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Fain is a ruin in the Shivering Isles, located on one of the peaks of the Jester's Spine Mountains. Like the other ancient ruins that dot the realm, Fain was originally built by the Predecessors, mortal inhabitants of the Isles whose civilization was wiped out during a previous Greymarch.

The ruins were once home to a group of Heretics who worshipped an unholy being known as Gyub. The Heretics sacrificed "volunteers" to Gyub by dangling them over the Pit of Fain (a root tunnel which drops vertically down the center of the mountain), reciting a prayer to Gyub, and dropping the sacrifice into the Pit, never to be seen again. There is no evidence of Gyub's existence; the sacrifices were likely eaten by the many beasts which lived in the root caves at the bottom of the Pit. Circa 3E 433, the Heretics here were preparing for an obscure ceremony that they called the "Rebirth", for which they needed a large number of "volunteers" to be sacrificed. The ruins were cleared out later that year by Sheogorath's Champion.


Falinesti is one of the eight major cities in the province of Valenwood, typically depicted on maps in the northwest portion of the province. Colloquially known as the "walking city", Falinesti is historically the capital of Valenwood and the seat of power for the Camoran Dynasty, a powerful clan of Bosmer that united every tribe and ushered the First Era. Falinesti is one of two cities built from the Elden Tree, the larger subspecies of the already tall graht-oak trees of Valenwood.


Falkreath (also called Falcrenth or Falcreath) is one of the nine major cities in the province of Skyrim, serving as the capital of Falkreath Hold and the boreal forest. Its name derives from Elvish, though its meaning is unknown. The city is known as the "heroes' graveyard"; many great battles took place here for centuries, and countless warriors were buried here, leaving behind graves and monuments to them. Because of the nature of the city, the merchants of Falkreath are known to reflect the melancholic themes of death in their business.

Falkreath HoldEdit

Falkreath Hold (or simply called Falkreath) is one of the main holds of Skyrim, known for its lush pine forest. Lake Ilinalta is the province's largest body of freshwater and it takes a significant portion of the hold. Falkreath has an ancient association with battle and death as its capital city is known as the "heroes' graveyard" and contains one of the largest sites in the province. Its people are generally prosperous farmers and loggers, thanks to the Ilinalta. Throughout history, Falkreath has shifted between the Kingdom of Skyrim and the Colovian Estates, the autonomous government of western Cyrodiil.

Falkreath WatchtowerEdit

Falkreath (also called Falcrenth or Falcreath) is one of the nine major cities in the province of Skyrim, serving as the capital of Falkreath Hold and the boreal forest. Its name derives from Elvish, though its meaning is unknown. The city is known as the "heroes' graveyard"; many great battles took place here for centuries, and countless warriors were buried here, leaving behind graves and monuments to them. Because of the nature of the city, the merchants of Falkreath are known to reflect the melancholic themes of death in their business.

Fallowstone HallEdit

Fallowstone Hall was a historical hall located in the northern hills of the Rift, in the province of Skyrim. It was an ancient site built and occupied by the Companions, the guild of mercenaries active in Skyrim. It was their main holdout in the region, created by one of the original Five Hundred Companions and it currently serves as both a museum and mortuary for their dead brethren.


Fanacas is an Ayleid ruin found within the Valus Mountains, in the province of Cyrodiil. In its time, Fanacas was a mining hold for the Nedic slaves. For the longest time, it contained one of the Ten Ancestors, religious artifacts that were once displayed at the Temple of the Ancestors. It was among the only modern Ayleid sites that still bore their ancient names by the Third Era.


Fanacasecul was an Ayleid settlement located on the southwestern shore of Lake Rumare, in the Heartlands of Cyrodiil.

Fang LairEdit

Fang Lair, also known by its Dwemeri name Arkngthamz-Phng, is a ruin of a Dwarven city and mine located in Dragon's Teeth Mountains, on the border between High Rock and Hammerfell, and near the border with Skyrim.

Faolan's IreEdit

Faolan's Ire is a landmark in the southeastern parts of the Reach, north of Gloomreach and Lost Valley Redoubt and west of Hroldan Ring at the banks of the Karth River.


Faregyl is a historical settlement in the southern Great Forest in the province of Cyrodiil. It is located around the central crossroad of the northern Green Road, between the Red Ring Road and Bravil, but has changed over the years. In the mid-Second Era, it was known as Castle Faregyl, a large keep surrounded by scattered clusters of floating welkynd stones but from the late Third Era and onward, the Faregyl Inn sat on the crossroad.


Fargrave, also known as the Celestial Palanquin, is an obscure demiplane of Oblivion, functioning as a crossroads where the paths through Oblivion become easier to navigate. With no prince to rule, the accords that make it harder for other realms to connect to Nirn do not apply, making it a convenient way station between Nirn and the rest of Oblivion. In appearance, it is a large desert wasteland filled with gargantuan skeletons and surrounded by an auroral sky.

Daedra and mortals alike can be found here, engaging in trade on a planar level. The inhabitants prefer their privacy, and as such not many in the mortal world are aware of its existence. Through the use of relics such as portal keys, one can move through Fargrave with impunity to reach Nirn and Oblivion.

