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Online:Eldertide Style

< Elder Scrolls Online: Styles
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Eldertide Style
Material None
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 0
Small Armor 000010001000 Gold 1-Handed

The Eldertide Shoulders is a shoulders style acquired via the Antiquities system. The lead can be obtained in ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Galen Treasure Map IFiresong (map) and ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Galen Treasure Map IIFiresong (map). Once earned, this Outfit style is available to all characters on your account.

Type Items
Light Armor ON-icon-armor-Epaulets-Eldertide.png
Medium Armor ON-icon-armor-Arm Cops-Eldertide.png
Arm Cops
Heavy Armor ON-icon-armor-Pauldrons-Eldertide.png

Codex EntryEdit

These pages are worn by time and fragile as leaves. Perhaps the faded drawings just inspire the comparison. What's more, the druidic runes on the page are subtly different than those associated with any of the three druid circles. Fascinating. — Reginus Buca


  • Initially each weight had its own antiquity lead to unearth. This was updated in an unknown patch in 2023 or 2024.
