This article is about body markings earned through Crown Crates. For body markings that can be earned in-game or bought from the Crown Store, see Body Markings. For head markings earned through Crown Crates, see Head Markings/Crown Crate Rewards.
Body Markings are cosmetic collectibles worn on a character's body. These collectibles can be scars, body paint, tattoos, or any number of markings applied to a character's body. This page lists head markings that are earned through the purchase of Crown Crates, and can be bought with Crown Gems .
Contents |
Crown Crate Rewards | |
Storm Atronach Crates | |
Wild Hunt Crates | |
Reaper's Harvest Crates | |
Flame Atronach Crate | |
Scalecaller Crate | |
Psijic Vault Crate | |
Hollowjack Crate | |
Xanmeer Crate | |
Dragonscale Crate | |
Baandari Pedlar Crate | |
New Moon Crate | |
Frost Atronach Crate | |
Gloomspore Crate | |
Nightfall Crate | |
Sovngarde Crate | |
Akaviri Potentate Crate | |
Ayleid Crate | |
Iron Atronach Crate | |
Grim Harlequin Crate | |
Celestial Crate | |
Sunken Trove Crate | |
Dark Chivalry Crate | |
Wraithtide Crate | |
Stonelore Crate | |
Ragebound Crate | |
Unfeathered Crate | |
Buoyant Armiger Crate | |
All-Maker Crate | |
Order of the Lamp Crate | |
Diamond Anniversary Crate | |
†Available to Men/Mer only • ‡Available to Argonians only • §Available to Khajiit only • ±Available in this season's Preview Crate |
Alftand Glacial Body TattoosEdit
- Tattoos that replicate the distinctive iconography of Alftand, the only known Dwarven site built partially inside an active, moving glacier.
The Alftand Glacial Body Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward from Dragonscale Crates.
All-Maker's Body ArtEdit
- "The art on my body reminds me that life flows from the All-Maker. Earth, sun, and water nurture our forests, where wolves fill the air we breathe with their nightly howls. Then life flows back to the All-Maker in an eternal cycle."—Skaal Shaman Rik
The All-Maker's Body Art is available as a Superior-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. It matches the All-Maker's Face Art.
Aristocratic Astrologer Body ArtEdit
- Nobles drawn to the study of stars may choose to have this passion etched on their skin using ink containing aetherial materials. These markings in particular not only showcase stars but frame them with decorous symbols.
The Aristocratic Astrologer Body Art is available as a Superior-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates.
Aurbical SymbolsEdit
- Mystical body markings express your connection to the magicka essence of Nirn.
The Aurbical Symbols are available as an Epic-level reward in Storm Atronach Crates. Usable by all races except Khajiit and Argonians.
Ayleid Body RuinmarksEdit
- "Barra agea ry sou karan—wear lore as your armor. Say these words at a certain Ayleid gate under the Magician's light, and you may be blessed with light-blue markings reminiscent of that gate's design. Which gate? Soon I'll know."—Alfarmuth of Eyevea
The Ayleid Body Ruinmarks are available as a Superior-level reward in Unfeathered Crates. They match the Ayleid Face Ruinmarks.
Bards College Skald Body MarksEdit
- "A Skald is more than a musician. A song more than sound. Let this ink dance around your form and write the music of your soul upon the canvas of your skin. All who look upon you will hear the tempo of your heart."—Artist-Adept Aimira
The Bards College Skald Body Marks are available as a Superior-level reward from Nightfall Crates.
Blessed Life-Tree Body MarkingsEdit
- The brilliant hue of the Ayleid life-tree glows upon those who sought knowledge from the Ayleids—and somehow gained the favor of one of their spirits. While its glow may not light your way in Ayleid ruins, it might win the favor of any lingering ghosts.
The Blessed Life-Tree Body Markings are available as a Legendary-level reward in Ayleid Crates. It stands out well on vampiric skin.
Body Art of the Five CompanionsEdit
- The bravery of the Five Companions lives on in the next generation of heroes. Those eager to embrace the courage of valiants such as Lyris Titanborn and Sai Sahan emblazon legendary deeds upon their bodies.
The Body Art of the Five Companions is available as a Superior-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates.
Briarheart Body ScarificationEdit
- Long before a warrior undergoes the ritual to become a Briarheart, some candidates undergo a marking ceremony. Scars shape ornate feathers and claws into their skin as a sign the Reach Hagravens chose them. These folk often lead others into battle.
The Briarheart Body Scarification is available as a Superior-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates.
Bright-Throat Algae Body TattooEdit
- Cheerful body daubings in the Bright-Throat style, in colorful green algae dye.
The Bright-Throat Algae Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward from Xanmeer Crates.
Bright-Throat Chalk Body TattooEdit
- Cheerful body daubings in the Bright-Throat style, in sharp white chalk dye.
The Bright-Throat Chalk Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward from Xanmeer Crates.
