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Online:Major Adornments

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Collections

This article is about larger jewelry and accessories. For cosmetic piercings, see Minor Adornments.

Major Adornments are cosmetic collectibles. They include large items worn on a character's face or head, such as circlets, brow decorations and flowers worn on the ear.


Default Options
Available to Everyone
Available to Men and MerM/M
Available to Men, Mer and KhajiitK/M/M
Available to KhajiitK
Other Options
Crown Store
Crown Crate Rewards
Daily Rewards
In-Game Rewards
Pre-Order Bonuses
Available to male characters only • Available to female characters only
K/M/MAvailable to Men/Mer and Khajiit only • M/M Available to Men/Mer only • A Available to Argonians only • K Available to Khajiit only

Default OptionsEdit

The following major adornments are the options available when creating a character for the first time: you choose one adornment, and that is what your character looks like when you have no adornment collectible applied.

These adornments are also available in the Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  .

Alik'r CircletEdit

Alik'r Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Argonian.

Beaded CircletEdit

Beaded Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Khajiit and Argonian.

Braided Strip CircletEdit

Braided Strip Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Khajiit and Argonian. It features a central triquetra.

Crimson BegoniaEdit

Crimson Begonia
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Khajiit and Argonian.

Crimson Flower CircletEdit

Crimson Flower Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable only by female Khajiit.

Elven Infinity Half-CircletEdit

Elven Infinity Half-Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Argonian.

Fancy Eye PatchEdit

Fancy Eyepatch
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by all races except Argonian.

Ice-Blue BegoniaEdit

Ice-Blue Begonia
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Khajiit and Argonian.

Imperial MoonstonesEdit

Imperial Moonstones
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Argonian.

Lavender BegoniaEdit

Lavender Begonia
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Khajiit and Argonian.

Leather Band CircletEdit

Leather Band Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by all races except Argonian.

Metalwing Half-CircletEdit

Metalwing Half-Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Argonian.

No Major AdornmentEdit

One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by all characters.

Red Diamond CircletEdit

Red Diamond Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Argonian.

Scarab CircletEdit

Scarab Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Argonian.

Scholar's Half-CircletEdit

Scholar's Half-Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Argonian.

Sightless Master BlindfoldEdit

Sightless Master Blindfold
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by all races except Khajiit and Argonian.

Third Eye RubyEdit

Third Eye Ruby
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by all races.

Third Eye TopazEdit

Third Eye Topaz
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by all races.

Tiara Half-CircletEdit

Tiara Half-Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Argonian.

Tooled Turquoise CircletEdit

Tooled Turquoise Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Khajiit and Argonian.

Victory BrowEdit

Victory Brow
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by all races.

White Flower CircletEdit

White Flower Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable only by female Khajiit.

Woven Strip CircletEdit

Woven Strip Circlet
One of the standard adornments available at every Tamrielic salon.

Part of Cosmetic Pack: Adornments which is sold in the Crown Store for 010001000  . Usable by female characters of all races except Khajiit and Argonian.

Other OptionsEdit

The following major adornments are not available when creating a new character, but they can be obtained a number of ways in-game either by play or purchase.


Companion's CoronetEdit

Two scowling Dragons hewn in the Atmoran style grant the wearer of this coronet an imposing air of historical and visceral authority.
Companion's Coronet

The Companion's Coronet is an antiquity which can be unearthed in Western Skyrim after finding the relevant lead.

Dwemer CrownEdit

With its lustrous gems and geometric patterns, this antique crown features the distinctive style of the Dwarves. Adorn yourself with both history and mystery by wearing this crown to the next Antiquarian's Circle gathering!
Dwemer Crown

The Dwemer Crown is an antiquity which can be unearthed in Western Skyrim. The lead drops from the Clockwork Criterion Public Dungeon boss in Nchuthnkarst.

Crown Store and Crate RewardsEdit

Alinor Eye CrestEdit

Alinor Eye Crest
Once granted only to those who performed a service to the nobility of Summerset, this crest later saw wider use during the Alinor-Lillandril skirmishes of 2E 320. Those fighting for Alinor wore them to help them identify fellow skirmishers.

The Alinor Eye Crest is available as an Epic-level reward in the All-Maker Crates.

Alloy CircletEdit

Alloy Circlet
This simple, metal alloy circlet, based on Clockwork Apostle designs, is sure to impress with its air of elegance and refinement.

The Alloy Circlet is available as an Epic-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Ancient Dragon Hunter CoronalEdit

As Dragon Hunters grow more experienced, taking on tougher or more numerous foes, they earn their next coronal piece.
Ancient Dragon Hunter Coronal

The Ancient Dragon Hunter Coronal is available as an Epic-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates.

