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User:Minimang/Enchanted Apparel

< User:Minimang

By Body PartEdit

Magic Head ItemsEdit

(U): Unique. Can only be gotten once.
(L): Leveled. Best version is shown.
(QI): Quest Item.

There are many lower level versions of the following items. Only the highest leveled helmets of this type were put on the table.
Helmet of Exposition
Inquisitor's Helmet
Helmet of Enlightenment
Shaman Helmet
Nighteye Helmet
Darksplitter Helmet
Mageslayer's Helmet
Reflecting Helmet
Helmet of the Flood

Magic Torso ItemsEdit

(U): Unique. Can only be gotten once.
(L): Leveled. Best version is shown.
(QI): Quest Item.

There are many lower level versions of the following items. Only the highest leveled torso items of this type were put on the table.

Annealed Cuirass
Cuirass of Cleansing
Cuirass of Fortitude
Cuirass of the Blood Legion
Cuirass of the Pit Viper
Cuirass of the Undefeated
Crystalline Cuirass
Merchant's Cuirass
Quartz Cuirass
Russet Felt Shirt of Blade Turning

Magic Wrist ItemsEdit

(U): Unique. Can only be gotten once.
(L): Leveled. Best version is shown.
(QI): Quest Item.

There are many lower level versions of the following items. Only the highest leveled gauntlets of this type were put on the table.
Nordslayer Gauntlets
Moonshadow Gauntlets
Infiltrator's Gauntlets
Archer's Gauntlets
Gauntlets of Punishment
Warforger's Gauntlets
Gauntlets of Brutality
Inquisitor's Gauntlets
Beveled Gauntlets

Magic ShieldsEdit

(U): Unique. Can only be gotten once.
(L): Leveled. Best version is shown.
(QI): Quest Item.

There are many lower level versions of the following items. Only the highest leveled gauntlets of this type were put on the table.

Burning Shield
Shield of the Red Mountain
Dwarvenskin Shield
Shield of Winter Solstice
Winterbane Shield
Moonshadow Shield
Shield of Shattering
Shield of Vengence
Shield of Animus
Shield of Mirrors
Hardened Shield
Insulated Shield
Stormlord's Shield

Cursed Red Mountain ShieldSI
Cursed Shield of FlamesSI
Cursed Insulated ShieldSI
Cursed Stormlord's ShieldSI
Cursed Frost ShieldSI
Cursed Salamander ShieldSI

Magic Leg ItemsEdit

(U): Unique. Can only be gotten once.
(L): Leveled. Best version is shown.
(QI): Quest Item.

There are many lower level versions of the following items. Only the highest leveled leg items of this type were put on the table.
Crystal Greaves
Deathmarch Greaves
Flamewalker Greaves
Flowing Greaves
Greaves of Fluid Motion
Greaves of Poise
Greaves of Purity
Greaves of the Kiln
Magebane Greaves
Slavemaster's Greaves
Tempered Greaves

Cursed Snow Drift GreavesSI

Magic Feet ItemsEdit

(U): Unique. Can only be gotten once.
(L): Leveled. Best version is shown.
(QI): Quest Item.

There are many lower level versions of the following items. Only the highest leveled boots of this type were put on the table.
Boots of the Thrall
Lightning Run Boots
Boots of the Taskmaster
Boots of Silence
Boots of the Storm / Borosilicate Boots
Silica Boots

Cursed Boots of the Thrall/Cursed Pack Horse BootsSI
Cursed Storm BootsSI

Magic JewelryEdit

(U): Unique. Can only be gotten once.
(L): Leveled. Best version is shown.
(QI): Quest Item.

The generic enchanted Necklaces and Rings were not included in this table. See Generic Magic Apparel for those items (such as the Grand Ring of Light or Petty Ring of Detect Life).

Magic OutfitsEdit

(U): Unique. Can only be gotten once.
(L): Leveled. Best version is shown.
(QI): Quest Item.

There are many lower level versions of the following items. Only the highest leveled other items of this type were put on the table.

Aegis Robe
Chameleon Robe

See alsoEdit