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Tamriel Rebuilt:Cap'n Fentus

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Cap'n Fentus (TR_m3_Capn Fentus)
(TR_m3_Capn Fentus2)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location The Empress Katariah
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 17 Class Rogue
Other Information
Health 144 Magicka 106
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Thieves Guild 8(Mastermind)
Cap'n Fentus

Cap'n Fentus is an Imperial rogue and a Mastermind in the Thieves Guild. He leads the Old Ebonheart branch of the Thieves Guild and can be found at The Empress Katariah tavern. A former sailor, he retains some friends in the Imperial Navy and dreams about retiring at sea.

He wears a common shirt, common pants, and a pair of heavy leather boots. He wields an iron saber in combat.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.

Related QuestsEdit

Thieves GuildEdit


  • Greetings:
"Ahoy there, lad. I'm Cap'n Fentus and this merry gathering of people be my crew. Are you fixing to join the Thieves Guild?"
"Ahoy there, lassie. I'm Cap'n Fentus and this merry gathering of people be my crew. Are you fixing to join the Thieves Guild?"
"Aye, lad? What may I do for you?"
"Aye, lassie? What may I do for you?"
(If Disposition < 30):
"You ought to be marooned, scoundrel."
(If you are a member of the Thieves Guild):
"Ahoy there, lad. I'm Cap'n Fentus and this merry gathering of people be my crew. Welcome aboard! I've got some jobs to offer you."
"Ahoy there, lassie. I'm Cap'n Fentus and this merry gathering of people be my crew. Welcome aboard! I've got some jobs to offer you."
(Before and after completing Wry-Eye Moranie's quest 'Facing Eviction'):
"I don't have any jobs to offer right now. Talk to Wry-Eye Moranie. She's got something for you. Something urgent."
(If Wry-Eye Moranie is dead):
"Moranie's dead, you scoundrel."
"Done helping Wry-Eye Moranie, eh? Ready for new jobs are you?"
(If Medemilian Rane is dead):
"I hear you killed a member of Delagia's gang. That wasn't the smartest thing to do. I might have a couple of jobs for you, %PCName, but don't expect to be working here for long. We don't like killers."
(If Otrebus Delagia is dead):
"I hear you killed Otrebus Delagia. That wasn't the smartest thing to do. I might have a couple of jobs for you, %PCName, but don't expect to be working here for long. We don't like killers."
(After completing Wry-Eye Moranie's quest 'Infiltrating the Gang')
"You did well ending the gang war without bloodshed, %PCName. You proved your worth once again! Are you looking for more jobs?"
"Otrebus Delagia was an unhanged bastard who had it coming, yes, but I do wonder if the gang war could have been ended without bloodshed... Well, what's done is done. Are you looking for more jobs?"
(After completing all of his and Wry-Eye Moranie's quests):
"We have no more jobs for you, %PCName. But you're welcome here nonetheless."
"We have no more jobs for you, %PCName..."
(If you got arrested during 'Infiltrating the Gang'):
"This isn't the sort of retirement I had in mind... I have no more jobs for you."
(If any of the following people are dead):
"You killed Naamalvu, you cur! Get the hell out of here, before I skewer you with my cutlass." (Disposition -30, Fight +30)
"You killed Yggulf, you cur! Get the hell out of here, before I skewer you with my cutlass." (Disposition -30, Fight +30)
"You killed Moranie, you cur! Get the hell out of here, before I skewer you with my cutlass." (Disposition -30, Fight +30)
"You killed Three-Scales, you cur! Get the hell out of here, before I skewer you with my cutlass." (Disposition -30, Fight +30)
"You'll find him in Ald'ruhn. Likely at the Rat in the Pot."
  • Background:
"I'm %Name, a retired sailor of the Imperial Navy."
(If you are a member of the Thieves Guild):
"%Name, at your service. I'm in the Guild."
"Go to Sadrith Mora. You'll find Big Helende at Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub. It's quite a place."
  • Cap'n Fentus:
"That's me, lad. What is it?"
"That's me, lass. What is it?"
  • Delagia's gang:
"They operate in small business loans and murder. It's no secret that we're not friendly with them."
"You'll find her in the basement of the Howling Noose tavern in Firewatch."
"Look for him in Vivec. You'll find him in the basement of Simine Fralinie's bookstore in the Foreign Quarter."
"He's got a cover job in Almas Thirr. Look for him at the Limping Scrib tavern."
  • House Raathim:
"This city was the ancestral home of House Raathim, you know, that old Dark Elven noble house. And let's just say that some folks have gotten it into their heads that there still might be someone left in Old Ebonheart who has Raathim blood in their veins. A lost daughter of House Raathim, they whisper. Now wouldn't that be something? Ha ha!"
  • jobs:
"Well then, laddie, I think we ought to test your sea legs, so to speak. See what you can bring to this crew of mine. Now then... Have you ever heard of the Eye of Argonia?"
"Well then, lassie, I think we ought to test your sea legs, so to speak. See what you can bring to this crew of mine. Now then... Have you ever heard of the Eye of Argonia?"
"Well, since you already are a %PCRank of the Guild, I reckon your first job here should be a prize worthy of your station. Say, have you ever heard of the Eye of Argonia?"
"This time the job's for real. I need you to steal me a copy of Dwemer airship plans. I need them for a project of mine."
"Wry-Eye Moranie wants to talk to you. She says it's urgent."
"I need you to find Sharai-Saldro's Astrography... before Antio Florane does."
"You know the old saying: when the Nord's away, the thieves will play... Hhontjulf Fire-Mane is out of town, which means his house is ripe for burglary!"
"Do you feel like crashing a fancy dinner party and stealing from the filthy rich? I want you to steal a deed to a sailboat."
"I want you to be more experienced for the next job. Come back when you reach the rank of Operative. You may check with Fitz-Fitz in Firewatch, Shei in Andothren or Gordol the Scrivener in Almas Thirr if you're looking for work."
"I've learned that a Nibenese silk merchant is coming to town. That means there's silk-thieving to be done."
"Antio Florane has gone missing. I think he might be in the ruins of Chunzefk."
"It's anchored in the docks. A three-masted warship with the Navy's sea dragon symbol on its sails. You can't miss it."
  • Shei:
"I heard she was put in charge of restoring the Thieves Guild chapter in Andothren."
"You can find her in Balmora, at the South Wall Cornerclub."
"I don't know much about that town, to be perfectly honest with you, lad. You're better off asking Moranie that question."
"I don't know much about that town, to be perfectly honest with you, lassie. You're better off asking Moranie that question."
  • Wry-Eye Moranie:
"Moranie's my left hand. She might come off as a little dour, but don't let that faze you -- it's not your fault. She's always like that."
(After completing Wry-Eye Moranie's quest 'Facing Eviction'):
"Nelara called Moranie "her highness", eh? Ha ha ha! I bet this is about those old stories concerning House Raathim. The smallfolk sure aren't lacking in imagination."

