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UESPWiki β


Joined 1 February 2012
commencing tonal utilization envisage
LG-icon-Legends.png This user is knowledgeable about Legends.
User-userbox-The Infernal City.jpg This user is knowledgeable about The Infernal City.
User-userbox-Lord of Souls.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Lord of Souls.
LG-icon-Willpower.png This user is an Imperial LG-icon-Endurance.png
User-userbox-PC Icon.png This user plays on a Windows PC.
User-userbox-Admin.png This user is an Administrator on the wiki.
UESP-social-Discord.png This user frequently visits the official UESP Discord Server.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 12 years, 10 months, and 11 days.

Maybe now that I'm an admin, I might want to tell a bit about myself. I am fascinated by biology (plants, animals, diseases, etc) in and outside the fictional world. I've been lurking the UESP forums for many years before I made an account. It took me even longer to finally help out with editing when I saw that the Legends namespace was far from up-to-date. And after a couple of hundred edits, I fell in love with editing, datamining, guidelines, maintenance, and many other wiki activities.


High PriorityEdit

New Gauntlet rules and rewards
Add location and avatar images to RtCC and IoM quest pages. Add strategy and other info + basic cleanup for all story pages.
Decklists (Practice, Solo Arena, TFH, FotDB, RtCC, IoM)
Add sub-cards to the card database (e.g. Experimental Scroll, Very Experimental Scroll, Archcanon Saryoni, Barbas, Aspect of Hircine).

Low PriorityEdit

Redo creature pages (including the race pages).
Revamp character page.
Completing the individual Card Effects pages.
Premium cards from new client
Concept arts

Small ProjectsEdit

Sorting out playmats


Expansion updates (see this checklist)
Patch pages for Legends and Blades
Change the Elder Scrolls Legends to The Elder Scrolls: Legends

Needed pages:Edit

Music (see sandbox 1)
ARG (several out-of-game puzzles that could be completed to find clues for the next expansions: puzzle 1 and puzzle 2. Includes the new lore book The Demon Weapon is Within My Grasp...
Books (just one at the moment)


Templates and Links:Edit

Card Effects in LegendsEdit

Other Effects:
ActivateBattleBeast FormChangeCoverEquipIndestructibleHealLast GaspMovePilferProphecySacrificeShackleShoutSilenceSlaySummonTransformUnsummonWoundedAssembleTreasure HuntRallyBetrayPlotExalt