Far ShoresEdit

The Far Shores, also called the Far Dunes, is the afterlife sought by the Redguards. According to Yokudan myth, Satakal, the serpentine God of Everything, eats itself over and over, periodically consuming all of creation. By "moving at strange angles" to stride between "worldskins", a process known as the Walkabout, the strongest of the spirits learned to bypass this cycle of destruction. Thanks to Ruptga's guidance, many weaker spirits were able to find their way as well, and the practice became so easy that it became a place—the Far Shores. Here, the spirits can safely wait until Satakal has passed and a new skin has emerged. There is no hunger or thirst in the Far Shores, but there are ample martial challenges to keep Redguard warrior-spirits engaged for eternity.


Farrun (or Fharun) is a northern port city on the north shore of High Rock, and one of eight kingdoms in the province. It is known for its icy winters. The kingdom of Farrun has existed since the First Era; one notable citizen of Farrun in the First Era was Lord Storig, who commanded the vanguard of the Imperial army at the Battle of Bodrum in 1E 2920 during the Four-Score War. By the Second Era it was an Orcish stronghold by the name of Fharun, named after the Fharun Clan. The stronghold was infamous for its Breton-designed prison complex, which was notorious even among the Orcs.

Fathis Aren's TowerEdit

Fathis Aren's Tower, also known as the Temple of the Emperor Zero, is a ruined fort along the Green Road south of Bravil, in the Nibenay Valley region of Cyrodiil.

The tower possesses an extensive underground complex, connected to a grotto that extends deep under Niben Bay. Some parts of the grotto are flooded and provide access to the bottom of the bay. These flooded passages are home to slaughterfish, including the rare giant slaughterfish. The grotto extends all the way to Bravil, allowing access to the tower from a secret passage in Castle Bravil.

Fathoms DriftEdit

Fathoms Drift is a large ship graveyard on the Abyssal Sea of Apocrypha, specifically in the Chroma Incognito region. As is perpetuated in Tamrielic myths of the sea, Fathoms Drift is where Hermaeus Mora, the master of the seas, takes ships consumed by the oceans. These ships were usually helmed by people who took the sea and Hermaeus Mora's power lightly or carried forbidden cargo. The dead crews haunt the site as ghosts while the wreckage and rocks are floating in suspension in the sky.

Feywatch IsleEdit

The Feywatch Isle is a lake island situated on the northeastern coast of High Isle within a lake with an unknown name. It harbored a volcanic vent. It is positioned to the north of Tor Draioch and to the south of the Duford Shipyards.

In 2E 582 the tranquility of the archipelago was disrupted as not only Feywatch Isle's volcanic vent but several others across the archipelago erupted. The island's normally placid surroundings were thrown into chaos as a volcanic vent on Feywatch Isle became increasingly active. This unexpected eruption was attributed to a mysterious disturbance in the local environment. It was one of many vents in the region that were calmed by the Druids of the Stonelore Circle and their associates during that period.

At that time a skyshard, a shard of meteoric glass imbued with mystical energy, was positioned between Feywatch Isle and the towering structure of Tor Draioch, overlooking the isle.


Fellmoor is a village in the Dementia region of the Shivering Isles. It lies along the western coast, southeast of the Fringe, and can be reached via Pinnacle Road. The settlement is dedicated to Water Root Pod farming. These bulbous plants are grown in shallow water and harvested for their Pod Pits.

Fellmoor is noted for the many varieties of wine produced there. Fellmoor Red Wine, Fellmoor Spore Wine, and Fellmoor Swamp Wine are all popular beverages among the mortal inhabitants of the Isles.

Circa 3E 433, the farm was being run by a neurotic Altmer woman named Cindanwe, whose strong work ethic made her unpopular with the field hands.

Felsaad CoastEdit

The Felsaad Coast is the snowy, lightly forested northeastern region on the island of Solstheim. The Isild River separates it from the Moesring Mountains region to the west, and it fades into forest to the south. The area is relatively rich in wildlife; many horkers, bristlebacks, snow wolves, and other creatures roam the land. Skaal Village and Thirsk are both located here, as are many barrows and ice caves.

Fields of RegretEdit

The Fields of Regret are a realm of Oblivion, created and ruled over by Clavicus Vile, the Daedric Prince of Wishes. The realm appears as a tranquil countryside, dotted with majestic cities of glass and ornate buildings and populated by Skaafin. It contains dense forests, lakes, and mountains, with floating golden metals and stone spirals filling the landscape. The city of Umbriel was once a part of the realm, but was eventually severed and came to rest in the Realm of the Hist.

According to some sources, the Fields of Regret are not a place in the same sense that a place on Nirn is, rather the realm is a "state of mind", specifically the state of mind of Clavicus Vile, which reflects on the realm and causes everything there to be exactly as Vile wishes it to be. Thus its form is said to represent Vile's mindset, a green, sunny and pleasant land interspersed with tranquil ponds under an expanse of clear blue sky, reflecting Vile's view of himself as a playful and fun-loving god who basks alongside his companion, Barbas, the pleasant appearance concealing Vile's true temperament which is likened to that of a child cruelly playing with insects.


Firemoth (also known as Firemoth Island or the Firemoth Region) is a region encompassing a ring of barren islands located in the Inner Sea. The islands often suffer heavy storms, and the bare volcanic rock provides little nourishment for flora. Hardy trama shrubs and stark, leafless trees can survive the ashen, bitter soil, and marshmerrow reeds flourish along the sandy beaches, but otherwise the islands are devoid of life.


