The ashfall from the volcanoes of the Velothi Mountains and from great Ash Mountain itself is Stonefalls' bane and benefit, fertilizing the soil where the land isn't too arid to grow crops. It was here that the recent invading army from Akavir met its bloody end.
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Zone Story QuestsEdit
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
- Legacy of the Ancestors: Help retrieve a component to defend Davon's Watch.
- Delaying the Daggers: Disrupt a Covenant siege of Davon's Watch.
- City Under Siege: Protect Tanval as he performs the ritual.
- Wake the Dead: Wake a powerful mage to help contain Balreth.
- Rending Flames: Retrieve Mavos' personal effects to view a vision of the past.
- Restoring the Guardians: Restore the two guardians of Balreth.
- The Death of Balreth: Defeat Balreth and end his threat forever.
- The Coral Heart: Stop the Covenant from exploiting a powerful artifact.
- Breaking Fort Virak: Help liberate Fort Virak from the Covenant forces.
- Evening the Odds: Help the Pact troops get inside Fort Virak's courtyard.
- The General's Demise: Put an end to the Covenant invasion of Stonefalls.
- Aggressive Negotiations: Find out what the Indoril Grandmaster wanted in Kragenmoor.
- Saving the Son: Rescue the missing son of the Dres Grandmaster.
- Climbing the Spire: Make your way to the top of the Tormented Spire.
- Opening the Portal: Gain access to Sadal's prison.
- Sadal's Final Defeat: Rebind Sadal and end the threat to Stonefalls.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
- Ashen Road Wayshrine — Located east of Kragenmoor in southwestern Stonefalls. (map)
- Brothers of Strife Wayshrine — Located north of the Brothers of Strife. (map)
- Davon's Watch Wayshrine — Located south of Davon's Watch. (map)
- Ebonheart Wayshrine — Located in central Ebonheart. (map)
- Fort Arand Wayshrine — Located north of Fort Arand. (map)
- Fort Virak Wayshrine — Located south of Fort Virak. (map)
- Hrogar's Hold Wayshrine — Located south of Hrogar's Hold. (map)
- Iliath Temple Wayshrine — Located north of the Iliath Temple. (map)
- Kragenmoor Wayshrine — Located in central Kragenmoor. (map)
- Othrenis Wayshrine — Located west of Othrenis. (map)
- Sathram Plantation Wayshrine — Located northeast of the Sathram Plantation. (map)
- Senie Wayshrine — Located east of Senie. (map)
- Sulfur Pools Wayshrine — Located southeast of the Sulfur Pools. (map)
- Vivec's Antlers Wayshrine — Located south of Vivec's Antlers. (map)
Cave DelverEdit
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
- Emberflint Mine — A mine in central Stonefalls, southeast of Ebonheart containing Stonefire Cultists. (map)
- Hightide Hollow — An abandoned mine in central Stonefalls, west of Ebonheart containing spiders. (map)
- Inner Sea Armature — A Dwemer ruin west of Davon's Watch in Stonefalls containing outlaws and Dwarven constructs. (map)
- Mephala's Nest — A Daedric ruin in central Stonefalls, just south of Ebonheart containing Shadowsilk goblins and spiders. (map)
- Sheogorath's Tongue — A Daedric ruin in western Stonefalls, north of Kragenmoor, containing bandits. (map)
- Softloam Cavern — A cave northeast of Kragenmoor in Stonefalls containing Daggerfall Covenant soldiers. (map)
Points of InterestEdit
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
- Ash Mountain — A volcano in southeastern Stonefalls, southwest of the town of Senie. (map)
- Brothers of Strife — An two enormous statues towering over a series of ruins in southern Stonefalls, south of Ebonheart. (map)
- Davon's Watch — A city in northeastern Stonefalls. (map)
- Ebonheart — A city in central Stonefalls. (map)
- Fort Arand — A fort in southern Stonefalls, south of Ebonheart. (map)
- Fort Virak — A fort in northwestern Stonefalls. (map)
- Heimlyn Keep — A fort in western Stonefalls, north of Kragenmoor. (map)
- Hrogar's Hold — A farmstead in western Stonefalls, east of the Argonian village of Lukiul Uxith. (map)
- Iliath Temple — A Tribunal temple in western Stonefalls, northwest of Kragenmoor. (map)
- Kragenmoor — A city on the southwestern side of Stonefalls. (map)
- Lukiul Uxith — An Argonian town in western Stonefalls, just north of Heimlyn Keep. (map)
- Othrenis — A necropolis in southeastern Stonefalls, southwest of Senie. (map)
- Sathram Plantation — A plantation in the far west of Stonefalls, just northwest of Kragenmoor. (map)