Anthor's Shadow CrownEdit

"Crafted in Mount Anthor's shadow, this bronze crown rested upon the head of the master of hidden arcane knowledge within Winterhold: Shadow. Some claim it never saw use outside secret meetings, but I doubt this. Crowns proclaim status."—Taleon Mythmaker
Anthor's Shadow Crown

The Anthor's Shadow Crown is available as a Superior-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crates.

Aurelian Osprey CoronelEdit

Ospreys are known for their precision, ruthlessness, and endurance. Wealthy mariners in Summerset believe wearing one of these bejeweled raptors gives them the insight of a seafaring predator.
Aurelian Osprey Coronel

The Aurelian Osprey Coronel is available as an Epic-level reward in Sunken Trove Crown Crates.

Azure Brow-to-Temple CircletEdit

This exquisite metal circlet features a bright blue azure proudly mounted on the wearer's brow.
Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet

The Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet is available as a Superior-level reward from Storm Atronach Crown Crates. Usable by all races except Argonians.

Baandari Luck CircletEdit

The Baandari Pedlars, like all traders, love the gleam of precious metals. This stylish circlet allows them, and now you, to express this affection in a flashy manner.
Baandari Luck Circlet

The Baandari Luck Circlet is available as an Epic-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crates.

Beaded Skull ChapletEdit

Barbaric the early Nords may have been, but they knew how to adorn themselves in fierce finery. The Beaded Skull Chaplet is a prime example.
Beaded Skull Chaplet

The Beaded Skull Chaplet is available as a Superior-level reward in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.

Blood Scion RazorguardEdit

Elegantly deadly, this gold head adornment captures the graceful menace of vampiric prowess. Each exquisite blade on the razorguard receives the blessing of the Blood Matron, granting it—and its wearer—prestige among even the most ancient vampires.
Blood Scion Razorguard

The Blood Scion Razorguard is available as a Superior-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Brazenheart CircletEdit

Brazenheart Circlet
This stylized circlet is popular as a courtship gift for young Clockwork Apostles, though some of their older peers regard it as too gaudy. Now you can make up your own mind!

The Brazenheart Circlet is available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Carmine MonocleEdit

After years of working with lenses and hues, one of Telenger's former students discovered a way to make red lenses that did not fade over time. This monocle features such a pristine carmine lens."
Carmine Monocle

The Carmine Monocle is available as an Epic-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.

Cherry Blossom AnademEdit

Enchanted to fare well in foul play, the faux cherry blossoms in this anadem frame your facial features with the fragrance of flowers—a foolproof flourish for your Jester's Festival frivolities!
Cherry Blossom Anadem

The Cherry Blossom Anadem is available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid Crates.

Chimer Half-MaskEdit

Chimer Half-Mask
"Did the High Velothi craft this mask to emulate Vivec, or did the Master of Morrowind take a liking to a Chimer artisan's work and mirror that in his appearance? Best not propose the latter within the hearing of any Dark Elves."—Ancemen of Auridon

The Chimer Half-Mask is available as an Epic-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates.

Covenant Lion CircletEdit

Covenant Lion Circlet
Proven heroes of the Daggerfall Covenant may wear upon their brow this silvery circlet with a central, roaring lion."

The Covenant Lion Circlet is available in the Crown Store for 00200200  . Usable by all races except Argonian.

Covenant Lion CoronetEdit

Covenant Lion Coronet
Argonian heroes of the Daggerfall Covenant may wear upon their brow this silvery coronet with a central, roaring lion."

The Covenant Lion Coronet is available in the Crown Store for 00200200  . Usable only by Argonians.

Crone's Wicker CoronalEdit

Crone's Wicker Coronal
Before the Kairian coven split and lost members to the Icereach, its seedswoman grew a coronal each year to crown their leader. After wearing it for a year and a day, this leader gifted it to a dark champion, recognizing a kindred and twisted soul.

The Crone's Wicker Coronal is available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.

Dagon's ThornsEdit

The lone surviving member of a now-forgotten Reach clan woke up after a night spent at a shrine to Mehrunes Dagon with this thorny crown upon her brow and a grim purpose. Those who follow her earn a similar adornment after trials best not spoken aloud.
Dagon's Thorns

Dagon's Thorns are available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid Crates.

Dark Passions CircletEdit

"Some claim a cursed jeweler crafted this circlet, transferring the affliction to his final creation. Now, only vampires may wear it without succumbing to insatiable bloodlust."—Nalana, Advisor to House Tamrith
Dark Passions Circlet

The Dark Passions Circlet is available as an Epic-level reward in the Sovngarde Crown Crates. Lady Belain wears this adornment.