Thieves Guild: The Eye of ArgoniaEdit

  • Greetings:
"Do you have the Eye of Argonia, %PCName? Remember that the secret Navy code word is 'scurvy mudcrab'."
(If Ephaie Calicca is dead):
"You murdered my friend, you cur! Get the hell out of here, before I skewer you with my cutlass." (Disposition -30, Fight +10)
  • Eye of Argonia:
"It is a legendary gem of immense value. And an elusive gem at that. Always going missing, always appearing in the most unexpected of places. My sources tell me that the Eye has now found its way onboard the Imperial warship Princess Morgiah docked here in the city. It has been given to an officer of the Navy, Ephaie Calicca, for safekeeping, with orders not to surrender the gem to anyone unless they know the secret code word. Luckily, I happen to know it. The code word is 'scurvy mudcrab'."
  • Continue:
"I want you to get onboard the warship, find Ephaie Calicca and get that gem from her. Convince her that you're a special courier or an agent working for the Navy. Remember, the code word is 'scurvy mudcrab'. Don't say or do anything that would blow your cover!"
"Come back when you've got the gem from Ephaie Calicca. Remember... don't talk about the Eye of Argonia. Only use the code word: scurvy mudcrab. Good luck, %PCRank."
(If you didn't tell Ephaie Calicca Cap'n Fentus' name):
"Surely you must've realized by now that there were no legendary artifacts on the ship. This was all a test of character. Ephaie Calicca is an old friend of mine from my Navy days. We go way back. I told her to shake you a little. To see how you'd react... to see if you could be trusted. From what I hear, you really proved yourself. Even under intense interrogation you didn't betray the Guild. Impressive. I have no reward for you, but allow me to shake your hand! I'm proud to have you on my crew, %PCName." (Disposition +10, Thieves Guild Reputation +5)
  • Continue:
"From here on out the jobs I have for you won't be wild-goose chases, I promise. I wouldn't try to fool you twice."
"You proved your trustworthiness to me, %PCName. That was the reason behind the job. But if you ever happen to find the real Eye of Argonia, do let me know."
(If you told Ephaie Calicca Cap'n Fentus' name):
"Surely you must've realized by now that there were no legendary artifacts on the ship. This was all a test of character. Ephaie Calicca is an old friend of mine from my Navy days. We go way back. I told her to shake you a little... to see if you could be trusted. I hear you gave her my name. Being interrogated in the brig of a warship is scary, but I expected more of you. A thief never betrays a fellow thief. Here's 30 septims for your trouble -- whether it's enough to buy your loyalty remains to be seen." (Disposition -5, Thieves Guild Reputation -3, and you receive 30 gold)
  • Continue:
"From here on out the jobs I have for you won't be wild-goose chases, I promise. I wouldn't try to fool you twice."
"You betrayed me looking for the gem, %PCName. But I don't hold it against you. A warship's brig can be a terrifying place."
(If Ephaie Calicca is dead):
"You... killed... Ephaie Calicca? She was my friend, %PCName! We were only going to see if you were trustworthy enough to be a member of my crew. If I knew you had murder in your heart, I never would have asked her to play a part in this... I curse you, %PCName, by all the nameless gods of the seas! Get out. And don't you ever come back here again, murderer." Goodbye (Disposition -100, and you are expelled from the Thieves Guild)
"You killed my friend chasing after that non-existent jewel. Why would you bring it up, you murderer? Get out of my sight!" Goodbye (Disposition -10, Fight +10)
(If you have been expelled from the Thieves Guild):
"You need to make amends first. You've been booted from the Guild, %PCName, and rightfully so."
  • jobs:
"You already know what the job is. Bring me the Eye of Argonia!"
  • scurvy mudcrab:
"Yes, that's the Navy code word. I found it out from a drunken sailor. Before you think so, it's not like I'm just making this stuff up. I served on a ship in my youth. I know the Imperial Navy. They use bizarre code words like that all the time. 'Black dreugh', 'adamantium shark', 'ghost choir'. Yes, 'scurvy mudcrab' does seem unusual, but so do all their code words."