Bright-Throat Woad Body TattooEdit
- Cheerful body daubings in the Bright-Throat style, in colorful blue woad dye.
The Bright-Throat Woad Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward from Xanmeer Crates.
Bright-Throat Yolk Body TattooEdit
- Cheerful body daubings in the Bright-Throat style, in colorful hackwing egg-yolk dye.
The Bright-Throat Yolk Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward from Xanmeer Crates.
Cathay Baandari Body BrandEdit
- "Cathay peddlers state that Baan Dar smiles upon those who undergo the Ritual of Pathkeeping to receive red and white brands. Know the Way of the Baandari, and you grasp the wandering litter's strengths … and their challenges."—Ostarion the Storyteller
The Cathay Baandari Body Brand is available as a Superior-level reward in Unfeathered Crown Crates. It matches the Cathay Baandari Face Brand.
Chittering Chaurus Body MarkingsEdit
- Adventurers seeking poisons often hunt chauruses—enormous insects known for their venomous bite. Nord inkwrights add it to the ink for the markings known as the Chittering Chaurus, which they claim provides bearers with the tenacity of these insects.
The Chittering Chaurus Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.
Clockwork Apostle Body ImprintsEdit
- The striking Imprint Tattoos some Clockwork apostles display on their bodies are inspired by the mechanomagical circuitry of Sotha Sil's Fabricants and Factotums.
The Clockwork Apostle Body Imprints are available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates.
Dagon's Aspirant Body MarkingsEdit
- Those who prove their loyalty to the Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon, are allowed the great honor of displaying his distinctive red markings on their body.
The Dagon's Aspirant Body Markings are available as a Superior-level award in Iron Atronach Crates.
Dead-Water Blood Body TattoosEdit
- When the fierce Dead-Water tribe goes to a formal declaration of conflict, the warriors daub themselves with red dye that resembles smears of blood.
The Dead-Water Blood Body Tattoos are available as an Epic-level award in the Xanmeer Crates.
Death Grin Body TattooEdit
- This grim design is often worn by members of groups usually in opposition to each other: necromancers such as the Worm Cult, and the priests of Divines who guide souls to the afterlife such as Arkay, Xarxes, and Tu'whacca.
The Death Grin Body Tattoo is available as an Epic-level award in the Reaper's Harvest Crates.
Death Dealer Body MarkingsEdit
- "Each of these markings represents a victory over a worthy foe. Come, let us see your markings. Or have you not gained any yet, little one? Consider these, perhaps."—Margretha
The Death Dealer Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crates.
Defensive Rune Body TattoosEdit
- The Scholar-priests of Skingrad fashioned these triangular markings to call on the knowledge of the God of Wisdom and Logic. Bearers of the markings say that their memory improved after completing the tattoos.
The Defensive Rune Body Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in the Dark Chivalry Crates. They match the Defensive Rune Face Tattoos.
Draco Aerius Body MarkingsEdit
- A key component of the Draco Aerius markings is ground Dragon scale, which body artists use in the ink.
The Draco Aerius Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in the Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.
Dragonbone Chain Body MarkingEdit
- The bones of the Dovah have a powerful symbolic significance to worshipers of the ancient Dragon Cult, who created this Dragonbone Chain tattoo set.
The Dragonbone Chain Body Marking is available as a Superior-level award in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.
Dragon Cult Body TattooEdit
- Skyrim's Dragon Cult was exterminated two eras ago, but its powerful symbology lives on in the banners of the Ebonheart Pact, and in these bold draconic tattoo sets.
The Dragon Cult Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level award in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.
Dragondancer Body MarkingsEdit
- "Take the strength of those Dragons you've slain with your killing dance into your physical form, melding it with your mind to grow in your purpose. These markings? They represent this purpose." —Artist-Adept Aimira
The Dragondancer Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates.
Dragonsmoke Body MarkingsEdit
- "With these markings, it is as if you take the power of the Dragon within you, and let the smoke of its flames conceal you. Whether this is true is now up to you, yes?"—Artist-Adept Aimira
The Dragonsmoke Body Markings are available as a Superior-level award in the Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.
Dragon Vassal Body MarkingsEdit
- In ancient times, mortals wishing to express their utter devotion and fealty to the Dovah were known to wear these Dragon Vassal Body Markings.
The Dragon Vassal Body Markings are available as an Epic-level award in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.
Dragon Wings Body MarkingsEdit
- The Dragon Cult of the ancient Nords is long gone and forgotten—or is it? These Body Markings show the wearer's devotion to the Dovah worship of old.
The Dragon Wings Body Markings are available as a Superior-level award in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.
Dreadhorn Body TattooEdit
- The Reachmen of the Dreadhorn clan revere Minotaurs for the brute strength and savagery, a regard evinced in their barbaric but strangely beautiful sets of tattoos.
The Dreadhorn Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level award in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.