Dawn's Eye CrownEdit

"Its gold, along with its variant of the College of Winterhold's eye, symbolize leadership over both mundane and arcane mysteries. In short, Dawn mastered both magic and people to uncover secrets, leading Shadow and Shroud."—Taleon Mythmaker
Dawn's Eye Crown

The Dawn's Eye Crown is available as a Superior-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crates.

Dead-Water Tooth-and-Tusk TiaraEdit

The Dead-Water Tribe of Naga Argonians are a spiky lot to begin with, and when they want to look tough, they just pile on more spikes. This trick works for just about anyone, really.
Dead-Water Tooth-and-Tusk Tiara

The Dead-Water Tooth-and-Tusk Tiara is available as a Superior-level reward in the Xanmeer Crown Crates.

Deep Elf Goggle-HornEdit

Deep Elf Goggle-Horn
Scholars of the vanished Dwarven race theorize that this device augmented Dwemeri vision by adding an elevated "third eye" that added time-perspective to depth perception. We just like the way it looks!

The Deep Elf Goggle-Horn is available as an Epic-level reward in the Dwarven Crown Crates.

Dominion Topaz CircletEdit

Dominion Topaz Circlet
Proven heroes of the Aldmeri Dominion may wear upon their brow this silvery circlet, adorned with a single, central yellow topaz."

The Dominion Topaz Circlet is available in the Crown Store for 00200200  . Usable by all races except Argonian.

Dominion Topaz CoronetEdit

Dominion Topaz Coronet
Argonian heroes of the Aldmeri Dominion may wear upon their brow this silvery coronet, adorned with a single, central yellow topaz."

The Dominion Topaz Coronet is available in the Crown Store for 00200200  . Usable only by Argonians.

Dragondancer's CircletEdit

Dragondancer's Circlet
"This bit of metal on my forehead is more than just flashy jewelry. It represents the act of rending scale and wing in an act of sublime mercy—of killing a Dragon."—Klatinja, Dragondancer

The Dragondancer's Circlet is available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates.

Dwarf-Style Brow ShieldsEdit

Dwarf-Style Brow Shields
These high-concept Dwarven adornments are like pauldrons - for your face! If anyone asks you what they're for, just waggle your brows, smile, and say, "Bthun nchuan."

The Dwarf-Style Brow Shields are available as a Superior-level reward in the Dwarven Crown Crates.

Dwarf-Style Sun GogglesEdit

Dwarf-Style Sun Goggles
When your entire civilization lives in subterranean cities, you devise high-quality goggles to protect your eyes from the blinding sun of the surface world! Dress to impress with these stylish bronze shades inspired by the long-lost Dwarves of the deeps.

The Dwarf-Style Sun Goggles are available as an Epic-level reward in the Dwarven Crown Crates.

Dwemeri Monocular ContrivanceEdit

It's said that the original ancient device this was based upon enabled the Dwarves to see the tonal composition of reality. Fake out your friends by telling them that this replica enables you to see through their clothes!
Dwemeri Monocular Contrivance

The Dwemeri Monocular Contrivance is available as a Superior-level reward in the Dwarven Crown Crates.

Eight-Fang Nose ChainEdit

You're a member of the Undaunted - you don't need a reason.
Eight-Fang Nose Chain

The Eight-Fang Nose Chain is available as an Epic-level reward in the Wild Hunt Crown Crates.

Eternal Hunger CoronalEdit

This metallic tiara, with its central, stylized Dragon head, its mouth ever-gaping in Eternal Hunger, was popular in the lower-level clergy of the Dragon Cult, according to scholars of those ancient times.
Eternal Hunger Coronal

The Eternal Hunger Coronal is available as a Superior-level reward in Scalecaller Crown Crates.

Eyevea Evoker's FlairEdit

"Each piece of this ornate head jewelry represents a trial that I passed to gain the title of Evoker. You may not see Eyevea-trained evokers like me wearing these every day. But for formal occasions? Just the thing."—Evoker Triann
Eyevea Evoker's Flair

The Eyevea Evoker's Flair is available as an Epic-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates.

Galenwood MaskEdit

"Guided by a druid's artistry, this mask is birthed from earth and stone. This gives it form. Then air and water tease out weakness, leaving behind a formidable symbol of the True Way."—Druid Julisa
Galenwood Mask

The Galenwood Mask is available as an Epic-level reward in the Stonelore Crown Crates.

