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Online:Services Furnishings/Houseguests

< Elder Scrolls Online: Furnishings: Services

Image Name Cost Source Notes Description
ON-furnishing-Acolyte Deras Arelas.jpg Acolyte Deras Arelas (page) 00800800 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Told to go "find yourself" by a Tribunal superior, Deras traveled enough to find all but himself. Now he seeks a quiet meditation spot. After adding Deras to your home, you can set him on a path.
ON-furnishing-Adusa-daro.jpg Adusa-daro (page) 015001,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Adusa-daro lives by a code of honor, vigilance, and restraint—the latter being of particular concern for a vampire. Will you invite her in? After adding Adusa-daro to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Alchemy.jpg Alchemy (page) Free
Acquired: Crown Store Need some mirth and mystery in your home? Invite Alchemy, a renowned performer from the House of Reveries, to stay with you. After adding Alchemy to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Arox the Mutilator.jpg Arox the Mutilator (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 Crowns Discounted
Acquired: Crown Store Kneel before the mighty Arox and he might just offer to crush your enemies for you! But, as a daedrat. Not his former much bigger self. After adding Arox to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
Ashur (page) ata]](?) Crowns
Acquired: (?) As an assassin in the Morag Tong, Ashur takes his work deathly seriously. Invite him to stay and you need never worry about uninvited visitors. After adding Ashur to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Azandar.jpg Azandar al-Cybiades (page) Acquired: Complete Tempting Fates Azandar al-Cybiades has always known he was meant for greatness. Every twist and turn on his path to arcanist power was done with clear eyes and a convivial attitude. Call this companion to your side and undertake an eldritch adventure into the unknown!
ON-furnishing-Bastian Hallix.jpg Bastian Hallix (page) Acquired: Complete Family Secrets Diligent and steadfast heroes like Bastian Hallix still need time to unwind. His chivalrous charm is sure to brighten up any room. After adding Bastian to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Biro-dar.jpg Biro-dar (page) 015001,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Don't let Biro-dar's appearance deceive you! He's not your average scholar. In fact, he makes for an entertaining and trouble-prone guest. After adding Biro-dar to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Brahgas.jpg Brahgas (page) Acquired: Tales of Tribute Master Brahgas loves playing Tales of Tribute but needs a break to shake off some bad luck. Perhaps a fellow player like you can put him up for a bit? After adding Brahgas to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Captain Isara Davaux.jpg Captain Isara Davaux (page) 015001,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Ghostly Isara may think she's still part of the All Flags Navy, fighting their ancient foes, but that just makes her a hauntingly novel guest. After adding Isara to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Captain Kaleen.jpg Captain Kaleen (page) Acquired: Memories of the Spearhead The inimitable Captain Kaleen seeks some shore leave before setting sail for her next job. If you've a bunk for her, she'll gladly take it. After adding Captain Kaleen to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Caska.jpg Caska (page) 015001,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Caska the Senche-raht serves as the first mate on The Perfect Pounce, and she loves time off to pursue other interests—perhaps in your house! After adding Caska to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Clan Mother Tadali.jpg Clan Mother Tadali (page) 025002,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Get ready for a visit from Clan Mother Tadali! She'll share her wisdom with you if you share your sunbeams with her. After adding Tadali to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Crafty Lerisa.jpg Crafty Lerisa (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 Crowns Discounted
Acquired: Crown Store As her name implies, Crafty Lerisa possesses a cunning that keeps her alive. Right now it's telling her to sit tight—perhaps in your home? After adding Crafty Lerisa to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Dhulef.jpg Dhulef (page) 025002,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Grab your favorite beverage and settle in for pithy tales from former pirate, current Mages Guild member, and Stonelore druid friend Dhulef. After adding Dhulef to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Druid Ryvana.jpg Druid Ryvana (page) 015001,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Mysterious and kind, Druid Ryvana welcomes the chance to teach others about the wisdom of the Stonelore Druids. What teachings has she for you? After adding Ryvana to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Ember.jpg Ember (page) Acquired: Complete Green with Envy Curled up in the corner, perfecting a new spell … just how much trouble could Ember get into? Why not find out? After adding Ember to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Erilthel.jpg Erilthel (page) 015001,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Erilthel's quest to become Lady Twilight, Tamriel's greatest thief, brought her to your door until her teacher, Seeks-the-Dark, finds her again. After adding Erilthel to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Fennorian.jpg Fennorian (page) 025002,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Although arcane investigator Fennorian of House Ravenwatch also happens to be a vampire, he's one of the good ones. Dare you invite him home? After adding Fennorian to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
Filbert Cienne (page) ata]](?) Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Ready to learn more about Peryite, the Prince of Pestilence? Then Filbert's ready to visit and share his knowledge. After adding Filbert to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Heiruna.jpg Heiruna (page) 020002,000 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Oh, the ignominy of being an agent of justice trapped inside a small floating doll! Now Heiruna intends to plot vengeance—in your retreat. After adding Heiruna to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Hezehk.jpg Hezehk (page) 015001,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Fresh from Madam Whim's in Fargrave, this irrepressible Skaafin immediately imparts a surprisingly upbeat atmosphere to your abode. After adding Hezehk to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Hildegard.jpg Hildegard (page) 025002,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store: Houseguests: Hildegard and Kor When this fledgling Dark Brotherhood assassin isn't using her werewolf abilities to complete contracts, she reflects on her dual nature. After adding Hildegard to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Historian Phedre.jpg Historian Phedre (page) Acquired: Lost Treasures of Skyrim reward Phedre loves history. A lot. Give her a place to study, and her gratitude nears "eternal"—as does her wish to share what she learns. After adding Phedre to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Hroltar the Boaster.jpg Hroltar the Boaster (page) 015001,500 Crowns
ata]](?) Crowns ESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store The Undaunted, Hroltar, may frown upon modern convenience, but this Reach native is quick to make himself at home in your abode. After adding Hroltar to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Imperial Legionary Larina.jpg Imperial Legionary Larina (page) 00700700 Crowns
ata]](?) Crowns ESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store A series of defeats in the Three Banners War led veteran Larina to take some leave to recuperate before her next battle in Cyrodiil. Will you give her a place to rest? After adding Larina to your home, you can set her on a path.
