Tamriel Data:Heavy Armor
< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Data: Armor(Redirected from Tamriel Data:Daedric Left Gauntlet)These are all of the non-unique heavy armors added by Tamriel Data. For heavy armor artifacts, see Armor Artifacts.
Unenchanted Heavy ArmorEdit
Heavy CuirassesEdit
Heavy HelmetsEdit
Heavy PauldronsEdit
Heavy GreavesEdit
Heavy BootsEdit
Heavy Gauntlets/BracersEdit
Heavy ShieldsEdit
Enchanted Heavy ArmorEdit
Heavy CuirassesEdit
Name | Base Item | Enchantment | Charge/ Cost=Uses |
Cuirass of Dusk and the Dawn T_Com_Steel_Cuirass_DuskDawn |
Steel Cuirass | 30 | 800 | 450 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
225/45 = 5 | |
Cuirass of Final Virtue T_Com_Steel_Cuirass_FinalVirtue |
Steel Cuirass | 30 | 800 | 450 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
450/90 = 5 | |
Cuirass of Steelhearth T_Com_Steel_Cuirass_Steelhearth |
Steel Cuirass | 30 | 800 | 450 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
N/A | |
Cuirass of Steelhearth T_Nor_Steel_Cuirass_SteelHearth |
Nord Steel Cuirass | 30 | 800 | 500 | 25 |
Cast When Used |
Cuirass of the Outermost Wastes T_Com_Steel_Cuirass_Outermost |
Steel Cuirass | 30 | 800 | 450 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
405/81 = 5 | |
Cuirass of the Scaly Pelt T_Com_Steel_Cuirass_ScalyPelt |
Steel Cuirass | 30 | 800 | 450 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
225/45 = 5 | |
Wintery Breastplate T_Nor_Iron_Cuirass_Wintery |
Nordic Iron Cuirass | 35 | 280 | 480 | 16 |
Cast When Used |
150/30 = 5 |
Heavy HelmetsEdit
Name | Base Item | Enchantment | Charge/ Cost=Uses |
Helm of Precipitous Revelation T_Com_Steel_Helm_Preciptious |
Steel Helm | 5 | 300 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
255/51 = 5 | |
Helm of the Tongue of the Wyrm T_Com_Steel_Helm_TongueWyrm |
Steel Helm | 5 | 300 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
190/38 = 5 | |
Helmet of Despair T_Com_Steel_Helm_Despair |
Steel Helm | 5 | 300 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
750/150 = 5 | |
Helmet of the Winding Road T_Com_Steel_Helm_WindingRoad |
Steel Helm | 5 | 300 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
115/23 = 5 | |
Masque of Purity T_Dwe_UNI_MaskOfPurity |
Dwemer Helm | 5 | 535 | 200 | 20 |
Constant Effect |
Infinite |
Heavy PauldronsEdit
Name | Base Item | Enchantment | Charge/ Cost=Uses |
L Pauldron Monkey Apprehension T_Com_Steel_PauldronL_MonkeyApp |
Steel Pauldrons | 10 | 600 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
130/26= 5 | |
L Pauldron of Mischievous Hand T_Com_Steel_PauldronL_MisHand |
Steel Pauldrons | 10 | 600 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
825/165 = 5 | |
L Pauldron of Winter's Winds T_Com_Steel_PauldronL_WinterWin |
Steel Pauldrons | 10 | 600 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
825/165 = 5 | |
Left Pauldron of Sacred Honor T_Com_Steel_PauldronL_Sacred |
Steel Pauldrons | 10 | 600 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
375/75 = 5 | |
R Pauldron Monkey Apprehension T_Com_Steel_PauldronR_MonkeyApp |
Steel Pauldrons | 10 | 600 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
130/26= 5 | |
R Pauldron of Mischievous Hand T_Com_Steel_PauldronR_MisHand |
Steel Pauldrons | 10 | 600 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
825/165 = 5 | |
R Pauldron of Winter's Winds T_Com_Steel_PauldronR_WinterWin |