Thieves Guild: High-Flying PlansEdit

  • Greetings:
"Do you have the Dwemer airship plans for me, lad?"
"Do you have the Dwemer airship plans for me, lass?"
  • airship plans:
"I want you to bring me a copy of Dwemer airship plans. Now, there are probably a number of identical copies of the plans in this province, but I happen to know that one of them is in the Fort Pelagius tower, here in Old Ebonheart, in a room where all sorts of contraband items are kept. Getting to the tower through the front door might be too difficult a task even for a master thief. Instead, I suggest you take a more underground approach..."
  • Continue:
"You can use the sewers to access the tower unseen. There's an outfall pipe at the Docks, where you can enter the sewer system -- if you're not afraid to get a little wet. Once you're in the sewers the secret entrance to Fort Pelagius shouldn't be far off. It's the first door that's on your left. Then you should be able to walk up the stairs to the contraband items room. The airship plans are in the room somewhere. Good luck, lad!"
"You can use the sewers to access the tower unseen. There's an outfall pipe at the Docks, where you can enter the sewer system -- if you're not afraid to get a little wet. Once you're in the sewers the secret entrance to Fort Pelagius shouldn't be far off. It's the first door that's on your left. Then you should be able to walk up the stairs to the contraband items room. The airship plans are in the room somewhere. Good luck, lassie!"
"Any copy of the Dwemer airship plans will do, but the one in the Fort Pelagius tower is the only one that I know of. You can access the tower from the sewers."
"You have the airship plans! Will you give them to me?"
  • Yes.:
"Let's see them. Fascinating! The vessel is clearly made of heavy metal and yet appears to be lighter than air... Yes, this will be most helpful to me... I can't wait to get working on this... Ah! I hadn't forgotten you, %PCName. I'll pay you 700 drakes for the plans. It's almost double their black market value, but you've earned it. Now... I do have more jobs for you, but Moranie wants to talk to you first. She's says it's urgent." (Disposition +15, Thieves Guild Reputation +5, removed Dwemer Airship Plans from your inventory, and you receive 700 gold)
(If Perien Abelard is dead):
"That is good. However, I've heard a distressing report that a scholar working for the Navy, Perien Abelard, was found dead in the tower. I will not give you any rewards for this job. We are thieves, not killers. Now... I do have more jobs for you, but Moranie wants to talk to you first. She's says it's urgent." (Thieves Guild Reputation -5, and removed Dwemer Airship Plans from your inventory)
  • No.:
"What are you waiting for?"
(If you have been expelled from the Thieves Guild):
"You need to make amends first. You've been booted from the Guild, %PCName, and rightfully so."
  • jobs:
"You already know what the job is. Bring me the airship plans."

