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Medrike, a Xivilai Warlord (Legends)

Xivilai (listen)[1] are highly intelligent Daedra in the form of tall and muscular blue/gray-skinned warriors with piercing yellow eyes. They are similar in many ways to their fellow daedra such as the Dremora,[2] in terms of also having the most human-like appearance,[3]:207 personality, and temperament, but are of greater power and disdain subordination, being liable to disloyalty and betrayal when they feel they have not been treated with the proper deference and respect.[4] They are rarely bound to a clan, and only the most powerful in the Daedric hierarchy can compel their obedience.[5] Thus they are most commonly seen in the service of entities such as Mehrunes Dagon[6] and Molag Bal.[7] They often wield two-handed weapons and cast a wide variety of spells, including one to summon lesser Daedra.[8][9]


"The Xivilai are compelled to defeat their reflections in combat. I have seen them sneer at their own faces when inspecting a blade. There is a madness in them that has no cure."

The Xivilai are used to fighting as individuals, gaining their own glory through their battle skills. This is sometimes seen as a flaw since their lack of teamwork and formation leaves them vulnerable to thought-out tactics by organized enemy teams.[10] They place a high value on having the strongest will. There is some implication that Xivilai can influence and move objects without touching them by sheer exertion of will, such as controlling and forcing the rolls of strange sets of dice in their favor.[11] Xivilai are viewed as having a certain anger and madness inside them.[12][13] Amongst one other, they will shout promises of dismemberment and flaying each others skin over matters such as cowardice in fleeing the battlefield and even trivial games of dice-rolling.[11][14] They are even hostile to their own reflections, hence why there are no mirrors in Fargrave.[12] An intoxicant called Smudge is said to be able to curb even the most bloodthirsty Xivilai's anger.[13]

Many Xivilai are often encountered in pairs,[15] sometimes working together for a common goal,[16] and other times being linked to each other as twins.[17] Xivilai twins have also been observed as merging themselves using magical rituals.[17] Unlike most Daedra, Xivilai are not primarily soldiers. Instead, they hold other ranks and occupations such as assassins,[18] knights,[19] torturers,[16][17] slavemasters,[16] overseers,[20] and even judges when serving various masters.[21] They are not known to have a caste system like the Dremora, and are more commonly encountered as rogue and serving their own goals.[22] Some Xivilai even take up amicable occupations such as barkeeps and merchants,[23] finding it preferable to killing mortals, and not desiring to be stuck following the same path their whole lives like many mortals do.[24]

Higher-ranking Xivilai are distinguished by distinct coloration along their chests.[17][25] Body markings worn as brands, paint, and tattoos are common amongst Xivilai and each one holds different meaning. Xivilai with forehead markings favor savagely headbutting their enemies.[26] Rubyfire marks are a sign of bravery, and not suited for those who flee the field of battle.[14] Cruelean body marks display spiders crawling along the calves and viper's fangs dripping down the chest, while body marks are dual blades colored blue over the eyes, perhaps intended to invoke fear and aid in seeing through an enemies' feints.[27][28] Vilegilt gold body marks represent individual prowess, adding strength to one's jawline to accentuate the murderous glint in an eye, believed to be worn by those who are royalty of some kind.[29][30] Weltwine purple markings are worn by Xivilai in the service of Molag Bal. Mortals may borrow it to represent symbols of all one fears and, in possessing them, overcome your mortal foolishness. Members of the Icy Harvester cult adorn their faces with Weltwine paint that looks like dripping bruises to show that they embrace the "sting of pain".[31][32] Inspired by their devotion to Xivilai warriors, Gleamwoe cultists in Shadowfen trickle pigment carefully down their cheek and add more dripping lines with every high-ranking noble they kill. The Gleamwoe cultists believe that spreading a salve made of minerals and torchbug innards over their bodies will strengthen their resolve, making them more like Xivilai. Cult leaders gleefully sacrifice initiates who form the intricate lines incorrectly.[33][34]

Xivilai have a complicated relationship with Dremora, finding them to sometimes be ostentatious and extreme in their behavior,[35] while the Dremora find them pompous and filled with unwarranted conceit.[36] Molag Bal decided to use vestigial hybridization in the Vile Laboratory to merge Dremora and Xivilai together, creating the Xivkyn.[36][37]


