This is a list of all merchants who sell repair items.
— Repair Prongs
— Apprentice's Armorer's Hammer
— Journeyman's Armorer's Hammer
— Master's Armorer's Hammer
— GrandMaster's Armorer's Hammer
— Sirrolus Saccus' Hammer
- Lvl — l_n_repair item
- Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
Name |
Faction |
Gold |
Merc |
Location |
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Lvl |
Ababael Timsar-Dadisun | Ashlanders (Clanholder) | 9000 | Master (100) | Zainab Camp, Ababael Timsar-Dadisun's Yurt | -1 | ||||||
Alds Baro | House Redoran (Kinsman) | 1400 | Novice (10) | Maar Gan, Outpost | 2 | -10 | 1,-6 | -6 | |||
Allding | Thieves Guild (Wet Ear) | 300 | Novice (10) | Ald'ruhn, The Rat In The Pot | |||||||
Alusaron | 2500 | Novice (6) | Vivec, Alusaron: Smith | 1,-10 | 1,-10 | -10 | 6 | ||||
Alveno Andules | House Hlaalu (Oathman) | 200 | Novice (10) | Vivec, Hlaalu Pawnbroker | |||||||
Ancola | House Telvanni (Hireling) | 800 | Journeyman (40) | Sadrith Mora (17,4) | |||||||
Anruin | House Telvanni (Retainer) | 800 | Novice (10) | Sadrith Mora (17,4) | 1 | 1,-10 | 1,-10 | 4 | |||
Arenara | Berne Clan (Minion) | 990 | Novice (10) | Galom Daeus, Entry | 1 | -10 | -10 | ||||
Arrille | 800 | Apprentice (20) | Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse | 7 | |||||||
Aryne Telnim | 900 | Apprentice (20) | Tel Aruhn, Aryne Telnim: Smith | 1 | 1,-15 | 1,-10 | 1 | ||||
Ashuma-Nud Matluberib | 700 | Apprentice (18) | Gnisis (-11,11) | -15 | -10 | -8 | |||||
Ashur-Dan | Ashlanders (Brother) | 300 | Novice (10) | Zainab Camp, Ashur-Dan's Yurt | -2 | ||||||
Baissa | 100 | Apprentice (15) | Vivec, Foreign Quarter Upper Waistworks | ||||||||
Balen Andrano | House Redoran (Retainer) | 600 | Journeyman (39) | Vivec, Redoran Trader | |||||||
Bervyn Lleryn | 250 | Apprentice (15) | Vivec, St. Olms Waistworks | ||||||||
Berwen | 600 | Apprentice (20) | Tel Mora, Berwen: Trader | ||||||||
Both gro-Durug | Thieves Guild (Footpad) | 300 | Novice (10) | Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub | |||||||
Clagius Clanler | 800 | Novice (12) | Balmora, Clagius Clanler: Outfitter | ||||||||
Dalam Gavyn | Camonna Tong (Tough) | 550 | Novice (10) | Hla Oad, Fatleg's Drop Off | -10 | -10 | |||||
Dandera Selaro | 750 | Apprentice (15) | Ald'ruhn (-2,6) | 1 | 1 | -10 | |||||
Daynes Redothril | 500 | Apprentice (25) | Ald'ruhn, Daynes Redothril: Pawnbroker | 1 | 3 | ||||||
Dralasa Nithryon | 700 | Apprentice (25) | Balmora, Dralasa Nithryon: Pawnbroker | 1 | 2,-2 | ||||||
Dronos Llervu | House Redoran (Kinsman) | 1050 | Novice (10) | Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level | 2,-10 | -10 | 5 | ||||
Elegal | 500 | Apprentice (20) | Sadrith Mora (17,4) | ||||||||
Ergnir | Fighters Guild (Apprentice) | 1800 | Novice (10) | Ald'ruhn, Guild of Fighters | 2 | 6 | 1 | ||||
Erla | Imperial Legion (Trooper) | 650 | Novice (10) | Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior | 1 | 1,-10 | |||||
Fadase Selvayn | 500 | Apprentice (18) | Tel Branora, Fadase Selvayn: Trader | ||||||||
Ferele Athram | 400 | Apprentice (15) | Tel Aruhn, Ferele Athram: Trader | ||||||||
Fonas Retheran | House Redoran (House Cousin) | 1300 | Novice (10) | Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk | |||||||
Fryfnhild | 150 | Apprentice (15) | Dagon Fel, The End of the World | ||||||||
Gadayn Andarys | House Hlaalu (Retainer) | 400 | Journeyman (38) | Vivec, Hlaalu General Goods | |||||||
