Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel
< Oblivion: Items(Redirected from Oblivion:Speechcraft Green Brocade Doublet)This page describes all of the game's Generic Magic Apparel. All of the randomly generated enchanted armor, clothing, and jewelry in the game are listed on this page, including items found on enemy NPCs and items found in loot.
See Also:
- Magic Items: General information on magic items and how they appear.
- Apparel Leveled Lists: Information on the leveled lists that generate random apparel
- Magic Apparel: A list of all the articles that provide information on magic apparel.
- Armor: All of the basic (unenchanted) armor in the game.
- Clothing: All of the basic (unenchanted) clothing and jewelry in the game.
- Leveled Items: Leveled magic apparel, generally received as quest rewards.
- Unique Items: Unique apparel, available from merchants or received as quest rewards.
- Artifacts: Unusually powerful one-of-a-kind apparel.
See this page for further information on cases where an item's level contains a value in brackets as well as a plain number.
Finding generic enchanted jewelry and armor
NPCs that sell generic enchanted jewelry and armor:
- EarilSI in Earil's Mysteries always sells 3 leveled enchanted amulets/rings after resetting his inventory.
- KhafizTD and Kovan KrenTD at Dunbarrow Cove both spawn with guaranteed leveled enchanted light armor after resetting their inventory.
- Dumag gro-BonkSI in The Missing Pauldron, Viator Accius in Stonewall Shields, and Agnete the Pickled in Hammer and Tongs sell most leveled iron and steel enchanted armor.
Containers and enemies that contain/carry generic enchanted jewelry and armor that respawn (like dungeons):
- Robber's Glen Cave is the best place after Earil's Mysteries to obtain leveled enchanted jewelry. It also is possibly the best dungeon in the game to obtain other enchanted items, like armor (on average 1.25 pieces of enchanted weapons, jewelry and armor each). Crayfish Cave, especially Crayfish Soggy Bottom and Crayfish Vents may be even better, but are not as easily accessible. In general Monster Dungeons are the best to find these.
- The Blind Moth Prelate guarding Savillas stone in Temple of the Ancestor Moths respawns with new guaranteed jewelry. However, Zone 5 can't be accessed from the outside without console commands.
- Fort Wooden Hand Stockade, Dasek Moor Maleboge and Fort Cedrian Mausoleum all have the highest average of 1.4 enchanted heavy armor per visit (Marauder Warlords on average have 0.3 pieces of cruiass/boots/greaves, 0.15 shield and .075 helmet/gauntlets). These areas also have a boss chest.
- Sercen (1.475 pieces on average), Dzonot Main Cavern, the 2nd and 3rd zones of Black Rock Caverns and Rockmilk Haven (all 1.375 pieces on average) have the highest average of enchanted light armor per visit. The Bandit Ringleaders have an average of wearing 1.275 pieces of enchanted light armor per visit (cuirass/boots 0.3, greaves/helmet=.225, shield=.15, gauntlets=.075). All these areas also have a boss chest.
- The Legion Commander's Chest in the Imperial Legion Offices has 25% chance of respawning both enchanted armor and weapons, in addition to 2 pieces of either regular armor and weapons.
- The Guildmaster's Chest in the Chorrol Fighters Guild may have an average of containing 0.54 enchanted items (weapons, arrows, armor or jewelry) at midnight of every new month if you choose to focus on recruitment after completing The Hist at the end of the Fighters Guild questline. Getting potions from the chest is another option.
NPCs that have level-dependent amount of generic enchanted armor that you can pickpocket at the start of every level:
- Herminia Cinna spawns with enchanted jewelry at the start of every level.
- About every NPC at Border Watch spawns with possibly enchanted light armor at the start of every new level.
- With exception of Torbal, every NPC at Brindle Home possibly wears an enchanted piece of either light or heavy armor.
- One of the Camonna Tong Thugs wears a second pair of guaranteed enchanted light greaves.
- Fathis Aren at Castle Bravil possibly wears an enchanted piece of heavy cuirass (30%, otherwise unenchanted).
- Antus Flonius at the Leyawiin Fighters Guild possibly wears an enchanted piece of heavy cuirass (30%, otherwise unenchanted).
- As long as not killed during the related quest, Gogron gro-Bolmog has 30% chance of wearing enchanted heavy boots, gauntlets, greaves and a cuirass, each (always of the best quality).
- As long as not killed during the related quest, Kurdan gro-Dragol has 30% chance of wearing enchanted light boots, gauntlets, greaves and a cuirass, each (always of the best quality).