Thieves Guild: Thieving RivalryEdit

  • Greeting:
"Do you have Sharai-Saldro's Astrography?"
"Getting there on foot is easy. Just follow the road south from Old Ebonheart, go through the village of Dondril and keep on the main road going south until you reach the town of Vhul. Once there just go past the town and follow the road east. When the road turns south, go off the road and keep walking straight ahead towards the hills. You will find the entrance to a valley not too far ahead. The tomb is in the valley."
  • Sharai-Saldro's Astrography:
"Sharai-Saldro's Astrography, which I need, is in Saldro Ancestral Tomb. I was going to give you this job the whole time, but Antio Florane, one of your fellow crew members, accidentally got wind of it. Antio is... well, I'd like to think that deep down he's a good lad. But he's very competitive and he has a habit of keeping the loot all to himself. Antio vowed he'd find the Astrography before you did. If you hurry up, you might beat him to it."
"It's an old atlas of the night sky. I don't know if any of that ancient elven astronomy still holds up today, but the book is valuable regardless. I have already found an eager buyer for it, so don't mess this up."
"You're back! Tell me what happened. Did you find the book?"
  • Here is the book.:
"You found the book? The right one? Excellent! The star maps are fascinating, aren't they? I might have to copy some of these pages for myself before handing this over to my buyer. They might be useful in my future voyages. I'm most pleased with you. Here's your cut. Also... It's good that you weren't fazed by Antio Florane. He sure got a lesson, didn't he -- making a fool of himself by stealing the wrong book. Ask me about new jobs when you're ready." (Disposition +5, Thieves Guild Reputation +5, removed Sharai-Saldro's Astrography from your inventory, and you receive 400 gold)
  • Antio Florane beat me to it, I'm afraid.:
"Hmph. He told you that he had the book, did he? I think you're far too trusting, %PCName. Antio did return with a book, but it wasn't the Astrography. I must send someone else to fetch it for me, it seems. My buyer won't be very happy with this delay. And I'm not very happy. I hope that next time you won't give up this easily. I don't like giving jobs to quitters." (Disposition -5)
  • I'm still working on it.:
"Still working on it, eh? Work harder then, %PCName."
(If you have been expelled from the Thieves Guild):
"You need to make amends first. You've been booted from the Guild, %PCName, and rightfully so."

Thieves Guild: When the Nord's Away...Edit

  • Greeting:
"Come back when you have stolen the Snow Hare Boots from Hhontjulf Fire-Mane's house. Rifskald Whalebane has the key."
  • Hhontjulf Fire-Mane:
"Hhontjulf Fire-Mane is out of town on a hunting trip and isn't coming back for a long time, which means now is the perfect opportunity for you to steal his Snow Hare Boots. Hhontjulf's house is on the west side of town. He has left the key with Rifskald Whalebane, a fellow Nord, who lives on Craftsmen Street. Talk to Rifskald and try to get him give you the key. That way you don't even have to pick the lock on the door! Come back when you've got the Snow Hare Boots."
"Talk to Rifskald and try to get him to give you the key. That way you don't even have to pick the lock on the door! Come back when you've got the Snow Hare Boots."
"You have the Snow Hare Boots! That's excellent. Will you give them to me?"
  • Yes.:
"Thank you. There were a couple of twists and turns, huh? The house wasn't as empty as I had said? Always expect the unexpected, %PCName. You did well. Here's two Potions of Sweet Little Lies. Drinking them will make you a real charmer! Let me know when you're ready for new jobs." (Thieves Guild Reputation +5, removed Snow Hare Boots from your inventory, and you receive 2 Potions of Sweet Little Lies)
(If Halli the Wolfdog is dead):
"Thank you. There were a couple of twists and turns, huh? The house wasn't as empty as I had said? I'm sad to hear that the guard dog got killed, but I suppose you did what you had to. Here's your reward, a Potion of Sweet Little Lies. Drinking the potion will make you a real charmer! Let me know when you're ready for new jobs." (Thieves Guild Reputation +5, removed Snow Hare Boots from your inventory, and you receive a Potion of Sweet Little Lies)
(If Hhontjulf Fire-Mane is dead):
"You killed Hhontjulf? Damn you, %PCName, why did you do it? Even if he attacked you first, you could have just ran away... I have no rewards for you. *Sigh* Just let me know when you're ready for new jobs." (Disposition -20, Thieves Guild Reputation -2, and removed Snow Hare Boots from your inventory)
(If Rifskald Whalebane is dead):
"You killed Rifskald Whalebane? Damn you, %PCName, why did you do it? I have no rewards for you. *Sigh* Just let me know when you're ready for new jobs." (Disposition -20, Thieves Guild Reputation -2, and removed Snow Hare Boots from your inventory)
(If Hhontjulf Fire-Mane and Halli the Wolfdog are dead):
"You killed both the man and his dog? You've done a vile deed, %PCName. You could have just ran away instead of attacking them. I have no rewards for you. *Sigh* Just let me know when you're ready for new jobs." (Disposition -20, Thieves Guild Reputation -2, and removed Snow Hare Boots from your inventory)
(If Hhontjulf Fire-Mane, Halli the Wolfdog, and Rifskald Whalebane are dead):
"You... just... killed... them... all? You did a vile deed, %PCName. What's wrong with you? I have no rewards for you. *Sigh* Just let me know when you're ready for new jobs." (Disposition -20, Thieves Guild Reputation -5, and removed Snow Hare Boots from your inventory)
  • No.:
"Come back when you change your mind."
"You stole the Snow Hare Boots from him. Well done."
(If at least Hhontjulf Fire-Mane or Rifskald Whalebane are dead):
"Don't remind me of that..." (Disposition -10)
(If you have been expelled from the Thieves Guild:
"You need to make amends first. You've been booted from the Guild, %PCName, and rightfully so."