Gemcutter's SpectaclesEdit

Why depend on others to tell you the worth of your finds? Set yourself up with these spectacles, and you can determine the value of gems you discover yourself!
Gemcutter's Spectacles

The Gemcutter's Spectacles were available in the Crown Store for 012001,200   for a limited time during May 2020. It was packed in a bundle with the Gem Prospector costume. They are also available as a Superior-level reward in the Grim Harlequin Crate

Golden Brow WingEdit

A golden wing on the forehead bespeaks an Argonian who looks up from the mud to behold the sky.
Golden Brow Wing

The Golden Brow Wing is available in the Crown Store for 00400400  . Only usable by Argonians.

Goldenwing CircletEdit

A circlet of beaten gold influenced by the winged chevrons worn by the Nord priesthood of Kyne.
Goldenwing Circlet

The Goldenwing Circlet is available in the Crown Store for 00400400  . Usable by all races except Argonians.

Great Stag Brow AntlersEdit

Of Lord Hircine's five famous aspects, the best known is undoubtedly his appearance as the Great Stag, with an impressive span of antlers jutting from his brows. Now you can pay tribute to the Great Stag with these cosmetic Brow Antlers.
Great Stag Brow Antlers

The Great Stag Brow Antlers are available as a Superior-level reward in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.

Hakoshae Festival LaurelEdit

"Our best artisans crafted this jeweled laurel based on my research of past Proving Festivals. It is our hope that by wearing these laurels, we can become closer to our honored ancestors."—Magnate Feina-Darak"
Hakoshae Festival Laurel

The Hakoshae Festival Laurel was available in the Crown Store to ESO Plus subscribers for 010001000   during the month of June in 2019. It came bundled with the Hakoshae Festival Attire costume. It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Grim Harlequin Crates.

High Vampiric HeaddressEdit

"During one of their infrequent moots, vampires of Iliac Bay honored their leaders with this haunting crownlet. Once adorned, they fed until only fellow vampires remained within screaming distance of the gathering."—Nalana, Advisor to House Tamrith
High Vampiric Headdress

The High Vampiric Headdress is available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.

Hopesbud CoronalEdit

The gems of this coronal glitter even when the night is dark and the winter drags on. The headpiece serves as a reminder that hope sleeps beneath the snow, ready to flourish for anyone with the strength to wait for the thaw.
Hopesbud Coronal

The Hopesbud Coronal is available as an Epic-level reward in Celestial Crates.

Horned Brow PlateEdit

Horned Brow Plate
Feeling Daedric? Get Oblivious with the Horned Brow Plate - now with faux rivets!"

The Horned Brow Plate was available in the Crown Store for 00200200  . Usable by all races except Argonian.

Jawbone BladesEdit

You'll get the respect you deserve down at the Staymoist Tavern when you walk in sporting these aggressive Jawbone Blades. Look out, dryskins!
Jawbone Blades

The Jawbone Blades are available as a Superior-level reward in the Storm Atronach Crown Crates. Usable only by Argonians.

Keizaal CoronetEdit

"Dragons call the lands of Skyrim 'Keizaal,' and thus we shall name this coronet, which only the worthiest of a Dragon warrior-priest's servants may don."—Azhidal
Keizaal Coronet

The Keizaal Coronet is available as an Epic-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.

Knower's Eye HairpinEdit

Keep your hair, fur, or feathers untangled and well-coiffed! All with a distinctive hairpin bearing the visage of Hermaeus Mora. While it may not utter dark secrets into your ear, its glint may attract someone who can share intriguing mysteries with you.
Knower's Eye Hairpin

The Knower's Eye Hairpin is available as an Epic-level reward in the All-Maker Crates.

Legendary Dragon CoronalEdit

As they reach the zenith of their prowess, Dragon Hunters gain the final piece of this famed coronal. Let the weight of countless slain Dragons weigh heavy upon your brow!
Legendary Dragon Coronal

The Legendary Dragon Coronal is available as a Superior-level reward in the Frost Atronach Crown Crates.

Magicka Brow MedallionEdit

Though inspired by the iconography of the Psijic Order, the Magicka Medallion is a fine adornment for anyone with a commitment to the arcane arts, whether as an independent spellcaster or a member of the Mages Guild.
Mystic Magicka Brow Medallion

The Magicka Brow Medallion is available as a Superior-level reward in Psijic Vault Crown Crates.

Mechanist TiaraEdit

Mechanist Tiara
This is a replica of the impressive tiara awarded to Clockwork Apostles when they reach the rank of Mechanist. Congratulations, Gear-Champion!