- As long as not killed during the related quest, Rana and Geel may be equipped with a full set of leveled light armor (except shield). They will always wear a cuirass and boots (both always of best quality), and have 50% chance of wearing greaves, gauntlets and a helmet. Each piece has 30% chance of being enchanted.
However, some NPCs on this list never sleep. So their weapons can only be obtained by reverse-pickpocketing a more valueble item first, then returning to the area after it's reloaded.
Multiple Enchantments
The items listed in this section have multiple enchantments; all of the other apparel on this page have only a single enchantment. Since custom items can only be created with a single enchantment, these multiple enchantment items can be particularly valuable.
Magic Amulets
Name | ID | Base Item | Level | Effects | ||
Acrobat's Amulet† | 00098457 | Jade Amulet | 0.6 | 6070 | 20 | Fortify Speed 20 pts Fortify Athletics 20 pts Fortify Acrobatics 20 pts |
Amulet of Axes | 00098453 | Silver Amulet | 0.6 | 15800 | 20 | Reflect Damage 33% Fortify Blunt 25 pts |
Necklace of Swords | 00098452 | Silver Necklace | 0.5 | 15750 | 20 | Reflect Damage 33% Fortify Blade 25 pts |
† The "Acrobat's Amulet" can be obtained as random merchandise from Rowley Eardwulf if you have the Vile Lair official download installed.
Magic Boots
Name | ID | Base Item | Level | Effects | ||||
Boots of the Atronach | 00047892 | Dwarven Boots | 12 | 400 | 7615 | 5 | 12 | Resist Fire 50% Resist Frost 50% Resist Shock 50% |
Boots of the Olympian* | 0004788D | Leather Boots | 2.25 | 80 | 3210 | 2.5 | 12 | Fortify Agility 8 pts Fortify Speed 8 pts Fortify Acrobatics 8 pts Fortify Athletics 8 pts |
Grounded Boots | 000478A2 | Glass Boots | 4.5 | 675 | 3000 | 5 | 22 | Resist Shock 50% Weakness to Poison 50% |
* A pair of "Boots of the Olympian" are worn by the Gray Fox.
Magic Cuirasses
Name | ID | Base Item | Level | Effects | ||||
Ice Cuirass | 000478A0 | Orcish Cuirass | 45 | 1200 | 3440 | 13.75 | 12 | Resist Frost 50% Weakness to Fire 25% |
Magic Gauntlets
Name | ID | Base Item | Level | Effects | ||||
Gauntlets of Blinding Speed* | 00047891 | Mithril Gauntlets | 2.2 | 240 | 2465 | 3.5 | 12 | Fortify Agility 8 pts Fortify Luck 8 pts Fortify Speed 8 pts |
Gauntlets of the Battlemage | 00047894 | Leather Gauntlets | 1.5 | 80 | 2410 | 2.5 | 12 | Fortify Alteration 8 pts Fortify Conjuration 8 pts Fortify Destruction 8 pts |
Gauntlets of the Pugilist | 0004789B | Iron Gauntlets | 6 | 150 | 2425 | 4 | 8 | Fortify Strength 8 pts Fortify Agility 8 pts Fortify Hand to Hand 8 pts |
Gauntlets of the Weaponmaster | 0004788C | Steel Gauntlets | 7 | 250 | 2450 | 4.5 | 8 | Fortify Blade 8 pts Fortify Block 8 pts Fortify Blunt 8 pts |
Gloves of the Caster | 00047893 | Leather Gauntlets | 1.5 | 80 | 2410 | 2.5 | 17 | Fortify Illusion 8 pts Fortify Mysticism 8 pts Fortify Restoration 8 pts |
* The name of those gauntlets might be a reference to the Boots of Blinding Speed from Morrowind.