Thieves Guild: Happy Birthday, Ruma SoanixEdit

  • Greetings:
"Have fun at the party, %PCName. Come back when you've got the deed in your pocket."
"Now there's a deed to a sailboat that's just aching to have my name written on it!"
  • deed to a sailboat:
"Ruma Soanix is a noblewoman who lives in her manor in the west side of town. She's throwing a lavish birthday party for her friends and family. Now, a little bird told me that her friends have commissioned a sailboat to be built for her as a birthday present. They are bringing the deed to the boat with them. I want you to steal that paper for me, so I can... edit it a little. Much easier than stealing the actual boat, no?"
  • Continue:
"I know what you're thinking: how are you supposed to get in? Lucky for you, I've got a forged invitation here. Just be your own charming self and you'll fit right in! Hmmph... And maybe put on some better clothes? A fancy party hat, too, perhaps? Here you go, wear this Colovian Tiger Helm. Socialize with the guests. Find out where the deed is and bring it to me." (You receive a Colovian Tiger Helm and A Forged Invitation)
  • Continue:
"One more thing. Ruma Soanix is paranoid of thieves, so expect the security to be tough. I'm sure all the guests will be searched to make sure they aren't carrying lockpicks. Here are some special thieves' tools for you to use on this job. They work like a regular lockpick or a probe would, but are crafted to look like innocent pieces of silverware. Pretty clever, huh? If you need more of them, ask Yggulf. Have fun at the party, laddie!" (You receive 2 Thief's Lockpick Forks and a Thief's Probe Spoon)
"One more thing. Ruma Soanix is paranoid of thieves, so expect the security to be tough. I'm sure all the guests will be searched to make sure they aren't carrying lockpicks. Here are some special thieves' tools for you to use on this job. They work like a regular lockpick or a probe would, but are crafted to look like innocent pieces of silverware. Pretty clever, huh? If you need more of them, ask Yggulf. Have fun at the party, lassie!" (You receive 2 Thief's Lockpick Forks and a Thief's Probe Spoon)
(If your apparel is worth ≥ 600 gold):
"I know what you're thinking: how are you supposed to get in? Lucky for you, I've got a forged invitation here. Just be your own charming self and you'll fit right in! Socialize with the guests. Find out where the deed is and bring it to me." (You receive A Forged Invitation) (See second "Continue" choice above)
(If you were thrown out of the party and don't have the Deed to a Sailboat):
"You were thrown out of the party? And you don't have the deed? Damnit. I won't lie -- I am disappointed in you. I thought you were a suave scoundrel, but it seems that I overestimated you. I wish I had sent Antio on the job instead of you." (Disposition -10)
"You were thrown out of the party? And you don't have the deed? Damnit. I won't lie -- I am disappointed in you. I thought you were a suave scoundrel, but it seems I overestimated you." (Disposition -10)
"You tried your best and you failed. It happens."
(If you have the Deed to a Sailboat):
"You have the deed! Now, can you give it to me?"
  • Yes.:
(If either Otrebus Delagia or Medemilian Rane are dead):
"Excellent work! You're quite a suave scoundrel, aren't you? Now let's take a closer look at the deed... Hmmm, yes. I'll just cross out the name of the previous owner, like so, and transfer the ownership to me. Done. I might be able to retire now that I have my own boat. And here's your reward. A gentleman's duelling shirt and a poisoned saber. May they serve you well. If you've earned a price on your head, me and Moranie will have it fixed. We have no more jobs for you, %PCName." (Thieves Guild Reputation +5, removed Deed to a Sailboat from your inventory, and you receive a Gentleman's Duelling Shirt and a Poisoned Saber)
(If you got kicked out of Soanix Manor):
"I heard things didn't go very smoothly at the party. But at least you got the deed. Now let's take a closer look at it... Hmmm, yes. I'll just cross out the name of the previous owner, like so, and transfer the ownership to me. Done. Now, we do have one problem remaining though..." (See "Problem?" choice below)
(If you were successful otherwise):
"Excellent work, %PCRank! You're quite a suave scoundrel, aren't you? Now let's take a closer look at the deed... Hmmm, yes. I'll just cross out the name of the previous owner, like so, and transfer the ownership to me. Done. Now, we do have one problem remaining though..." (Removed Deed to a Sailboat from your inventory)