Dreadsail Body TattooEdit
- "I fear not the billowing gales that threaten to tear the planks from my decks. Nor the raging storms that call forth sea serpents from the roiling sea. What's to fear? I carry them all within me."—Allonda, Boson of the Painted Ray
The Dreadsail Body Tattoo is available as an Epic-level reward in Stonelore Crates.
Dreamstrider Body ArtEdit
- Vaermina dances in your dreams, beckoning you to join her on journeys of wonder … and of woe. When you awake, you return changed in both body and mind. Will you show off your wondrous new body art or keep it to yourself?
The Dreamstrider Body Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. It matches the Dreamstrider Face Art.
Dremora Kyn Body TattooEdit
- When the Dremora go to war, the Kyn adopt special geometric body markings that display their commitment to victory over dishonor. With these tattoos, mortals can look just as fearsome as Dremora.
The Dremora Kyn Body Tattoo is available as a Legendary-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates.
Dwarven Centurion Body TattoosEdit
- An impressive set of body markings inspired by that giant mechanical guardian of Dwemer ruins, the Dwarven Centurion!
The Dwarven Centurion Body Tattoos are available as an Epic-level reward in Dragonscale Crates.
Dwarven Geometry Body MarkingsEdit
- These repeating geometrical body markings emphasize the lost Dwemer's obsession with numerical precision, and make their wearer look as tough as a Dwarven mechanism.
The Dwarven Geometry Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Dragonscale Crates.
Eagle Plume Flurry Body TattooEdit
- The Eagle: symbol of the Aldmeri Dominion and totem of the High Elves, expressing their soaring ambition to be pre-eminent in whatever they choose to pursue. This flurry of eagle feathers displays one's allegiance to that ideal.
The Eagle Plume Flurry Body Tattoo is available as an Epic-level award in the Psijic Vault Crown Crates.
Elder Dragon Body MarksEdit
- With its blue flair, this Dragon tattoo is a favorite among those who crave to feel the strength of this creature running through their blood.
The Elder Dragon Body Marks were available as a daily reward for logging in for seven days in February of 2020. They are also available as a Superior-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. They match the Elder Dragon Face Marks.
Enchanting Cherry Blossom MarksEdit
- "Cherry blossoms in Auridon art symbolize perfection that defies time's erosion. But to paint their likeness? The temporary nature of paint and the artistry of the painting? I've never seen such a stunning display of elegance!"—Idawen, Art Historian
The Enchanting Cherry Blossom Marks are available as a Legendary-level reward in the Sunken Trove Crates. They match the Enchanting Cherry Blossom Visage.
Enveloping ScalesEdit
- A full body marking that emulates a near-complete second set of scaley-skinned armor.
The Enveloping Scales are available as an Epic-level reward in Storm Atronach Crates. Usable only by Argonians.
Eye of Shalidor Body MarkingsEdit
- "When you first joined the College, Shalidor's magic imprinted your body invisibly. As you passed trials, marks began to appear. Now, having mastered your curriculum, your body exhibits them all. Congratulations."—Mage Vignarth, College of Winterhold
The Eye of Shalidor Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crates.
Fire Cyclone Body MarkingsEdit
- Impress your friends and strike fear into your enemies with these dazzlingly vibrant body markings. Be warned! This look can only be pulled off by the most bold and daring adventurers in Tamriel.
The Fire Cyclone Body Markings are available as an Epic-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates.
Firesong Body ArtEdit
- The Firesong of Y'ffelon smear their arms and legs with ash from the volcano, then draw intricate bolts of amber over the ash. Outsiders find it impossible to tell whether the bolts are lightning or roots. Which is just how the Firesong like it.
The Firesong Body Art is available as an Epic-level reward in Stonelore Crates.
First Cat's Pride TattooEdit
- "Your body knows much it doesn't tell. With artistry, we can call forth the First Cat's Pride so that you may guide others in Alkosh's path. They will see the golden fire on your body and follow."—Artist-Adept Aimira
The First Cat's Pride Tattoo is available as an Epic-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates.
Forsaken Sacrifice Body MarkingsEdit
- "Nord peace offerings to Giants bear markings similar to those the hulking folk wear, as a sign that they are free to take. The practice of tattooing exiles in this manner is still common among remote communities."—Fadile Senoril
The Forsaken Sacrifice Body Markings available as a Superior-level reward in Nightfall Crates.
Fortune's Anvil Body MarkingsEdit
- "Zenithar demands only one thing, my friend: effort. When the sweat pours from your brow and your muscles turn to jelly, these markings will remind you of your oath to the Divines." —Severio Helenus, Priest of Zenithar
The Fortune's Anvil Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Celestial Crates. They match the Fortune's Anvil Face Markings.
Frigid Impact Body MarkingEdit
- When pushed, your white-hot rage breaks free of the icy cage you set around it, smashing your foes. Warn others of your wrathful inclinations with these markings.