Firewatch is one of the eight major cities on the mainland of Morrowind, settled on badlands along the shores of the Sea of Ghosts. Firewatch is found in eastern Morrowind, which is the territory of House Indoril. The city acquires its name because of its proximity to Red Mountain from the mainland. It is a beautiful city at peace that safely provides a grand vista of the volcano from within its walls, but is not without its own inner dangers. The terrain near the city consists of mesas, arid plateaus, and high steppes. There is a large unnamed island found north of the city, and the famous Indoril fortress of Bal Tereg is found close by.


Firsthold (also spelled as First Hold) is one of the eight major cities in the province of the Summerset Isles and is located on the northernmost tip of Auridon, the second-largest island of the archipelago. Just as the name references, Firsthold is the oldest city in the province and was founded by the first Aldmeri inhabitants of Tamriel, who had previously sailed across the Eltheric Ocean to escape the destruction of their homeland, Aldmeris. The city is also where the mage Vanus Galerion founded the original Mages Guild charter and thus provided the common people with access to magic and other arcane pursuits.

The Five Finger DanceEdit

The Five Finger Dance (also called Baan Dar) is the realm of Baan Dar, the Bandit God and trickster spirit of thieves and beggars in primarily Khajiiti culture. Among the deity's followers, the Five Finger Dance is considered the greatest party in existence and many compete in an event called the Boast to earn Baan Dar's favor and enter his realm. These events are held all once a year in Tamriel and are overseen in secret by the Daughters of Baan Dar.

Lake FjaldingEdit

Lake Fjalding is the largest lake on Solstheim, although it is covered by ice year-round. It is commonly used as a mating ground for the horkers of the island. The Iggnir River to the south and the Isild River to the north flow from here, in the Felsaad Coast region due north of Fort Frostmoth. The Isinfier Plains lie to the south. The Thirsk mead hall is on the eastern coast of the lake.

For more information, see the main Lore article.

Fogbreak Lighthouse IslandEdit

Fogbreak Lighthouse Island is an island located within the Systres Archipelago, named for Fogbreak Lighthouse which can be found atop its highest point. It lies north of the High Isle, southeast of Galen, southwest of Y'ffelon, and west of Amenos. It is surrounded by a ring of smaller rocks and islets. The flora on the island consists of gorse, beech, cypress, pine, dogwood, sea daffodil, and lizard tail. Additionally, coral formations can be found along the shore.


Folgunthur is an ancient Nordic barrow found in the northern coast of Hjaalmarch, in the province of Skyrim. At the base of the Great Arch that holds Solitude, this ancient tomb is known for containing the remains of Mikrul Gauldurson, the youngest son of the auspicious but forgotten First Era mage, Gauldur. It had also contained the great treasure trove of the master illusionist, Maelmoth the Mysterious.


Forelhost is an ancient Nordic ruin located in the Rift in Skyrim. It is located high atop the mountain of the same name and suffers from a dangerously cold climate.

During the time of the Dragon Cult, Forelhost served as a great monastery. It was home to two notable dragon priests and their respective masks: Rahgot and Vosis. Following the Dragon War, Forelhost became the last known holdout of the cult. It was discovered by the forces of High King Harald in 1E 139, who besieged the monastery for several months under the command of Skorm Snow-Strider. Despite the cold, the besiegers eventually succeeded in breaking through the defenses in 1E 140, using the Voice to bring down the main gate. Once inside however, they discovered that the cultists had committed ritual suicide, going so far as to poison the well water. Their sacrifice created a magical barrier, sealing the upper courtyard for decades afterwards and preventing Skorm's advance. The cultists had believed they would be returned to life when the dragons returned to Tamriel, as had been foreseen by a cultist named Thorallod. The monastery subsequently fell into ruin, haunted by draugr and the ghosts of the cultists.

In 2E 582, when the Worm Cult was scouring the Rift for shards of Wuuthrad, a group of cultists led an attack on Forelhost when their leader, Nordahl, attempted to recover the mask of Vosis. The cultists were defeated by the undead and driven off, and Vosis claimed their axe shard for himself. He was then slain by the Vestige on behalf of the Ebonheart Pact, which was also seeking shards.

Sometime circa 4E 201, a legendary Argonian thief known as Sails-Through-Storms came into possession of the journal of a great adventurer who had come into possession of Barilzar's Mazed Band and had sealed it within Forelhost. Following the journal, she journeyed to Forelhost, accompanied by the Forgotten Hero and a fellow Argonian thief named Swims-at-Night. The group discovered that the ring had been sealed within the tomb of a dragon priest which could only be entered by ingesting poison. Sails-Through-Storms turned back, but the other two concocted a poison which would not quite kill them, allowing them to enter the tomb. They managed to defeat the awakened dragon priest within, but were set upon by a group of treasure hunters led by Mecinar, a former Clockwork Apostle. In their weakened state, the adventurers were unable to stop the treasure hunters from claiming the ring and using it to enter the Clockwork City. However, Swims-at-Night grabbed onto one of them at the last second and was teleported to the City along with them.