  • Problem?:
"Yes! The name of the boat. I don't think I like its current name... "The Adamant". I was thinking something along the lines of "The Empress' Revenge" or "The Empress' Honor". But I'm not quite sure... Which one do you prefer?"
  • Revenge.:
"Revenge... It's rather grim, isn't it? But sometimes revenge is what is required. To survive. To prevent harm to others. And yes, to just get the satisfaction of getting even and then some -- no matter how selfish that might be. It's self-preservation. The trick is to know when the time is right to be vengeful."
  • Is there a point to this? / Well said.:
"Oh, you should probably just ignore what I'm saying. I don't think an old sea dog like myself can teach you anything that you wouldn't already know. It's just... I have been thinking about my future and the future of the guild. I know I look old, laddie, but for the first time in my life I also feel old. And now that you've helped me to get a boat of my own, I might finally retire. Sail off into the sunset and leave the guild hall to Moranie." (See next choice down)
"Oh, you should probably just ignore what I'm saying. I don't think an old sea dog like myself can teach you anything that you wouldn't already know. It's just... I have been thinking about my future and the future of the guild. I know I look old, lassie, but for the first time in my life I also feel old. And now that you've helped me to get a boat of my own, I might finally retire. Sail off into the sunset and leave the guild hall to Moranie."
  • It's been an honor, captain. / It's about damn time. / I wish you wouldn't leave.:
"Hold on, I'm not gone just yet! First of all, here's your reward for the job. A saber and a gentleman's duelling shirt -- an instrument of revenge and a raiment of honor, if you will. May they serve you as well as they did me in my youth. Be mindful how you use them. Also, if you've earned a price on your head, me and Moranie will have it fixed. And I haven't run out of jobs for you, %PCName. Let's see if you're ready for one last job from old Cap'n Fentus." (Thieves Guild Reputation +5, and you receive a Gentleman's Duelling Shirt and a Poisoned Saber)
  • Honor.:
"Ah... Reminds you of honor among thieves, I'd wager? I like it too. A thief without honor is like a navigator without a compass. Lost in the sea with no destination, doomed to perish. But there's a catch, isn't there? How is one supposed to know which deed is the honorable one? We have our code, yes, but the written word is black and white when the real world is gray." (See "Is there a point to this?/Well said." choices above)
  • Both are equally good.:
"Both, eh? Isn't it funny how that could be both the wise man's and the fool's answer? I'm not quite sure which one I am, but I agree with you. We thieves have our code of honor, and it is a good code make no mistake, but sometimes justice and self-preservation demand revenge. The trick is knowing when to be honorable and when to be vengeful, I suppose. In this gray world of ours it's not always easy." (See "Is there a point to this?/Well said." choices above)
  • This is another test of character, isn't it?:
"Would you believe me if I said it wasn't? Ha ha ha! You're a smart lad, %PCName. But. If you had to choose between the two... which one would it be? Revenge or honor?" (See "Revenge", "Honor", and "Both" choices above)
"Would you believe me if I said it wasn't? Ha ha ha! You're a smart lass, %PCName. But. If you had to choose between the two... which one would it be? Revenge or honor?" (See "Revenge", "Honor", and "Both" choices above)
  • No.:
"What are you waiting for? Give me the deed and you'll have your pay." (Disposition -5)
"I have a boat of my own now, thanks to you."
(If you killed Ruma Soanix or any of the party guests at Soanix Manor):
"Were you sent to the party by the Dark Brotherhood? No? Then why did you turn the party into a bloodbath? You maniac! You fool! I don't care about the sailboat deed anymore. Just leave me the hell alone." Goodbye (Disposition -75, Thieves Guild Reputation -5)
"Too soon, %PCName. Too soon." (Disposition -10)
(If you have been expelled from the Thieves Guild):
"You need to make amends first. You've been booted from the Guild, %PCName, and rightfully so."