- Senie — A town in eastern Stonefalls, south of Davon's Watch. (map)
- Starved Plain — A battlefield just outside Davon's Watch in Stonefalls. (map)
- Sulfur Pools — A series of pools in west-central Stonefalls, west of Ebonheart. (map)
- Tormented Spire — A large active volcano with a cave in southern Stonefalls, east of Kragenmoor. (map)
- Vivec's Antlers — A battlefield in central Stonefalls, just west of Ebonheart. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
- Dagger's Point Invasion Camp — Located west of Ebonheart in central Stonefalls. (map)
- Davenas Farm — Located northeast of Kragenmoor in western Stonefalls. (map)
- Greymist Falls — Located northwest of Lukiul Uxith in western Stonefalls. (map)
- Steamlake Encampment — Located northeast of the Deshaan gate in southern Stonefalls. (map)
- Still-Water's Camp — Located northeast of Ebonheart in northern Stonefalls. (map)
- Stonefang Island — A Daedric ruin located north of Ebonheart in northern Stonefalls. (map)
- Strifeswarm Kwama Mine — Located south of Davon's Watch in eastern Stonefalls. (map)
Set StationsEdit
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
- Armature's Upheaval — A Dwemer ruin in central Stonefalls, south of Ebonheart. (map)
- Magmaflow Overlook — A ruin in southern Stonefalls, northwest of the Deshaan gate. (map)
- Steamfont Cavern — A cave in eastern Stonefalls, southwest of Davon's Watch. (map)
Mundus StonesEdit
Mundus Stones are objects in the world that grant a boon in the form of a temporary player buff. This buff will persist until replaced with a different Mundus Stone boon.
Public DungeonsEdit
Public Dungeons are open world dungeons found throughout Tamriel and beyond. These are designed for four player groups. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.
- Crow's Wood — A pocket plane of Evergloam accessed via a cleverly disguised portal in Davon's Watch, in Stonefalls. (map)
World EventsEdit
World Events such as Dark Anchors are activities that occur in the world that are best tackled by a group of adventurers. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher-tier gear.
- Daen Seeth Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point northeast of Ebonheart in northern Stonefalls. (map)
- Varanis Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point east of the Deshaan gate in southern Stonefalls. (map)
- Zabamat Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point east of Fort Virak in northwestern Stonefalls. (map)
World BossesEdit
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
- The Brahma's Grove — A grove in central Stonefalls, south of Ebonheart. (map)
- Cave of Memories — A cave in western Stonefalls, northwest of Heimlyn Keep. (map)
- The Matron's Clutch — An island off the coast west of Ebonheart. (map)
- Shipwreck Strand — A wreck-strewn beach on the coast west of Davon's Watch. (map)
- Shivering Shrine — A Daedric ruin northeast of Kragenmoor in Stonefalls. (map)
- Strifeswarm Hive — A kwama hive in eastern Stonefalls, south of Davon's Watch. (map)
Skyshard HunterEdit
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
Watching lions swim to shore. | Western Davon's Watch, beside the cliffs. | (map) | |
Near Bal Foyen's gate. | On the left as you leave Bal Foyen via the gate, right next to building. | (map) | |
Staging an attack on Arand. | NNW of Fort Arand, on the cliff above a small encampment of enemies. | (map) | |
A lady on a cliff, beyond Sulfur Pools. | West of Dagger's Point Invasion Camp, at the foot of a statue overlooking the sea. Northwest of Wayshrine | (map) | |
Among mushrooms, high above Lukiul Uxith. | Southeast of Lukiul Uxith, on the hillside. | (map) | |
Among pools of fire, above Vivec's Wayshrine. | South of Vivec's Antlers Wayshrine, on a tiny island in the lava flows. | (map) | |
South on the Ashen Road, where lava flows. | SSE of Magmaflow Overlook, surrounded by lava. | (map) | |
Tucked away, on a grotto's mantel. | Above and behind the entrance to Fungal Grotto. | (map) | |
On a hillside behind a plantation. | Southwest of Sathram Plantation's map marker, behind the Quarters buildings. | (map) | |
Left to rust beside ancient arms. | In Inner Sea Armature. Large room right of entrance | (map) | |
Used to strike flames underground. | In Emberflint Mine, in the room full of mushrooms on the right side of the mine, there is a passageway that takes you to the top of the room, skyshard is there. passage on left | (map) | |
