Ptaiaa Correspondence |
Number |
Receiver |
Message |
1 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Hello, fellow soldier. I am called Ptaiaa Dövi-Taal, and I will be assisting you with your acquisition of ore. Inside of every package will be this note, logging the amount acquired and the location of which it was obtained. If you have any questions as to the quality of your goods, feel free to reach out to Razum-dar and tell him of your concerns. I am sure he will be obliged to listen. |
2 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
It was nice meeting you, albeit briefly, in my passage through Alinor. You were relatively shocked to see that I was Argonian, not Bosmer, when I introduced myself. Many people— Man, Mer, and Beast— are shocked to hear my name, as its language origins are neither Jel nor Tamrielic. It is because I was born in Greenshade, and raised primarily amongst the Bosmer of the Woods. |
3 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Another fresh cache of ores, this time from the beautiful fields of Reaper's March. I've stumbled upon a few Moonstone veins as well, and thought it would be a nice addition to your typical cache. It is a very prestigious material for the Dominion, especially the Altmer and Khajiit. I am curious if you know how to work the metal— I've heard that it melts easily, and takes skill to make a durable alloy with it. |
4 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
I've come across an esteemed Khajiiti elder who goes by the name Dra'nube. She told me how much of a troublemaker you were as a youth— I assume she had a hand in your rearing. Are you familiar with claw-dances? Dra'nube is very well-versed in Ziz Kurah, and mentioned that you became a Dominion soldier due to her influence. These ores were specifically chosen by her: she wants you to make her new blades. |
5 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
You're curious how an Argonian like I knows so much about Khajiit? When I first enrolled in the Dominion as a youth, I was stationed in Khenarthi's Roost to survey the area for my superiors. The place is very gorgeous, although it is small. It has a Skooma problem, which is why I was stationed, but I learned that this was done out of necessity— not only was it profitable, it provided temporary relief to those suffering. |
6 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Back to Skooma— no, I do not believe that Moon Sugar is only used for it. Every narcotic is a hyper-concentration of relatively-safe materials. That being said, heavy regulations on the growth of Moon Sugar-cane seem to be in the interests of Mer, not Khajiit: I wonder why that is? I apologize if you do not want to hear my ramblings. Attached is a very nice cache of ore, retrieved from Khenarthi's Roost itself. |
7 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
I see you enjoy stories about my journeys, so I will continue them. Did you know that Khenarti's Roost was once overwhelmed by Sea Elves, due to their broken alliance with the Khajiit? Dominion forces were rushed in to defend the little hostel; since I was stationed there, I was one of the first responders. These Mer may have a strong affinity to water, but their magic works poorly against a master Argonian swimmer. |
8 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
It is relatively interesting that the forces behind the Dominion care so greatly about their alliance with the Khajiit— so much so, that they will condemn other Mer that dare to threaten them. I am not saying that any Tamrielic race should be scrutinized on innate factors. I just find it interesting that, what with all of the elitism that Mer tend to have amongst their own kind, that they will ostracize a whole group for a non-Mer. |
9 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
I decided to stop by Khenarthi's Roost, for old time's sake. It is still as beautiful as it was when I first left it, and has recovered very well from the Maormer threat. In its place, however, large colonies of Thunderbugs have infested the areas where raiders once held refuge in. It did mean that I had more difficulty procuring ore for you, but the amount of scuttle I've gathered in my territorial battle with them was well worth it. |
10 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Today I have learned about the birth cycle of your people— namely, how the moons' phases dictate your appearance at birth. Is that why you call your Senche-Lion kin, or are Senche-Cats a different species entirely? If I unintentionally offend, I apologize— I saw Senche roaming around as I gathered, which caused me to relay this information. I have obtained a good cache of ore from the mountains of Valenwood for you. |
15 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
An assassination attempt on the Queen has been thwarted, and the perpetrators have been revealed. The Altmeri nationals— nay, it would be more fitting to call them terrorists— are very persistent. I am not naïve to believe that they would vanish after their leader was disposed of, but it seems as though these Mer do not approve of Beastkin like you and I, and will stop at nothing to wrest control of the lands. |
18 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
It was very nice of you to invite me out for a casual stroll in Sil-Var-Woad. It brings this Argonian great joy to know that you are content with my services. It has not felt like a few years have passed, but that is to be expected when you keep yourself occupied with alliance responsibilities. I would have loved to have stayed longer than I did, but the Altmer of Summerset rub me the wrong way. |
19 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
The Queen has finally accepted my request of housing. After so many years of living amongst the Bosmer of the Woods, I can finally call a piece of it my own. Before I set off for my duties, I would like to invite you over, in a very small house-warming event. Dra'nube will be there as well, so I would suggest you come unless you want the Khajiit to gnaw your ear off about not doing so. |
20 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Have you heard of Coldharbour, Silver-Moons? It is said to be the place where the eternally-damned rest. I hear whispers of such a place in the most populated cities across Tamriel. I was given a tip that the Worm Cult is involved in the overwhelming outcrops of Dark Anchors— against my better judgment, I am going to look into it. Before I do so, however: your ores. |