Galen Berer | 900 | Apprentice (18) | Tel Branora, Galen Berer: Armorer | 1 | 1 | -10 | 5 | ||||
Galtis Guvron | 600 | Apprentice (25) | Ald'ruhn, The Rat In The Pot | ||||||||
Garothmuk gro-Muzgub | 900 | Apprentice (21) | Suran, Garothmuk gro-Muzgub: Smith | 1 | -10 | 6 | -6 | ||||
Gilan Daynes | Camonna Tong (Tough) | 600 | Novice (10) | Vivec, No Name Club | -10 | -10 | -5 | ||||
Gilyne Omoren | House Redoran (Lawman) | 950 | Novice (10) | Indarys Manor, Manor Services | -10 | 5 | |||||
Gladroon | Aundae Clan (Stalker) | 1100 | Novice (10) | Ashmelech | 4 | 5 | 3,-10 | 1,-10 | |||
Goldyn Belaram | 450 | Apprentice (25) | Suran, Goldyn Belaram: Pawnbroker | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Hakar the Candle | 1300 | Apprentice (23) | Molag Mar, Redoran Stronghold | 2 | 1,-10 | -10 | 3 | ||||
Hannabi Zabynatus | 500 | Apprentice (15) | Gnisis (-11,11) | -10 | -10 | ||||||
Heifnir | 700 | Apprentice (18) | Dagon Fel, Heifnir: Trader | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||
Hinald | Thieves Guild (Wet Ear) | 150 | Novice (10) | Gnaar Mok, Druegh-jigger's Rest | |||||||
Hjotra the Peacock | 500 | Apprentice (20) | Dagon Fel, End of the World Renter Rooms | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||
Hodlismod | 1300 | Apprentice (20) | Caldera, Hodlismod: Armorer | 1 | 1 | -10 | 5 | ||||
Hrundi | Fighters Guild (Champion) | 1700 | Novice (7) | Wolverine Hall: Fighter's Guild | -15 | -10 | 5 | ||||
Irgola | 500 | Apprentice (25) | Caldera, Irgola: Pawnbroker | ||||||||
Jeanne | 300 | Journeyman (38) | Vivec, Jeanne: Trader | ||||||||
Kaye | Imperial Cult (Adept) | 500 | Novice (10) | Ebonheart, Imperial Chapels | |||||||
Kjeld | Quarra Clan (Servant) | 950 | Novice (10) | Druscashti, Upper Level | 1 | 6 | 4,-10 | 1,-10 | |||
Kurapli | Ashlanders (Initiate) | 200 | Novice (10) | Urshilaku Camp, Kurapli's Yurt | -2 | ||||||
Lanabi | Ashlanders (Hearthfriend) | 75 | Novice (10) | Ahemmusa Camp, Lanabi's Yurt | -2 | ||||||
Landorume | Imperial Legion (Agent) | 350 | Novice (10) | Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison | |||||||
Lliros Tures | House Redoran (House Cousin) | 1300 | Novice (10) | Indarys Manor, Manor Services | |||||||
Lorbumol gro-Aglakh | Fighters Guild (Champion) | 4000 | Novice (7) | Vivec, Guild of Fighters | 1,-10 | 1,-10 | -10 | ||||
Lucretinaus Olcinius | 600 | Expert (49) | Vivec, Lucretinaus Olcinius: Trader | ||||||||
Malpenix Blonia | House Redoran (Kinsman) | 899 | Novice (10) | Ald'ruhn, Malpenix Blonia: Trader | -2 | ||||||
Mandur Omalen | 350 | Apprentice (18) | Molag Mar, Redoran Stronghold | ||||||||
Manicky | House Telvanni (Hireling) | 1000 | Novice (10) | Sadrith Mora (18,4) | -10 | -10 | -10 | ||||
Marasa Aren | Camonna Tong (Tough) | 250 | Novice (10) | Balmora, Council Club | |||||||
Massarapal | Ashlanders (Initiate) | 150 | Novice (10) | Erabenimsun Camp, Massarapal's Yurt | |||||||
Mebestian Ence | 449 | Apprentice (20) | Pelagiad, Mebestien Ence: Trader | ||||||||
Meder Nulen | Camonna Tong (Thug) | 400 | Novice (10) | Sadrith Mora, Nevrila Areloth's House | |||||||
Meldor | 1500 | Journeyman (30) | Balmora, Meldor: Armorer | -20 | |||||||
Mevel Fererus | 400 | Apprentice (20) | Vivec, Mevel Fererus: Trader | ||||||||
Mug gro-Dulob | Imperial Legion (Spearman) | 700 | Novice (10) | Gnisis, Fort Darius | -10 | -10 | -8 | ||||
Nalis Gals | 200 | Apprentice (15) | Vivec, St. Olms Waistworks | ||||||||
Naspis Apinia | Imperial Cult (Acolyte) | 400 | Novice (10) | Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior | |||||||
