Oblivion:Generic Staves
< Oblivion: Items / Magic(Redirected from Oblivion:Lesser Staff of Feeblemind)Generic staves are found in random loot and can randomly be found on some NPCs. Unique staves are all described in the article on Staves. The Oblivion-Weapons-Staves category provides a list of all available staves.
Finding generic stavesEdit
Leveled Lists are used to generate the staves found in loot and on enemies. Most of the generic staves use a "Lesser/'Normal'/Greater" system, which determines the level at which the staves will be found:
- Lesser variety staves are found at levels 5-17 (at lower levels, staves are not normally found).
- 'Normal' staves are found starting at level 9.
- Greater variety staves are found starting at level 14.
- Special variety staves are found starting at level 18.
NPCs that sell enchanted weapons:
- Rindir at Rindir's Staffs spawns with guaranteed leveled generic staves after resetting his inventory (only Lesser/'Normal'/Greater variety, with every magical effect except Damage Attribute or Drain Attribute).
Respawning containers and enemies that contain/carry potentially higher-leveled generic staves:
- Liches and Nether Liches always spawn with a Generic Staff (Nether Liches with 'Normal' variety, Liches with Greater variety). These are enchanted with the Burden, Damage Fatigue, Damage Health, Damage Magicka, Disintegrate Armor, Disintegrate Weapon, Fire Damage, Frost Damage, Shock Damage or Silence magical effects. However, instead of these staves, Nether Liches can spawn with either one of the seven 'Normal' Damage Attribute or Drain Attribute staves, and Liches can spawn with one of seven Special staves. A simple way to obtain these is to summon a Lich, then use a Disintegrate Weapon effect. There are also Undead dungeons which can spawn a large amount of (Nether) Liches at higher levels: The Old Way and Nenalata.
- Certain Necromancer and Conjurer dungeons like Moss Rock Cavern (1.9 staves on average), Fort Rayles Hall of Winter (1.8), Fort Istirus Barracks (1.4), Fort Linchal Hall of Knights (1.4), Black Balconies of Fieldhouse (1.35) and Echo Necromancer's Chamber (1.25). Their staves are enchanted with the same effects Liches have, with addition of the Dispel magical effect. They can also spawn with one more Special variety.
- Higher leveled Dremora mages have a 10-50% chance of carrying a staff (Kynval 10%, Kynreeve/Kynmarcher 25%, Markynaz/Valkynaz 50%). Try Oblivion Gates for these.
- Other sources are Grummite Magi (25% chance), Heretics and ZealotsSI (some 10% chance, strongest boss variety 75% chance), though these tend to have lower likelihoods of carrying staves compared to the above. Their staves are enchanted with the same effects as regular Necromancers/Conjurers/Dremora Mages. Xeddefen before the related quest is always a rather decent source, and Breakneck Camp, Fain, Vitharn Keep and Xavara starting at level 21.
NPCs that have level-dependent amount of enchanted weapons that you can pickpocket at the start of every level (their staves are enchanted with the same effects as regular non-Lich enemies):
- As long as not killed during the related quest, the five Howling Cave Necromancers each have a 75% chance to carry a generic staff. However, since they never sleep, you may need to first reverse-pickpocket a more valuable weapon.
- Lithnilian at the Imperial Bridge Inn.
- Fathis Aren at Castle Bravil.
- Henantier in Bravil (always of best possible quality).
- Hannibal Traven at the Arcane University.
- Rana at the Blackwood Company Hall (always of best possible quality).
- Evangeline Beanique at the Imperial Palace Battlemage's Chambers. In addition also wears a possibly enchanted blunt weapon, two leveled scrolls and two potions). However, she is rather hard to get to after the quest The Ultimate Heist.
It is possible to obtain the high-level staves from liches at any level. In particular, the King of Miscarcand will always carry a high-level staff (same staves as regular Liches, so always of Greater/Special variety), even at level 1. Also, Ruma Camoran will always carry a Lesser Staff of Sickness at lower levels, which can be looted from her corpse if she is killed in the quest "Dagon Shrine" and repeatedly if killed in Paradise.
Certain staves are found only in loot or sold by Rindir. Since Rindir doesn't sell special staff varieties, this means that certain Special Staves can be found only in loot. Exceptions to this are two specific Zealot varietiesSI, Sings Like Thunder and Hears-Voices-In-The-Air, which means they may carry almost any generic staff present in the game, including powerful Paralyze, Damage Fatigue, Turn Undead or Special variations at higher levels.