Later that year, an Altmer named Valmir was sent by the Thalmor to retrieve Rahgot's mask from within the ruins of Forelhost. He was ordered to trick Imperial Legionnaires and Stormcloak Soldiers into recovering the mask to aid the war effort during the ongoing Stormcloak Rebellion, and then to bring the mask to Labyrinthian, likely in an effort to retrieve Konahrik. Valmir recruited the Last Dragonborn who successfully retrieved the mask, but discovered Valmir's ploy and killed him.

That same year, a ghost known as the Lost Paladin was sighted at Forelhost. The Lost Paladin had been the wielder of the legendary blade Chrysamere in life, and he was subsequently slain by the Last Dragonborn who then claimed Chrysamere.

Forest RealmEdit

The forest realm is a mysterious realm of existence. It was created by the Wilderking as part of a pact with the denizens of the Shrouded Vale. Every one hundred years or so, a caretaker is left alone on Tamriel to provide for the Fading Tree. In return, the Wilderking provides a safe haven for Shrouded Hollow, causing the village to disappear, only coming back to choose a new caretaker.

When the village disappears, it is transported to an unknown place referred to as the forest realm. This realm is described as a place totally unlike Valenwood, without hunger or suffering, where the denizens of Shrouded Hollow live peacefully and without fear. Even the light in this place is different in comparison to Tamriel, which the inhabitants of the Vale refer to as the "mundane world".

Forest of DreamsEdit

The Forest of Dreams is a place associated with Kyne, the Nordic goddess of the Storm, widow of Shor, the Blessed Warrior-Wife, and a favored god of warriors. According to certain beliefs of the ancient Nords, some servants of Kyne found eternal rest in the Forest of Dreams, such as Hela, who was known as a "friend to all beasts".

Forest of ElbornEdit

The Forest of Elborn (or simply Elborn)[1] is a location associated with the Altmer of the Summerset Isles, who often use the exclamation, "By the Wood of Elborn."[1] It is primarily known for being the burial place of Phynaster, the Hero-God of Summerset.[2]

Forgotten ValeEdit

The Forgotten Vale is massive and sprawling secluded ice-encrusted land dotted with the remains of Snow Elf architecture. Located in the Druadach Mountains, it is viewed on maps as being within the borders of High Rock and bordering northwestern Skyrim's Haafingar area. It is a glacial valley, with icy crevices, forests, a river and a large frozen lake. Its seclusion from the rest of Tamriel has resulted in unique forms of bioluminescent flora and fauna, seemingly adapted for subterranean dwelling.

The vale is difficult to reach, requiring the navigation through the Darkfall Cave systems to enter from the outside world. It was chosen by the ancient Snow Elves as the site of the Chantry of Auri-El, the civilization's center of worship of Auri-El. The elves built a large sanctum into the mountains, overlooking the valley, as well as five Wayshrines of Auri-El. Magical teleportation in the form of portals were used to navigate and link the area. In order to reach enlightenment and "become one with Auri-El", initiates of the Chantry made a pilgrimage to each of the five Wayshrines, navigating the treacherous vale with a ewer of water to gain access to the temple's inner sanctum. Due to the Chantry's isolation, it remained unaffected by the invasion of the Nords, though the Falmer somehow spread to the vale and overwhelmed the Chantry by their sheer numbers, wiping out the final bastion of Snow Elves.

Fort AlessiaEdit

Fort Alessia (also known as Castle Alessia) is a ruined military fort located on the Red Ring Road, southeast of the Imperial City in the Great Forest of Cyrodiil, in an area known as the Bloody Grasslands. The fort is located just east of the Ayleid ruins of Sardavar Leed, where Saint Alessia was raised as a slave. It can be assumed that the fort was named in her honor.

During the Alliance War of 2E 582, Castle Alessia was an expansive and strategically important keep. It had its own farm, mine and lumbermill, and was heavily fortified. Likely due to the proximity of Sardavar Leed, the castle bore a clear Ayleid influence, with Welkynd Stones incorporated into the architecture. It was initially located within the territory held by the Aldmeri Dominion, and its central location made it essential for control of the Imperial City. The keep changed hands many times over the course of the war. The nearby Alessia Bridge once spanned the Upper Niben.

The fort was abandoned by the Imperial Legion during the relatively peaceful Third Era. By the time of the Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433, Fort Alessia was no more than a ruin, controlled by a hostile band of marauders.

Fort AmolEdit

Fort Amol (or simply called Amol) is a fortified settlement found in the region of Eastmarch, within the province of Skyrim. Fort Amol was a noteworthy settlement that was occupied by a Jarl, but it would soon fall into disrepair, and become the regional stronghold for Eastmarch. Also, Amol was at times the name of a town in northeastern Skyrim on the road between Windhelm and Winterhold.

Fort AshEdit

Fort Ash is a ruined keep located deep in the Great Forest, in the province of Cyrodiil. Fort Ash is strategically located on the Black Road, between the Red Ring Road and the city of Chorrol. During the Three Banners War in the mid-Second Era, Fort Ash was one of the six vital keeps that determined control of the Imperial City.

Fort BluebloodEdit

Fort Blueblood is a ruined military fort located southeast of Leyawiin, in the Blackwood region of Cyrodiil.

Fort ChalmanEdit

Fort Chalman (also known as Chalman Keep) is a ruined military fort located on the Red Ring Road, northeast of the Imperial City.

