The second largest of the Summerset Isles, Auridon has always served the High Elves as a buffer between their serene archipelago and the turmoil of Tamriel. The Altmer of Auridon have been hardened by generations of repelling invaders, pirates, and plagues.
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Zone Story QuestsEdit
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
- Ensuring Security: Help Watch Captain Astanya shore up security for the Queen's visit.
- A Hostile Situation: Bring a traitor to justice.
- In the Name of the Queen: Help the queen complete an ancient ritual.
- Rites of the Queen: Protect the Queen as she performs an ancient ritual.
- Putting the Pieces Together: Scout Mathiisen for signs of the Veiled Heritance.
- The Unveiling: Help uncover the Veiled Heritance in Mathiisen.
- Lifting the Veil: Root out the Veiled Heritance agent in Skywatch.
- Wearing the Veil: Infiltrate the Veiled Heritance.
- The Veil Falls: Root out the leaders of the Veiled Heritance.
- Through the Ashes: Help stop the Daedra from overrunning Dawnbreak.
- Breaking the Barrier: Help the Battlereeve and the Guild gain access to the Firsthold Castle.
- Sever All Ties: Help save Auridon from the Veiled Heritance and their Daedric allies.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
- College Wayshrine — Located across a bridge southwest of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. (map)
- Firsthold Wayshrine — Located across a bridge just outside the eastern entrance of Firsthold. (map)
- Greenwater Wayshrine — Located just north of the western side of Greenwater Cove. (map)
- Mathiisen Wayshrine — Located just northwest of Mathiisen. (map)
- Phaer Wayshrine — Located just south of Phaer. (map)
- Quendeluun Wayshrine — Located just south of Quendeluun. (map)
- Skywatch Wayshrine — Located on the western side of Skywatch. (map)
- Tanzelwil Wayshrine — Located on the eastern edge of Tanzelwil. (map)
- Vulkhel Guard Wayshrine — Located at the northern entrance of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Windy Glade Wayshrine — Located south of Monkey's Rest in southern Auridon. (map)
Cave DelverEdit
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
- Bewan — An elven ruin on the western coast of Auridon, just southwest of the town of Dawnbreak containing Sea Viper raiders. (map)
- Del's Claim — A mine in southern Auridon, just northwest of the city of Vulkhel Guard, containing Veiled Heritance members. (map)
- Entila's Folly — An abandoned mine in central Auridon, just southwest of the city of Skywatch containing spiders and giant wasps. (map)
- Mehrunes' Spite — A Daedric ruin in the northwestern corner of Auridon, just west of the city of Firsthold containing Daedra and Veiled Heritance members. (map)
- Ondil — An Aldmeri ruin in the center of Auridon, just south of the town of Mathiisen containing a local vampire and his minions. (map)
- Wansalen — An Aldmeri ruin in northeastern Auridon, on the western edge of Quendeluun containing Ebonheart Pact soldiers and undead. (map)
Points of InterestEdit
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
- Castle Rilis — A ruined elven castle in northern Auridon, north of Firsthold. (map)
- College of Aldmeri Propriety — A school in northwestern Auridon. (map)
- Dawnbreak — A town in northern Auridon, just southwest of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. (map)
- Ezduiin — An elven ruin in central Auridon, just northwest of Skywatch. (map)
- Firsthold — A city at the northwestern corner of the island of Auridon. (map)
- Glister Vale — A small, secluded vale and fortified tower in central Auridon, due west of the town of Mathiisen. (map)
- Greenwater Cove — A town in northern Auridon, due south of the city of Firsthold. (map)
- Mathiisen — A town in central Auridon, just southwest of the city of Skywatch. (map)
- North Beacon — A lighthouse in northern Auridon, northeast of the city of Firsthold. (map)
- Phaer — A small town in the center of Auridon, just south of the town of Mathiisen. (map)
- Quendeluun — An elven ruin in north-central Auridon, southeast of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. (map)
- Shattered Grove — A town in central Auridon, just west of the city of Skywatch. (map)
- Silsailen — A small town in southern Auridon, just north of the city of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Skywatch — A city at the eastern side of Auridon. (map)
- South Beacon — A lighthouse in southern Auridon, northwest of the city of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Tanzelwil — A haunted elven ruin in southern Auridon, due west of the town of Phaer. (map)