Magic Greaves
Name | ID | Base Item | Level | Effects | ||||
Greaves of Resilient Flesh | 000478A3 | Fur Greaves | 3 | 75 | 4508 | 3 | 12 | Resist Disease 50% Resist Normal Weapons 11% Resist Poison 50% |
Greaves of the Sun | 000478A1 | Ebony Greaves | 31.5 | 1425 | 3500 | 9 | 17 | Resist Fire 50% Weakness to Frost 50% |
Greaves of Well-Being | 0004788F | Mithril Greaves | 6.6 | 360 | 2515 | 5.25 | 22 | Fortify Endurance 8 pts Fortify Luck 8 pts Fortify Strength 8 pts |
Magic Helmets
Name | ID | Base Item | Level | Effects | ||||
Helmet of the Mage | 0004789E | Ebony Helmet | 10.5 | 950 | 8150 | 6 | 17 | Fortify Magicka 20 pts Spell Absorption 14% |
Helmet of the Mind | 00047890 | Mithril Helmet | 2.2 | 240 | 2465 | 3.5 | 12 | Fortify Intelligence 8 pts Fortify Luck 8 pts Fortify Willpower 8 pts |
Magic Rings
Name | ID | Base Item | Level | Effects | ||
Elemental Ring | 00098450 | Silver Ring | 0.1 | 3030 | 20 | Resist Fire 20% Resist Frost 20% Resist Shock 20% |
Mundane Ring | 0009844B | Gold Ring | 0.1 | 21600 | 20 | Reflect Spell 35% Resist Magic 50% |
Ring of Perfection | 00098446 | Gold Ring | 0.1 | 8100 | 20 | Fortify All Attributes 10 pts |
Ring of Skimming | 00098456 | Gold Ring | 0.1 | 6100 | 20 | Fortify Speed 20 pts Fortify Athletics 20 pts Water Walking |
Ring of Stamina | 00098447 | Gold Ring | 0.1 | 4475 | 20 | Fortify Fatigue 25 pts Fortify Health 25 pts |
Ring of the Iron Fist | 00098458 | Brass Ring | 0.1 | 15800 | 20 | Fortify Hand to Hand 25 pts Reflect Damage 33% |
Ring of Thieves* | 00098455 | Silver Ring | 0.1 | 2975 | 20 | Detect Life 25 ft Fortify Sneak 15 pts Fortify Security 10 pts |
Ring of Treachery | 00098449 | Ebony Ring | 0.1 | 6100 | 20 | Fortify Acrobatics 10 pts Fortify Mercantile 10 pts Fortify Light Armor 10 pts Fortify Security 10 pts Fortify Sneak 10 pts Fortify Speechcraft 10 pts |
Ring of Vitality | 0009844F | Gold Ring | 0.1 | 6100 | 20 | Resist Disease 100% Resist Paralysis 100% Resist Poison 100% |
Ring of War | 00098448 | Brass Ring | 0.1 | 7100 | 20 | Fortify Armorer 10 pts Fortify Athletics 10 pts Fortify Blade 10 pts Fortify Block 10 pts Fortify Blunt 10 pts Fortify Hand to Hand 10 pts Fortify Heavy Armor 10 pts |
Ring of Wizardry | 0009844A | Jade Ring | 0.1 | 7100 | 20 | Fortify Alchemy 10 pts Fortify Alteration 10 pts Fortify Conjuration 10 pts Fortify Destruction 10 pts Fortify Illusion 10 pts Fortify Mysticism 10 pts Fortify Restoration 10 pts |
Sorcerer's Ring | 00098454 | Jade Ring | 0.1 | 12520 | 20 | Spell Absorption 25% Fortify Magicka 25 pts |
* A "Ring of Thieves" is worn by the Gray Fox.
Magic Robes
Name | ID | Base Item | Level | Effects | ||
Robe of Glib Tongues | 000478A5 | Black & Burgundy Outfit | 1.5 | 2406 | 1 | Fortify Personality 8 pts Fortify Mercantile 8 pts Fortify Speechcraft 8 pts |
Magic Shields
Name | ID | Base Item | Level | Effects | ||||
Mirror Shield | 0004789F | Glass Shield | 6 | 1012 | 9800 | 15 | 22 | Reflect Damage 8% Reflect Spell 14% |
Shield of the Elements | 0004789D | Elven Shield | 5.2 | 660 | 3315 | 12 | 17 (7) | Resist Fire 20% Resist Frost 20% Resist Shock 20% |
Detect Life
† A Detect Life Helmet will always be found in one chest in Swampy Cave; if you go there at level 5 and below you will find either the Deer Skin Helmet or the Helmet of Arkay.
†† The "Battlehunter Helmet" has the appearance of a Chainmail Helmet when worn by female characters, but otherwise is based on an Orcish Helmet.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
† A pair of "Feather Shoes" can be found in the Mystic Emporium in the Imperial City Market District, but they are not for sale until you reach Journeyman level in the Mercantile skill; see also Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations.
Fire Shield
Fortify Attribute
Fortify Agility
† A set of "Greaves of the Cat" are worn by Burz gro-Khash.
Fortify Endurance
Fortify Intelligence
Fortify Luck
† An "Amulet of Luck" is worn by Dralora Athram. Another one can be found outside Fort Teleman; see Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations for details.