The Frigid Impact Body Marking is available as a Superior-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates.
Frigid Ritual Body MarkingsEdit
- The power of the Icereach coven flows through your veins, and their symbols decorate your skin, marking you as one of them. You have become one with the coven, and all should fear your prowess.
The Frigid Ritual Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.
Gargoyle Body FlairEdit
- When you cannot achieve the form of a gargoyle, decorating your body with spectacular gargoyle symbology can be your next best achievement. Exhibit this flair with pride and fierceness!
The Gargoyle Body Flair is available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crates.
Ghost Goblin Body War PaintEdit
- Certain Goblin tribes instill fierce recklessness in their warriors by encouraging them to think of themselves as already dead, chalking their forms before battle with what their adversaries refer to as Ghost Goblin War Paint.
The Ghost Goblin Body War Paint is available as an Epic-level Reward in Dragonscale Crates.
Glenmoril Wyrd Body MarkingsEdit
- The symbols of tree spirits and more decorate those chosen as protectors by the Glenmoril Wyrd. Some claim that spriggans contribute sap to the ink, forming a tighter bond between nature and the one being marked.
The Glenmoril Wyrd Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crates.
Gloomlurker Body MarkingsEdit
- "Some ruin explorers calling themselves Gloomlurkers mark themselves with chalky-white line patterns after killing the creature that terrifies them most. You want these markings? Go find a beast worth slaying."—Gloor the Glowerer
The Gloomlurker Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.
Grave Plunderer BodypaintEdit
- "Exploring tombs is not for the faint of heart. Sometimes you run into something that's best left alone. That's when you get help from others like us. So, paint yourself up like me, and you'll know who your friends are."—Paurges Aline
The Grave Plunderer Bodypaint is available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.
High Isle Mariner's Body TattoosEdit
- "Life on the waters calls for courage, calm, and canniness. Show all three while we're facing down Dreadsails or ornaug throngs, and we'll take you out for Gonfalon grog and tattoos like mine."—Germonde Baduoin, Sailor
The High Isle Mariner's Body Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward from the Dark Chivalry Crates. They match the High Isle Mariner's Face Tattoos.
Highmane's Hero Body MarksEdit
- "Ah, you have the strength and endurance of Alkosh at your side! This one can see it in your eye—the gleam of victory. Now, the Dragon King of Cats has claimed you as his own. It is an honor few can dream of." —Priest Adahni
The Highmane's Hero Body Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. They match the Highmane's Hero Face Marks.
Hircine's Chosen Body MarksEdit
- The hunt calls. Your prey fights, wounding you and leaving scars. In the still that follows, a Huntmaster marks you with ink crafted from your foe's viscera. A glorious end to a proud legend tells its tale upon your own hide.
The Hircine's Chosen Body Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates.
Hircine's Hunt Body MarkingsEdit
- Hunters, when taking part in any of Hircine's challenges, must be brutal and cunning. After coming back victorious from one such contest, you now wear crimson markings in honor of the blood you spilled for the Huntsman.
The Hircine's Hunt Body Markings were available in the Nightfall Preview Crate.
Hoardwalker Body MarksEdit
- "Sometimes the most priceless treasure you can carry out of a forgotten hoard is that which gleams on your hide. After all, riches are easily spent, but skin or scale tends to stay with you your whole life."—Heknorr, Heistmaster
The Hoardwalker Body Marks are available as a Legendary-level reward in Unfeathered Crates. They match the Hoardwalker Face Marks.
Hrokkibeg's Claw Body MarksEdit
- "You may meet the Mighty Bear, who is invoked as Hrokkibeg. He embodies the Totem of Claw and Fang, and comes seeking solitude, peace from labors, and renewal of the Burning Spirit Within. Beware, for if you rouse him you will be torn asunder."
The Hrokkibeg's Claw Body Marks are available as a Superior-level award in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.
Hunting Grounds Body TattooEdit
- When you wear the thorn and briar tattoo of the Hunting Grounds, you may be pursuer or prey, hunter or hunted, but either way you display your devotion to Lord Hircine, Master of the Great Hunt.
The Hunting Grounds Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level award in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.
Inferno Ink Body MarkingsEdit
- Though once reserved for summoners of Flame Atronachs, these tattoos can now be worn by any adventurer bold enough to try their daring look.
The Inferno Ink Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates.
Inkwing Death Crow Body TattooEdit
- The fearsome Death Crow tattoo is a favorite of Reach clans, smugglers, pirates, and worshipers of Nocturnal.
The Inkwing Death Crow Body Tattoo is available as an Epic-level award in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.
Karthwatch Guardian Body TattooEdit
- The Nords of Karthwatch's garrison are the first line of defense against incursions from the Reach. Many emblazon their bodies with the knotwork tower of their heraldry as a symbol of their bravery and a mark of pride.
The Karthwatch Guardian Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in Nightfall Crates.
