The Tribunal Temple is Morrowind's native and dominant religion. It focuses around the worship of the Tribunal, consisting of Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec. The temple has a presence in most major Dunmer cities, as well as throughout the province as they often go on religious missions in less populated areas or even ruins.
For more information, see the main lore article.
- Balmora — A city found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell. (map)
- Dhalmora — An Argonian town in eastern Bal Foyen. (map)
- Davon's Watch — A city in northeastern Stonefalls. (map)
- Ebonheart — A city in central Stonefalls. (map)
- Gnisis — A Redoran mining town found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell. (map)
- Iliath Temple — A Tribunal temple in western Stonefalls, northwest of Kragenmoor. (map)
- Kragenmoor — A city on the southwestern side of Stonefalls. (map)
- Malak's Maw — An Orc camp in southwestern Deshaan, southwest of Narsis. (map)
- Necrom — A city located on the northeastern edge of the Telvanni Peninsula. (map)
- Seyda Neen — A coastal Imperial settlement found in the Bitter Coast region of Vvardenfell. (map)
- Suran — A House Redoran town found northeast of Vivec City in the Ascadian Isles region of Vvardenfell. (map)
- Tribunal Temple — A large temple in the northern section of Mournhold in Deshaan. (map)
- Vivec's Antlers — A battlefield in central Stonefalls, just west of Ebonheart. (map)
- Vivec City — The largest city on Vvardenfell and the home of Vivec. (map)
Related QuestsEdit
- Breaking Through the Fog : Discover why a town's lighthouse went dark.
- Cleansing the Past: Help put the dead to rest at Vivec's Antlers.
- Divine Blessings : Help Lord Vivec reward those who assisted in restoring his divine power.
- Divine Conundrum : Help a canon fulfill a mission from Vivec.
- Divine Delusions : Discredit an Ashlander's claim to the title of Nerevarine.
- Divine Favor: Seek the Tribunal's aid against a band of renegade Ashlanders.
- Divine Inquiries : Investigate potential causes of the Warrior-Poet's loss of divine power.
- Divine Intervention : Help the clockwork mage create a tonal inverter to counteract the power of Sunna'rah.
- Divine Restoration : Seek guidance from the Lady of Twilight against a common foe.
- The Fetish: Identify the origins of a strange religious statue.
- From the Wastes: Help the Kagesh wise woman defuse hostilities between Ashlanders and House Dunmer.
- Keeper of the Fate : Investigate strange happenings in Necrom.
- Mettle and Stone : Help Selveni complete his mission from the Tribunal.
- Night of the Soul: Help a Temple disciple regain his faith.
- Ritual of Anguish: Help a murdered woman get revenge.
- Undermined: Repel the Ashlander attack on Iliath Temple.
- Following the reveal of Archcanon Tarvus' death during the course of the Morrowind main questline, and after the situation with Baar Dau and Red Mountain is resolved, Canon Llevule is promoted by Vivec as Tarvus' successor.