrieved as part of the Rings of Blood MagicDG quest. The ring is made of three bands of bone, with two orange jewels set into it. Its enchantment gives you 100 more health and causes your unarmed attacks to deal 20 more damage. Unlike most other rings, its bonuses will still apply when you are in Vampire Lord form.
For more information, see the Ring of The Beast article.
Ring of the EruditeEdit
Unique Item: Ring of the Erudite (xx00e7fe)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Dawnguard | |||
Editor ID | DLC1nVampireBloodMagicRingErudite | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 1803 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Ring of the Erudite is a ring retrieved as part of the Rings of Blood MagicDG quest. The ring is made of three bands of bone, with two green jewels set into it. Its enchantment gives you 100 more magicka and causes you to regenerate magicka faster. Unlike most other rings, its bonuses will still apply when you are in Vampire Lord form.
For more information, see the Ring of the Erudite article.
Ring of the HuntEdit
Unique Item: Ring of the Hunt (xx0275b9)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Dragonborn | |||
Editor ID | DLC2dunFrostmoonRingHunt | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 3500 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Ring of the Hunt is a ring that can be bought from Majni in Frostmoon Crag if you are a werewolf. Its appearance is identical to a silver ruby ring, and also has the same weight. Its enchantment allows you to regenerate health in werewolf form. Multiple copies of these rings can be bought once Majni's merchant chest resets.
For more information, see the Ring of the Hunt article.
Ring of the MoonEdit
Unique Item: Ring of the Moon (xx0275b8)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Dragonborn | |||
Editor ID | DLC2dunFrostmoonRingMoon | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 2250 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Ring of the Moon is a ring that can be bought from Majni in Frostmoon Crag if you are a werewolf. The ring's appearance is identical to a silver garnet ring and also has the same weight. Its enchantment increases the duration of your werewolf howls by 25%. Multiple copies of this ring can be bought once Majni's merchant chest resets.
For more information, see the Ring of the Moon article.
Silver-Blood Family RingEdit
Unique Item: Silver-Blood Family Ring (00024cff) |
Type | Ring | |||
Editor ID | MS02SilverBloodRing | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 772 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Silver-Blood Family Ring is a ring that will be given to you by Thonar Silver-Blood if you killed Madanach during your escape from Cidhna Mine. Befitting the background of its former owners, its appearance is identical to a silver ring. Its enchantment improves weapon and armor smithing by 15%.
For more information, see the Silver-Blood Family Ring article.
Sovereign BandEdit
Unique Item: Sovereign Band (FExxx813)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Arms of Chaos | |||
Editor ID | ccPEWSSE002_Ring | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 943 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Sovereign Band is a unique ring. It is acquired through The Arms of Chaos quest.
For more information, see the Sovereign Band article.
Vittoria's Wedding BandEdit
Unique Item: Vittoria's Wedding Band (000f5a1c) |
Type | Ring | ||
Editor ID | DBWeddingRing1 | ||
Statistics | |||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 100 |
Vittoria's Wedding Band is the wedding ring of Vittoria Vici, worn during her wedding reception. Unfortunately, you will be attending the wedding reception to kill Vittoria, and so will likely be taking the ring off her dead body, though it can also be pickpocketed from her if you have the Perfect Touch perk. This ring is identical in appearance to a gold ring and does not possess an enchantment.
For more information, see the Vittoria's Wedding Band article.
Warlock's RingEdit
Unique Item: Warlock's Ring (xx000B2A)
(lore page) |
Type | Ring | |||
Added by | Fishing | |||
Editor ID | ccBGSSSE001_ArtifactRingWarlock | |||
Statistics | ||||
Weight | 0.25 | Value | 1392 | |
Enchantment | ||||
The Warlock's Ring is a unique ring. You will need to fish it up from a fishing spot east of Morthal during the quest No ContestCC.
For more information, see the Warlock's Ring article.