Karthwolf Body TattooEdit
- Many of the Reach clans along the Karth River worship Hircine, the Father of Manbeasts, and take the savage Skyrim wolves as their totems. These tattoos evoke that heritage.
The Karthwolf Body Tattoo is available as an Epic-level award in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.
Ket Keptu Body MarksEdit
- Originally solid colors, the markings some Ket Keptu wore to signify their status as warrior-smiths later gained a gradient of hues. Scholars claim this occurred as these pre-Alessians furthered their knowledge of ore refinement and tattoo inks.
The Ket Keptu Body Marks are available as an Epic-level reward in the Sunken Trove Crown Crates. They match the Ket Keptu Face Marks.
Knights of St. Pelin Body MarksEdit
- Saint Pelin's story is one of sacrifice. The Order of Saint Pelin honors his gift to this day. It's traditional for blood from a new knight to be mixed with tattoo ink and used to create this sword and wing iconography.
The Knights of St. Pelin Body Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in the Dark Chivalry Crates. They match the Knights of St. Pelin Face Marks.
Lambent Guar Body MarkingsEdit
- Using the blood of an amberglow guar, tattoo artists of Murkmire set alight your skin with distinctive luminescent yellow markings. Once done, they state, the blessing of the land keeps the markings lit.
The Lambent Guar Body Markings are available as an Epic-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crown Crates. The Ambergill Guar, Tawny Lambent Guar, Lambent Guar Face Markings, and Dusky Guarhide skin match this marking.
Legendary Dragon Body MarksEdit
- So many Dragons have died at your hands that the smell of Dragon blood has soaked into your very dreams. With great skill, the artist-adept has given you markings that reflect your experience, making them glow with an emerald hue.
The Legendary Dragon Body Marks are available as an Epic-level award in the Frost Atronach Crown Crates.
Maddening Mishap Body MarkingsEdit
- Explosive results might sound like a good thing, but when they're literally explosive and weren't meant to be, well, that's gonna leave a mark. Maybe two.
The Maddening Mishap Body Markings were previously available as a daily reward for logging in for 21 days in September of 2020. It is now available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid Crates.
Magicka Everlasting Body MarksEdit
- "As a member of the Mages Guild, you learn techniques that help you channel magicka more efficiently. That experience changed my life. Now I have the unbound flow depicted on my body so that I'm reminded of that joy each time I trace the marks."—Fairwen
The Magicka Everlasting Body Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates. They match the Magicka Everlasting Face Marks.
Meridian Radiance Body TattoosEdit
- "The Light of Meridia bursts into your chest and then seems to come alive, coiling and burning throughout your body and head, illuminating you from within. —The Sayings of Valasha"
The Meridian Radiance Body Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in Dragonscale Crown Crates.
Meridian Sunburst Body TattoosEdit
- Celebrate the brightest light of all the Lady's Infinite Energies with these glowing Meridian Sunburst Tattoos.
The Meridian Sunburst Body Tattoos are available as an Epic-level reward in Dragonscale Crown Crates.
Meridian War Burst Body MarkingsEdit
- Before battle, warriors consecrated to Meridia often paint their bodies with these energetic "War Burst" markings.
The Meridian War Burst Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Dragonscale Crates.
Morthal Champion Body MarkingsEdit
- Featuring the Morthal triskelion, these ornate markings grace only the bodies of those who have heroically protected Morthal and its citizens.
The Morthal Champion Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.
Mycoturge Body MarkingsEdit
- Those who create structures using fungus often adorn their bodies with ornate markings featuring mushrooms. These mycoturges provide their own mycelial-based inks to the artist for their works of body art.
The Mycoturge Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. They match the Mycoturge Face Markings.
Mystic Magicka Flow Body TattoosEdit
- The mystic monks of the Psijic Order claim that Magicka flows through mortals in specific physical channels, and they can delineate these channels as tattoos to help mages focus their spellcasting.
The Mystic Magicka Flow Body Tattoos are available as a Superior-level award in the Psijic Vault Crown Crates.
Necrom Armiger Body MarkingsEdit
- Buoyant Armigers assigned to Necrom often meditate before their pilgrimage, reflecting on what they hope to achieve. Once there, if they accomplish their goals, a Dead Keeper body artist adorns their skin with Necrom symbology.
The Necrom Armiger Body Markings are available as a Legendary-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. They match the Necrom Armiger Face Markings.
Necromantic Sigil Body TattoosEdit
- Do you dare to wear the serpentine Necromantic Sigils that display your dedication to the arts of undeath?
The Necromantic Sigil Body Tattoos are available as an Epic-level award in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.
Netchspot Abstraction Body MarksEdit
- "The calm of the netch infuses some folk. Yet their spirit burns bright with playful inner joy. For one such person, I created colorful tattoos inspired by golden, spotted netches I encountered long ago."—Artist-Adept Aimira
The Netchspot Abstraction Body Marks are available as an Epic-level reward in Wraithtide Crown Crates. They match the Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks.