There is an absence of letters in between these two. It is unknown if it is due to the interception of Molag Bal, likely keeping the other Daedra from accessing his secrets, or if the messages ceased altogether. As these accounts are not properly dated, it is to be assumed that the space in between them is at least a quarter-year, if not more. |
21 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Very recently, the Dominion stationed me in Bleakrock, as they were given a tip by an informant about Covenant invasion of this Pact territory. Since I am one of the only Argonian members of the Dominion, I was sent over— likely because I am respected and trusted amongst their ranks. It is very cold here, so I am afraid that I will not be able to stay long. I did get you some ores from the mountains, however. |
22 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Apologies for the late delivery. The Covenant has wrested control of the Foyen docks, and I have kept myself busy in helping out the citizens as I await orders from the Dominion. I will soon arrive in Davon's Watch. Being out on sea does not bother me, unless I am writing— this is why I have decided to write this before taking off, and will have your parcel sent to your location as soon as possible. |
23 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Upon my arrival in Stonefalls, from harboring in Bal Foyen, I ended up meeting with an Argonian who bears no alliances. She calls herself Sees-All-Colors, and runs the Fighters Guild after the unfortunate death of her mentor. It was refreshing to see another Argonian bring me in, despite the colors I bear. Since my superiors haven't called upon me yet, I might as well assist the Guild— and bring you more ore, of course. |
24 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Spending many moons in the presence of the Fighters Guild has made me realize that people are bound to prejudices, even if they swear no allegiances to any Empire. Normal guild activities have ceased, as they undergo an investigation about the former guildmaster's death. This investigation, however, seems premeditated by a long-loyal member of the Guild. I will see to it that Sees-All-Colors is justly tried. |
25 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
It was found that the "loyal" guildmember was actually part of a Daedra-worshipping cult. I may never know why Sees-All-Colors murdered the former guildmaster, but I know that the one who conspired against Colors had no respect for the dead. I find her actions more reprehensible than the Argonian's. I wonder if the old guildmaster was murdered accidentally, through the workings of an unforeseen force? |
26 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Why is it that I am still sending you ores, despite desperately trying to find out where I belong? Is it because we have become great friends, Silver-Moons? Do I see you as family— do you see the same? We may not share scales or fur, but we hold a great deal of comradery. I think it is because you acknowledge my eccentricities, and think it similar to your own. Doubly measure the ore— I think I made a mathematical error. |
27 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
How did you like my gift? Dra'nube suggested I deliver it in that manner, to better surprise you. She said that it would bring you happiness. It may be a Khajiiti thing that I do not understand, but I respect it all the same. You and your partner are always welcome in my home, M'aliq. I have sent more precious ores as well, by his suggestion— keep your claws sharp while you learn jewelry-making; don't let it intimidate you. |
31 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
The Pact territories are absolutely rife with cultists, M'aliq. Miasmic plagues spread, Anchors drop from the sky, and spectres attack whomever makes a passing glance. Is this why the Dominion wants full control of the lands: to bring order to them? Would they even want to do so? Deshaan is full of Mer, so one would think that they'd love to. These Mer are different from what I've seen before, though. |
35 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
I feel as though I have made a grave mistake, M'aliq: today I have witnessed the Dominion's disastrous actions in Shadowfen, a land similar to my ancestral home. The Hist was harmed, and although the Argonians around them wavered, I was relatively unaffected. I was able to disguise myself as a Keeper, and saved a clutch, but I am left confused, and scared for my life. Sorry for the low supply of ore this time. |
36 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
The Dominion wants to rob my people of their Mnemic Egg! Mer like to tout their age amongst the other folk of Tamriel, but the Hist has transcended their narrow concepts of time. Is this why they wish to steal a Hist of their own? For experiments? I need some time away from this... alliance before I triply shed skin. This parcel is packed to the brim— handle it with great care. |
37 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Now I understand why I feel a disconnect from our shared home, M'aliq. As more Dominion soldiers overstep boundaries, more Saxhleel lives are ruined or destroyed. I have found an Argonian like me, though: his name is Ja-Reet, and was born away from the Hist like I was. He was trying to repair the disconnect, but the invasion temporarily broke him. I think I know what I need to do next— ores will be late next parcel. |
38 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
I received a warning by my superiors of my sabotage in Shadowfen, so my focus here shall be strictly business from now on. I have to look the other way if I see the Dominion harrassing my people any further, which is detestable... but I can at least look into the non-Dominion qualms that they have. I need to show the Hist that I am no foe. I also need to show you a better shipment of ore next time. |
39 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
I have seen a vision of my inner spirit, who speaks of a name I am unfamiliar with. Something tells me this aspect is Daedric in origin, but it feels hard to dismiss in such a simplistic way. The serpent mentioned the Shadowscales... they are an assassination sect, are they not? All of this new information is... overwhelming. I managed to gather up some ores for you, nevertheless. |