Fort FarragutEdit

Fort Farragut (also known as Farragut Keep) is a ruined military fort located on the foothills of the Valus Mountains northeast of Cheydinhal, in the Nibenay Basin region of Cyrodiil.

During the Alliance War of 2E 582, Farragut was an expansive and strategically important keep. It had its own farm, mine and lumbermill, and was heavily fortified. It was initially located within the territory held by the Ebonheart Pact, and its main function was the defense of the Elder Scroll of Ghartok, which was held in a temple to the northeast. The keep changed hands many times over the course of the war.

The fort was abandoned by the Imperial Legion during the relatively peaceful Third Era. By the time of the Oblivion Crisis, Fort Farragut was no more than a ruin. It had been taken as a lair by Lucien Lachance, a Speaker for the Black Hand of the Dark Brotherhood who administered the nearby Cheydinhal sanctuary. As such, it was infested with undead skeletal guardians in service to the Brotherhood. Lachance was forced to flee the ruins in 3E 433 after he was framed as a traitor.

Fort FrostmothEdit

Fort Frostmoth was the primary Imperial settlement on the south coast of Solstheim, in the Hirstaang Forest. It was established some time in the Third Era, after the Imperial discovery of the island. The fort acted as the area office of the East Empire Company, established on Solstheim to mine the rich deposits of ebony from Raven Rock, and was also the main link to Vvardenfell by way of Khuul. The sizeable garrison was one of the few signs of civilization on the island, apart from the colony. The fort was known among the legionnaires as a punishment detail, due partly to the unpleasant weather and partly due to the mead. Unruly soldiers were usually sent to the fort as penance, and the locals viewed them as nothing more than Imperials who had no respect for the island.

Fort GriefEdit

Fort Grief is a ruined Imperial Legion fort located on Fort Grief Island, an island at the mouth of the Silverfish River in Niben Bay.

Fort HastrelEdit

Fort Hastrel is a ruined Imperial watchtower in the Colovian Highlands, in the province of Cyrodiil. It is a picturesque relic of the First Empire, located near the ancient Highlands Road. Hastrel Hollow is a nearby Ayleid ruin to the southeast of the tower.

Fort HomesteadEdit

Fort Homestead (also called the Homestead Ruins) is a ruined fort located on the southern shore of Lake Rumare, east of the White Rose River in the Heartlands of Cyrodiil. It can be found just off the Red Ring Road, in the region known as the Southwestern Shore. It contains subterranean passages which lead to the Heroes' Hall, a large chamber deep underground.

At the start of the Alliance War of 2E 582, bandits moved into the ruins of Homestead as Legion patrols became less frequent. Eventually the Homestead bandits became emboldened enough to outright attack the settlement of Pell's Gate to the south, which they then occupied and destroyed. A bridge connected the ruins to City Isle at the time, although it was shattered by the Planemeld and subsequently put under heavy guard by Daedra. The ruins were within the territory initially controlled by the Aldmeri Dominion, although none of the participants in the war attempted to capture the fort.

By 3E 433, the fort's underground passages were home to bandits and marauders. No sign remained of the Second Era bridge to City Isle.

Fort IstirusEdit

Fort Istirus (alternatively known as the Istirus Outpost) is an Imperial ruin found in the region of the West Weald, within the province of Cyrodiil. It is built along the Strid River, to protect the large body of water from the mass pirate activities.

Fort RedmaneEdit

Fort Redmane (also called Fort Redman and formerly Fort Niben) is an Imperial fort located on the banks of the Niben River, in the province of Cyrodiil. The fort was originally built to defend the Second Empire's settlers in the south from Anequine hunt-barons, but because the threat was much smaller than realized and the two kingdoms of Elsweyr were later under the Empire's control, Fort Redmane saw little use and it stands on the river waiting for a threat that may never come.

Fort SejanusEdit

Fort Sejanus (also known as Sejanus Outpost) is a ruined military fort located southeast of the Imperial City, in the Nibenay Basin of Cyrodiil. It is located at the intersection of the Red Ring Road and the Yellow Road. The ruins possess an underground complex, including catacombs on the lowest level. The fort shares its name with the Sejanus Hunting Grounds, a region of open terrain to the northeast where the ruins of Nagastani can be found.

During the Three Banners War of 2E 582, a small fort called Sejanus Outpost was located here. It was initially held by the Ebonheart Pact, although the outpost changed hands many times over the course of the war. Its strategic position was critical to maintain supply lines.

The fort was abandoned by the Imperial Legion during the relatively peaceful Third Era. By the time of the Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433, Fort Sejanus was no more than a ruin, controlled by a hostile group of conjurers and their Daedric minions. Despite the conjurers' presence, the fort's catacombs were haunted by undead.

Fort SphinxmothEdit

Fort Sphinxmoth (or Sphinxmoth Legion Fort) is a fortress in the Reaper's March region, in Anequina, Elsweyr. It is located north of the city of Dune, close to the border with Valenwood and Cyrodiil.


