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Morrowind:Armor Artifacts

< Morrowind: Items: Artifacts

Armor Artifacts are armor items that have a unique appearance and item ID. Like unique items, it is impossible to find a second copy of these exceptional (often powerful) items. Unlike unique armor, however, artifacts do not share appearances with other generic magic armor; they have a distinct one-of-a-kind look. Most of these artifacts also make an appearance in other games.

There are a number of armor artifacts that can be found throughout the island of Vvardenfell. For artifacts in Mournhold and Solstheim, check the artifact pages for Tribunal and Bloodmoon, respectively.


  • Armor Rating is given both as base values and max values, which apply when you have 100pts in the relevant armor skill.
  • Charge/Cost= Uses indicates how many uses you can get, on average, before the armor needs recharging. Note that the actual cost depends on your Enchant skill, so your results may vary.


Boots of the ApostleEdit

Artifact: Boots of the Apostle (boots_apostle_unique)
(lore page)
Type Boots
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 800
  Weight 10 (Light)   Value 55,000
Cast When Used
  Levitate 30-40 pts for 30 secs on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 790/158 = 5
Boots of the Apostle
The Boots of the Apostle are a true mystery. The wearer of the boots is rumored to be able to levitate, though nobody has ever seen them used.
Tamrielic Lore
When Talos Stormcrown was a young man in Skyrim, he went into the mountains to learn the secrets of the Greybeards. He learned the secrets of the high peak winds -- the roar of the winter blast, and the warm silk of the summer updrafts. When he descended from the mountains, he came riding the clouds, striding through the air in great boots he claimed were gifts of the Greybeards for his cunning craft and riddling. After Septim yielded his crown, the boots disappeared, and have been lost for many years.
Lalatia Varian

The boots can be found in the underground section of the Berandas stronghold (south of Gnisis), on a dead hero (in the large area to the northwest), and are part of an Imperial Cult quest.


Ten Pace BootsEdit

Artifact: Ten Pace Boots (tenpaceboots)
(lore page)
Type Boots
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 800
  Weight 60 (Heavy)   Value 140,000
Cast When Used
  Fortify Speed 20 pts for 2 mins on Self
  Fortify Athletics 20 pts for 2 mins on Self
  Drain Fatigue 5 pts for 2 mins on Self
  Slowfall 1 pt for 2 mins on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 1,590/318 = 5
Ten Pace Boots

Not much is known about the origin of the Ten Pace Boots. They're made of heavy leather and provide superior travel when jumping.

The boots are found in a locked chest in the Inner Shrine section of Bal Fell (on an island far east of Vivec), in front of the statue to Sheogorath.



Cuirass of the Savior's HideEdit

Artifact: Cuirass of the Savior's Hide (cuirass_savior_unique)
(lore page)
Type Cuirass
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 2,400
  Weight 15 (Light)   Value 150,000
Constant Effect
  Resist Magicka 60 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Savior's Hide
Another of Hircine's artifacts was the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide. The Cuirass has the special ability to resist magicka. Legend has it that Hircine rewarded his peeled hide to the first and only mortal to have ever escaped his hunting grounds. This unknown mortal had the hide tailored into this magical Cuirass for his future adventures. The Savior's Hide has a tendency to travel from hero to hero as though it has a mind of its own.
Tamrielic Lore

This cuirass can be found in a locked wardrobe on the same level as Divayth Fyr in the tower of Tel Fyr. He won't mind you taking this cuirass. However, it is a level 100 lock, so newer characters won't be able to open it.


Dragonbone cuirassEdit

Artifact: Dragonbone cuirass (dragonbone_cuirass_unique)
(lore page)
Type Cuirass
  Rating 100 (333 Max)
  Rating 100 (333 Max)   Health 3,000
  Weight 50 (Heavy)   Value 180,000
Constant Effect
  Resist Fire 100 pts on Self
Dragonbone cuirass
This cuirass is one of the greatest artifacts any collector or hero could own. It is constructed of real dragon bone and was enchanted by the first Imperial Battlemage, Zurin Arctus, in the early years of the Third Era. It is a truly exquisite piece of work and many have sought to possess it. The properties of the Cuirass allow the wearer to be [sic] resist fire, and to damage an enemy with a blast of fire. Little is known about the involvement of Zurin Arctus with the enchantment of the Cuirass, but an old tale speaks of a debt that he owed to a traveling warrior. Like the warrior, the Dragonbone Mail never stays put for long.
Tamrielic Lore

The Dragonbone cuirass is found in a locked Dwemer closet within the Central Vault of the Mudan Grotto, southwest of Ebonheart. It is tied with the Lord's Mail for the highest armor rating in the game.


