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General:Obscure Fauna

< General(Redirected from General:Obscure Creatures)

This page is a fan resource for lore zoologists, meant to document obscure fauna appearing only in lore, as well as otherwise unidentified creatures.

Official LoreEdit

Real Animals

Cut Content and Concept ArtEdit

Unofficial LoreEdit

Developer Mod LoreEdit




Cut ContentEdit

Developer ModsEdit

Gallery of Unidentified FaunaEdit



Cut ContentEdit


  • Djinns appeared in the Daggerfall Preview. Djinni Bottles would bring forth a Djinn who'd grant the user one wish.
  • In Redguard, deadly tentacles belonging to some unknown creature can attack in certain waters. According to the game files, the sound they make comes from a "megafish".
  • Concept art for Morrowind refers to female Bosmer as Swanmays and depicts male Bosmer with a variety of monstrous appearances, providing several names that could protentionally describe them, many of which are names of existing fantasy creatures. These names include: Woodland Imps, Forest Goblins, Satyrs, Tree Trolls, Boarfolk, Redcaps, and Boggles.[UOL 18]
  • There is a location in Oblivion called Gnoll Mountain. Gnolls are a race of hyena-men that originate from Dungeons & Dragons.
  • In Morrowind there are a few locations which reference the names of Pokémon, creatures from the titular series. Notably in Ilunibi, there's a section called Marowak's Spine.


  1. ^ N'Gasta's dialogue in Redguard
  2. ^ Attrebus biography in Redguard
  3. ^ Letter to Thane OgvarThunvilde
  4. ^ Scrap of Balrog Hide in Arena
  5. ^ Erilthel's dialogue in ESO: Blackwood
  6. ^ Jailer Lagrolga's dialogue in ESO: High Isle
  7. ^ a b c d Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd EditionImperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
  8. ^ Father Of The NibenFlorin Jaliil
  9. ^ a b c d e f g The Infernal CityGreg Keyes
  10. ^ 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 24Vivec
  11. ^ a b The WispmotherMathias Etienne
  12. ^ a b c d e f g The FaerieSzun Triop
  13. ^ a b c d On the Brewing of Dark Meat BeerAnonymous Bosmeri Brewer
  14. ^ Harridan's Lair Loading screen text in ESO
  15. ^ Lord of SoulsGreg Keyes
  16. ^ Denizens of ApocryphaCipher Plautis
  17. ^ The Hope of the RedoranTuriul Nirith
  18. ^ Crafting Motif 79: Refabricated StyleDreyla Indavel, Halls of Fabrication
  19. ^ Corim Ashlen's dialogue in Arena
  20. ^ a b The names of various Taverns in Daggerfall
  21. ^ Faraniel's dialogue in ESO
  22. ^ On Dwarven DynastorsRaynor Vanos, Scholar of Dwemer Antiquities
  23. ^ Augur of the Obscure's dialogue in ESO: Summerset
  24. ^ On Immortality — Anonymous
  25. ^ Ithguleoir
  26. ^ a b The Wolf QueenWaughin Jarth
  27. ^ French Translation of A Child's Tamriel Bestiary
  28. ^ Inn Quest Dialogue in Arena
  29. ^ 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 26Vivec
  30. ^ The Mysterious Mermaid of Anvil
  31. ^ The Red Kitchen ReaderSimocles Quo
  32. ^ A Dance in Fire, Chapter 5Waughin Jarth
  33. ^ Telvanni Mole Crab Helm item in Morrowind
  34. ^ Belaigh and the MolmorSirino Hentor, Elder Historian
  35. ^ Statues of Vivec in Morrowind and ESO
  36. ^ The Real BarenziahAnonymous
  37. ^ Hollowbone Wind Chimes Antiquities codex entries in ESO
  38. ^ The Origin of Cyrus!Michael Kirkbride
  39. ^ The Flight of Gryphons
  40. ^ Eveli Sharp-Arrow's dialogue during A Mysterious Event in ESO: Blackwood
  41. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: CyrodiilImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  42. ^ Lord Fa-Nuit-Hen and Tutor Riparius Answer Your QuestionsFa-Nuit-Hen and Tutor Riparius
  43. ^ The Argonian AccountWaughin Jarth
  44. ^ a b c People of Morrowind — Various
  45. ^ Vigwenn Owl-Watcher's dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
  46. ^ Yngol and the Sea-Ghosts
  47. ^ Skylamp's Shadow spell in Morrowind
  48. ^ Snow Drake's Pelt enchantment in Battlespire
  49. ^ Vigwenn Owl-Watcher's dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
  50. ^ Temple of Agamanus riddle during Halls of Colossus quest in Arena
  51. ^ Against the SnakesDenskar
  52. ^ Preserved Wraxu Feathers codex entries in ESO
  53. ^ Wyvern's Sting spell in Arena
  54. ^ Alchemy's dialogue in ESO: Summerset
  55. ^ The Worthy Ar-Azal, His Deeds
  56. ^ Pocket Salamander pet description in ESO
  57. ^ Lizard Rhinoceros hairstyle description in ESO
  58. ^ Hunt for a Giant Spider in Daggerfall
  59. ^ The Morrowind Prophecies#Game of the Year Edition — Peter Olafson

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.

Note: The following references are derived from developer mods, which are considered to be unauthoritative in nature.