The fort was built by the Second Empire to safeguard the Elsweyr-Valenwood border from raiders, as the area was constantly plagued by warring Bosmer and Khajiit tribes. It was built into the side of a mountain to be nigh impregnable, and the halls were filled with all manner of traps. After the fall of the Second Empire, Sphinxmoth was abandoned by the legionnaires and ironically fell into the hands of the border raiders. It was traded back and forth for a generation between Bosmer and Khajiit tribes, suffering additional damage every time it changed hands, until a landslide destroyed much of the upper works and forced the ruins to be abandoned. Nothing worth looting was left in Fort Sphinxmoth, and it soon faded into obscurity as an overgrown series of tunnels.

The crocodile-infested ruins were eventually reoccupied by the Muckwater Bandits, a large bandit gang that operated out of the Muckwater and was led by an Imperial named Captain Accalia. Rebranding themselves the Sphinxmoth Bandits, the brigands repaired many of the fort's traps. During the Alliance War of 2E 582, the bandits attacked the temple of Mara in Bravil after receiving a contract from the Stonefire Cult to steal the Chalice of Mara. The priests followed the bandits back to Fort Sphinxmoth with a large contingent of temple guards, crossing into Aldmeri Dominion territory. Several guards entered the ruins in an attempt to retrieve the Chalice, along with several other holy relics, but they were all killed or captured. However, the Vestige then entered the ruins in search of the relics and the missing guards, killing Accalia and his subordinates in the process.

Fort Sphinxmoth was later reestablished by the Imperial Legion under the Third Empire. During the Five Year War in 3E 396, a major battle took place outside the fort between the Bosmer of Valenwood and the Khajiit of Elsweyr. A soldier named Codus Callonus was stationed at the fort and was so impressed by the Khajiiti tactics during the battle that he recorded his impressions in a series of books. Unfortunately, only the first volume of Mixed Unit Tactics remains.

Fort StrandEdit

Fort Strand is a ruined fort located just east of Anvil, in the Gold Coast region of Cyrodiil. It has an extensive underground complex, including a large natural chasm and a subterranean chamber called the Great Dome.

The fort was already a crumbling ruin by 2E 582, at which time it served as a smuggler den. A chest of First Era martial relics was taken to the ruins that year from a dig site at Tribune's Folly. The researchers hired the Dragonstar Caravan Company to recover the relics, as the chest was guarded by supernatural shadowy guardians sent by Lord Faleria.

By 3E 433, the fort was home to a marauder gang. A local Nord named Bjalfi the Contemptible brought the Dwemer mace Rockshatter to the ruins when he joined the gang that year. He was killed when his deserted wife sent the Hero of Kvatch to the ruins to recover the mace.

Fort SungardEdit

Fort Sungard (or simply called Sungard or Sunguard) is a fortified settlement located in the Tundra Plain on the edge of the Tundra Plateau of the region known as the Reach, situated in the province of Skyrim. Fort Sungard is a historical bulwark at the tripoint of the Reach, Whiterun Hold, and Falkreath Hold that is a key-strategic point in southern Skyrim, for the likes of Markarth in the northwest, and the rest of southern Skyrim. It is famed for its incredible vista, which overlooks the Karth River Canyon from the plateau. Also, Sunguard was at times the name of a town in southeastern Skyrim on the road between Riften and Whiterun.

Fort SwampmothEdit

Fort Swampmoth is a fortress in Black Marsh. It was maintained by the Imperial Legion during the time of the Third Empire. During the Oblivion Crisis, rumors swirled that the Legions had been recalled from Fort Swampmoth.

Fort VarielaEdit

Fort Variela (also known as Variela's Watchtower or simply Variela) is an ancient ruined military fort located inland from the western banks of the Niben River, in the Heartlands of Cyrodiil far to the north of Bravil. It is connected by road to the nearby Lunar Fang Docks. The fort possesses an underground complex with staff quarters.

Fort VirakEdit

Fort Virak is a fortified mountain pass that is situated in the mountain basin of Stonefalls, in Morrowind. Strategically located in the snow-laden valley of the Velothi Mountains, it is a gated checkpoint between Morrowind to the east and the Rift of Skyrim to the west. It serves as Stonefalls' western mainline of defense and has survived countless sieges throughout the years. Underneath the fort is a series of mazes that have since collapsed.

Fortress of IceEdit

The Fortress of Ice (also called the great Ice Fortress of Winterhold) is an ancient fortress located within the Hold of Winterhold of the province of Skyrim, south of the city of Winterhold in the vicinity of Helarchen Creek and Amol. According to old texts, it was the home of Arch-Mage Shalidor, where he presumably resided with his wife Ulfsild during his lifetime. Shalidor would later recount the Fortress as among his most accomplished feats.

Four Skull LookoutEdit

The Four Skull Lookout is a small Nordic ruin situated between Karthwasten and Red Eagle Redoubt. It was known for its association with destruction magic.

Foyada Ashur-DanEdit

Foyada Ashur-Dan is one of the several foyadas of Vvardenfell, the island district of Morrowind. The volcanic ravines (or "fire-rivers") are valleys formed by lava flows from Red Mountain, functioning as drainage basins for lava when the volcano is active, or alternatively forming pathways to travel on when dormant and devoid of lava. The foyada starts at the caldera of Red Mountain and travels southeast through the Ashlands, ending between Sanabi and Dulo Ancestral Tomb, though an opening is present on the east side near Zalkin-Sul Egg Mine.

