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Baby NetchEdit

Once this young Netch calf imprints on a master, it will follow him or her anywhere, floating along and tootling happily.
A Baby Netch

The Baby Netch was available from the Crown Store for 00700700   from December 23, 2015 to July 31, 2016. It is now available as an Epic-level reward in the Wild Hunt Crown Crates. Its default name is "Bulgy".

Badger Ruff EchaletteEdit

Most Echalettes are docile and fawn-like, but not the Badger Ruff breed, which are strangely fierce and irritable. They're so ornery they've been known to chase away inquisitive Sabre Cats.
Badger Ruff Echalette

The Badger Ruff Echalette was available exclusively to ESO Plus members in the Crown Store from February 28 to March 4, 2019. It was made available to all players for 00900900   from March 28 to April 1, 2019. It is also available in New Moon Crown Crates as a Superior-level reward. Its default name is "Feisty".

Balfiera Senche CubEdit

Bred for their lithe frame and large eyes, these senches excel at tracking prey through the dark underbrush of Balfiera. The Direnni Hegemony fell, but their senches prowl on, hunting during the night and sharpening their claws during the day.
Balfiera Senche Cub

The Balfiera Senche Cub was available to those who pre-ordered the ESO: High Isle Collector's Edition. The pet was delivered when the Chapter launched. Its default name is "Small Paws".

Bal Foyen Nix-HoundEdit

Who says a giant, aggressive, blood-sucking insect can't make a loveable pet? Not the Dark Elves of Bal Foyen, who breed them as trackers, watch-hounds, and netch-deflators.
Bal Foyen Nix-Hound

The Bal Foyen Nix Hound was available in the Crown Store for 00400400   from May 5, 2016 to September 1, 2016. It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Dwarven Crown Crates. Its default name is "Skeeter".

Balmora ConstrictorEdit

"Don't mind my new friend. She's very gentle as long as nobody gets handsy. I love her emerald scales, too, don't you? A little bit of joy on days when I bring her to help me with customers."—Milesa Relavel
A Balmora Constrictor

The Balmora Constrictor is available as a Superior-level reward from Unfeathered Crown Crates. Its default name is "Hugglefang".

Bal Ur Cliff StriderEdit

"Everyone told me not to explore Bal Ur. Yeah, Daedric, blah blah whatever. What's worse? Striders there go for the head in droves. Gorgeous colors, though, all red and black, so I trapped and started training them. Won't crack your crown now!"—Skorg
Bal Ur Cliff Strider

The Bal Ur Cliff Strider is available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid crates. Its default name is "Nogginknocker".


Though unwilling to fight, this Daedric minion will follow you loyally—for now.
A pet Banekin

The Banekin was available from the Crown Store for 00700700   from April 9, 2015 to July 31, 2016. It is now available in the Wild Hunt Crown Crates as a Superior-level reward. Its default name is "Ornery".

Bantam GuarEdit

According to the calculations of the sages of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, the bantam guar is the cutest creature in all Tamriel.
A pet Bantam Guar

Bantam Guar pets were originally available from the Crown Store for 00400400   from March 17 to May 21, 2015. It was later made available as part of the Adventurer Pack. It returned to the Crown Store from May 2 to May 9, 2022. Its default name is "Squee".

Barnacle-Back Coral CrabEdit

While many crustaceans struggle to remove clinging barnacles, the Barnacle-Back Coral Crabs appreciate the company. Some naturalists believe the crabs welcome their guests' sharpened shells as an added protective layer. But maybe they're just gregarious!
Barnacle-Back Coral Crab

The Barnacle-Back Coral Crab is a coral crab pet. Its default name is "Barnie".

Bear-Lizard CubEdit

Though the adult Bear-Lizards can be quite intimidating, even fearsome, the roly-poly lizard cubs are disarmingly cute. (For reptiles, that is.)

The Bear-Lizard Cub is an upcoming pet. Its default name is "Scaly-Boo".


This gentle giant embodies kindness and loyalty, and her loving spirit will run alongside you forever.

Belle is a pet unique to ESO's Creative Director Rich Lambert and his wife Terri. It is not available to other players. Her default name is "Belle".

Bergama Fennec FoxEdit

The Ash'abah revere Fennec Foxes for leading lost children back to the tribe. Scholars say that it is more likely the foxes are seeking out the nearest watering hole, which is usually where the tribes are anyway.
Bergama Fennec Fox

The Bergama Fennec Fox is available as a Superior-level reward in the Stonelore Crown Crates. Its default name is "Salvager".

Big-Eared Ginger KittenEdit

The Big-Eared Ginger, a favorite shipboard pet, is just about the most playful kitten in Summerset. Its over-sized sound catchers enable it to hear every tiny motion within range before it pounces upon it.
Big-Eared Ginger Kitten

The Big-Eared Ginger Kitten is a pet acquired by collecting seven runebox fragments in Karnwasten, a public dungeon in the northwestern corner Summerset. Its default name is "Batkitty".