Orero Omothan | House Redoran (Retainer) | 500 | Novice (10) | Ald Velothi (-11,15) | -10 | -10 | 10 | ||||
Perien Aurelie | 150 | Journeyman (44) | Hla Oad, Fatleg's Drop Off | ||||||||
Ra'Virr | 600 | Apprentice (20) | Balmora, Ra'Virr: Trader | ||||||||
Radras | 750 | Apprentice (20) | Tel Mora, Radras: Smith | 2 | -10 | 3 | |||||
Ralds Oril | 400 | Apprentice (20) | Suran, Ralds Oril: Trader | ||||||||
Ralen Tilvur | House Hlaalu (Hireling) | 400 | Novice (6) | Vivec, Ralen Tilvur: Smith | 2,-10 | -10 | 1,-10 | ||||
Ranosa Gilvayn | 700 | Novice (6) | Suran, Ranosa Gilvayn: Outfitter | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | ||||
Rarvela Teran | Camonna Tong (Tough) | 150 | Novice (10) | Vivec, No Name Club | |||||||
Ravoso Aryon | House Hlaalu (Retainer) | 400 | Novice (10) | Suran, Oran Manor | |||||||
Saetring | 1200 | Apprentice (20) | Molag Mar, Saetring the Nord: Smith | 1 | 1 | 1,-10 | 1,-10 | ||||
Savard | House Redoran (Oathman) | 1000 | Novice (10) | Vivec, Redoran Smith | 1 | -10 | |||||
Sedam Omalen | House Redoran (Oathman) | 400 | Novice (10) | Ald Velothi, Outpost | 1 | ||||||
Selvura Andrano | Camonna Tong (Thug) | 150 | Novice (10) | Gnaar Mok, Nadene Rotheran's Shack | |||||||
Sernsi Drelas | House Hlaalu (Retainer) | 150 | Novice (10) | Rethan Manor, Drelas' House | 1 | ||||||
Shadbak gra-Burbug | Imperial Legion (Spearman) | 900 | Novice (10) | Pelagiad, Fort Pelagiad | -10 | -10 | |||||
Shulki Ashunbabi | 400 | Apprentice (25) | Gnisis (-11,11) | ||||||||
Sirollus Saccus | Imperial Legion (Champion) | 3500 | Apprentice (18) | Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison | 2,-10 | 1 | -10 | -10 | -1 | ||
Sottilde | Thieves Guild (Wet Ear) | 250 | Novice (10) | Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub | |||||||
Syloria Siruliulus | Imperial Cult (Adept) | 325 | Novice (10) | Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior | |||||||
Tarhiel | 0 | Novice (6) | Bitter Coast Region (-3,-8) | ||||||||
Tarvyn Faren | House Hlaalu (Oathman) | 250 | Journeyman (41) | Vivec (3,-9) | |||||||
Telvon Llethan | House Hlaalu (Oathman) | 800 | Novice (10) | Vivec, Hlaalu Weaponsmith | 1,-10 | 1,-10 | |||||
Tervur Braven | 400 | Apprentice (15) | Vivec, Tervur Braven: Trader | ||||||||
Thanelen Velas | Camonna Tong (Tough) | 500 | Novice (10) | Balmora, Council Club | -10 | -10 | |||||
Thongar | 1200 | Apprentice (25) | Khuul, Thongar's Tradehouse | ||||||||
Thorek | 1000 | Apprentice (25) | Balmora, The Razor Hole | -10 | -15 | -10 | |||||
Tiras Sadus | 799 | Apprentice (20) | Ald'ruhn, Tiras Sadus: General Merchandise | ||||||||
Trasteve | 250 | Journeyman (38) | Hla Oad, Fatleg's Drop Off | ||||||||
Tuveso Beleth | House Redoran (Oathman) | 2200 | Novice (10) | Ald'ruhn, Tuveso Beleth: Smith | -10 | -10 | -10 | 10 | |||
Urfing | Imperial Legion (Trooper) | 400 | Novice (10) | Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior | |||||||
Uulernil | 700 | Apprentice (20) | Pelagiad, Uulernil: Armorer | 1,-10 | 1,-10 | ||||||
Vasesius Viciulus | 1000 | Apprentice (25) | Molag Mar, Vasesius Viciulus: Trader | 2 | |||||||
Verick Gemain | 1100 | Apprentice (20) | Caldera, Verick Gemain: Trader | ||||||||
Wayn | Fighters Guild (Apprentice) | 2000 | Novice (10) | Balmora, Guild of Fighters | -10 | -10 | -8 | ||||
Yambagorn gor-Shulor | Imperial Legion (Trooper) | 700 | Novice (10) | Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior | 1 | -10 |