The spelling "Staffs" is used in-game for the plural (e.g. the shop Rindir's Staffs).
Command CreatureEdit
Command HumanoidEdit
Damage AttributeEdit
Staves of Damage Attribute are only carried by Nether Liches.
* There is another, more powerful, Staff of Weakness listed under Special Staves.
** All Lesser and Greater variations of Damage Attribute staves are not actually available in-game because they were not added to any leveled lists.
Damage FatigueEdit
Damage HealthEdit
Damage MagickaEdit
Disintegrate ArmorEdit
Disintegrate WeaponEdit
Drain AttributeEdit
Staves of Drain Attribute are only carried by Nether Liches.
* All Lesser and Greater variations of Drain Attribute staves are not actually available in-game because they were not added to any leveled lists.
Drain FatigueEdit
Drain MagickaEdit
Fire DamageEdit
Frost DamageEdit
Shock DamageEdit
Turn UndeadEdit
Special StavesEdit
These are some of the most powerful staves available in the game. Unlike the other random staves, most of these combine multiple effects. Those with just one effect provide an effect that otherwise is not available from a random staff.
Name | Effects | Charge / Cost = Uses | Level | |
Staff of Banishment[A] (000914D2) |
Invisibility 10 secs Paralyze 10 secs Banishment[B] 10 secs |
4400/386=11 | 2014 | 24. |
Staff of Conflagration (000914C5) |
Fire Damage 20 pts in 15 ft for 2 secs Light 5 pts for 10 secs Weakness to Fire 100% for 2 secs |
3200/103=31 | 1421 | 18 |
Staff of Diminishing (000914C4) |
Drain Agility Drain Endurance Drain Intelligence Drain Personality Drain Speed Drain Strength Drain Willpower Each: 5 pts for 30 secs |
1600/84=19 | 773 | 18 |
Staff of Discord (000914CD) |
Frenzy 40 pts in 150 ft for 15 secs | 3200/113=28 | 1425 | 18 |
Staff of Hoarfrost (000914C6) |
Frost Damage 24 pts in 15 ft for 2 secs Weakness to Frost 100% for 2 secs |
3200/150=21 | 1440 | 18 |
Staff of Legion (000914CC) |
Command Humanoid up to level 4 (16 pts) in 15 ft for 40 secs | 3200/176=18 | 1450 | 25 |
Staff of Pacification (000914C9) |
Command Creature up to level 4 (16 pts) in 15 ft for 45 secs | 3200/158=20 | 1443 | 18 |
Staff of Submission (000914CB) |
Command Creature up to level 4 (16 pts) in 15 ft for 45 secs | 3200/158=20 | 1443 | 25 |
Staff of the Healer (000914D1) |
Cure Disease Cure Paralysis Cure Poison Restore Health 5 pts for 5 secs |
4400/216=20 | 1946 | 18 |
Staff of the Mundane (000914D0) |
Drain Magicka 5 pts in 15 ft for 25 secs Dispel 35 pts in 15 ft Weakness to Magic 35% in 15 ft for 25 secs |
3200/162=19 | 1444 | 18 |
Staff of Thunderbolts (000914C7) |
Shock Damage 30 pts in 10 ft for 2 secs Weakness to Shock 100% in 10 ft for 2 secs |
3200/144=22 | 1437 | 18 |
Staff of Vulnerability (000914CF) |
Weakness to Disease Weakness to Fire Weakness to Frost Weakness to Poison Weakness to Shock Each: 35% in 15 ft for 15 secs |
3200/122=26 | 1428 | 18 |
Staff of Weakness[C] (000914C8) |
Burden 50 pts in 5 ft for 30 secs Drain Strength 10 pts in 5 ft for 30 secs Drain Speed 10 pts in 5 ft for 30 secs |
3200/130=24 | 1432 | 18 |
Staff of Withering (000914C3) |
Drain Agility Drain Endurance Drain Intelligence Drain Personality Drain Speed Drain Strength Drain Willpower Each: 10 pts for 20 secs |
3200/140=22 | 1436 | 18 |
- A. Vampires is not recommended as they are immune to Paralysis. Consequently the effect of this staff will merely make them invisible and hostile Using this staff against
- B. The Banishment enchantment sets the ghost flag on the target. The intent was presumably to make the target invisible, incapable of action and incapable of being interacted with. Unfortunately, the ghost effect doesn't stop the target showing as a conversation target, and doesn't mean the player can walk through it so the result is far from perfect.
- C. common variety with only a Damage Endurance enchantment. There are two staves identified as "Staff of Weakness:" the one in this table, and a more