The Mechanist Tiara is available as an Epic-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Mercymother's CoronetEdit

Mercymother's Coronet
"House Indoril reverentially marks the Fast of Forebearance in honor of the Healing Mother. Several coronets are fashioned in her honor and rewarded to those who have lived up to her name during this ecclesial holiday."—Mage Tolendir Gals

The Mercymother's Coronet is available as an Epic-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates.

Molag Bal MasqueradeEdit

Molag Bal Masquerade
Some would argue that bearing the image of Molag Bal for something as trifling as a masquerade is borderline folly, but to the mask-loving revelers of Tamriel, the Prince's iconic silhouette is simply too good to pass up.

The Molag Bal Masquerade is a mask in the shape of Molag Bal's head. It is available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crown Crates.

Monarch HairpinEdit

Monarch Hairpin
"Sheogorath tortured butterflies. Did you know that? If one wants to rest on my head, then so be it. As far as I'm concerned it could use a break. Besides, I think my new friend is rather fetching, don't you?"—Duchess Carmyne, Hegathe Palace

The Monarch Hairpin is available as an Epic-level reward in Dark Chivalry Crown Crates.

Morthal Jarl CircletEdit

Morthal Jarl Circlet
Supple mammoth leather forms the basis of this commanding circlet, which convincingly imitates that worn by the Jarl of Morthal. The metal focal point integrates Morthal's heraldry, adding a hint of flair to this handsome band—and to any who don it!

The Morthal Jarl Circlet is available as an Epic-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Morag Tong Spatter LensesEdit

Morag Tong Spatter Lenses
Naryu Virian says, "When you take out a target, these Morag Tong-style goggles will keep spattering blood out of your eyes, so you can see your way clear to make your escape when the local guards come after you!"

The Morag Tong Spatter Lenses were available in the Crown Store as part of the "Naryu's Morag Tong Costume" bundle for 020002000  , which contains a costume of the same name. It is now available as an Epic-level reward in Iron Atronach Crates.

Mycoturge FascinatorEdit

Mycoturge Fascinator
Mycoturges who achieve a certain level of mastery in their craft may don this fascinator, which they must first craft from bloodtooth toadstools. If it thrives for a full season of wear, they gain recognition as a master mycoturge.

The Mycoturge Fascinator is available as an Epic-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. It resembles a large mushroom.

Nchuleft Tonal VisorEdit

Nchuleft Tonal Visor
This omnigatherum based on designs discovered in the Dwarven ruin of Nchuleft combines the Brow Shields and the Goggle Horn into one mighty upper-face visor that'll have you saying, "Thuabtharng btham!"

The Nchuleft Tonal Visor is a Legendary-level reward in Dwarven Crown Crates.

Nibenese Laurel CoronetEdit

Wear the haughty golden laurels of the Nibenese aristocracy with this Coronet and look down your noble nose at lesser mortals!
Nibenese Laurel Coronet

The Nibenese Laurel Coronet was sold alongside the Nibenese Noble's Shawled Robe for 012001,200  .

Nightshade Hair CombEdit

Nightshade Hair Comb
So beautiful. So deadly. That describes both you and this floral head flair, does it not? Plus you never know when you'll need a bit of alluring poison close at hand.

The Nightshade Hair Comb is an Epic-level reward in Dark Brotherhood Crown Crates.

Pact Dragonclaw CircletEdit

Pact Dragonclaw Circlet
Proven heroes of the Ebonheart Pact may wear upon their brow this majestic circlet surmounted by silvery Dragon claws."

The Pact Dragonclaw Circlet is available in the Crown Store for 00200200  . Usable by all races except Argonians.

Pact Dragonclaw CoronetEdit

Pact Dragonclaw Coronet
Argonian heroes of the Ebonheart Pact may wear upon their brow this majestic coronet surmounted by silvery Dragon claws."

The Pact Dragonclaw Coronet is available in the Crown Store for 00200200  . Usable only by Argonians.

Prize-Hunter's PatchEdit

Prize-Hunter's Patch
Had your eye on the prize a bit too much, eh? Well, cover up that wound with this stylish patch.

The Prize-Hunter's Patch was available in the Crown Store for 00300300   from January 9 to January 13, 2020. It returned for 00400400   from July 25 to August 3, 2021.

Queen Ayrenn's Aldmeri CircletEdit

Naturally, the Queen of the High Elves is no stranger to tiaras, but don't mistake this circlet for mere adornment. Forged with precious metals, Ayrenn's circlet is unyielding in its strength—much like the queen herself.
Queen Ayrenn's Aldmeri Circlet

The Queen Ayrenn's Aldmeri Circlet is available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crown Crates.