New Moon Cultist Body TattooEdit
- You've found what you're looking for in the Cult of the New Moon. And you want everyone to know whose side you're on. Let the flame symbology of this eye-catching tattoo show them.
The New Moon Cultist Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level award in the Frost Atronach Crown Crates.
Nocturnal Outlaw Body TattooEdit
- The shadows are your friend, providing you with shelter … and opportunity. As a Nocturnal Outlaw, you deserve a body tattoo that expresses your true nature.
The Nocturnal Outlaw Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level award in the Frost Atronach Crown Crates.
Ode to Clockwork Body ArtEdit
- "A stunning veneration of the Tinkerer in traditional Dark Elf style. The artist's neo-classical interpretation of Tribunal decorative aesthetics in a tribute to ancient-meets-modern sensibilities"—Assistant Maren, Library of Vivec
The Ode to Clockwork Body Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates. It was originally called Mercymother's Body Art.
Old Salt Body TattoosEdit
- After seeing you stand firm in many an Abecean squall, some claim you have brine for blood. While you wish this were true, you chose the next best thing to express your love of sailing: intricate tattoos of ships and other aspects of life on the high seas!
The Old Salt Body Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in the Sunken Trove Crates. They match the Old Salt Face Tattoos.
Path of Valor Body MarkingsEdit
- "You follow in the footsteps of valiant heroes, swearing to prove your bravery so that you may one day enter Sovngarde. Now carry these markings alongside your axe to embody your oath."—Gerda Swift-Sword
The Path of Valor Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.
Plague Dragon Body StainsEdit
- Seeking to show your devotion to Peryite? These Dragon-shaped stains do just that! They're best paired with a cough or other visible illness.
The Plague Dragon Body Stains are available as a Superior-level award in the Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.
Pride of Alkosh Body MarksEdit
- "Once a ritual of the Pride of Alkosh, the marking ceremony places ornate designs upon an adherent's body, signifying reverence to the First Cat."—Mo'khu, Moon Priest
The Pride of Alkosh Body Marks are available as a Superior-level award in the Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.
Red Diamond Body StainworkEdit
- "The glass stained on my skin as it is in the temples of the Imperial city is a pledge. Not to a dream—fleeting and unattainable—but to the future that lays before us. An oath to see the empire restored!"—Garrus Congonius, Champion of the Heartlands
The Red Diamond Body Stainwork is available as an Epic-level reward in the Wraithtide Crown Crates. It matches the Red Diamond Face Stainwork.
Regal Eagle Wing Body TattoosEdit
- The noble eagle is the symbol of both royal family of the High Elves and of the Aldmeri Dominion which they lead. Show your loyalty to this Alliance and its leaders with these eagle wing tattoos.
The Regal Eagle Wing Body Tattoos are available as a Superior-level award in the Psijic Vault Crown Crates.
Riften Rogue Body MarkingsEdit
- The Riften Ratway contains many a ne'er-do-well, but that doesn't trouble you because you've earned a high place among this disreputable bunch—and these tattoos prove it! Though blades cross your chest, none in the Ratway of Riften dare cross you.
The Riften Rogue Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crown Crates.
Saint Kaladas Body MarkingsEdit
- Those who adore Saint Kaladas the Architect often display their devotion with this budding script that grows from the ground up to bloom across their shoulders.
The Saint Kaladas Body Markings are a Superior-level reward in the Sunken Trove Crown Crates. They match the Saint Kaladas Face Markings.
Saliache Scholar Body MarkingsEdit
- A cadre of Ayleid scholars and explorers loved their studies of the Saliache Elves so much that they tattooed their bodies with "the door to greater knowledge." To join their ranks is an honor preserved for the best Ayleid lorekeepers of the time.
The Saliache Scholar Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid Crates.
Scrying Eye Psijic Body TattooEdit
- The Psijic Order has its eye on you—literally! These tattoos show that Mysticism enables you to see beyond the mundane and into the arcane.
The Scrying Eye Psijic Body Tattoo is available as an Epic-level award in the Psijic Vault Crown Crates.
Senchal Brigand Body TattooEdit
- To survive in Senchal, you've learned how to make the most of a bad situation. These bold markings prove that you have what it takes to shake your fist in the face of adversity and deprivation.
The Senchal Brigand Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level award in the Frost Atronach Crown Crates.
Serpent Scale Body MarkingEdit
- These ophidian tattoo markings are favored by those who revere Serpents, Dragons, and other mystical reptilians.
The Serpent Scale Body Marking is available as a Superior-level award in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.
Serpentine Interlace Body TattooEdit
- This design symbolizing the intertwining of all life forms is popular with wyresses, Wardens, Y'ffre-worshipers, and all those who feel a special connection with Nature in Tamriel.