Odrosal and Yanemus Mine are found along the foyada. Dunirai Caverns, Halit Mine, and Helas Ancestral Tomb are found between the Foyada Esannudan and Ashur-Dan. Foyada Ashur-Dan was filled with lava at the time of the Imperial Simulacrum. The foyada had dried up by the time of the Blight in 3E 427, and the Ghostgate went through it.

Foyada Bani-DadEdit

Foyada Bani-Dad is one of the several foyadas of Vvardenfell, the island district of Morrowind. The volcanic ravines (or "fire-rivers") are valleys formed by lava flows from Red Mountain, functioning as drainage basins for lava when the volcano is active, or alternatively forming pathways to travel on when dormant and devoid of lava.

The foyada starts at the caldera of Red Mountain and travels northwest through the Ashlands to the Sea of Ghosts, where the ravine's seamouth is marked by a derelict shipwreck. This headland marks the coastal divide between the West Gash and the north Ashlands. Bani-Dad appears to be one of the largest foyadas on the island, second only to Mamaea.

Foyada DruraEdit

Foyada Drura is one of the several foyadas of Vvardenfell, the island district of Morrowind. The volcanic ravines (or "fire-rivers") are valleys formed by lava flows from Red Mountain, functioning as drainage basins for lava when the volcano is active, or alternatively forming pathways to travel on when dormant and devoid of lava. The foyada starts from the caldera of Red Mountain and travels south through the Ashlands in the west, surrounding Ald'ruhn on the northwest side. Hleran Ancestral Tomb is found at the end. When Skar fell in ancient times, Dranoth Hleran's people cried out for the quiet life with crops and strong houses, silencing their Velothi hearts and settling beside the fire river of Drura. Foyada Drura was filled with lava at the time of the Imperial Simulacrum. The foyada had dried up by the time of the Blight in 3E 427, allowing Bal Isra to be built in the valley.

Foyada EsannudanEdit

Foyada Esannudan is one of the several foyadas of Vvardenfell, the island district of Morrowind. The volcanic ravines (or "fire-rivers") are valleys formed by lava flows from Red Mountain, functioning as drainage basins for lava when the volcano is active, or alternatively forming pathways to travel on when dormant and devoid of lava.

The foyada branches off from Foyada Mamaea close to the caldera of Red Mountain and travels south through the Ashlands. Aryon Ancestral Tomb is found at the end, and Dunirai Caverns is found between Foyada Esannudan and Foyada Ashur-Dan. Foyada Esannudan was filled with lava at the time of the Imperial Simulacrum. The foyada had dried up by the time of the Blight in 3E 427, and though the Ghostgate went through it, House Dagoth set up operations within Sharapli on the exterior.

Foyada IlibaalEdit

Foyada Ilibaal is one of the several foyadas of Vvardenfell, the island district of Morrowind. The volcanic ravines (or "fire-rivers") are valleys formed by lava flows from Red Mountain, functioning as drainage basins for lava when the volcano is active, or alternatively forming pathways to travel on when dormant and devoid of lava.

The foyada is found in Molag Amur, stretching from from Molag Mar to Mount Kand. Foyada Ilibaal was filled with lava at the time of the Imperial Simulacrum. The foyada had dried up by the time of the Blight in 3E 427.

Foyada MamaeaEdit

Foyada Mamaea is one of the several fire-rivers of Vvardenfell, the island district of Morrowind. It is very old, and is also very recognizable thanks to its large size.

The foyada starts from the caldera of Red Mountain travels south through the southwest quadrant of the island until it reaches the southern tip of the West Gash, where it divides it from the Ascadian Isles. The ravine is a major route that bridges the BalmoraPelagiad road and directly leads to the Ghostgate. The path to the shrine is easy to follow, but dangerous beasts threaten pilgrims who travel this route.

Some places are built on the ravine, such as the Daedric shrine of Assarnatamat, the Dwemer ruin of Arkngthand, the ebony mines of Vassir-Didanat, the Imperial compound, Moonmoth Legion Fort, and the Yassu Glass Mine. Caves such as Adanumuran and Hassour are found in and around the ravine. Both the Shrine of Pride and the Foyada Esannudan diverge from Foyada Mamaea.

Foyada NadanatEdit

Foyada Nadanat is one of the several foyadas of Vvardenfell, the island district of Morrowind. The volcanic ravines (or "fire-rivers") are valleys formed by lava flows from Red Mountain, functioning as drainage basins for lava when the volcano is active, or alternatively forming pathways to travel on when dormant and devoid of lava.

The foyada is found in Molag Amur, stretching from the south coast between Suran and Telasero and going northwest to the coast near Tel Fyr. Notably, the ruin of Nchuleftingth is nestled in a bend of the foyada, and as such draws lava from it. Foyada Nadanat was filled with lava at the time of the Imperial Simulacrum. The foyada had dried up by the time of the Blight in 3E 427.

Foyada ZabirbaelEdit

Foyada Zabirbael is one of the several foyadas of Vvardenfell, the island district of Morrowind. The volcanic ravines (or "fire-rivers") are valleys formed by lava flows from Red Mountain, functioning as drainage basins for lava when the volcano is active, or alternatively forming pathways to travel on when dormant and devoid of lava.

The foyada is found in Molag Amur, stretching northeast from Lake Nabia, past Mount Kand, all the way to Mount Assarnibibi. Foyada Zabirbael was filled with lava at the time of the Imperial Simulacrum. The foyada had dried up by the time of the Blight in 3E 427.