Thieves Guild: A Message from Mister DelagiaEdit

  • Greetings:
"How's the Nibenese silk merchant job progressing, laddie? I can't wait to get my hands on that moth-silk..."
"How's the Nibenese silk merchant job progressing, lassie? I can't wait to get my hands on that moth-silk..."
"Looks like a gang war is a-coming. I'm putting my trust in you, lad. You and Moranie."
"Looks like a gang war is a-coming. I'm putting my trust in you, lass. You and Moranie."
  • Nibenese silk merchant:
"The silk merchant's name is Karandia Corrux. I've heard a rumor that she's coming to Old Ebonheart for a business meeting and that she's bringing with her a large collection of samples of the finest moth-silk imaginable. This is too good an opportunity to pass, yes?"
  • Continue:
"I want you to steal all the bolts of moth-silk you can from her. I suggest you be the first person to meet her when she arrives. Try to win her confidence and find out where she'll be staying during her visit. Then you can break into her room and steal the moth-silk when she's not there. She'll be arriving in our town by carriage. Go to the main gates and look for her there."
"Win Karandia Corrux's confidence, %PCName. Find out where she'll be staying during her visit. Then, when she's out of her room, you can steal all the moth-silk you can carry."
"What? You found her dead in her room? This is not good, %PCName. You say that the merchant was invited to Old Ebonheart by Otrebus Delagia? It's pretty obvious that Delagia's gang has killed her. It's a warning. And not a very subtle one either. The gang is getting bolder. I fear that it won't be long before they attack us directly. You can keep the moth-silk, %PCName. It seems that I have to postpone my retirement until we deal with Delagia's gang."
  • Continue:
"The situation is precarious and we can't afford to make any mistakes. You especially can not. You were seen with the silk merchant, weren't you? That makes you a prime suspect for this killing. Delagia's gang is well-connected. They would use this against you, if you openly acted against them. Violence is not an option, yet. They have the leverage, so we must be smart and careful. Consult Moranie, %PCName. She might have some ideas." (Thieves Guild Reputation +5)
(If you have A message from mister Delagia):
"What? You found her dead in her room? This is not good, %PCName. And you have a letter? "Mister Delagia sends his regards"... So, they've killed her. They are both warning and mocking us. They're saying that they can do anything and that we can't stop them. That they can kill our mark if they want to. The gang is getting bolder. I fear that it won't be long before they attack us directly. You can keep the moth-silk, %PCName. It seems that I have to postpone my retirement until we deal with Delagia's gang." (Removed A message from mister Delagia from your inventory) (See "Continue" choice above)
(If Karandia Corrux died before being killed by Delagia's gang):
"She's dead? *Sigh* What's wrong with you, %PCName?" (Disposition -30, Thieves Guild Reputation -4)
"You did a horrible thing killing her, %PCName."

Thieves Guild: Lost in ChunzefkEdit

  • Greeting:
"Antio Florane is somewhere in Chunzefk. Find him, %PCName."
  • Chunzefk:
"Last I heard Antio Florane was heading for the ruins in search of the Staff of Dalen-Zanchu, but that was ages ago. We haven't heard of him since. I fear something might have happened to him. Now, Antio might be a weasel of a man, but he's still one of us. Will you find Antio Florane for me? If you find the staff while you're at it, that'd be nice, too. The Dwemer ruin is somewhere near the village of Darvonis. I suggest you take the boat to Darvonis and ask the locals for better directions."
"It's a Dwemer ruin somewhere near the village of Darvonis. I suggest you take the boat to Darvonis and ask the locals there for better directions."
"You found Antio? He's alive and well? That's good to hear, %PCName. You don't have the staff with you? That's a shame. But you did well nonetheless. I have no more jobs for you after this one, I'm afraid. You have to look for thieving work elsewhere. Try Gordol the Scrivener in Almas Thirr, Fitz-Fitz in Firewatch, or Shei in Andothren." (Disposition +10, Thieves Guild Reputation +5)
"You found Antio? He's alive and well? That's good to hear, %PCName. And you found the Staff of Dalen-Zanchu, too! Well done! You can keep the staff. The important thing is that Antio is safe and sound. I have no more jobs for you after this one, I'm afraid. You have to look for thieving work elsewhere. Try Gordol the Scrivener in Almas Thirr, Fitz-Fitz in Firewatch, or Shei in Andothren." (Disposition +10, Thieves Guild Reputation +5)
"That's done."
(If Antio Florane is dead):
"You killed Antio? What's wrong with you, you murdering bastard? Get out. We have no more jobs for you. Leave." Goodbye (Disposition -55, Thieves Guild Reputation -2)
(If you have been expelled from the Thieves Guild):
"You need to make amends first. You've been booted from the Guild, %PCName, and rightfully so."

Thieves Guild: An Empress' RansomEdit

(When meeting him at the docks after saving the Guild):