The Serpentine Interlace Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level award in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.
Shadow StripingEdit
- Body markings that resemble the mottled shadows of light filtering through the Elsweyr jungles.
The Shadow Striping is available as a Superior-level reward in Storm Atronach Crown Crates. Usable only by Khajiit. These markings are very subtle.
Shagrath's Favor Body MarksEdit
- "I can see Shagrath's interest in you. The silver strands spun across your body speak volumes. My question is, will you traverse her weavings, or spin your own? Shagrath prefers the latter."—Selene
The Shagrath's Favor Body Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Wraithtide Crown Crates. They match the Shagrath's Favor Face Marks.
Sheogorat Body BrandingEdit
- "I'm the rat. Sheogorath's rat. Sheogorat. I live amid the cheese. So much cheese. I have rats on me, too. In me. You can't have them. Get your own. Not even the butterflies can have my cheese. They want it, though."—Colmarion, also known as Sheogorat
The Sheogorat Body Branding is available as a Superior-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates.
Skald's Body BrandingEdit
- "I've learned that Nord vessels sailing the Sea of Ghosts prefer having a skald on board to lull the spirits haunting those waters into happier memories. These fish-knot markings indicate a master seafaring skald."—Sarion
The Skald's Body Branding is available as a Superior-level reward in Wraithtide Crown Crates. It matches the Skald's Face Branding.
Soulburst Body SoulmarkingsEdit
- The Soulburst was not merely a physical event, but a sundering of all the souls on Nirn. Such a catastrophe had never been felt on this plane before. The survivors were often changed, sometimes bearing an outward reminder of their own soul-deep struggle.
The Soulburst Body Soulmarkings are available as a Superior-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates.
Sul-Xan Prophet Body MarkingsEdit
- The Sul-Xan are renowned for their prowess in battle and their devotion to their cause. The prophet's red markings are worn only by those who are sworn to ensure the future of the tribe.
The Sul-Xan Prophet Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Iron Atronach Crates.
Swaying Skeleton Body ArtEdit
- "On wicked nights when the wind flees grasping limbs, we weep lich-ink onto ourselves. Any who see us in their dreams take on our lich-bone symbols and step into lands of nightmare while sleeping and awake."—Nearly illegible snippet from Larul's Journal
The Swaying Skeleton Body Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Unfeathered Crates. It matches the Swaying Skeleton Face Art.
Tenmar Leopard Body MarksEdit
- The leopards of Tenmar blend into their surroundings so well that those seeking to emulate them mark their bodies similarly to these creatures.
The Tenmar Leopard Body Marks are available as a Superior-level award in the Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.
Thorns of Ecstasy Body MarksEdit
- The Lord of Revelry's faithful often decorate each other with sacred, floral-based inks. The result? Beautifully rendered roses that bristle with thorns. This alluring design serves as a reminder of Sanguine's great gifts: both bliss and agony.
The Thorns of Ecstasy Body Marks are available as a Superior-level reward from the Grim Harlequin Crates. They match the Thorns of Ecstasy Face Marks.
Thrall's Arterial Map Body MarksEdit
- Make the lives of those vampires around you easier by helping them see where your veins run. After all, the quicker they're sated, the quicker you can get back to what you were doing before you became dinner.
The Thrall's Arterial Map Body Marks are available as an Epic-level reward in Nightfall Crates.
Triptych Motion Body MarkingsEdit
- Looping to accentuate the muscles of the body, the flowing lines of this Triptych Motion marking are believed to add power and might to the bearer. This has yet to be proven, but by looking at the dark ink, who can say whether or not it is true.
The Triptych Motion Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Iron Atronach Crates.
Trophy of Balorgh Body TattooEdit
- "Do nothing halfway. That's what Balorgh would say. So, yeah, if you're gonna mark your victories in ink? I say go for the full-body treatment. So would Balorgh."—Yarzurgakh
The Trophy of Balorgh Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crates.
Twilight Wings Body TattooEdit
- Are you "under the wing" of a Daedric Prince? You may want to display your affiliation with these winged Daedric Twilight Body Tattoos. Soar above other mortals and swoop down upon your prey!
The Twilight Wings Body Tattoo is available as a Superior-level award in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.
Umbral Snarl Body MarkingsEdit
- You, the prey, survived one of Hircine's hunts untouched by all who sought to kill you, earning Hircine's respect—and his brand in the form of these umbral markings. Stand proud, for you outwitted the best hunters in Tamriel.
The Umbral Snarl Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Nightfall Crates.
Uricanbeg Antler TattoosEdit
- These body markings are sacred to the Aspect of Hircine known as Uricanbeg the Great Stag, and are often worn by hunters who cull the forest's herd animals.
The Uricanbeg Antler Tattoos are available as an Epic-level reward in Wild Hunt Crates. Usable by all races.