Ebony MailEdit

Artifact: Ebony Mail (ebon_plate_cuirass_unique)
(lore page)
Type Cuirass
  Rating 100 (333 Max)
  Rating 100 (333 Max)   Health 3,000
  Weight 20 (Medium)   Value 120,000
Constant Effect
  Resist Fire 75 pts on Self
  Shield 50 pts on Self
  Resist Magicka 20 pts on Self
Ebony Mail
The Ebony Mail is a breastplate created before recorded history by the Dark Elven goddess Boethiah. It is she who determines who should possess the Ebony Mail and for how long a time. If judged worthy, its power grants the wearer added resistance of fire, magicka, and grants a magical shield. It is Boethiah alone who determines when a person is ineligible to bear the Ebony Mail any longer, and the goddess can be very capricious.
Tamrielic Lore

This armor is obtained by completing a high ranking quest for the Tribunal Temple. See the Ebony Mail quest for more information.


  • With the Tribunal expansion, this artifact can be sold to Torasa Aram in the Museum of Artifacts for 30,000 gold.
  • Despite being medium armor rather than heavy, this artifact ties the Dragonbone cuirass and Lord's Mail as the cuirass with the highest armor rating. However because its constant effect Shield fortifies the armor rating by 50 points, it has the highest effective armor rating out of the three cuirasses.
  • This artifact also appears in Arena, Daggerfall, with similar enchantments. In Skyrim, it appears with different effects.

Lord's MailEdit

Artifact: Lord's Mail (lords_cuirass_unique)
(lore page)
Type Cuirass
  Rating 100 (333 Max)
  Rating 100 (333 Max)   Health 3,000
  Weight 30 (Heavy)   Value 190,000
Cast When Used
  Cure Poison on Self
  Resist Magicka 20-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 400/80 = 5
Lord's Mail
Sometimes called the Armor of Morihaus or the gift of Kynareth, this is an ancient cuirass of unsurpassable quality. It grants the wearer power to absorb health, resist the effects of spells, and cure oneself of poison when used. It is said that whenever Kynareth deigns the wearer unworthy, the Lord's Mail will be taken away and hidden for the next chosen one.
Tamrielic Lore

The Lord's Mail is a legendary armor artifact which is precious to the Imperial Legion. The deserter Furius Acilius is suspected in its disappearance, and is thought to hide in the Underground Caves below Ebonheart. See the Lord's Mail quest for more information.


  • With the Tribunal expansion, this artifact can be sold to Torasa Aram in the Museum of Artifacts for 30,000 gold.
    • However, it is required as part of a quest to rank up in the Imperial Legion, though it can be reacquired after achieving the highest rank in the Legion, then sold. If a Legionnaire sold it before then, it would have to be stolen back from the museum at least temporarily.
  • Contrary to the in-game description, this armor does not have an Absorb Health enchantment on it. The description more accurately refers to the Arena and Daggerfall versions of the armor.
  • The Lord's Mail qualifies as an Imperial Legion Uniform.
  • Though the item is required for a high-ranking Imperial Legion quest, any player character, regardless of rank or faction, can obtain and use this armor. Simply swim to the cave where Furius is hiding, or get the secret-door key from Furius's garrison bedroom, and go fight him for it. If you are not a member of the Imperial Legion and of sufficient rank within it, you will not be able to trigger the quest to retrieve the armor. However, anyone can get NPCs in Ebonheart to talk about it and provide clues, if you raise their Disposition high enough, even if you have no connection to the Legion. A non-Legionnaire will not be forced to turn it over, or otherwise penalized, and it is among the best Heavy-class armor items available in the game.


Fists of RandagulfEdit

Artifact: Fists of Randagulf (gauntlet_fists_l/r_unique)
(lore page)
Type Gauntlets
  Rating 90 (300 Max)
  Rating 90 (300 Max)   Health 450
  Weight 16 (Heavy)   Value 35,000
Constant Effect
  Fortify Agility 20 pts on Self (left)
  Fortify Strength 20 pts on Self (right)
Fists of Randagulf
Randagulf of Clan Begalin goes down in Tamrielic history as one of the mightiest warriors from Skyrim. He was known for his courage and ferocity in battle and was a factor in many battles. He finally met his fate when King Harald conquered Skyrim. King Harald respected this great hero and took Randagulf's gauntlets for his own. After King Harald died, the gauntlets disappeared. The King claimed that the Fists granted the bearer added strength.
Tamrielic Lore

The Fists of Randagulf are found in Ilunibi (northwest from Gnaar Mok), Soul's Rattle section, behind the trough on the western side of the large room to the northeast (next to the Sixth House bells). These are the highest rated gauntlets in the game.