Big-Eared Ginger MouserEdit

The Ginger Mouser is a favorite barn cat of grain farmers all across central Tamriel, not just because it keeps the storage bins rodent-free, but also for its affectionate personality and goofy good looks.
Big-Eared Ginger Mouser pet

The Big-Eared Ginger Mouser is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Scalecaller Crown Crates. Its default name is "Mouse Murderer".

Biscuit Bear-DogEdit

Hunters often rely on the services of a loyal dog protect them as they retrieve their kills. This breed not only ensures that their hunter remains well-guarded, but also provides quiet companionship.
A Biscuit Bear-Dog

The Biscuit Bear-Dog is available as a Superior-level reward from Unfeathered Crown Crates. Its default name is "Gravy".

Bitter Coast Cliff StriderEdit

Thetys Ramarys of Balmora says, "I love our Bitter Coast Striders, but feel bad that they can't fly very well. So I'm selectively breeding them into a strain that, one day, will dominate the Vvardenfell skies, pursuing its prey for great distances!"
Bitter Coast Cliff Strider

The Bitter Coast Cliff Strider is a young Cliff Strider that was available in the Crown Store for 00700700   from June 6, 2017 to May 21, 2018. It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Xanmeer Crates. Its default name is "Shrieky".

Bitter Coast WaspEdit

"My family thinks wasps are the worst, but one of these solitary fellows helped me stave off a cliff strider attack. It started following me after it nibbled on a strider I'd killed. I guess it likes to eat them."—Gellius Nuncius, Wanderer

The Bitter Coast Wasp is an upcoming non-combat pet. Its default name is "Striderbane".

Black Bear CubEdit

The Black Bear Cub is both playful and affectionate, and is so adorable it's quickly forgiven for whatever trouble it gets into.
Black Bear Cub

The Black Bear Cub was originally available from the Crown Store for 010001000  . It later appeared as a Legendary-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates. Its default name is "Roly-Poly".

Black CatEdit

This black cat knows things you cannot know, and sees things you cannot see. But that is the nature of all black cats, is it not?
The cat

The Black Cat was originally part of a regional promotion on, distributed to those who purchased the Japanese digital version of the game. Its default name was originally "Salem", but this was later changed to "Mimi".

The pet was made available in the Crown Store for 00700700   from February 14 to February 20, 2017. It returned to the Crown Store from October 26 through November 3, 2020. It is now available as a Superior-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates. The Black Cat returned to the store once more for a week in 2022 starting October 3. During this time, it was offered to ESO Plus Members at a discounted 00560560  .

Black Heights SquirrelEdit

"Debassi is enamored by this critter's festive coat! Reds brighter than the blood splats on Black Heights' roads! But Debassi is sure this is not blood. He's seen enough robberies to know!"—Debassi, Traveling Merchant

The Black Heights Squirrel is an upcoming non-combat pet. Its default name is "Red Runner."

Black Mask Bear-DogEdit

This variant of the Bear-Dog is a favorite of the Markarth Watch—and of the thieves who attempt to evade them. The Watch uses them to sniff out trouble, while the outlaws employ them to keep an eye out for the Watch!
Black Mask Bear-Dog

The Black Mask Bear-Dog is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Storm Atronach Crown Crates. Its default name is "Nightbiter".

Black Morthal MastiffEdit

Bull Mastiffs from Morthal in Skyrim are fearless and tireless hunters inured to the hardships of the frozen marshes. The black ones are particularly popular with mages and alchemists.
Black Morthal Mastiff

The Black Morthal Mastiff available as a Superior-level reward available from Psijic Vault Crown Crates. Its default name is "Blaggi".

Black Senche-Panther KittenEdit

"Rajhin the Purring Liar had so many shadows that some of them took on lives of their own, becoming Black Senche-Panthers who stalk freely through Elsweyr—just like this kitten that plays with my tail." —Clan-Mother Ahnissi
Black Senche-Panther Kitten

The Black Senche-Panther Kitten is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Wild Hunt Crown Crates. Its default name is "Keirgo".

Blackwood MonkeyEdit

This busy little buddy is sometimes mistaken for an imgakin monkey.

The Blackwood Monkey is an upcoming pet that has yet to become available, though has been in the game files ever since at least Patch 2.1.0. Its default name is "Flinger".

Bleakrock Black SheepEdit

The superstitious Nords of Solitude seek out wool originating from the black sheep of Bleakrock, claiming its dark color fends off evil intent. True or not, these darling sheep love to curl up next to their keepers and help them fall asleep.
Bleakrock Black Sheep

The Bleakrock Black Sheep is an upcoming pet. Its default name is "Bleakbleat".