Fortify Personality
Fortify Speed
† A "Base Ring of Speed" can be found outside Fort Farragut; see Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations for details.
†† A pair of "Boots of the Cheetah" are worn by Burz gro-Khash.
Fortify Strength
†On female characters the Savage Gauntlets will incorrectly display as being chainmail gauntlets, instead of orcish gauntlets.
†† There is another set of "Gauntlets of Brutality" under Fortify Hand to Hand.
Fortify Willpower
Fortify Fatigue
† The "Base Ring of Vigor" and "Ring of Vigor" can only be obtained as random merchandise from Rowley Eardwulf if you have the Vile Lair official download installed.
†† "Fortify Fatigue Pants" will appear as a skirt on female characters. A pair can be found in the Mystic Emporium in the Imperial City Market District, but they are not for sale until you reach Journeyman level in the Mercantile skill; see also Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations.
††† The "Greaves of the Warmonger" have the appearance of Chainmail Greaves when worn by female characters, but otherwise are based on Orcish Greaves.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
‡ The two instances of "Tireless Greaves" both have the same name, but are clearly different.
‡‡ The "Grand Ring of Vigor" is not actually available in game.
Fortify Health
† The Petty and Lesser enchantments are the same for some reason.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
†† The "Base Ring of Health" and "Ring of Health" can only be obtained as random merchandise from Rowley Eardwulf if you have the Vile Lair official download installed.
††† A "Cuirass of the Bear" is worn by Burz gro-Khash.
‡ The "Grand Ring of Health" is not actually available in game.
Fortify Magicka
† The "Base Ring of Magicka" and "Ring of Magicka" can only be obtained as random merchandise from Rowley Eardwulf if you have the Vile Lair official download installed.
†† Will appear as a skirt on female characters.
††† The "Grand Ring of Magicka" is not actually available in game.
Fortify Skill
Fortify Acrobatics
Fortify Alchemy
† As discussed on the Alchemy page, there is absolutely no benefit to wearing a Fortify Alchemy enchanted item. Potions created both with and without such enchantments end up at equal potency, and the number of available effects on ingredients depends only on your base Alchemy skill, regardless of enchantments.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Fortify Alteration
† A "Ring of Alteration" is worn by the Gray Fox.
Fortify Armorer
† The petty enchantment for Armorer is actually a 10 point enchantment, i.e., identical to the grand enchantment.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Fortify Athletics
† The grand enchantment for Fortify Athletics is 20 pts, instead of the 10 pts used for most grand Fortify Skill enchantments
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Fortify Blade
Fortify Block
Fortify Blunt
Fortify Conjuration
Fortify Destruction
† A "Ring of Destruction" can be found in Wilderness cell 7c28; see Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations for details.
Fortify Hand to Hand
† There is another set of "Gauntlets of Brutality" under Fortify Strength.
Fortify Heavy Armor
† If this item is dropped, it floats where dropped and becomes unusable.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
†† On female characters the Cuirass of the Juggernaut will incorrectly display as being a chainmail cuirass, instead of an orcish cuirass.
Fortify Illusion
Fortify Light Armor
Fortify Marksman
† The "Broadhead", "Huntsman", and "Clear Sight" Gauntlets are not actually available in game.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.4.0, fixes this bug.
Fortify Mercantile
† As an outfit, this will cover both your upper and lower body.
†† The "Vvardenfell Traders Cuirass", "Cuirass of the Farlands Trader", and the "Blower's Cuirass" are not actually available in game.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.4.0, fixes this bug.
Fortify Mysticism
Fortify Restoration
† A "Base Ring of Restoration" can be found outside Anvil Castle; see also Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations.
Fortify Security
† As an outfit, this will cover both your upper and lower body.
†† The "Gauntlets of Lockbreaking", "Gauntlets of Passing", and "Magnifying Gauntlets" are not actually available in game.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.4.0, fixes this bug.
††† The greater enchantment for Fortify Security is 10 pts in magnitude, i.e., identical to the grand enchantment.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Fortify Sneak
† A "Base Ring of Sneak" can be found in Wilderness cell 79ed; see Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations for details.
†† The "Smuggler's Boots", "Boots of the Forest Stalker", and "Boots of Soft Walking" are not actually available in game.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.4.0, fixes this bug.
Fortify Speechcraft
Frost Shield
- The Mountaineer's Shield occupies the tail equipment slot as well as the shield slot. As a result, the Mountaineer's Shield can not be equipped simultaneously with the Weaponbane Cuirass, which is the only other item in the game to use the tail slot (without third-party mods).
