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This page lists all books found in Auridon.

Shalidor's LibraryEdit

These books can only be found in Auridon.

Auridon LoreEdit

Title Author Description Location
Crimes of the Daggerfall Covenant
Aicantar of Shimmerene, Sapiarch of Indoctrination Dominion propaganda decrying the Covenant
Fang of the Sea Vipers
Telenger the Artificer An Aldmeri Dominion report on the Maormer threat Auridon:


Kinlord Rilis and the Mages Guild
High Incunabulist Valaste of the Mages Guild Essay dispelling common misconceptions surroundings the formation of the Mages Guild
  • Firsthold Castle, Firsthold (map)
  • Overlook Inn, Firsthold (map)
  • Firsthold Fighters Guild, Firsthold
The Lay of Firsthold
Poem dedicated to the founding of Auridon
Life in the Eagle's Shadow
A journal recounting the rise of the Aldmeri Dominion in the Second Era
Regarding the Ebonheart Pact
Aicantar of Shimmerene, Sapiarch of Indoctrination Condemnation against the Dunmer and their allegiance to the Ebonheart Pact
The Rise of Queen Ayrenn
Nuulehtel of Skywatch A brief account of Queen Ayrenn's life and history Auridon:

Northern Elsweyr:

Thalmor Handbill
Aicantar of Shimmerene, Sapiarch of Indoctrination Thalmor pamphlet offering guidance for interacting with Khajiit and Bosmer allies Auridon:


Varieties of Faith: The High Elves
Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College A summary of the Altmeri pantheon Auridon:


Why Don the Veil?
Jingoistic pamphlet condemning Queen Ayrenn and her allies

Other BooksEdit

These books are may also be found in Glenumbra or Stonefalls.

Title Author Description Location Collection
Aedra and Daedra
Anonymous Overview of the basic differences between Gods, Demons, Aedra, and Daedra Auridon:




Telvanni Peninsula:

Daedric Princes
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer I-A
Marobar Sul How a boy escapes his kidnappers Auridon:




Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer II
Marobar Sul Book 2 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer Auridon:


  • On top of a barrel (map) at Lowland Bandit campsite


Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer III
Marobar Sul Book 3 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer Auridon:



The Anuad Paraphrased
Early religious book providing a simplified version of The Anuad creation myth from the Mythic Era Auridon:




Divines and Deities
Ayleid Inscriptions Translated
Beredalmo the Signifier A series of Ayleid phrases and their translations Auridon:




Gold Coast:


Tamriel History
Boethiah's Proving
Anonymous An account of a fatal summoning of Boethiah Auridon:




Daedric Princes
Frontier, Conquest
University of Gwylim Press, 2E 344 Details the presence of humans in Tamriel before the original Nordic conquests thought to bring humans to Tamriel Auridon:




Tamriel History
Galerion the Mystic
Asgrim Kolsgreg A biography of Galerion, a Psijic who founded the Mages Guild Auridon:




Great Harbingers of the Companions
Swyk the Long-Sighted Chronicle of some of the leaders of the Companions Auridon:




History of the Fighters Guild Pt. 1
Detailing the events leading up to the foundation of the Syffim, now known as the Fighters Guild Auridon:





Tamriel History
History of the Fighters Guild Pt. 2
Detailing the events leading up to the foundation of the Syffim, now known as the Fighters Guild Auridon:



Tamriel History
The Illusion of Death
Fragmented account of Prophet Marukh's encounter with the spirit of Alessia Auridon:




Jorunn the Skald-King
Helgreir Lute-Voice, Bard of Windhelm A biographical book on High King Jorunn of Skyrim Auridon:




The Lunar Lorkhan
Fal Droon A theory about the moons Masser and Secunda Auridon:



Divines and Deities
Monomyth: Dragon God & Missing God
Excerpt of a theological book containing the common creation myths Auridon:




Divines and Deities
Origin of the Mages Guild
The Arch-Mage Salarth Where and how the Mages Guild started Auridon:




Tamriel History
Trials of Saint Alessia
Excerpt from a greater work detailing the creation of the Amulet of Kings Auridon:




Gold Coast:


Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 3
His Majesty King Emeric An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest Auridon:


Galen and Y'ffelon:


High Isle and Amenos:


Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 6
His Majesty King Emeric An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest Auridon:


Galen and Y'ffelon:


High Isle and Amenos:


Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 10
His Majesty King Emeric An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest Auridon:


Galen and Y'ffelon:


High Isle and Amenos:



Eidetic MemoryEdit

Title Author Description Location Collection
2nd Manifesto of Kinlord Rilis XII
High Kinlord Rilis XII Part two of the journal of an imprisoned ruler The Devoted and the Deranged
3rd Manifesto of Kinlord Rilis XII
High Kinlord Rilis XII Part three of the journal of an imprisoned ruler The Devoted and the Deranged
4th Manifesto of Kinlord Rilis XII
High Kinlord Rilis XII Part four of the journal of an imprisoned ruler The Devoted and the Deranged
Adventurer's Almanac, 1st Edition
Skordo the Knife A summary of repeatable quests Auridon:




Adventurer's Almanac
Altmeri Overseer's Journal
An overseer's documentation of their failed attempt to quell a goblin uprising Personal Journals
Aluvus' Final Notes
Aluvus The last notes of a vampire Diaries and Logs
Aluvus' Further Notes
Aluvus More notes of a vampire Diaries and Logs
Aluvus' Notes
Aluvus Notes of a vampire Diaries and Logs
Aluvus' Journal
Aluvus A search for an ancient Ayleid ruin Hearts and Flowers
The Ancient Eye
Fiirenir of the Mages Guild A description of an ancient weapon Rituals and Revelations
Anchorite's Log
An Anchorite speculating doom for Abnur Tharn The Five Companions
Another Grim Jest
A dark joke Notes and Memos
Anthology of Available Abodes
List of properties available for purchase Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
The Apprentices' God
A short text on the god Syrabane The Devoted and the Deranged
Aranias' Diary
Aranias Diary of an eager elf Diaries and Logs
Armament Inventory
An inventory of rebel arms Houses, Shops, and Trade
Auridon Explored, Chapter I
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon The World and Its Creatures
Auridon Explored, Chapter II
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon The World and Its Creatures
Auridon Explored, Chapter III
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon The World and Its Creatures
Auridon Explored, Chapter IV
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon The World and Its Creatures
Auridon Explored, Chapter V
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon The World and Its Creatures
Auridon Explored, Chapter VII
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon The World and Its Creatures
Auridon Explored, Chapter XII
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon The World and Its Creatures
Bakhig's Journal, Page 3
Bakhig The Devoted and the Deranged
Bakhig's Journal, Page 11
Bakhig The Devoted and the Deranged
Bakhig's Journal, Page 18
Bakhig The Devoted and the Deranged
Bakhig's Journal, Page 19
Bakhig The Devoted and the Deranged
The Benefits of Alliance
Mannimarco A thinly-veiled threat proposing an alliance Plots and Schemes
Bones of the Forest
A short text on the god Y'ffre Rituals and Revelations
Brief Letter to an Aldarch
Kinlord Astanamo A letter from Kinlord Astanamo to Aldarch Colaste Rituals and Revelations
Burnt Note
Advisor Norion Orders from a commander Criminal Correspondence
Camandar's Journal
Camandar The journal of a frustrated thief Criminal Correspondence
The Cannonreeve's Conundrum
The Summerset Repertory Players A playbill Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Captain Parondo's Log Entry
Captain Parondo Log of a Maormer captain Diaries and Logs
The Chim-el Adabal
Mannimarco Mannimarco's musings on the Amulet of Kings and its red diamond Deshaan:




Multiple zones:

The Five Companions
A list of chores for a stablehand Houses, Shops, and Trade
The Chosen People of Aldmeris
Sealord Malleroth Of Pyandonea An alternate history of the Maormer The World and Its Creatures
Coils of the Father
A short text on the god Auri-El The Devoted and the Deranged
The Danger of Defiance
Mannimarco A strongly-worded letter demanding submission to Molag Bal Plots and Schemes
Dawnbreak Decree
Tenyemanwe A notice to the people of Dawnbreak Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Del's Claim
The Veiled Queen Orders for the Veiled Heritance Plots and Schemes
Del's Claim Report
Lennoon A report to a superior officer Letters and Missives
Delves-Deeply's Note
Delves-Deeply A gentle reminder
  • Quendeluun, near the marquis on the left as you exit the cave entrance (map)
Notes and Memos
Digging Orders
Camandar Orders to the workers Criminal Correspondence
A Discarded Missive
Note to a cult leader Daedric Cults
Dismissal Letter
Telenger the Artificer A letter of dismissal Letters and Missives
Donolon Bakes
Chef Donolon A recipe for Jubilee Cake Auridon:



Houses, Shops, and Trade
Doshia's Journal
Mournhold Fighters Guild (Post Quest) (map)
The Devoted and the Deranged
The Duchess of Anguish
On the torture of Sai Sahan Deshaan:




Multiple zones:

The Five Companions
Eagle Hunter: Against the Dominion
A Covenant report on how to fight the Aldmeri Dominion Military Orders and Reports
Entila's Folly
Bakhig Part of the journal of a crazed thief Diaries and Logs
Essanyon's Records
Essanyon The journal of a madman The Devoted and the Deranged
The Everscriven Tome
A short text on the god Xarxes
  • Torinaan, bookshelves in the central shrine
  • Torinaan, Shrine of Xarxes, next to the campfire (quest dependent)
The Devoted and the Deranged
The Experiment
Sanessalmo The Devoted and the Deranged
Faculty Application
Colassewen of Firsthold Letters and Missives
Faded Note
Vareldur Final words of a dying man Final Words
The Fall of Carac Dena
An elf's search for an ancient Ayleid ruin Research Notes
Fasaran's Diary
Fasaran Diary of a lonely lover Diaries and Logs
The Fires of Truth
Instructions for worship of Mara Rituals and Revelations
Forbidden Research Notes
Merormo Research Notes
Forgotten Tome
Mysteries and Clues
The Gift of Arson
A gift to their lord Daedric Cults
The Gifts of Magnus
A short text on the god Magnus The Devoted and the Deranged
Gilded Letter
Canonreeve Valano A letter outlining some issues with the plan Criminal Correspondence
Grim Jest
A dark joke Notes and Memos
The Heart of Love
A short text on the god Mara The Devoted and the Deranged
Hendil's Journal
Hendil The journal of a desperate father Plots and Schemes
The Hidden Twilight
Carillius Melfus The introduction of an ancient text Mysteries and Clues
Homes for Sale!
Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
How Long Before the Echoes Fade?
A description of the decay of the Soul Shriven The Five Companions
How To Prepare Slaughterfish
A recipe for Alder Plank Slaughterfish Houses, Shops, and Trade
In the Event of Your Demise
Advisor Norion Should you fail…
  • Slightly northwest of the Inner Tanzelwil exit in Auridon near a broken wall (map)
Criminal Correspondence
Instructions for Placement
Advisor Norion Instruction on where to place the corruption stones in Tanzelwil Criminal Correspondence
Inventory (Confidential)
Confidential inventory listing Houses, Shops, and Trade
Journal of Priestess Aranwen
Priestess Aranwen Priestess' journal Personal Journals
Khajiiti Honorifics
Lady Radurra-dra of Torval An informational guide to Khajiiti naming conventions Lore and Culture
Letter from Camarino
Camarino Letter to a quarantined sister Letters and Missives
Letter from Lenwe
Lenwe A letter to a quarantined son Letters and Missives
Letter from Minique
Minique Letters and Missives
Letter to an Aldarch
Kinlord Astanmo Rituals and Revelations
Letter to Egranor
Aranias Letters and Missives
Letter to Estre
High Kinlord Rilis A letter of regret Letters and Missives
Letter to Jazish
Jiyya Hearts and Flowers
Letter to Telenger
Namolelcare A letter of recommendation Letters and Missives
Letter with Singed Edges
High Kinlady Estre A letter proposing an alliance to overthrow Queen Ayrenn Plots and Schemes
List of Names
A list of names Mysteries and Clues
Manifesto of Kinlord Rilis XII
High Kinlord Rilis XII Part one of the journal of an imprisoned ruler The Devoted and the Deranged
Mathiisen Forge Inventory
Forge inventory listing Houses, Shops, and Trade
Merion's Diary
Merion Diary of an abandoned alchemist Hearts and Flowers
The Maormer of Pyandonea
Imperial Geographical Society A short essay on the Maormer The World and Its Creatures
Military Deployment Across Auridon
Battlemage Sinien A notice of various deployments Military Orders and Reports
Missing Citizens
A list of missing people Mysteries and Clues
Morrowind Needs You!
A travel brochure Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Nolonir's Journal, Page 6
Nolonir The journal of a necromancer Plots and Schemes
Nolonir's Journal, Page 17
Nolonir The journal of a necromancer Plots and Schemes
Nolonir's Journal, Page 29
Nolonir The journal of a necromancer Plots and Schemes
Notes on Bewan
Note from a smuggler Criminal Correspondence
Notes on the Mortuum Vivicus
Details of Molag Bal's plot surrounding the Mortuum Vivicus
  Buraniim (map) (after reading Doshia's diary)
Vulkhel Guard Fighters Guild (post-quest)
  Dourstone Vault (after reading Doshia's diary)
Fighters Guild Hall (Wayrest) (post-quest) (map)
  Stonefang Cavern (after reading Doshia's diary)

