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Lore:Amiel Richton

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Lord-Admiral Amiel Richton
LO-misc-Richton Crop.png
Lord-Admiral Amiel Richton
Race Imperial Gender Male
Born 2E 816
Died 2E 864
Stros M'Kai
Resided in Hammerfell
Previous Ruler Vasi Hadrach
Next Ruler Iszara
Appears in Redguard
"You would threaten an Imperial Governor? Are you simple?"
—Amiel Richton (listen )

Lord-Admiral Richton was the Imperial Provisional Governor of Stros M'Kai and Admiral of the Imperial New West Navy in 2E 864. He was born in 2E 816 to a minor noble family from Colovia near the Strid River who supported Cuhlecain when he began his bid for the Ruby Throne.[1] In appearance, Richton was a portly man with jet black hair, strong epicanthic folds around his eyes, dali moustache, and a widow's peak. He was not well-liked by most of the citizens of Stros M'Kai, who gave him nicknames such as Fatboy[2][3] and Lord Rotund.[4]


"The Rules of Engagement govern the affairs of gentlemen. But you, a rebel in arms, a traitor to the Emperor, and a threat to the Emperor's peace… All you have earned is summary execution."
—Amiel Richton ca. 2E 864

Richton's military career began under Cuhlecain, most likely being around 2E 852, when the Tiber War had begun. He quickly distinguished himself as a captain in the New West Navy in its campaign against pirates in the Abecean Sea. This success was noted and he rose through the ranks quickly, with him commanding a squadron in the Battle of the Bjoulsae where Wayrest's naval power was crushed in a surprise dawn attack. Richton became an Admiral after the Admiral Vasi Hadrach was assassinated by a rebellious Reachman in a brothel in Daggerfall. His crowning achievement came during the invasion of Hammerfell, where he led the New West Navy to victory over Prince A'tor's fleet in the Battle of Hunding Bay, with his success largely due to help from the dragon Nafaalilargus.[1]

Richton was very close with Tiber Septim, Septim himself appointed Lord Richton as Provisional Governor of Stros M'Kai, with orders to clear the waters of pirates and to guard the strategic Cape of the Blue Divide against the Second Aldmeri Dominion to the south. Septim also warned Richton to not underestimate Richton's bodyguard Dram.

Richton was generally disliked by his new subjects, largely because he was responsible for the death of their Prince and the occupation and partial destruction of their city, along with smaller issues like his new taxes and refusal to let almost anyone into the palace.[5] He also declared the Yokudans on the island traitors and ordered them to leave the city after the Imperials murdered one of their youth.[6] Resistance continued from the Restless League, whose biggest accomplishment was the destruction of his flagship.[3][7][8] During this time, the governor's interests lay primarily in continuing to capture Crowns and Leaguesmen, and in exploring the Dwemer ruins on the island.[9] He charged an elderly Bosmer with the repair of the observatory.[10] He also made some attempt to locate the Flask of Lillandril.[11]

In 2E 864, three months after Richton's appointment as Provisional Governor of Stros M'Kai, the Sload necromancer N'Gasta had Cyrus the Redguard deliver an amulet to him as thanks for the "generous" killing (therefore capturing souls in N'Gasta's soul snare) and his policy of not intervening in the necromancer's activities. Upon arriving at the palace, Cyrus gave Richton the amulet but tried to interrogate, and resorted to threatening, the governor for information regarding his sister. Richton ordered his guards to arrest Cyrus, and this failing, he then ordered Dram to execute Cyrus. Dram convinced him to let the Redguard live as he could be useful.[12] Hearing of his prisoner's escape, Richton doubled the guard and increased patrols in order to recapture Cyrus.[13] He learned from Dram of Nafaalilargus' death and authorized an attack on the newly discovered Restless League hideout.[14]

Later on, as the palace and docks were being attacked by the Restless League, Richton and Dram had intended to evacuate on an Imperial-owned Dwemer airship, with Richton calling Stros M'Kai "expendable" and that he would return at the head of a fleet and the Emperor's legions. This proved fruitless however as Cyrus managed to board the airship. Following a duel, Richton mocked surrender to lower Cyrus' defenses, so that Dram could sneak behind him. However, the Soul Sword cut down Dram and then stabbed Richton in the chest, killing him. His body crashed into the ground with the airship.[15]



  • "Bold Admiral Richton" is mentioned as a popular drinking song in The Balladeer's Fakebook.
  • Richton liked Valenwood Wine, though the Restless League prevented any of it from arriving legally, so he utilized smugglers to keep his cellars stocked with this wine.[16]
  • A Colovian Naval Officer, Marcus Richton, was known to be stationed in Velothis Haven in around 3E 427. His relation to Amiel is unknown.[17]


  1. ^ a b Richton's biography on Redguard's official website
  2. ^ Siona's dialogue in Redguard
  3. ^ a b Prnell's dialogue in Redguard
  4. ^ Dreekius' dialogue in Redguard
  5. ^ Trithik's dialogue in Redguard
  6. ^ Avik's dialogue in Redguard
  7. ^ Krisandra's dialogue in Redguard
  8. ^ Favis' dialogue in Redguard
  9. ^ Gerrick's dialogue in Redguard
  10. ^ Erasmo's dialogue in Redguard
  11. ^ A Legendary Flask quest in Redguard
  12. ^ N'Gasta's Amulet quest in Redguard
  13. ^ Escape Scene in Redguard
  14. ^ Dragon is Dead scene in Redguard
  15. ^ Raze the Palace quest in Redguard
  16. ^ Urik's dialogue in Redguard
  17. ^ People of Morrowind — Various