Sacred Rhombus CircletEdit

Clergy in the Dragon Cult below the Priest level adorned themselves with the tall pointed diamond symbol known as the Sacred Rhombus, a design said to be symbolic of a Dragon's scales.
Sacred Rhombus Circlet

The Sacred Rhombus Circlet is available as a Superior-level reward in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.

Saliache Aetherial TiaraEdit

"A self-described Saliache artist-warrior described how she wore this stunning tiara to shapeshifting exhibitions to assist in transformations. While I can't garner the same results, it catches the light and draws eyes at gatherings."—Savre Longleat
Saliache Aetherial Tiara

The Saliache Aetherial Tiara is available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid Crates.

Scholar's SpectaclesEdit

Scholar's Spectacles
"I've seen the whole world, but my eyes aren't what they used to be. Thanks to your spectacles, I'll be able to see a bit more of it before I'm forced to settle down."—Letter of thanks written by Lady Arabelle Davaux to Lorb, Glassblower

The Scholar's Spectacles are available as an Epic-level reward in Dark Chivalry Crown Crates.

Shimmerene Soiree CircletEdit

Shimmerene Soiree Circlet
Before the Interregnum, this elegant circlet graced the brows of High Elves who attended the Shimmerene Soiree, a gala held by the Canonreeve to honor that city-state. Now artisans sell it to any who wish to be appropriately garbed for this festivity.

The Shimmerene Soiree Circlet is available as a Superior-level reward in the Grim Harlequin Crown Crates. It matches the Shimmerene Soiree Gown.

Skaal's Brow BandEdit

Skaal's Brow Band
"You never walk alone under the All-Maker's gaze. The fur and leather in this band are a reminder that all are One. Meanwhile its gentle pressure on your head can keep you grounded to unbroken earth."—Skaal Shaman Rik

The Skaal's Brow Band is available as an Epic-level reward in the All-Maker Crates.

Snowcrystal TiaraEdit

Let your grace and style shine with this glistening tiara. Perfect for Evening Star galas, royal balls, and days when you just want to sparkle.
Snowcrystal Tiara

The Snowcrystal Tiara is available as an Epic-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates.

Stallion-Liege Brow MedallionEdit

After Sai Sahan freed Leyawiin from its Longhouse occupation, Leyawiin honored those who aided him with a special medallion. Each year since, the city awards these Nibenese-style head ornaments to its bravest defenders.
Stallion-Liege Brow Medallion

The Stallion-Liege Brow Medallion is available as a Superior-level reward in the Iron Atronach Crown Crates.

Star-Brow DiademEdit

This elegant tiara simultaneously evokes the heavenly stars that are the source of all Magicka, and the horns of the Dragons whom the ancient Nords worshiped. Perhaps the ancient Atmorans weren't as barbaric as they're depicted!
Star-Brow Diadem

The Star-Brow Diadem is available as a Superior-level reward in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.

Star-Made CircletEdit

Star-Made Circlet
"And upon the Star-Made Circlet there shall be Three Diamonds in remembrance of our Glorious Empire's Foundation: One Diamond for Alessia, One Diamond for Morihaus, and One Diamond for Pelinal, also called Whitestrake."

The Star-Made Circlet is available in the Crown Store as part of the Midyear Mayhem Crowns Pack for 00700700   during Midyear Mayhem.

Star-Made Diamond DiademEdit

Star-Made Diamond Diadem
"But Al-Esh thought it meet to retain the Laureled Diadem for her own Imperial Brow, and it was set with Twin Red Diamonds, one for Herself and one for Belharza to Come, who was even then Quickening."

The Star-Made Diamond Diadem is available in the Crown Store as part of the Midyear Mayhem Crowns Pack for 00700700   during Midyear Mayhem.

Star-Made Sword CoronetEdit

Star-Made Sword Coronet
"And the Paravant gave each to Pelinal and Morihaus a coronet surmounted by a sword, for they were the living weapons of the Empire, AE ALTADOON, and no mortal could stand before them."

The Star-Made Diamond Diadem is available in the Crown Store as part of the Midyear Mayhem Crowns Pack for 00700700   during Midyear Mayhem.

Steadfast Society Ball DominoEdit

Steadfast Society Ball Domino
"To offset the suffering caused by the Three Banners War, some of us host gatherings to raise funds for our healing centers. Each event sees the biggest donor receiving a mask embellished with an Imperial red diamond. I adore mine."—Estayne Justal

The Steadfast Society Ball Domino is available as an Epic-level reward in Unfeathered Crown Crates.