  • Greetings:
"%PCName, my dear lad. I wanted to bid you farewell, before I sail into the sunset."
"%PCName, my dear lass. I wanted to bid you farewell, before I sail into the sunset."
"Just leave me, you scoundrel. The high seas await." Goodbye
(If Disposition ≥ 70):
"I am proud to have had you on my crew. Farewell! The high seas await!" Goodbye
  • sail into the sunset:
(If you failed 'Happy Birthday, Ruma Soanix'):
"Yes... Even though I don't have ship, I have decided to leave Old Ebonheart for good. Who knows, maybe I'll steal that little rowboat over there." (See "Continue" choice below)
"See this sailboat here? It's the very same you acquired for me from Ruma Soanix. And thanks to the Dwemer airship plans I could install some mechanical improvements. A real beauty, isn't it? I wound up naming it "The Empress' Ransom" after all that happened."
  • Continue:
"I wouldn't be standing here, breathing the sea air, if it wasn't for you. You delivered me from the Legion dungeons, laddie. I was sure I would hang, but you did the impossible and saved me and Moranie. I want you to have this Jacket-of-All-Trades as my humble thank you." (You receive the Jacket-of-All-Trades)
"I wouldn't be standing here, breathing the sea air, if it wasn't for you. You delivered me from the Legion dungeons, lassie. I was sure I would hang, but you did the impossible and saved me and Moranie. I want you to have this Jacket-of-All-Trades as my humble thank you." (You receive the Jacket-of-All-Trades)
  • Continue:
"I do have one question for you, though, before I leave. Antio Florane never returned back to the inn. What became of him?"
  • I'm not quite sure. I suppose he's alive. / [Lie] I don't know.:
"You don't know? Then I fear the worst... But perhaps he will return one day. Antio has always had the habit of appearing unexpectedly, hasn't he?" (Disposition -10) (See next "Continue" choice below)
  • Last I saw him was in Raathim Ancestral Tomb. I don't know where he is now. / He tried to betray the Guild, but I bested him.:
"I'm not surprised by Antio's treachery. He's a no-good scamp. But you did the right thing helping him, %PCName. I wonder if that's the last you'll hear of him. Antio has always had the habit of appearing unexpectedly, hasn't he?" (See next "Continue" choice below)
  • He's dead. I'm sorry.:
"That is regretful. I don't think he deserved such a fate, even though he was a no-good scamp who caused more harm than good for the Guild." (Disposition -10) (See next "Continue" choice below)
  • He betrayed the Guild and I killed him.:
"I'm not surprised by Antio's treachery, but I am surprised to hear that you felt like killing him was necessary. He didn't try to kill you first, did he? *Sigh* But what is done is done..." (Disposition -15)
  • Continue:
(If you failed some of the quests or killed anyone including Antio Florane):
"I'll be leaving now, %PCName, and I'm afraid this is the last time we meet. I'm going to miss you. I am proud to have had you on my crew." (See "It's been an honor, captain.", "Don't go...", and "Finally..." choices below)
(If you completed at least some of the quests without bloodshed or failure and let Antio Florane live):
"You're a daring rapscallion, and I'm going to miss you, laddie. I want you to have this as a farewell gift. It's a Thief's Moral Compass. Now, it won't give you answers to questions of right and wrong, but it will point you towards hidden treasures! Ha ha ha! May it guide you well!" (You receive the Thief's Moral Compass, and 'KATARIAH'S DEATH MASK RECOVERED' is added to The Ebonheart Bellman spawner) (See "It's been an honor, captain.", "Don't go...", and "Finally..." choices below)
"You're a daring rapscallion, and I'm going to miss you, lassie. I want you to have this as a farewell gift. It's a Thief's Moral Compass. Now, it won't give you answers to questions of right and wrong, but it will point you towards hidden treasures! Ha ha ha! May it guide you well!" (You receive the Thief's Moral Compass, and 'KATARIAH'S DEATH MASK RECOVERED' is added to The Ebonheart Bellman spawner) (See "It's been an honor, captain.", "Don't go...", and "Finally..." choices below)
(If you completed all the quests without bloodshed or failure and let Antio Florane live):
"You're a daring rapscallion and your heart's in the right place. I'm going to miss you, laddie. I want you to have this as a farewell gift. It's a Thief's Moral Compass. Now, it won't give you answers to questions of right and wrong, but it will point you towards hidden treasures! Ha ha ha! May it guide you well." (You receive the Thief's Moral Compass, and 'KATARIAH'S DEATH MASK RECOVERED' is added to The Ebonheart Bellman spawner) (See "It's been an honor, captain.", "Don't go...", and "Finally..." choices below)
"You're a daring rapscallion and your heart's in the right place. I'm going to miss you, lassie. I want you to have this as a farewell gift. It's a Thief's Moral Compass. Now, it won't give you answers to questions of right and wrong, but it will point you towards hidden treasures! Ha ha ha! May it guide you well." (You receive the Thief's Moral Compass, and 'KATARIAH'S DEATH MASK RECOVERED' is added to The Ebonheart Bellman spawner)
  • It's been an honor, captain.:
"The honor was all mine, %PCName. Farewell! The high seas await!" Goodbye
  • Don't go. We need you in Old Ebonheart.:
"You don't need an old and tired sea dog to help you. You can fend for yourselves just fine, can't you? Farewell now! The high seas await!" Goodbye
  • Finally. I was getting tired of you.:
"Those are harsh words for a goodbye. Leave me! The high seas await!" Goodbye (Disposition -35)