Artifact: Wraithguard (wraithguard / wraithguard_jury_rig)
(lore page)
Type Right Gauntlet (Left for jury_rig)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 400
  Weight 15 (Heavy)   Value 500,000
(10,000 for jury_rig)
Constant Effect
  Shield 10 pts on Self
  Resist Blight Disease 50 pts on Self
  Reflect 20 pts on Self
  Resist Shock 10 pts on Self
  Resist Fire 10 pts on Self
  Resist Frost 10 pts on Self
  Resist Magicka 10 pts on Self
  Resist Poison 10 pts on Self
Wraithguard is an enchanted gauntlet to protect its wearer from destruction when tapping the heart's power.
Kagrenac's Tools

This legendary gauntlet was crafted by the Dwemer Tonal Architect Lord Kagrenac, in order to handle Keening and Sunder. Together they make the tools necessary to handle the Heart of Lorkhan.

The right gauntlet is given to you by Vivec during the main quest. Alternatively, you can kill Vivec and have the Unique Dwemer Artifact glove found on his corpse activated as Wraithguard by Yagrum Bagarn, though not without some serious consequences for the player character due to a bug.

See the Hortator and Nerevarine quest for more information.


  • You can complete the main quest without Wraithguard; it is just more difficult, since you will lose health continuously (50-124 damage/sec) while using Keening or Sunder.
  • The second item ID is the one for a Wraithguard activated by Bagarn from the Unique Dwemer Artifact glove you get from killing Vivec. This version is left-handed, and has the appearance of a Daedric Left Gauntlet when worn.
  • The Resist Blight Disease effect is only significant if Wraithguard is obtained by killing Vivec; at the point in the main quest when Vivec would give you Wraithguard voluntarily, you would already have 100% resistance.
  • Wraithguard appears as an unobtainable card during "The Tools", a quest in the Legends story expansion, Return to Clockwork City. It also appears in the Sunder & Wraithguard Creation for Skyrim.


Helm of Oreyn BearclawEdit

Artifact: Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw (helm_bearclaw_unique)
(lore page)
Type Helmet
  Rating 90 (300 Max)
  Rating 90 (300 Max)   Health 900
  Weight 10 (Heavy)   Value 125,000
Constant Effect
  Fortify Agility 40 pts on Self
  Fortify Endurance 40 pts on Self
Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw
One of Valenwood's legendary heroes is Oreyn Bearclaw. Son of King Faume Toad-Eye, he was a respected clan hunter and a future leader. Wood Elven legend claims Oreyn single handedly defeated Glenhwyfaunva, the witch-serpent of the Elven wood, forever bringing peace to his clan. Oreyn would go on to accomplish numerous other deeds, eventually losing his life to the Knahaten Flu. His Helm stood as a monument of his stature for future generations to remember. The Helm was lost eventually, as the Clan split, and is now a treasured artifact for adventurers. The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw is rumored to improve the wearers [sic] agility and endurance.
Tamrielic Lore

Visit the shrine of Malacath, located on the long island in the Sheogorad Region west of the Sanctus Shrine island, to receive the start of the quest for the helm. See the Malacath's Quest for more information.


Masque of Clavicus VileEdit

Artifact: Masque of Clavicus Vile (daedric_helm_clavicusvile)
(lore page)
Type Helmet
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 800
  Weight 15 (Heavy)   Value 15,000
Constant Effect
  Fortify Personality 30 pts on Self
Masque of Clavicus Vile
Ever the vain one, Clavicus Vile made a masque suited to his own personality. The bearer of the Masque is more likely to get a positive response from the people of Tamriel. The higher his personality, the larger the bonus. The best known story of the Masque tells the tale of Avalea, a noblewoman of some renown. As a young girl, she was grossly disfigured by a spiteful servant. Avalea made a dark deal with Clavicus Vile and received the Masque in return. Though the Masque did not change her looks, suddenly she had the respect and admiration of everyone. A year and a day after her marriage to a well connected baron, Clavicus Vile reclaimed the Masque. Although pregnant with his child, Avalea was banished from the Baron's household. Twenty one years and one day later, Avalea's daughter claimed her vengeance by slaying the Baron.
Tamrielic Lore

The Masque of Clavicus Vile is related to an Imperial Legion quest, Sorkvild the Raven, received at Moonmoth Legion Fort. It can be found on Sorkvild in Sorkvild's Tower (east of Dagon Fel).