Listening to the Spinner's whispers. | In Mephala's Nest. Room right of entrance. | (map) | |
Found in soft dirt by daggers. | In Softloam Cavern. Bottom lava room | (map) | |
Where a fiery tide rises. | In Hightide Hollow. Room with lava, shalks, & spiders on the right. | (map) | |
Discovering a taste for madness. | In Sheogorath's Tongue. Room right of entrance. | (map) | |
Drowned in the south by a clever bird. | In Crow's Wood. Southwest of the portal after porting. Behind rocks on edge of map | (map) |
Shalidor's Library BooksEdit
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Stonefalls LoreEdit
- Ancestors and the Dunmer (Abridged) — A guide for foreign visitors to Morrowind
- Argonians Among Us by Sil Rothril — An overview of the Argonian race from a Dunmer's perspective
- The Brothers of Strife by Nili Omavel — On the ancient conflict between Nedes and Dunmer
- The Great Houses and Their Uses by Tel Verano — Appraisals of the Great Houses of Morrowind
- Guide to the Ebonheart Pact — A history and overview of the Pact
- Mottos of the Dunmeri Great Houses by Vilyn Girith — A Dunmer rebukes his son for lacking common knowledge
- Nords of Skyrim by Hrothmund Wolf-Heart — An essay professing the finer qualities of Nords
- Varieties of Faith: The Argonians by Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College — An excerpt of Varieties of Faith in Tamriel regarding the Argonian belief system
- Varieties of Faith: The Dark Elves by Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College — A summary of the Dunmeri pantheon
- Varieties of Faith: The Nords by Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College — An excerpt of Varieties of Faith in Tamriel regarding the Nordic belief system
- Galerion the Mystic by Asgrim Kolsgreg — A biography of Galerion, a Psijic who founded the Mages Guild
- Great Harbingers of the Companions by Swyk the Long-Sighted — Chronicle of some of the leaders of the Companions
- The Illusion of Death — Fragmented account of Prophet Marukh's encounter with the spirit of Alessia
- Jorunn the Skald-King by Helgreir Lute-Voice, Bard of Windhelm — A biographical book on High King Jorunn of Skyrim
- Trials of Saint Alessia — Excerpt from a greater work detailing the creation of the Amulet of Kings
- Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 3 by His Majesty King Emeric — An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest
- Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 6 by His Majesty King Emeric — An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest
- Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 10 by His Majesty King Emeric — An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest
Daedric PrincesEdit
- Aedra and Daedra by Anonymous — Overview of the basic differences between Gods, Demons, Aedra, and Daedra
- Boethiah's Proving by Anonymous — An account of a fatal summoning of Boethiah
Divines and DeitiesEdit
- The Anuad Paraphrased — Early religious book providing a simplified version of The Anuad creation myth from the Mythic Era
- The Lunar Lorkhan by Fal Droon — A theory about the moons Masser and Secunda
- Monomyth: Dragon God & Missing God — Excerpt of a theological book containing the common creation myths
Dungeon LoreEdit
- With Regards to the Ebony Blade — A Morag Tong memorandum on the Ebony Blade
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer I-A by Marobar Sul — How a boy escapes his kidnappers
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer II by Marobar Sul — Book 2 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer III by Marobar Sul — Book 3 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Tamriel HistoryEdit
- Ayleid Inscriptions Translated by Beredalmo the Signifier — A series of Ayleid phrases and their translations
- Frontier, Conquest by University of Gwylim Press, 2E 344 — Details the presence of humans in Tamriel before the original Nordic conquests thought to bring humans to Tamriel
- History of the Fighters Guild Pt. 1 — Detailing the events leading up to the foundation of the Syffim, now known as the Fighters Guild
- History of the Fighters Guild Pt. 2 — Detailing the events leading up to the foundation of the Syffim, now known as the Fighters Guild
- Origin of the Mages Guild by The Arch-Mage Salarth — Where and how the Mages Guild started