The FringeEdit

The Fringe is a region of the Shivering Isles located on the western side of the main landmass. Although it largely appears to be located in the lands of Dementia (with some terrain on the north end more similar to Mania), the Fringe is considered to be completely separate from the realm proper. It is surrounded by high walls, preventing those within from entering the rest of the Isles until they have received Lord Sheogorath's "gift" of madness and can enter the realm through the Gates of Madness. It is the first place to be destroyed during any Greymarch.

The Fringe has one main settlement, the town of Passwall, where mortals who find themselves in the Isles live while they wait for Sheogorath's blessing to take hold. The Fringe is under the same justice system as the Isles proper, but as no guards are posted within its walls, the bounty only comes into effect once the criminal passes through the Gates of Madness. The Gardens of Flesh and Bone can also be found here, as can the so-called Garden of Swords where weapons are grown from the soil.

Frostbreak FortressEdit

The Frostbreak Fortress is a ruined stronghold found in the region of Wrothgar, within the province of High Rock. Frostbreak Fortress was built by Bretons to protect the short-lived Imperial Province of Orsinium, which was established during the reign of Savirien-Chorak, the last monarch of the Akaviri Potentate era in the Second Empire. It is found in a small region of Wrothgar known as Frostbreak Ridge.

Frostcrag SpireEdit

Frostcrag Spire is a large wizard's tower located high in the Jerall Mountains of Cyrodiil, to the east of Bruma. The multilevel complex is navigable only through the use of teleportation pads. The tower also has a viewing platform, offering an unparalleled vista of the Imperial Province.

The Spire was designed and built in the Third Era by Arch-Mage Taris Rendil, who was dissatisfied with living in the Arcane University. He read many tomes and ventured into ancient ruins seeking inspiration for his tower, and eventually decided to build it in the Jeralls. Rendil practiced his magic in peace for many years, and filled the Spire with his many inventions. He designed an Atronach Altar, which could be used to permanently summon atronach familiars for use as guardians.

By collaborating with the master alchemist Sinderion, Rendil also created the Frostcrag Apparatus Table, and constructed an alchemy conservatory filled with plants from both Cyrodiil and Oblivion. Notably, Rendil managed to cultivate the Nirnroot, tame Spiddal Plants and Harrada Root, and the rare Mana Bloom.

With permission from the Mages Guild, he set up spellmaking and enchanting altars, and portals to every Mages Guild guildhall in Cyrodiil. Rendil also created a teleport link between the Spire and an underground ice cave, which he used as a vault. He guarded the place with tamed imps called Vault Guardians. The cave also functioned as a tomb, and two people were buried there: Lennasaan, a mysterious writer, and Rindsey, a famous archer and ale aficionado responsible for the discovery of Daedric Lava Whiskey during an expedition to the Deadlands.

As age began to overwhelm Rendil, he entrusted many of his belongings to Aurelinwae, an Altmer merchant living in the Imperial City. In 3E 433, before he died, Rendil transferred the deed of ownership to his long-lost relative, the Hero of Kvatch, hoping to prevent his home from falling into ruin. He then wrote his memoirs and sealed the Spire, leaving instructions on how to restore the tower to its former glory. The Hero granted his dying wish, by compensating Aurelinwae and returning Rendil's possessions to the tower.

During the Oblivion Crisis, an Oblivion Gate opened close to the Spire, but the structure was unaffected.

Frostmere CryptEdit

Frostmere Crypt is a Nordic ruin located on the mountain slopes of the Pale, in the province of Skyrim. The crypt was built many years ago to seal away an ancient spirit named Aumriel. She is remembered in history and local folklore as the Pale Lady, a malicious ghost that wanders the northern Drajkmyr Marsh and steals children while looking for her lost daughter. Deep in the crypt is her tomb, which is surrounded by a boreal glade and spring of water. On top of her sarcophagus is the Pale Blade, an ancient Nordic sword that keeps her from awakening.

Frozen CoastEdit

The Frozen Coast is a large central region of the Northern Coast of Skyrim, bounded by the icy northern waters of the Sea of Ghosts. It is a long stretch of frozen wasteland where the ice never thaws, from which it got its name. The region stretches between the northeast coast of Hjaalmarch and the coast of the Pale. It is anchored between the ancient barrow of High Gate Ruins and the port-town of Dawnstar. The only semblance of civilization between them is camps occupied by anyone from bandits gathering for raids, or staging grounds for Sea Giants.

Fungal LowlandsEdit

The Fungal Lowlands are a coastal region in east-central Morrowind, found within the Indoril District. It is a spacious tract of wilderness and fertile river valleys spanning along the Inner Sea, with a number of secluded clearings between the roads and the coast. The Sun's Death eruption of Vvardenfell laid waste at least half of Morrowind and led to a permanent shift of population south towards the broad southern plains, where the flat land is now often for camping along the river. It borders the regions of Bal Foyen to the east, the Padomaic Crest to the east, and the region of Deshaan to the south. Together with the Padomaic Crest, it was considered one of the two regions making up the Telvanni Peninsula. The settlements of Ald Isra and Cammonaruhn were once found here, while the Dres town of Sailen Vulgate is found between the lowlands and the Crest.
