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Online:Grahtwood Books

< Elder Scrolls Online: Books: Books by Zone

This page lists all books found in Grahtwood.

Shalidor's LibraryEdit

These books can only be found in Grahtwood.

Grahtwood LoreEdit

Title Author Description Location
Aurbic Enigma 4: The Elden Tree
Beredalmo the Signifier The story of Green-Sap, the Tower of the Bosmer
Ayleid Survivals in Valenwood
Cuinur of Cloudrest, 4th Tier Scholar of Tamrielic Minutiae Thalmor report on the Ayleid Diaspora in the First Era
The Book of the Great Tree
Excerpts regarding the First Tree of the Elden Grove
Common Arms of Valenwood
Mistral Aurelian Teriscor An overview of Bosmeri philosophy regarding weapons and armaments
The Devouring of Gil-Var-Delle
Fastor On the mysterious destruction of an ancient Valenwood township Auridon:

Clockwork City:

  • Northwest of Clockwork Crossroads Wayshrine, near Phillic Valtieri


In the Company of Wood Orcs
Sisarion Extract from a Bosmer's journal recounting his experience with Wood Orcs
The Legend of Vastarie
Afwa, a Student and Friend On one of the most infamous necromancers of the Second Era Grahtwood:

Northern Elsweyr:

Varieties of Faith: The Khajiit
Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College A summary of the Khajiiti pantheon Blackwood:


  • East of Southpoint, on the bench next to the priest
  • Southern Southpoint
  • Eastern Southpoint

Northern Elsweyr:

Southern Elsweyr:

Varieties of Faith: The Wood Elves
Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College A summary of the Bosmeri pantheon
War Customs of the Tribal Bosmer
Mistral Aurelian Teriscor What to expect from the warriors of the Valenwood forests

Other BooksEdit

These books may also be found in Stormhaven or Deshaan.

Title Author Description Location Collection
Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer V
Marobar Sul Book 5 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer Cyrodiil:



Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer VI
Marobar Sul Book 6 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer Cyrodiil:



Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer X
Marobar Sul Book 10 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer Cyrodiil:



Arcana Restored
Wapna Neustra Cryptic instructions for the restoration of Arcana Cyrodiil:




Magic and Magicka
Before the Ages of Man: Dawn Era
Aicantar of Shimmerene Chronicle of the major events of the Dawn Era Cyrodiil:




Myths of the Mundus
Before the Ages of Man: Merethic Era
Aicantar of Shimmerene Chronicle of the major events of the Merethic Era Cyrodiil:




Myths of the Mundus
The Dreamstride
The Mysterious Alchemists of Vaermina A description of the nature and effect of Vaermina's Torpor Cyrodiil:




Daedric Princes
Ebony Blade History
A warning to whomever would seek to wield the power of the Ebony Blade Deshaan:



Myths of the Mundus
Guild Memo on Soul-Trapping
Vanus Galerion, Archmagister Emeritus Vanus Galerion's proposal on the use of soul-trapping magics Cyrodiil:




Magic and Magicka
The House of Troubles
Chronicle of the Daedra who decided not to submit to the Tribunal Clockwork City:


The Deadlands:




Telvanni Peninsula:


Daedric Princes
Liminal Bridges
Camilonwe of Alinor A Discourse On The Theory and Praxis of Traveling Between Mundus and Oblivion Cyrodiil:




Magic and Magicka
Magic from the Sky
Zeroli Jarol Treatise concerning Ayleid Wells, Welkynd Stones, and Varla Stones Cyrodiil:
  • Next to an altar in the middle on an island, in the middle of the lake southeast of Fort Dragonclaw (map)



West Weald:

Magic and Magicka
Manual of Spellcraft
An introduction to magic and the Mages Guild Cyrodiil:





Magic and Magicka
Monomyth: Lorkhan and Satakal
Excerpt of a theological book containing the common creation myths Cyrodiil:




Divines and Deities
Monomyth: The Myth of Aurbis
Excerpt of a theological book containing the common creation myths Cyrodiil:




Divines and Deities
Noxiphilic Sanguivoria
Cinna Scholasticus An overview of a vampirism strain common during the Second Era Cyrodiil:



Myths of the Mundus
The Old Ways
Celarus the Loremaster A guide to the Psijic Order and their beliefs Clockwork City:






Magic and Magicka
On the Detachment of the Sheath
Arch-Prelate Fervidius Tharn An explanation of an aspect of Aurbis Cyrodiil:




Magic and Magicka
A Werewolf's Confession
Captain Philmont of the Oldgate Lancers, Daggerfall Covenant Army The confessions of a regretful lycanthrope Cyrodiil:




Myths of the Mundus

Eidetic MemoryEdit

Title Author Description Location Collection
Aberrant Welkynd Stones
Observations on the properties of Welkynd Stones Research Notes
Adventurer's Almanac, 1st Edition
Skordo the Knife A summary of repeatable quests Auridon:




Adventurer's Almanac
An Ancient Love Letter
Rogano A love letter from a soldier to his beloved Hearts and Flowers
Anirtur's Diary
Anirtur The diary of a merchant and his thoughts on trade in the city of Haven Diaries and Logs
Argonian Refugee's Diary
An Argonian's account of his migration to Valenwood Diaries and Logs
Back to the Land!
The journal of a Bosmer's ill-fated attempt to live in the forest Final Words
Bandit Thug's Journal
Plots and Schemes
Barkbite Stronghold Shaman's List
Shaman Bogham Houses, Shops, and Trade
The Black Year
Notes on the punishment of an Ayleid archivist Rituals and Revelations
Bone Orchard Research Log 1
Ethruin Research notes documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough Research Notes
Bone Orchard Research Log 2
Ethruin Research notes documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough Research Notes
Bone Orchard Research Log 3
Ethruin Research notes documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough Research Notes
Bone Orchard Research Log 4
Ethruin Research notes documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough Research Notes
Bone Orchard Research Log 5
Ethruin Research notes documenting the investigation and excavation of the Bone Orchard and Barrowbough Research Notes
Bordaunt Virelande's Journal
Bordaunt Virelande An adventurer's journal The Devoted and the Deranged
Call for Census
Mayor Aulus A mayoral order to participate in the Southpoint census Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
The Chim-el Adabal
Mannimarco Mannimarco's musings on the Amulet of Kings and its red diamond Deshaan:




Multiple zones:

The Five Companions
Chronicles of Ehtelar, Vol. 1
The first part of a tale of two Alik'r caravaneers and their ill-fated trek into an Ayleid ruin Skill Books
Chronicles of Ehtelar, Vol. 2
The second part of a tale of two Alik'r caravaneers and their ill-fated trek into an Ayleid ruin
  • Laeloria, in the rubble of the ruined house
Tales of Tamriel
Cracking the Elden Tree Vault
A detailed plan The Devoted and the Deranged
Curano's Journal
Curano The journal of an Ayleid warrior of Delodiil Hammerfell:



Elden Root:

Personal Journals
A Dance in Moonlight
An ancient myth of the moons' stolen light Rituals and Revelations
A Daughter's Journal
Personal Journals
Destroyer's Rest
A poem surrounding the origins of the Great Tree of Arborfell Words of the Poets
Diary of a Romance
Lobelathel The recording of a romance between a hermit and a traveling bard Hearts and Flowers
Diary of Climent Noellaume
Climent Noellaume The musings of a sailor and his chosen path in life Diaries and Logs
Dominion Condolences
Captain Eldiniran A letter of condolence Military Orders and Reports
The Duchess of Anguish
On the torture of Sai Sahan Deshaan:




Multiple zones:

The Five Companions
Endarre's Log
Endarre The final journal entry of an adventurer trapped in Mzeneldt Hammerfell:



Elden Root:

Final Words
Enthoras' Journal
Enthoras Houses, Shops, and Trade
Excuses Don't Buy Mansions
C A forewarning letter Criminal Correspondence
The Fall and Rise of Reman's Bluff
Praetor Aemilianus Lector Details of an Imperial fort besieged by Orcs in the late First Era Lore and Culture
Faltonia's Promise
A tale of divination, greed, and foolishness The World and Its Creatures
The First of the Letters
Erraduure The first of a series of letters between an Ayleid and her slave lover Hearts and Flowers
Fisherman's Journal
A fisherman records his difficulty in catching fish due to mysterious lights Final Words
From Jofnir to Merric
Jofnir Iceblade A letter from Jofnir to Merric imploring him to keep the Earth Forge a secret Hammerfell:


Elden Root:

The Earth Forge:

  • Pressure Room III
Letters and Missives
The Founding of Southpoint
the Provincial Office of Governor Zantonius Imperial propaganda for citizens of Southpoint The World and Its Creatures
Garick's Message
Garick Notes and Memos
Gathiel's Astrology Chart
Treethane Rolon Notes on The Lady constellation Mysteries and Clues
Gathiel's Diary
Gathiel The journal of a sickly Bosmer and her struggle in finding a cure, despite the restrictions of the Green Pact Diaries and Logs
Gjarma's Orders: Supplies
Gjarma Raven-Hair Orders regarding the sourcing of bodies for necromantic purposes Letters and Missives
Gjarma's Orders: Wamasu
Gjarma Raven-Hair Orders regarding the transport of a drugged Wamasu Letters and Missives
Gjarma's Orders: Yngold
Gjarma Raven-Hair Orders regarding supplies for a ritual Letters and Missives
Gray Mire Tribal Leadership
Houses, Shops, and Trade
Hunt With Me
Calahawn A call to arms for the Bosmer resistance Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Iirdel's Journal
Treethane Iirdel Notes on Blacksap sympathizers
  • On the third level in the Treethane Audience Hall, Cormount (map)
Plots and Schemes
Increased Dominion Activity
  • On the second level of the tree northwest of the central tree, Cormount (map)
Notes and Memos
Introduction to Stagecraft
Kandelwijj the Magnificent A guide to becoming a successful stage performer
  • On a dresser at the unmarked carnival camp north of Haven (map)
Lore and Culture
Jofnir's Journal
Jofnir Iceblade Personal Journals
Journal of Culanwe
Culanwe The journal of a priestess of Azura surrounding a peace treaty between the Nedes and the Ayleids Daedric Cults
Keeper of Tomes
Notes on a bound Daedra guarding the Reliquary Ruins Rituals and Revelations
Khajiiti Merchant's Invoice
An invoice for a flower of sanguine alendil Houses, Shops, and Trade
Lanath's Journal
Lanath A journal regarding an escape from Abagarlas and the search for the Prismatic Core Hammerfell:



Elden Root:

Personal Journals
The Last of the Letters
Erraduure The last of a series of letters between an Ayleid and her slave lover Hearts and Flowers
Last of the Old Bones
A Bosmeri folk tale chronicling the legend of the Destroyer Rituals and Revelations
Leave This Place
A letter of warning Letters and Missives
Letter to Akash
A letter from Canonreeve Oraneth to Akash gra-Mal Letters and Missives
Letter to Calahawn
Letters and Missives
Letter to Negaelion
Glardel Letters and Missives
Letter to Ofglog
Shakul Letters and Missives
Loriasel Tablet, Entry 1
A journal detailing the attempted translation of an Ayleid tablet Rituals and Revelations
Loriasel Tablet, Entry 2
A journal detailing the attempted translation of an Ayleid tablet Rituals and Revelations
Loriasel Tablet, Entry 4
A journal detailing the attempted translation of an Ayleid tablet Rituals and Revelations
Loriasel Tablet Notes
A journal detailing the attempted translation of an Ayleid tablet Rituals and Revelations
Mages Guild Authorization
Houses, Shops, and Trade
The Massacre at Cormount
Camoran Gorinir Alleging that the Aldmeri Dominion committed genocide in Valenwood
  • Cormount, bottom floor of the tree northwest of the central oak (map)
The World and Its Creatures
Morrowind Needs You!
A travel brochure Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
My Sweet Flower
X Hearts and Flowers
A Nagging Question
Musing on the whereabouts of Ayleids who constructed Root Sunder Research Notes
Ne Salas: Need Reinforcements
Thaendil A request for reinforcements Military Orders and Reports
Nellor's Bandit Connection
Merdyndril Criminal Correspondence
Neronnir's Journal
Neronnir The Devoted and the Deranged
The Night Mother Watches
Slim-Jah Letters and Missives
Nimriell's Research
Nimriell Notes on kwama research Research Notes
Nobility in Theft
Zizar-dar A Treatise on Conscientious Larceny Grahtwood:

Northern Elsweyr:


Criminal Correspondence
Note about "Wood Elf Etiquette"
Iirond Notes and Memos
Note from Akash
Akash gra-Mal Notes and Memos
Note from Khezuli's Contact
Quartermaster Oblan Criminal Correspondence
Note from No-Fingers
No-Fingers Hearts and Flowers
Note from Slim-Jah
Slim-Jah Notes and Memos
Note to Barkeep
Sorion the Talented Notes and Memos
Notice: Pledge Duties
Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Ode to the Elden Tree
A poem dedicated to the Orrery of Elden Root Words of the Poets
An Ode to the Red Bird
Words of the Poets
On Necromancy
V A short instructional guide on necromancy Rituals and Revelations
One Bosmer's Response to the Dominion
Calahawn A response to the formation of the Aldmeri Dominion Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Order of the Eye Dispatch
Skaldir A request to the Arch-Mage for help from a member of the Order of the Eye
  • Mages Guild guildhall, Vivec City (map) (the only location after update 40)
Letters and Missives
Orders from General Endare
General Endare Military Orders and Reports
Ostarand's Diary
Ostarand The ancient journal of an Ayleid Meridia cultist Hammerfell:



Elden Root:

Diaries and Logs
Rajhin and the Stone Maiden, Pt. 1
A tale of the great Khajiiti thief Rajhin Tales of Tamriel
Rajhin and the Stone Maiden, Pt. 2
A tale of the great Khajiiti thief Rajhin Tales of Tamriel
Raven-Hair's Recollections
Gjarma Raven-Hair Diaries and Logs
The Realm of Shadows
Rituals and Revelations
Recipe for Horker Pie
Houses, Shops, and Trade
Redfur Corporal's Log
The personal thoughts of a member of Jode's Chariot Diaries and Logs
Redfur Journal, v. 1
A researcher's field notes on his study of the Reliquary of Stars Plots and Schemes
Redfur Journal, v. 2
A researcher's field notes on his study of the Reliquary of Stars Plots and Schemes
Regarding the "Fists of Thalmor"
Canonreeve Falduil A missive regarding the nomenclature around the Aldmeri Dominion's justiciars Grahtwood:

Malabal Tor:

Letters and Missives
Remnants of Cyrod
The legend surrounding an ancient trove of Ayleid knowledge Mysteries and Clues
Research Assistant Wanted
Archimbert Dantaine An advertisement looking for assistance in researching Ayleid ruins Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
The Rise of Cormount
The history of the Valenwood city Cormount The World and Its Creatures
The Root Sunder Market
Notes on the marketplace of an Ayleid city Research Notes
The Root Sunder Roots
Notes on the root system of an Ayleid city Research Notes
Ruurifin's Journal, Entry 1
Researcher Ruurifin A criticism on the construction of Root Sunder Research Notes
Sanctuary: Final Assessment
Military Orders and Reports
Sanctuary: Weapons Report
Military Orders and Reports
Savior of the Altmer, Part 1
Canonreeve Oraneth A Canonreeve's justifies her actions in service to ending the Three Banners War Diaries and Logs
Savior of the Altmer, Part 2
Canonreeve Oraneth A Canonreeve's justifies her actions in service to ending the Three Banners War Diaries and Logs
Savior of the Altmer, Part 3
Canonreeve Oraneth A Canonreeve's justifies her actions in service to ending the Three Banners War Diaries and Logs
Scrap of Storgh's Journal
Storgh Personal Journals
The Second of the Letters
Erraduure The second of a series of letters between an Ayleid and her slave lover Hearts and Flowers
The Sea It Rises
A Sea Chanty of the Long Coast Words of the Poets
Seeking Tenant!
Felande Demarie A handbill advertising free property to prospective tenants At Player Housing Locations Across Tamriel:

Malabal Tor:


  • The bank in Stormhold (map)

Telvanni Peninsula:

Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Set List
A list of songs Houses, Shops, and Trade
The Seven Shadows of Rajhin, Pt. 1
How Rajhin beat the heat Tales of Tamriel
Shrine of Mara
Instructions on how to perform the Ritual of Mara Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Sirdor's Journal
Sirdor A researcher's notes on Root Sunder and how the Ayleids bound the spirit of the jungle to it Research Notes
A Smuggler's Plan
A note regarding moon-sugar smuggling Criminal Correspondence
Something's in the Attic
On the bumps in the night... The Devoted and the Deranged
The Strange Case of Ragnthar
Guylaine Marilie On the temporospatial claudication of Ragnthar Aurbis:




The World and Its Creatures
Sweetness in the Air
A young Orc dreams of escape from a small village
  • Goldfolly, at the abandoned forge slightly northeast of the Abandoned Longhouse (map)
Hearts and Flowers
Tancano the Elder's Journal
Researcher Tancano Notes on the construction of Root Sunder Research Notes
Thunderbug Repellent
Nimriell Notes and Memos
Time is of the Essence
Military Orders and Reports
The Truth of the Hunter, Pt. 1
A hunter's tale Tales of Tamriel
The Truth of the Hunter, Pt. 2
A hunter's tale Tales of Tamriel
The Truth of the Hunter, Pt. 3
A hunter's tale Tales of Tamriel
To the Veiled Masters
T Criticism of Queen Ayrenn and her rule Plots and Schemes
Tome of the Undaunted (signed)
A record of individuals who took the Pledge of the Undaunted Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Torn Note from Jessen




Daedric Cults
The Unbreakable Redguard
Mannimarco On the torture of Sai Sahan Deshaan:




Multiple zones:

The Five Companions
Uryaamo's Journal
Researcher Uryaamo A journal entry noting the discovery of Root Sunder Research Notes
Valamuur's Notes, Volume I
Valamuur A journal detailing the attempted construction of Root Sunder Rituals and Revelations
Valamuur's Notes, Volume II
Valamuur A journal detailing the attempted construction of Root Sunder Rituals and Revelations
Valamuur's Notes, Volume III
Valamuur A journal detailing the attempted construction of Root Sunder Rituals and Revelations
Valasha's Journal
Valasha The ancient journal of an Ayleid High Priestess Hammerfell:



Elden Root:

Personal Journals
Want More than Middens?
An advertisement seeking recruits for the new arena Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Wanted: Sgolag
Lieutenant Curinaire A bounty on Sgolag Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Wear Them Down
Notes and Memos
What Comes Next
Calahawn Daedric Cults
Deranged scrawlings from within Root Sunder The Devoted and the Deranged
Wood Elf Etiquette: An Imperial Perspective
Kerandas Calvus, in the year 2723 A long discredited late First Era text on manners in Valenwood Lore and Culture