Uricanbeg the Stag Body TattooEdit
- Hircine the Hunter appears in his Uricanbeg aspect as the Great Stag, and is honored by his worshipers with the display of this distinctive body tattoo.
The Uricanbeg the Stag Body Tattoo is available as an Epic-level award in the Hollowjack Crown Crates. It matches the Uricanbeg the Stag Face Tattoo.
Viridian Valor Body MarkingsEdit
- The Green has the power to mold its own future; this body marking is suited for anyone who actively seeks the same. With elegant leaves and tenacious vines running up and down each limb, it is hard not to be inspired to strive for independence.
The Viridian Valor Body Markings are available as an Epic-level reward in the Grim Harlequin Crates. They match the Viridian Valor Face Markings.
Warrior-Poet Body TattoosEdit
- Decorate your epidermis with writhing, sinuous, barbed fingers of mystic energy evoking the imagery associated with Lord Vivec, Tribune and Warrior-Poet of Morrowind!
The Warrior-Poet Body Tattoos are a part of Warrior-Poet Tattoos pack, which was available for a limited time in the Crown Store for 1000 alongside Warrior-Poet Face Tattoos. It returned to the Crown Store from October 26th through November 3rd, 2020. It was offered to ESO Plus members at a discount, totaling 800
. It is now available as an Epic-level reward in Ayleid Crates.
Werewolf Claw Body ScarsEdit
- Those who've run afoul of the Followers of the Manbeast, Lord Hircine, may bear the crimson scars of their encounter for the rest of their lives. Badge of honor? Symbol of devotion? Trophy of a battle well-fought? That's for you to judge.
The Werewolf Claw Body Scars are available as a Superior-level reward in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.
Whiterun Windracer Body MarkingsEdit
- "We call those who sprint to the defense of Whiterun 'Windracers.' Each wears tattoos that symbolize unity of purpose and fleetness of foot."—Gerda Swift-Sword
The Whiterun Windracer Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.
Wild Vines' Embrace TattoosEdit
- Those dedicated to the worship of Y'ffre will often adopt the Wild vines' Embrace markings as a sign of their devotion to the Green.
The Wild Vines' Embrace Tattoos are available as an Epic-level reward in Wild Hunt Crates. Usable by all races.
Windcaller Body MarkingsEdit
- The flowing body art of a Solstheim windcaller brings to mind the breezes and gusts of air that accompany them as they travel. Some claim the marks depict their story of self-discovery while walking the path the All-Maker set before them.
The Windcaller Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. They match the Windcaller Face Markings.
Wings of Darkness Body TattoosEdit
- "The darkness within you should be acknowledged, yes? With you, I see it as wings taking you through times of Dark Moons into brighter times. Let us get to work so that you can better embrace this journey."—Artist-Adept Aimira
The Wings of Darkness Body Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crates.
Wolf of Solitude Body MarkingsEdit
- Your ancestors have called Solitude home since only lonely wolves howled at its cliffs. Wear these markings with pride among your brethren, and let your enemies hear the wolves' howls as they die.
The Wolf of Solitude Body Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.
Wyrd Root TattoosEdit
- This set of body markings is common among the Wyresses of the woodland covens and the forest scouts who hunt for them.
The Wyrd Root Tattoos are available as an Epic-level reward in Wild Hunt Crates. Usable by all races.
Xivilai Cruelean Linework BrandEdit
- Mortals see enough familiar shapes in this Xivilai marking to make their hair stand on end. With spiders crawling across their calves and the viper's fangs dripping down their chest, anyone who proudly displays these symbols is an individual to avoid.
The Xivilai Cruelean Linework Brand is available as a Superior-level reward from the Celestial Crates. It matches the Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage.
Xivilai Rubyfire Linework BrandEdit
- "I proudly displayed my rubyfire brand while I single-handedly decimated a Dremora regiment at Bellow's Valley. If I see any Xivilai who have fled the field of battle showing their rubyfire marks, I will remove their flesh in strips!"—Xalwif
The Xivilai Rubyfire Linework Brand is available as a Superior-level reward in Celestial Crates. It matches the Xivilai Rubyfire Linework Visage.
Xivilai Vilegilt Linework BrandEdit
- Xivilai, unlike the regimented Dremora, have no patience for hierarchies. But, with its gold hue and filigree-like detailing, it's difficult not to think that anyone who bears this pattern isn't royalty of some kind.
The Xivilai Vilegilt Linework Brand is available as a Legendary-level reward from the Celestial Crates. It matches the Xivilai Viltgilt Linework Visage.
Xivilai Weltwine Linework BrandEdit
- "Fear not the lash, the spider's bite, the pain of life, nor the chill of death. Mark your form with the symbols of all you fear and, in possessing them, overcome your mortal foolishness."—Milo Silain, Reaper of Molag Bal
The Xivilai Weltwine Linework Brand is available as an Epic-level reward from the Celestial Crates. It matches the Xivilai Weltwine Linework Visage.