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
† A Ring of Light can be found on a roof in Crucible. This is only accessible in the Shivering Isles expansion. See Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations for details.
† In the game, no magnitude or duration are actually listed for any of these items; these durations are only apparent in the Construction Set. Since all apparel-based enchantments are constant-effect, these durations appear to be meaningless. Furthermore, since there's no variability in the potency of the Night-Eye spell, all of these items should be equivalent in terms of their effect.
§ On female characters, the Darksplitter Helmet appears as a Chainmail Helmet when equipped, although it still has the stats appropriate to an Orcish Helmet.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Reflect Damage
† A "Tiger Fang Shield" is carried by Burz gro-Khash.
†† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of Retribution" and the "Ring of Retribution" are out of order.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Reflect Spell
† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Amulet of Reflection" and the "Amulet of Reflection" are out of order.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Resist Disease
† In your inventory, there is only enough room to show "Resist Disease Burgundy Linen" but the full name is "Resist Disease Burgundy Linen Shirt"
Resist Fire
† Will appear as pants on male characters, or a skirt on female characters.
†† The "Fire Ritual Greaves" have the appearance of Chainmail Greaves when worn by female characters, but otherwise are based on Orcish Greaves.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
††† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of Firewalking" and the "Ring of Firewalking" are out of order.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Resist Frost
† A set of "Gauntlets of the Horker" are worn by Burz gro-Khash.
†† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of the North" and the "Ring of the North" are out of order.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Resist Magic
† A "Witchhunter Helmet" can be found in Jesan Sextius' house in Anvil; see Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations for details.
†† In your inventory, there is only enough room to show "Helmet of Magicka" but the full name is "Helmet of Magicka Resistance".
††† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of Nihilism" and the "Ring of Nihilism" are out of order.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Resist Normal Weapons
† "Resist Normal Weapons Quilted Doublet" is the item's full name. However, in your inventory it is likely that the name will be truncated due to lack of space.
†† A "Weaponward Cuirass" is worn by the Gray Fox.
††† "Russet Felt Shirt of Blade Turning" is the item's full name. In your inventory it is likely that the name will be truncated due to lack of space. This "shirt" uses the same mesh and texture as the Russet Felt Outfit, but the lower body slot is deselected. As a result, pants or greaves may be worn with it as if it were actually just a shirt, but part of the close-fitting lower half will clip with the character's bare legs or any garment or armor that occupies the lower body slot.
* The "Weaponbane Cuirass" occupies the tail equipment slot as well as the upper body slot. As a result, the Weaponbane Cuirass can not be equipped simultaneously with the Mountaineer's Shield, which is the only other item in the game to use the tail slot (without third-party mods).
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Resist Paralysis
† This ring should have a Resist Normal Weapons enchantment like the other Steelskin rings, but it doesn't.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
†† The "Greaves of the Unstoppable" have the appearance of Chainmail Greaves when worn by female characters, but otherwise are based on Orcish Greaves.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
††† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of Freedom" and the "Ring of Freedom" are out of order.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Resist Poison
† As an outfit, this will cover both your upper and lower body.
†† A "Royal Cuirass" can be found inside Fort Cedrian; see Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations for details.
††† In your inventory, there is only enough room to show "Cuirass of Natural Assi-" but the full name is "Cuirass of Natural Assimilation"
Resist Shock
† A pair of "Boots of the Eel" can be found in Lelles' Quality Merchandise in Anvil, for purchase or theft; see also Magic Items with Guaranteed Locations .
† The lower levels (listed in parentheses) only apply to the reward for the quest More Unfinished Business.
Shock Shield
† The greater enchantment for Shock Shield is 10 pts in magnitude, i.e., identical to the grand enchantment.
Spell Absorption
† If this item is dropped, it floats where dropped and becomes unusable.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
†† The "Magekiller Greaves" have the appearance of Chainmail Greaves when worn by female characters, but otherwise are based on Orcish Greaves.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
††† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Amulet of Absorption" and the "Amulet of Absorption" are out of order.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch fixes this bug.
Water Breathing
† It is unclear why there need to be three of these, since in every way that matters, they are exactly the same.
†† Though you would expect an item with a name like this to have a Water Walking enchantment, you'd be wrong.
Water Walking
† It is unclear why there needs to be three of these, since in every way that matters, they are exactly the same.
†† There is only enough room to see "Waterwalking Gold Trimmed" in your inventory.