Blightlord's SkeeverEdit

"I'd heard that Peryite followers wake up to find their skeevers transformed by his blessing. Never really thought about it until I woke up next to one. We're fine now, but by my Prince's pustules, those first moments got my battle rage up."—Yamighu
Blightlord's Skeever

The Blightlord's Skeever is an exotic skeever pet. It will be available in the Crown Store for 010001,000   from March 13, 2023 on PC/Mac and March 28, 2023 on Xbox/PS. It is also available as part of the Scribes of Fate Collector's Bundle for 040004,000  . Its default name is "Stenchcraw".

Bloodmoon Wolf PupEdit

Though adorable at this tender age, Bloodmoon pups still possess the incredible hunting drive of their adult counterparts. However, their hunts often lead to squirrels and insects, and a falling leaf is more than enough to distract them from the scent.
Bloodmoon Wolf Pup

The Bloodmoon Wolf Pup is available as an Epic-level reward in the Dark Brotherhood Crates. Its default name is "Moontracker".

Blueblood Frog Hound PupEdit

"Don't let the eyes fool you. This pup is a master manipulator. It'll have you believing it's never eaten a day in its life while there's still a frog leg hanging from its mouth. By Julianos, it's hard to resist though."—Scholar Vilia Ceno
Blueblood Frog Hound Pup

The Blueblood Frog Hound Pup is available as a Superior-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Forggie".

Blue-Cap Shroom ShalkEdit

For the Dark Elves, the Shroom Shalk is a companion animal that brings calm and serenity to the Dunmeri home. There's just something so soothing about the way the blue fungal sprouts on its back gently wave and puff out spores as the beast putters about.
Blue-Cap Shroom Shalk

The Blue-Cap Shroom Shalk is available as an Epic-level reward in the Dwarven Crown Crates. Its default name is "Sporebug".

Blue Cloisonne Clockwork ShalkEdit

"The unusual decorative touches on this clockwork creature show off the skill of its creator, which must be Sotha Sil himself. To what purpose? Well, I plan to keep one by my side to see if that ever becomes clear."—Journal fragment found on a skeleton
Blue Cloisonne Clockwork Shalk

The Blue Cloisonne Clockwork Shalk is available as an Epic-level reward in Celestial Crates. Its default name is "Curiosity".

Blue Dragon ImpEdit

"A 'Baby Dragon,' you say? No such thing. What you have there is a clever Illusion Imp that's found a way to get free handouts and a warm place to sleep. Young folk these days: so gullible." —Divayth Fyr
Blue Dragon Imp

The Blue Dragon Imp was distributed to those that pre-purchased any version of the Elsweyr chapter, and was made available at its launch. The pet flies around while its owner is idle. Its default name is "Dwiindovah", which translates to "Steel Dragon" from the Dragon Language.

Blue Oasis Dragon FrogEdit

The comical Blue Oasis Dragon Frog is native to Hew's Bane, and before they were bred as pets could be found only on that Hammerfell peninsula. These little bug-eaters are popular mascots at open-air taverns.
Blue Oasis Dragon Frog

The Blue Oasis Dragon Frog was available from the Crown Store for 00700700   from May 19, 2016 to July 31, 2016. It is now available in the Wild Hunt Crown Crates as a Legendary-level reward. Its default name is "Topaz" after the eponymous gem.

Blue Shock NixadEdit

The rare and colorful Shock Nixad looks rather like a tiny, winged Storm Atronach, though without the whirling electric rocks. They make loyal companions—though they may also make your hair stand on end!
Blue Shock Nixad

The Blue Shock Nixad was available in the Crown Store for 012001,200   from May 9 through May 12, 2019. It is now available as an Epic-level reward in Gloomspore Crates. Its default name is "Joltie".

Blue TorchbugEdit

The night before Waking Day, Iliac Bay Bretons share stories about the Terrible Torchbug of Molag Bal. While the story varies, all agree on one thing: those followed by a cobalt-hued torchbug possess a savagery in battle that haunts any who survive.

The Blue Torchbug is an upcoming pet. Its default name is "Strifeseeker".

Bog DogEdit

Blackwood has some odd creatures. Take the bog dog. Sure, it lives in bogs, but it's no dog. That said, tame it and train it, and it'll follow you anywhere. Just make sure the local guards know it's yours."—Grelaith of White Stallion
Bog Dog

The Bog Dog is acquired by completing the Lost in the Wilds achievement in Blackwood. Its default name is "Boggo".

Boralis Gray Wolf PupEdit

When the gray wolves of Rivenspire howl across the dismal moors of Boralis, it sends a chill down the spine and even the bravest look back over their shoulders—but by Kynareth, their pups sure are cute! And adorably playful into the bargain.
Boralis Gray Wolf Pup

The Boralis Gray Wolf Pup is available as an Epic-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates. Its default name is "Darla".