Studded Leather Brow BandEdit

This metal-studded Leather Brow Band is as practical as it is decorative. After all, a barbarian warrior might have a little too much mead, miss the doorway a bit, and BANG. Best to have a bit of protection for the old noggin, am I right?
Studded Leather Brow Band

The Studded Leather Brow Band is available in the Crown Store as part of the Barbarian Warrior Cosmetic Pack for 010001,000  . Usable only by men and mer.

Talon VeilEdit

Talon Veil
The so-called "Talon Veil" is worn by Cat-Folk who have passed the dangerous initiation rites of a Khajiiti hunting club.

The Talon Veil is available in the Crown Store for 00200200  . Usable by all races except Argonians.

Warlock's VeilEdit

While the missing moon makes its presence known, mages gather materials to craft these veils. A solemn ceremony under the light of the Ritual constellation affixes the enchantment that allows the wearer to see while the veil covers their eyes.
Warlock's Veil

The Warlock's Veil is available as an Epic-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates.

Windcaller's CircletEdit

Blessed stalhrim nestles protectively between wolf embellishments in this arresting circlet. Those who call upon the winds and train wolf guardians to serve the Skaal proudly wear this piece.
Windcaller's Circlet

The Windcaller's Circlet is available as an Epic-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. It matches the Windcaller Garb costume.

Wire Cage Half-MaskEdit

For the strong and untamed spirit, the spiraling wires of this jewelry half-mask express the inner power that no cage could ever contain.
Wire Cage Half-Mask

The Wire Cage Half-Mask is available in the Crown Store from the Barbaric Beauty Pack for 010001,000  . Usable only by men and mer.

Wolfsbane Ear PosyEdit

For many, the Wolfsbane Ear Posy is just a simple adornment—but for members of the Order of the Silver Dawn, it serves to identify those who are secret members or sympathizers of that society of Werewolf hunters.
Wolfsbane Ear Posy

The Wolfsbane Ear Posy is available as a Superior-level reward in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.

Daily RewardsEdit

Dremora Deceiver's DiademEdit

Dremora Deceiver's Diadem
Draw attention away from your hands—and perhaps your mischief—with this impressive ornament. Though once worn only by Dremora as a sign of status, these flashy diadems now grace the heads of cunning thieves and bold Daedra-slayers alike.

The Dremora Deceiver's Diadem was available as the day 21 daily reward in November 2021. It matches the Dremora Deceiver Duster. It is usable by all races.

Miscarcand MonocleEdit

"I'd heard about the Ayleid city of Miscarcand, but I thought it to be a bard's fancy made up for songs at the Fertile Respite. Right up until this bit of sparkle came across my counter. Will wonders never cease."—Louna Maborel
Miscarcand Monocle

The Miscarcand Monocle was obtainable from the Daily Rewards by signing in at least 14 days during the month of July 2024.

Seastone BrowplateEdit

Set with a rare aquamarine worn smooth by tides, this imposing metal browplate features waves reminiscent of rough waters. Some claim a spirit from the Sea of Ghosts haunts the gem, imbuing it with a faint chill.
Seastone Browplate

The Seastone Browplate was available as a daily reward for the 13th day of August, 2020.

Shrouded CrownEdit

Shrouded Crown
"Silver may glint in darkness, but the master who wears this crown often blackened its gleam while pursuing worldly agendas in hidden spaces. All that is a romantic way of saying that a spymaster earned this badge of office for Shroud."—Taleon Mythmaker

The Shrouded Crown was available as a daily reward for the 21st day of March, 2021.

Thrafey Debutante CircletEdit

"Let lesser vampires scuttle about in the shadows. A true child of Lamae Bal knows the value of light and fashion. Wear this circlet, and you'll attract the gaze of every aristocrat at the ball—easy prey, eager for domination."—Archblood Delyna
Thrafey Debutante Circlet

The Thrafey Debutante Circlet was available as a daily reward for the 21st day of February 2022. It matches Thrafey Debutante Gown.

Weald Arbor HeaddressEdit

Weald Arbor Headdress
No West Weald harvest festival is complete without seeing these colorful autumnal garlands on joyful celebrants. Some even claim these headdresses bless the wearer with plenty during the upcoming winter.

The Weald Arbor Headdress is a major adornment in the form of a flower crown. It will be obtainable from the Daily Rewards by signing in and claiming rewards for at least 14 days during the month of September 2024.