Auriel's ShieldEdit

Artifact: Auriel's Shield (ebony_shield_auriel)
(lore page)
Type Shield
  Rating 60 (200 Max)
  Rating 60 (200 Max)   Health 1,200
  Weight 30 (Heavy)   Value 17,000
100 (unenchanted)
Auriel's Shield

Auriel's Shield, an Ebony shield said to have once belonged to the quasi-mythical Elvish deity Auriel, can make its wielder nigh invulnerable. In its resistance to fire and magick, Auriel's Shield is unsurpassed. Like many artifacts of Tamriel, the Shield has life and personality of its own, and does not feel bound to its user. A popular fable tells the tale of it abandoning one wielder in her greatest hour of need, but this is perhaps apocryphal.Daggerfall description

Held by Drelyne Llenim in Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk.


  • With the Tribunal expansion, this artifact can be sold to Torasa Aram in the Museum of Artifacts for 8,500 gold.
  • This artifact also appeared in Arena and Daggerfall, though it had a powerful enchantment in those games that it lacks in Morrowind, and also appears in Skyrim with the Dawnguard add-on.
  • It is possible to obtain this shield without killing its owner, getting a bounty, permanently moving her or making her persistently hostile: Use a Command spell to take her outside Ghostgate, then spells or enchanted items to achieve a 100% chameleon effect on self. Enter sneak mode, and use powerful Disintegrate Armor spells on her from range until the shield breaks and is forced into her inventory. It will always break before her other armor because Disintegrate prioritizes shields first. At this point she will be hostile, but you will not actually be attacked and receive no bounty as long as you stay in sneak mode. Remain in sneak mode and use a ranged Calm Humanoid spell on Drelyne (any duration or magnitude), and she will become friendly again. Pickpocket the shield from her, and lead her back to her original place in Ghostgate with Command.

Eleidon's WardEdit

Artifact: Eleidon's Ward (towershield_eleidon_unique)
(lore page)
Type Shield
  Rating 100 (333 Max)
  Rating 100 (333 Max)   Health 2,000
  Weight 30 (Heavy)   Value 200,000
Cast When Used
  Restore Health 50-100 pts on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 95/19 = 5
Eleidon's Ward
Eleidon was a holy knight of legend in Breton history. He was a sought after man for his courage and determination to set all wrongs right. In one story, it is said that he rescued a Baron's daughter from sure death at the hands of an evil warlord. For his reward, the Baron spent all of his riches to have an enchanted shield built for Eidelon [sic]. The Shield granted Eleidon the opportunity to heal his wounds.
Tamrielic Lore

Eleidon's Ward is found hanging above the skeleton of Mordrin Hanin‎ in the innermost crypt of Ibar-Dad, which is along the coast east of Khuul).


Spell BreakerEdit

Artifact: Spell Breaker (spell_breaker_unique)
(lore page)
Type Shield
  Rating 70 (233 Max)
  Rating 70 (233 Max)   Health 1,400
  Weight 25 (Heavy)   Value 115,000
Cast When Used
  Silence in 30ft for 30 secs on Target
  Reflect 10-20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 1,800/360 = 5
Spell Breaker
Spell Breaker, superficially a Dwemer tower shield, is one of the most ancient relics of Tamriel. Aside from its historical importance in the Battle of Rourken-Shalidor, the Spell Breaker protects its wielder almost completely from any spell caster, either by reflecting magicks or silencing any mage about to cast a spell. It is said that Spell Breaker still searches for its original owner, and will not remain the property of anyone else for long. For most, possessing Spell Breaker for any length of time is power enough.
Tamrielic Lore

This shield is found in the Dwemer ruin Bthuand, which is near the northern coast of the mainland just west of the Daedric ruin Zergonipal. It is hidden among some rocks in the south-southeast part of the ruins near a dead adventurer. This shield is needed for the vampiric quest from Mastrius, in Salvel Ancestral Tomb.