Fighters Guild (Mournhold) (post-quest) (map)
Rituals and Revelations
Ode to Auridon
A tribute to Auridon Words of the Poets
On Activation
Advisor Norion Notes on the use of corruption stones at Tanzelwil Plots and Schemes
On the Brewing of Dark Meat Beer
Anonymous Bosmeri Brewer Instructions on brewing Bosmeri alcohol with insects and meat Houses, Shops, and Trade
On the Holy Symbol
Advisor Norion Plot against a priestess Plots and Schemes
Order of the Eye Dispatch
Skaldir A request to the Arch-Mage for help from a member of the Order of the Eye
  • Mages Guild guildhall, Vivec City (map) (the only location after update 40)
Letters and Missives
Our Budding Alliance
Mannimarco A letter of appreciation Daedric Cults
Our Dupes, the Sea Elves
The Veiled Queen A note on the true intentions of the Veiled Heritance Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Palith Note
Rolancano Notes on a missing daughter Mysteries and Clues
Proper Torture Techniques, Vol. 8
The Duchess of Anguish A treatise on using love as an effective torture method The Five Companions
Proper Torture Techniques, Vol. 13
The Duchess of Anguish A treatise on using failure as an effective torture method The Five Companions
Quaronaldil's Letter
Quaronaldil Duure A letter of apology Letters and Missives
Record of Taxation for Year's End
Explanation of how taxes were paid in full by the residents of the village now known as Wretched Squalor The Five Companions
A reminder of orders Criminal Correspondence
Rothondothrin's Journal
Rothondothrin Journal of a Bosmeri chef
  • Firsthold, the first house on the right just as you cross the bridge into town (map)
Personal Journals
Royal Decree
A royal decree stripping a court mage of his title Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Seeking Tenant!
Felande Demarie A handbill advertising free property to prospective tenants At Player Housing Locations Across Tamriel:

Malabal Tor:


  • The bank in Stormhold (map)

Telvanni Peninsula:

Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Silver Crawdad Surprise
A recipe for fish Houses, Shops, and Trade
Slave's Diary
The writings of a soul shriven prisoner The Five Companions
Smuggler's Note
A jubilant note of a Veiled Heritance member Criminal Correspondence
The Sounding Horn
A short text on the god Stendarr The Devoted and the Deranged
Subtropical Cyrodiil: A Speculation
Lady Cinnabar of Taneth Thoughts on the climate of Cyrodiil and its relationship to the White-Gold Tower Auridon:


  • Sanctum Ophidia, in the first room to the right in the hallway after fighting Ozara, before the door to the troll feeding pit (map)




Rituals and Revelations
Summoning Rituals (Legible)
Archmage Shalidor The words of a great mage Mages Guild in Rituals and Revelations
Summoning Rituals of the Arch-Mage
Archmage Shalidor Rituals and Revelations
Supplementary Orders
Captain Rela Additional orders Military Orders and Reports
Susceptibility to Corruption
Advisor Norion Notes on ancestral spirits Plots and Schemes
Tattered Note
Final Words
Tancano's Journal
Tancano Journal of a lonely, hungry vampire Plots and Schemes
Teldur's Journal
Teldur A journal surrounding the true loyalties of Canonreeve Valano Plots and Schemes
Thalmor Diplomatic Corps Notice
A Thalmor guide on etiquette when interacting with Khajiiti and Wood Elf allies Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Things to Do
A to do list Houses, Shops, and Trade
To Colundore
Falarel the Jester Letter to a lover Hearts and Flowers
To My Reviewer
Falarel the Jester Letters and Missives
To The Veiled Queen
Sealord Malleroth Of Pyandonea A letter from the Maormer High Command revealing plans to invade Auridon Letters and Missives
The Toothmaul Contract
Contract between unlikely allies Houses, Shops, and Trade
The Unbreakable Redguard
Mannimarco On the torture of Sai Sahan Deshaan:




Multiple zones:

The Five Companions
Untold Legends
A fragmented tome surrounding the other lives of Ysgramor Mysteries and Clues
Urcelmo's Supplemental Orders
Battlereeve Urcelmo Additional orders Military Orders and Reports
Urgent Message from the Kinlady
High Kinlady Estre A list of requested items
  • Dawnbreak, in the largest building, on a table by the fireplace (map)
Plots and Schemes
Uricantar's Journal
Uricantar A journal surrounding the Mallari-Mora found in Ezduiin Research Notes
Vareldur's Journal
Vareldur The journal of a repentant son Final Words
Veiled Heritance - Be Warned
The Management A forewarning letter Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Verses of the Illuminated
Verse 5 Words of the Poets
Village Record, Recent Entry
Canonreeve Pinanande The village record Diaries and Logs
Wansalen Tunnels
A letter of warning Letters and Missives
Warning: I Heard You!
Camandar A warning to the workers Criminal Correspondence
The Warrior's Blade
A short text on the god Trinimac The Devoted and the Deranged
Weapon Activation
Fiirenir How to activate an ancient weapon Rituals and Revelations
Welcome, Veiled Recruit
An introductory pamphlet for new Veiled Heritance recruits Plots and Schemes
The Winds of Change
Liesl Grey-Heart A fragmented tome surrounding a vague social taxonomy under Jarl Elgryr the Unminded Mysteries and Clues
Zaban's Letter
Zaban A letter of warning Letters and Missives