Steel Pauldrons | 10 | 600 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
825/165 = 5 | |
Right Pauldron of Sacred Honor T_Com_Steel_PauldronR_Sacred |
Steel Pauldrons | 10 | 600 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
375/75 = 5 |
Heavy GreavesEdit
Name | Base Item | Enchantment | Charge/ Cost=Uses |
Greaves of the Biting Pains T_Com_Steel_Greaves_BitingPains |
Steel Greaves | 18 | 550 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
190/38 = 5 | |
Greaves of Kings T_Com_Steel_Greaves_Kings |
Steel Greaves | 18 | 550 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
675/135 = 5 | |
Greaves of Stamp of the Toad T_Com_Steel_Greaves_StampToad |
Steel Greaves | 18 | 550 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
240/48 = 5 | |
Greaves of Unrequited Intent T_Com_Steel_Greaves_Unrequited |
Steel Greaves | 18 | 550 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
225/45 = 5 | |
Troll's Vigor T_Nor_Trollbone_Greaves_Vigor |
Nordic Trollbone Greaves | 24 | 260 | 180 | 18 |
Cast When Used |
85/17 = 5 |
Heavy BootsEdit
Name | Base Item | Enchantment | Charge/ Cost=Uses |
Boots of Consuming Indwelling T_Com_Steel_Boots_Consuming |
Steel Boots | 20 | 640 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
825/165 = 5 | |
Boots of Exquisite Perfection T_Com_Steel_Boots_Perfection |
Steel Boots | 20 | 640 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
525/105 = 5 | |
Boots of Glacial Hue T_Com_Steel_Boots_Glacial |
Steel Boots | 20 | 640 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
280/56 = 5 | |
Boots of Mountain's Leap T_Nor_Iron_Boots_Leap |
Nordic Iron Boots | 20.6 | 300 | 100 | 16 |
Cast When Used |
45/15 = 3 | |
Boots of the Creeping Things T_Com_Steel_Boots_Creeping |
Steel Boots | 20 | 640 | 150 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
280/56 = 5 |
Heavy Gauntlets/BracersEdit
Name | Base Item | Enchantment | Charge/ Cost=Uses |
L Gauntlet of Expectant Wonder T_Com_Steel_GauntletL_Wonder |
Steel Gauntlets | 5 | 150 | 75 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
285/57 = 5 | |
L Gauntlet of the Rain of Fire T_Com_Steel_GauntletL_RainFire |
Steel Gauntlets | 5 | 150 | 75 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
130/26 = 5 | |
L Gauntlet of the Summer's Day T_Com_Steel_GauntletL_Summer |
Steel Gauntlets | 5 | 150 | 75 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
225/45 = 5 | |
Left Gauntlet of Scathing T_Com_Steel_GauntletL_Scathing |
Steel Gauntlets | 5 | 150 | 75 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
165/33 = 5 | |
Blacksmith's Left Hand T_Imp_UNI_BlacksmithsHandL |
Imperial Steel Left Gauntlet | 5 | 90 | 90 | 16 |
Cast When Used |
105/21 = 5 | |
Blacksmith's Right Hand T_Imp_UNI_BlacksmithsHandR |
Imperial Steel Right Gauntlet | 5 | 75 | 90 | 16 |
Cast When Used |
120/24 = 5 | |
R Gauntlet of Expectant Wonder T_Com_Steel_GauntletR_Wonder |
Steel Gauntlets | 5 | 150 | 75 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
285/57 = 5 | |
R Gauntlet of the Rain of Fire T_Com_Steel_GauntletR_RainFire |
Steel Gauntlets | 5 | 150 | 75 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
130/26 = 5 | |
R Gauntlet of the Summer's Day T_Com_Steel_GauntletR_Summer |
Steel Gauntlets | 5 | 150 | 75 | 15 |
Resist Fire 10% for 30 secs on Touch |
225/45 = 5 | |
Right Gauntlet of Scathing T_Com_Steel_GauntletR_Scathing |
Steel Gauntlets | 5 | 150 | 75 | 15 |
Cast When Used |
225/45 = 5 |