40 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Leaving the lands of Mer for the lands of my people has left me fairly disinterested in what Mer society has to offer. Yes, Khajiit hold ranks in the Dominion, but have you really looked into the mission statement? To restore the peace of the land under Elven rule? Mer may have the years of experience, but we have the determination and will to learn. Take these ores and make armor with them, not blades. |
41 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Scouting the area of Shadowfen is waning my trust of the Dominion, so I have been granted permission to return home for a while. The concerns of the Bosmer have a narrower scope, and my Brackenleaf connection grants me a better understanding of the ails of the Valenwood. My identity as an Argonian is struggling, but the simplicity of my old life is comforting. May these ores bring you solace, M'aliq. |
42 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Further insight has left me relatively paranoid. Being a Snake, I have been humbled by my experience around Tigers. I do not know if Khajiit become Briars, as it is more of a Bosmer thing, so it is largely metaphorical. Snakes are prey to Tigers, M'aliq, if you didn't know. The attacks of the Dominion on Shadowfen make that painfully obvious. I do not fear you, however— that is why I've given you a bounty of ore. |
43 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Do you believe in the power of spirits, M'aliq? Since being reconnected to the Hist, I've felt very strongly about them, in all walks of life. The Snake's solitude and cunning is delightful to have, but I can't help but admire The Wolf for its comradery in numbers. Wolves... hold power over Tigers, because of their strength in numbers. Would it be foolish if I were to observe them? |
44 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
I have never been one to take something this literally. My surveys have brought me to The Rift, a land rife with Werewolves when the moons are silver. It might have been foolish, but during the night I observed them by the riverbend. You cannot shame me for my curiosity, right M'aliq? I ended up taking a tumble, and had to defend myself against them. I think I may have been stricken... but the ores that I give are safe. |
45 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Being rough leads to splintered paws, M'aliq. I thought that the choice I have made would have been wise, but this Argonian tucks their tail in shame. I have swam in murkier waters before, but it was always for the strength of the Dominion, not myself. My selfishness will catch up to me soon, I fear. Nevertheless, I bring you my wares. The ores this time are very unrefined— I apologize for this. |
46 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
Rumours circle about that the Mages Guild wants to establish a truce with all the Alliances to fight a greater force. Knowing the Dominion, I highly doubt that they could do such a thing, especially after seeing what they've been doing in Pact territories. The Fighters Guild is involved with this as well, but judging what happened with them some odd years ago, I don't think it will be successful. We shall see. |
47 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
As I age, my scales dull, and my shed is less clean. I wonder if this is normal for Argonians, or if the stress of terrible knowledge is weakening me. I used to be so strong, M'aliq— nay, I still am, especially with Hircine's terrible blessing coursing through me— but all of this unjustness with the Dominion is taking a toll on my soul. I wish I could have gotten you more ore, but I have to leave for Shadowfen to commune with the Hist. |
48 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
I've felt a bit more focused, now that I've talked with the Hist. My concerns have been validated, and I have been told that the Dominion takes because it feels like it should. The casualties of my people are sad, but they get to return to the Hist and begin anew. I find the thought beautiful— though I cannot forgive the Dominion for what it's done. I found a very nice batch of Tempers this time. Use them well. |
49 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
The thoughts of my people having their lives wasted by the Dominion sickens me, and I cannot allow this to fester within me any longer. I will have my audience with the Queen, and she will listen to what I have to say. If I am stripped of my title, so be it— if I lose my home alongside it, promise me you will try to get it back. Here are some ores, as per usual— do not expect my next parcel to bring you good news. |
50 |
M'aliq Silver-Moons |
So there we have it, M'aliq: I'm ousted from the Dominion. You did not need to stand by me and shame yourself in the process, I would have handled it well on my own. Are you going to stay with them, despite all that you've learned that day? If so, I do not shame you; I need to return to my people, and you need to remain with yours. This may be my last parcel to you— tell Dra'nube that I will miss her, too. |
This is where all correspondence between the Khajiit and his Argonian friend cease. It is hypothesized that they may have ceased direct communications, as to not have the Dominion nor Pact notified of cross-Alliance conspirations. They were able to keep their home, surprisingly enough, so it is a plausible-enough guess. |
51 |
Naevius Indoril |
Good morrow to you, sera. I was referred to you for work as I arrived in Deshaan. I am Ptaiaa Dövi-Taal, recently transferred into the Pact from the Dominion. Inside of every package will be this note, logging the amount acquired and the location of which it was obtained. If you have any specific requests, I'll be more than obliged to make them. I hope to be of good service to you. |
101 |
Nuvensha gro-Bal the Dawn |
I hope this letter finds you well! I recently stopped by the Antiquarian's Office for enrollment into their artefact-hunting program, and saw your inquiry on the wall. I go by Ptaiaa Dövi-Taal. Inside of every package will be this note, logging the amount acquired and the location of which it was obtained. I am fairly new to artefact-hunting, so I hope to provide you with the best runes that I can find. |