ON-furnishing-Isobel Veloise.jpg Isobel Veloise (page) Acquired: Complete The Princess Detective Isobel Veloise is equally happy hunting Daedra in a dank cave and kicking back in front of a roaring fire. An upbeat addition to any home! After adding Isobel to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-J'baanluk.jpg J'baanluk (page) 025002,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store No job is too small for this Pahmar-raht resistance fighter. That said, he needs a place to rest before his next efforts against his oppressors. After adding J'baanluk to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Jakarn.jpg Jakarn (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 Crowns ESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store Thief though he is, Jakarn promises not to steal from your house if you allow him to stay. But as to your heart? Well, that's a different matter. After adding Jakarn to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Javinus Tirnendo.jpg Javinus Tirnendo (page) 015001,500 Crowns
010001,000 Crowns -33%
Acquired: Crown Store Javinus Tirnendo left the Order of the Waking Flame, a cult dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon. Now he seeks refuge from his former allies. Will you help? After adding Javinus to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Jester Anglidor.jpg Jester Anglidor (page) Acquired: Daily Rewards: April 2022 This Jester's Fest performer brings all the joy and frivolity of that holiday to your home—perfect for when you wish to host a friendly gathering! After adding Jester Anglidor to your home, you can set him on a path and interact with him.
ON-furnishing-Keldora.jpg Keldora (page) 00800800 Crowns
Acquired: Daily Rewards: February 2021
Crown Store
Keldora left her adventuring life behind to fulfill her dream of overseeing and organizing a connoisseur's mead collection, though she possesses expertise in all forms of alcohol. After adding Keldora to your home, you can set her on a path.
ON-furnishing-Kor.jpg Kor (page) 025002,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store: Houseguests: Hildegard and Kor Hunter, Dark Brotherhood assassin, big brother—Kor is all this and more. Invite him into your abode, and he'll share observations about his life. After adding Kor to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
Larry, Duke of the Dance (page) Acquired: Granted to the winner of the 2020 Tamriel Together Sweepstakes. After adding Larry, Duke of the Dance to your home, you can set him on a path.
ON-furnishing-Lucilla Caprenia.jpg Lucilla Caprenia (page) 015001,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Trained in the Battlespire, Lucilla Caprenia made a decision that altered her future. As she ponders her next steps, invite her into your abode! After adding Lucilla to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Lyranth.jpg Lyranth (page) 025002,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store What do you really know about the mysterious Dremora Lyranth aside from her affiliation with Coldharbour's Foolkiller clan? Listen and maybe learn. After adding Lyranth to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-M'aiq the Liar.jpg M'aiq the Liar (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 Crowns Discounted
Acquired: Crown Store The Khajiit called M'aiq the Liar travels widely, speaking foolishly—or wisely, depending on whom you ask. Host him before deciding, yes? After adding M'aiq to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Makes-Many-Soups.jpg Makes-Many-Soups (page) 015001,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store A chef of many soups, but perhaps only one at a time, the Argonian Makes-Many-Soups seeks to add her culinary creativity to your abode. After adding Makes-Many-Soups to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Mel Adrys.jpg Mel Adrys (page) 020002,000 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Vampire hunters such as Mel Adrys travel widely in pursuit of their quarry, and they need places to rest between hunts. Care to host this Dark Elf? After adding Mel to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Mirri Elendis.jpg Mirri Elendis (page) Acquired: Complete Dead Weight The intrepid explorer, Mirri Elendis, needs a break from her irksome family. With thrilling tales and a sailor's mouth, she's sure to impress! After adding Mirri to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Mizzik Thunderboots.jpg Mizzik Thunderboots (page) Acquired: Daily Rewards With no mysteries for this Khajiit of action to solve, he's at loose ends. Perhaps he can discover some curious doings around your abode? After adding Mizzik to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Narboth.jpg Narboth (page) 00800800 Crowns
ata]](?) Crowns ESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store The blacksmith, Narboth, dedicated her life to her art after fulfilling an oath to Malacath. Now she seeks a worthy patron. After adding Narboth to your home, you can set her on a path.