- Torinaan — An elven ruin located in northern Auridon, just north of Dawnbreak and southeast of Firsthold. (map)
- Vulkhel Guard — A port city at the southern tip of Auridon. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
- Buraniim Isle — An island containing elven ruins in central Auridon, just off the coast from the town of Mathiisen. (map)
- Errinorne Isle — An island containing elven ruins in central Auridon, just off the coast from the city of Skywatch. (map)
- Isle of Contemplation — A small island in northern Auridon, just northwest of the town of Dawnbreak. (map)
- Maormer Invasion Camp — A Sea Vipers camp in southern Auridon, on the coast west of the city of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Monkey's Rest — A ruined building in southern Auridon, just northwest of the city of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
- Nine-Prow Landing — A cliff on the northern tip of Auridon, located north of Firsthold. (map)
- Smuggler's Cove — A small dock in central Auridon, on the coast west of the town of Shattered Grove. (map)
Set StationsEdit
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
- Beacon Falls — An elven ruin located in northern Auridon, just east of North Beacon. (map)
- Eastshore Islets Camp — A small camp located in southern Auridon, south of the town of Silsailen. (map)
- Hightide Keep — An elven ruin located in central Auridon, on the beach below the cliffs of Skywatch. (map)
Mundus StonesEdit
Mundus Stones are objects in the world that grant a boon in the form of a temporary player buff. This buff will persist until replaced with a different Mundus Stone boon.
Public DungeonsEdit
Public Dungeons are open world dungeons found throughout Tamriel and beyond. These are designed for four player groups. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.
- Toothmaul Gully — A cave in central Auridon, southwest of the town of Mathiisen. (map)
World EventsEdit
World Events such as Dark Anchors are activities that occur in the world that are best tackled by a group of adventurers. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear.
- Calambar Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point west of Mathiisen in central Auridon. (map)
- Iluvamir Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point northwest of Vulkhel Guard in southern Auridon. (map)
- Vafe Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point southeast of Firsthold in northern Auridon. (map)
World BossesEdit
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
- Heretic's Summons — A Daedric ruin located in central Auridon, north of the city of Skywatch. (map)
- Heritance Proving Ground — A small camp located in northern Auridon, north of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. (map)
- Nestmother's Den — A small cave located in northern Auridon, east of the town of Greenwater Cove. (map)
- Seaside Scarp Camp — A small camp located in southern Auridon, just west of the ruins of Tanzelwil. (map)
- Soulfire Plateau — A graveyard located in southern Auridon, southeast of Phaer. (map)
- Wreck of the Raptor — A shipwreck located in central Auridon, southwest of the town of Shattered Grove. (map)
Skyshard HunterEdit
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
A landing of noble's blood. | In Vulkhel Guard, on the Manor & Treasury's middle balcony. | (map) | |
Adorns Valano's terrace. | Second floor balcony of Valano Manor. | (map) | Not easily accessible until Teldur's End quest because the front door of the manor is locked. However, there is a second entrance via ladder on the beach behind the manor that can be used to get in earlier. |
Offered to appease riled ancestors. | Southwest of Tanzelwil, overlooking the sea. | (map) | |
Watching the sky in a tower of swords. | On a balcony of Skywatch's Fighters Guild building. | (map) | |
Between cursed ruin and shrine. | Between Ezduiin and its corresponding wayshrine, behind a wall. | (map) | |
Near Merormo's refreshment. | West-southwest of Shattered Grove, outside of Merormo's tower. | (map) | |
Contemplation's overlook. | On top of a waterfall northwest of the Isle of Contemplation. | (map) | |
Up and west in the broken dawn. | In a destroyed house in Dawnbreak, on the stairs. | (map) | |
Gleaming beacon, ship-guide. | On top of the North Beacon lighthouse. | (map) | The way to the top of the tower is somewhat twisty. You'll have to head there for The Wayward Dagger and Eye Spy quests. Don't forget to enter the lighthouse to collect the shard. |