"The Brassilisk is created from interconnected brass squares, its exposed copper wiring allowing for its snakelike movement. Popular as a pet, you'll often see them following the quick footsteps of young scholars." —Endilaril, Clockwork City Naturalist

The Brassilisk is an upcoming pet that has yet to be available. Its default name is "Coppertongue".

Bravil RetrieverEdit

The Bravil Retriever loves the water and is a favorite hunter's companion from Anvil to Gideon.
A Bravil Retriever

The Bravil Retriever is a gold-furred dog that was previously available from the Crown Store for 00400400   from April 9, 2015 to July 31, 2016. It returned to the Crown Store briefly in 2021, being available from February 18 to 22. It is also available as a Superior-level reward in the Wild Hunt Crown Crates. Its default name is "Dogdroth", a portmanteau of "dog" and "daedroth".

Breton TerrierEdit

Originally bred to find and kill rats on the docks of the Iliac Bay, the Breton Terrier has found a place in the hearts and minds of many Tamrielics due to its joyful and wriggly behavior.
A Breton Terrier

The Breton Terrier is a dog that was available from the Crown Store for 00700700   from July 18 through 21, 2019. It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates. Its default name is "Digger".

Bright Moons Dragon ImpEdit

"A very talented Imp, no? It cannot be denied Jone and Jode have blessed this creature with their light. Some even speak of having to hide their moon sugar from it!" —Adept Lakjo
Bright Moons Dragon Imp

The Bright Moons Dragon Imp was distributed as a daily reward for the 14th login in the month of February, 2024. Its default name is "Tyndovah".

Bright Moons Lunar MothEdit

"When a Bright Moons Lunar Moth follows you, the blessings of Jone and Jode flutter close behind."—Moon-Priest Tedaza
A Bright Moons Lunar Moth

The Bright Moons Lunar Moth is available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates. Its default name is "Blissdancer".

Brimstone NixadEdit

The legend among the underworld explorers of the Undaunted is that these little incendiary sprites are responsible for lighting all the candles, torches, and lanterns found burning underground, flying ahead of adventurers to ignite them in the dark.
Brimstone Nixad

The Brimstone Nixad is a flaming nixad that was available to ESO Plus members in the Crown Store for 010801,080   from February 21 to 25, 2019. They were later sold to other players for 012001200   from March 28 to April 1, 2019. Its default name is "Torchy".

Brindle Bear CubEdit

These adventurous cubs love playing in waterfalls, often using crevices behind them as lairs during the winter. The smell of butter draws them like nothing else. As a result, some claim a dairy farmer first tamed one of these cubs.
A Brindle Bear Cub

The Brindle Bear Cub is available as a Superior-level reward from Unfeathered Crown Crates. Its default name is "Butterflea".

Bristlegut PigletEdit

This cross between a domestic pig and a Skyrim boar is as loyal as it is adorable.
A pet Bristlegut Piglet

Bristlegut Piglets were given out at conventions and as part of official competitions and giveaways in 2014. It was also included as part of the Humble Monthly Promotion in 2017. Its default name is "Muddles".

Bristleneck War BoarEdit

Originally from Solstheim, this tempestuous boar exists in two modes: hungry and hungrier! Given that it can carry gear, though, providing it with its favorite fungi is a small matter.
Bristleneck War Boar

The Bristleneck War Boar is available in the Crown Store for 012001,200  . It went on sale at a 20% discount (00960960  ) for all players from April 12 to April 15, 2021. When purchased, it increases the inventory capacity of each of your characters by 5. This increase is passive and there is no requirement to make the boar your active pet. This is the first time a vanity pet has provided tangible gameplay benefits. Its default name is "Grumblerush".

Brown Steeple BatEdit

"People blessed by these brown bat companions experience very few issues with insects. They love hiding in your pack during the day, and they'll keep you bug-free while you sleep at night."—Tanandra, Scholar-Errant
Brown Steeple Bat

The Brown Steeple Bat is available as an Epic-level reward in Nightfall Crates. Its default name is "Squeals".

Bruma Spotted PigEdit

"Absolutely not. We can't keep it! Pigs are livestock, nothing more. Don't give me that look. All right, I'll admit it's very cute. And soft. Still, though, we can't keep it. We'll find it a good home."—Overheard in Bruma
Bruma Spotted Pig

The Bruma Spotted Pig is available as a daily reward for day 14 of May 2024. Its default name is "Oinker".

Butterscotch Dragon FrogEdit

"The Butterscotch Dragon Frog presumably got its name from the Argonian practice of naming things after flavors, whether those things taste like that or not. This one has no intention of finding out whether it does." -Ma'iq the Liar
Butterscotch Dragon Frog

The Butterscotch Dragon Frog is available as an Epic-level reward from the Xanmeer Crown Crates. Its default name is "Bug-Biter".