ON-furnishing-Necrom Guard Miraso.jpg Necrom Guard Miraso (page) Free
Acquired: Crown Store  :After a Necrom ancestor spirit persuaded her to see more of the world, Miraso decided to accomplish this by taking on jobs in private residences across Tamriel and beyond. Will you take her on? After adding Miraso to your home, you can set her on a path.
ON-furnishing-Prince Irnskar.jpg Prince Irnskar (page) 025002,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store Son of Jorunn the Skald-King, Prince Irnskar often feels as if he lives in his father's shadow. Hoping for a respite, he came to visit you. After adding Prince Irnskar to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Relic-Apprentice Marafar.jpg Relic-Apprentice Marafar (page) 015001,500 Crowns
012001,200 CrownsESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store With her initial Daedric studies finished, Marafar hopes to uncover more secrets as she assists Artaeum's Relicmaster. Will you host her efforts? After adding Marafar to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Rigurt the Brash.jpg Rigurt the Brash (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 CrownsESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store The Nord diplomat Rigurt travels around Tamriel to learn about other cultures while demonstrating his own brand of Nord culture. Welcome him home! After adding Rigurt to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Scruut.jpg Scruut (page) 015001,500 Crowns
010001,000 CrownsDiscounted
Acquired: Crown Store Divergences in fate's threads draw Scruut's attention. Yet, this mighty Watchling seeks your company until the Great Eye summons her. Coincidence? After adding Scruut to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Sereyne.jpg Sereyne (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 CrownsESO Plus
017501,750 CrownsESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store An outlaw with a talent for magic but a thirst for alcohol, Sereyne wants a cozy place to drink her troubles away. Perhaps you can provide? After adding Sereyne to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Sharp-as-Night.jpg Sharp-as-Night (page) Acquired: Complete Light the Way to Freedom Solitary mercenary Sharp-as-Night isn't used to company, but if you invite him into your home, this warden will leave his icy demeanor at the door. Mostly. Talk to him to hear his unfiltered thoughts, or set him on a path to let him wander your estate.
ON-furnishing-Stefan Mornard.jpg Sir Stefan Mornard (page) 020002,000 Crowns
016001,600 CrownsESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store With both knightly skills and druidic lore in his repertoire, Sir Stefan Mornard makes for a deadly foe—and a courteous houseguest. After adding Sir Stefan to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Sister Gellenna.jpg Sister Gellenna (page) 015001,500 Crowns
012001,200 CrownsESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store Gellena left the Icereach Coven to see firsthand what they loathed about other cultures—and to consider what scores she needs to settle. After adding Gellena to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
ON-furnishing-Skordo the Knife.jpg Skordo the Knife (page) 020002,000 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store This Orc mercenary usually keeps busy, but now he wants some actual quiet time. Not to reflect, though—his well-used gear needs some attention. After adding Skordo to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Solitude Guard Jorn.jpg Solitude Guard Jorn (page) 00800800 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store A man of few words, Jorn stood guard over Solitude's bank until a recent illness laid him low. Now, his position filled by another, he needs work—perhaps a guard position in your home! After adding Jorn to your home, you can set him on a path.
ON-furnishing-Squire Caw.jpg Squire Caw (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 Crowns Discounted
Acquired: Crown Store Is your home bedecked in shiny treasures? Did you leave carrion out in the sun? Regardless, Blackfeather Court's most nettlesome squire noticed! After adding Squire Caw to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
ON-furnishing-Stibbons.jpg Stibbons (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 CrownsESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store The long-suffering Stibbons, Lady Laurent's servant, needs a break. He chose to seek you out, desperate for the peace your home provides. After adding Stibbons to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
100px Tanlorin (page) Acquired: Obtained by completing quest "Of Crown and Flowers." Some may call Tanlorin a rabble-rouser or rapscallion. They much prefer being called a friend. After adding Tanlorin to your home, you can set them on a path to wander. You can also speak with them. But be warned, they're a bit of a talker.
100px Zerith-var (page) Acquired: Complete The Dark Behind the World quest Though far from his own time, Zerith-var is sure to brighten any living space with his thoughtful observations and warm company. After adding Zerith to your home, you and guests can speak to him. You can also let him wander by setting him on a path.


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.