Ancient chamber of golden glow. | Inside Bewan, southeastern corner of the delve. | (map) | |
The Heritance stakes this claim. | Inside Del's Claim. | (map) | |
Near the folly's end. | Inside Entila's Folly, on top of a platform. | (map) | |
Held in a corner by the House of Troubles. | Inside Mehrunes' Spite, on the left in the first room. | (map) | |
Blood-drained thralls stumble past. | Inside Ondil, in a short side passage lined with bookcases. | (map) | |
Corpses from another age walk here. | Inside Wansalen. | (map) | |
Hidden home in the gully's wall. | Inside Toothmaul Gully. | (map) |
Shalidor's Library BooksEdit
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Auridon LoreEdit
- Crimes of the Daggerfall Covenant by Aicantar of Shimmerene, Sapiarch of Indoctrination — Dominion propaganda decrying the Covenant
- Fang of the Sea Vipers by Telenger the Artificer — An Aldmeri Dominion report on the Maormer threat
- Kinlord Rilis and the Mages Guild by High Incunabulist Valaste of the Mages Guild — Essay dispelling common misconceptions surroundings the formation of the Mages Guild
- The Lay of Firsthold — Poem dedicated to the founding of Auridon
- Life in the Eagle's Shadow — A journal recounting the rise of the Aldmeri Dominion in the Second Era
- Regarding the Ebonheart Pact by Aicantar of Shimmerene, Sapiarch of Indoctrination — Condemnation against the Dunmer and their allegiance to the Ebonheart Pact
- The Rise of Queen Ayrenn by Nuulehtel of Skywatch — A brief account of Queen Ayrenn's life and history
- Thalmor Handbill by Aicantar of Shimmerene, Sapiarch of Indoctrination — Thalmor pamphlet offering guidance for interacting with Khajiit and Bosmer allies
- Varieties of Faith: The High Elves by Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College — A summary of the Altmeri pantheon
- Why Don the Veil? — Jingoistic pamphlet condemning Queen Ayrenn and her allies
- Galerion the Mystic by Asgrim Kolsgreg — A biography of Galerion, a Psijic who founded the Mages Guild
- Great Harbingers of the Companions by Swyk the Long-Sighted — Chronicle of some of the leaders of the Companions
- The Illusion of Death — Fragmented account of Prophet Marukh's encounter with the spirit of Alessia
- Jorunn the Skald-King by Helgreir Lute-Voice, Bard of Windhelm — A biographical book on High King Jorunn of Skyrim
- Trials of Saint Alessia — Excerpt from a greater work detailing the creation of the Amulet of Kings
- Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 3 by His Majesty King Emeric — An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest
- Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 6 by His Majesty King Emeric — An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest
- Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 10 by His Majesty King Emeric — An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest
Daedric PrincesEdit
- Aedra and Daedra by Anonymous — Overview of the basic differences between Gods, Demons, Aedra, and Daedra
- Boethiah's Proving by Anonymous — An account of a fatal summoning of Boethiah
Divines and DeitiesEdit
- The Anuad Paraphrased — Early religious book providing a simplified version of The Anuad creation myth from the Mythic Era
- The Lunar Lorkhan by Fal Droon — A theory about the moons Masser and Secunda
- Monomyth: Dragon God & Missing God — Excerpt of a theological book containing the common creation myths
Dungeon LoreEdit
- The Binding Stone From the Office of the Canonreeve of Corrections — On escaping physical barriers and the Binding Stone
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer I-A by Marobar Sul — How a boy escapes his kidnappers
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer II by Marobar Sul — Book 2 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer III by Marobar Sul — Book 3 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Tamriel HistoryEdit
- Ayleid Inscriptions Translated by Beredalmo the Signifier — A series of Ayleid phrases and their translations
- Frontier, Conquest by University of Gwylim Press, 2E 344 — Details the presence of humans in Tamriel before the original Nordic conquests thought to bring humans to Tamriel
- History of the Fighters Guild Pt. 1 — Detailing the events leading up to the foundation of the Syffim, now known as the Fighters Guild
- History of the Fighters Guild Pt. 2 — Detailing the events leading up to the foundation of the Syffim, now known as the Fighters Guild
- Origin of the Mages Guild by The Arch-Mage Salarth — Where and how the Mages Guild started