They have been part of various invasion attempts, many allying themselves with Bal during the Planemeld[7] and with Dagon during the Oblivion Crisis.[6] According to the records of the Scribes of Mora, Inferniums managed to take down one of the Xivilai clans back in the First Era.[38] Circa 2E 87, the Knights of the Silver Rose journeyed to the Cyrodiilic settlement of Borderwatch to save it from a clan of Xivilai, overwhelming the daedra who were used to fighting on individual terms.[10] At some point the demiprince Fa-Nuit-Hen allegedly stopped two battalions of Xivilai.[39]

Though not generally organized, Xivilai's Clan was led by the adoptive son of Mehrunes Dagon, Xivilai Moath.[40] The clan served alongside the Shardai and Dremora Clan, aiding Dagon in his invasion of the Battlespire during the Imperial Simulacrum. At this time, the Morphoid Daedra and the Frost Atronachs were retainers of Xivilai's Clan. On the orders of Faydra Shardai, the Frost Atronachs helped to invade the Shade Perilous along with their hated enemies, the Flame Atronachs. To prevent infighting, Xivilai made a pact with Faydra, forcing them to work together. This relationship did not hold, as an apprentice from the Battlespire, following the retreating Daedric armies, brought the atronachs into conflict over control of the realm. The unnecessary invasion of the Shade Perilous and the increasing rivalry between Faydra and Xivilai displeased Dagon. Imago Storm of Dremora Clan made a deal with the Battlespire apprentice in an attempt to restore order to Clan Dagon. Xivilai Moath was tricked into aiding the apprentice and brought his clan into open conflict with Shardai Clan. Following Dagon's banishment, Imago Storm assumed control and restored order to the clans.[41]


See AlsoEdit


  1. ^ ESO Live: "Episode 2". Retrieved 2025-03-24.
  2. ^ Crafting Motif 14: Daedric StyleSeif-ij Hidja
  3. ^ The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Official Game Guide — Peter Olafson
  4. ^ Varieties of DaedraAranea Drethan
  5. ^ Rynkyus' dialogue in ESO
  6. ^ a b Xivilai service to Mehrunes Dagon in Oblivion
  7. ^ a b Xivilai service to Molag Bal in ESO
  8. ^ Xivilai weapons and spells in Oblivion
  9. ^ Xivilai skills and abilities in ESO
  10. ^ a b The Silver Rose Blooms over Borderwatch
  11. ^ a b On the True Nature of DaedraCananmildil, Leading Scholar of Daedrology
  12. ^ a b Vistha-Li's dialogue in ESO
  13. ^ a b Intoxicants of the ShamblesBahraxa
  14. ^ a b Xivilai Rubyfire Linework Brand description in ESO
  15. ^ Xxthauaa and Xznotell in Crossing the Chasm
  16. ^ a b c Xivilai Torturers Anaxes and Medrike
  17. ^ a b c d The Ilambris Twins in Lover's Torment and Edge of Darkness
  18. ^ A Child's Tamriel BestiaryShane gro-Orath (Clever, no? Ha, ha!)
  19. ^ Maelstrom Assassin and Knights
  20. ^ The Soul-Meld Mage quest in ESO
  21. ^ On the Matter of the Prisoners
  22. ^ Chaotic Creatia: The Azure PlasmDoctor Rhythandius
  23. ^ Barkeep Xvij's dialogue in ESO
  24. ^ Bha the Bargainhunter's dialogue in ESO
  25. ^ Ibomez in Summary Execution
  26. ^ Xivilai Rubyfire Linework Visage description in ESO
  27. ^ Xivilai Cruelean Linework Brand description in ESO
  28. ^ Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage description in ESO
  29. ^ Xivilai Vilegilt Linework Brand description in ESO
  30. ^ Xivilai Vilegilt Linework Visage description in ESO
  31. ^ Xivilai Weltwine Linework Brand description in ESO
  32. ^ Xivilai Weltwine Linework Visage description in ESO
  33. ^ Xivilai Gleamwoe Linework Brand description in ESO
  34. ^ Xivilai Gleamwoe Linework Visage description in ESO
  35. ^ Crafting Motif 63: Dremora StyleLyranth the Foolkiller
  36. ^ a b Lyranth the Foolkiller Answers Your QuestionsLyranth the Foolkiller
  37. ^ On the XivkynPelagius Habor, Council Daedrologist-in-Residence
  38. ^ Mazandi's dialogue in ESO
  39. ^ Meet the Character - Fa-Nuit-HenFa-Nuit-Hen
  40. ^ Battlespire Athenaeum page 156, 159
  41. ^ Events of Battlespire