In-Game RewardsEdit

Drakes and Daemons MaskEdit

This vibrant mask makes for a colorful addition to your Battlegrounds gear. Whether you're a Fire Drake or a Pit Daemon, wade into battle bearing the colors of your chosen banner!
Drakes and Daemons Mask

The Drakes and Daemons Mask is acquired by combining 20 Battlemaster Tokens, available by completing Battlegrounds Quests, with a Battlemaster's Power, available for purchase from Battleground Supply Merchants across Tamriel.

Grave Elegance MaskEdit

Combining Daedric elegance with the protection of the wearer's eyes and identity, this mask makes you as mysterious as Oblivion itself.
Grave Elegance Mask

The Grave Elegance Mask is acquired by completing the "Lyranth's Liaison" achievement in The Deadlands.

Malign Ambitions CrownEdit

"As you feel the crown's weight, let the clang of steel, the scent of ash, and the taste of blood fill your mind. Now stand, Razor-pledged. Let your ambition guide you along Dagon's path."—Disastrix Zansora
Malign Ambitions Crown

The Malign Ambitions Crown is acquired by completing the quest "A Hidden Vault" in Blackwood.

Mayhem Victor's Laurel WreathEdit

Mayhem Victor's Laurel Wreath
As a Star-Made Knight, this victor's laurel wreath will sit lightly on your brow, informing everyone you meet of your legendary triumph. Hail and kudos!

The Mayhem Victor's Laurel Wreath is given as a reward for completing the Star-Made Knight Achievement, which is awarded upon completing all other 2017 Midyear Mayhem achievements.

Wolfcrown of SolitudeEdit

Solitude's silver wolf dominates this replica of the crown worn by High King Svargrim, making it perfect for those who wish to look both regal and fierce. Legends claim the crimson elements represent the blood shed in defense of hearth and kin.
Wolfcrown of Solitude

Tne Wolfcrown of Solitude is acquired by completing the "Daughter of the Wolf" quest in Western Skyrim.

Pre-Order BonusesEdit

Jarl CrownEdit

Crafted from horker leather and metal reworked from weapons, this circlet marks your lofty status among the Nords.
Jarl Crown

The Jarl Crown is available to those who preordered the Greymoor physical or digital Collector's Edition.


Barred Feather HornsEdit

Julianos' avian companion, Wise-Wing, is usually represented as a barred owl, so wearing barred owl tail-feathers often bespeaks devotion to the God of Wisdom.

The Barred Feather Horns are an upcoming adornment. Usable by all races except Argonians.

Bird Skull Brow BaubleEdit

"Yes, I like to wear a skull on my skull. More skulls are always better than fewer, are they not?" —Adzi-Loh

The Bird Skull Brow Bauble is an upcoming adornment. Usable only by Argonians.

Mirrormoor MasqueEdit

Don this scintillating mask and add a touch of exquisite mystery to any gathering. Light dances and sparkles as it reflects from the multitude of shards on this meticulously constructed ornament.

The Mirrormoor Masque is an upcoming major adornment.

Shaman's Bird-Bone CircletEdit

Sometimes you just feel barbaric, and then only wearing a naked bird-skull on your forehead will do.
Shaman's Bird-Bone Circlet

The Shaman's Bird-Bone Circlet is an upcoming adornment. Usable by all races except Argonians.

Six-Spike Tail TrimEdit

They'll give you plenty of room to yourself in the mud wallow when you show up wearing your dangerous-looking Six-Spike Tail Trim. Erect the spine of passive aggression!

The Six-Spike Tail Trim is an upcoming adornment. Usable only by Argonians.

Spellsword CoronetEdit

The light glinting off the metal of this ornate coronet might be the only warning an enemy has before you strike them down with your arcane might. Never underestimate Breton magic!

The Spellsword Coronet is an upcoming adornment.

Sporty Tail TuftEdit

You'll swing your tail to the Two Moons Dance with pride when it's tipped with the so-sleek Sporty Tail Tuft. Clan-Mother approved!
Sporty Tail Tuft

The Sporty Tail Tuft is an upcoming adornment. It can be seen on a few Khajiit NPCs, but is not currently available for use by players. It used to be classified as Facial Hair, and its description read as follows: You'll swing your tail to the Two Moons Dance with pride when it's tipped with the so-sleek Sporty Tail Tuft. Now with matching goatee!

Temple Spike TorcEdit

This broad metal forehead torc features aggressive spikes rising from the wearer's temples.

The Temple Spike Torc is an upcoming adornment. Usable by all races except Argonians. Orryn the Black wears this adornment.