Bal Foyen
Item | Location(s) | Quest | Description | |
Emberflint | (?) | If By Sea | This dull red powder pops and sparks every time you move. | |
Heavy Sack | (?) | The Bard of Hounds | Quality workmanship ensures the heavy contents of this voluminous sack remain contained wihtin its ample dimensions. | |
Kindlepitch Powder | (?) | If By Sea | This powder gives off a small amount of heat, and it smells of ash. | |
Stinkweed | (?) | Finding the Family | This smelly plant is a delicacy, at least to a guar. | |
Treated Netch Eggs | (?) | Unorthodox Tactics | These sterile eggs have been treated with an unusual oil that causes bull netches to fly into a rage. |
Bleakrock Isle
Item | Location(s) | Quest | Description | |
Bucket of Water | Bleakrock Village | Sparking the Flame | Use this bucket of water near fires to douse them. | |
Cracked Rune Ward | Hozzin's Folly | Hozzin's Folly | Tiny cracks cover the surface of this rune ward. | |
Critter Meat | Outside Deathclaw's Lair | Tracking the Game | This meat looks foul, but its rank odor should attract a ravenous beast like Deathclaw. | |
Deathclaw Talon | Dropped by Deathclaw at Deathclaw's Lair | Tracking the Game | This sinister-looking talon once belonged to a beast called Deathclaw. | |
Dented Helm | Chest in Orkey's Hollow | The Frozen Man | This helm, dented beyond repair, bears the sigil of the Aldmeri Dominion. | |
Dog Whistle | Given by Halmaera at Halmaera's House | Lost on Bleakrock | This whistle is carved from a piece of bone. It bears a simple fang inscription. | |
Eagle Runestone | North Skyshroud Barrow | What Waits Beneath | This runestone has a stylized symbol of an eagle spreading its wings. | |
Gnarled Wand | South of Inishez's stall | Underfoot | This warped piece of wood has a carved Daedric symbol on its base. | |
Incense | Given by Darj the Hunter at Skyshroud Barrow | What Waits Beneath | Use this bag of incense to summon the spirit of a priest at Skyshroud Barrow. | |
Mage's Rune | Orkey's Hollow | The Frozen Man | This rune, now shattered and unusable, is a type used exclusively by mages. Its complexity indicates the vast amount of power it once held. | |
Snake Runestone | Central Skyshroud Barrow | What Waits Beneath | This runestone has a stylized symbol of a snake. | |
Whale Runestone | South Skyshroud Barrow | What Waits Beneath | This runestone has a stylized symbol of a whale. |
Item | Location(s) | Quest | Description | |
Alit Grease | (?) | The Mournhold Underground | A slick grease that coats the scales of an alit. | |
Aloe Leaves | (?) | Search and Rescue | Aloe plants are used in a variety of alchemical potions and salves. | |
Ancestor Ward | (?) | Ancestor Wards in Deshaan | A carved and painted idol with spidery script at the base. It smells faintly of incense. | |
Ancient Dragonguard Breastplate | The Corpse Garden | Digging Up the Garden | Though this venerable breastplate's straps are rotten beyond use, the plate itself is in good condition and bears a masterful design. | |
Anonymous Journal | (?) | For Their Own Protection | A journal written by an uncredited author. | |
Appraising-Spine's Chest Key | (?) | Nothing Left to Waste | This key belonged to an ill-fated Argonian merchant. | |
Axe of Halmer Stormhand | (?) | The Naked Nord | This axe belongs to Evigna. It looks like a family heirloom. | |
Bag of Kwama Eggs | (?) | You Have to Break a Few | A bag full of kwama eggs found in Lady Llarel's Shelter. | |
Bag of Rats | (?) | Ratting Them Out | This bag is full of rats from the streets of Narsis. | |
Bog Rat | (?) | The Trial of the Ghost Snake | This plump critter is a favorite treat of snakes. | |
Book of Excellent Teachings | (?) | School Daze | A Shad Astula text book. | |
Burning Torch | (?) | A Bitter Pill | A torch from Garil's camp, covered in accelerant. | |
Burning Torch | (?) | Burning Revenge | This lit torch would be perfect for burning something. | |
Cage Key | (?) | The Soldier's Alibi | This key should open Saryvn's cage. | |
Ceremonial Cheese Knife | (?) | Madness in Deshaan | A cheese knife doesn't usually need serrations and a blood gutter, does it? | |
Control Rod | (?) | The Dungeon Delvers | Raynor Vanos created this device to control Dwarven Spiders. | |
Control Rod | (?) | The Dungeon Delvers | This device created by Raynor Valos somehow interacts with Dwarven Spiders. | |
Control Rod | (?) | The Light Fantastic | Raynor Vanos created this device to control Dwarven Spiders. | |
Covert Note | (?) | Fighting Back | Use to read contents. | |
Critter Sack | (?) | The Trial of the Ghost Snake | A sturdy stitched bag that can hold quite a few rodents or other small creatures. | |
Daedric Artifact | (?) | A Fair Warning | This ancient pot or urn from Knife Ear Grotto might be worth something to the right buyer. | |
Daedric Tome | (?) | The Soldier's Alibi | This ancient Daedric tome is written in scrawling script that makes your eyes water. | |
Dark Elf Skull | (?) | Ritual of Anguish | This skull obviously belonged to a Dark Elf. | |
Deed to Darkshade | (?) | Mine All Mine | The deed to the Darkshade mine. | |
Delicate Dwarven Parts | (?) | The Dungeon Delvers | This bag contains delicate Dwarven mechanisms collected by the spider following you. | |
Dragon Scale Mushrooms | (?) | Quest for the Cure | Exotic mushrooms known for their magical essence. | |
Drums | (?) | Quest for the Cure | An out-of-tune musical instrument. | |
Dunmer "Relic" | (?) | Cultural Exchange | This appears to be an ordinary loaf of stale bread. | |
Dunmer Book | (?) | Cultural Exchange | This is a book of Dunmer culture and customs. | |
Dunmer Clothes | (?) | Cultural Exchange | This stylish Dunmer armor comes in a variety of garish colors. | |
Dwarven Harmonic Tuner | (?) | The Light Fantastic | This ancient Dwarven relic of unknown purpose appears to be broken. | |
Dwarven Key | (?) | The Light Fantastic | This old Dwarven key probably opens a nearby Dwarven chest. | |
Dynamo Core | (?) | The Seal of Three | The fist-sized glowing sphere is suspended at the center of a metallic framework. The sphere constantly rotates. | |
Engine Control Rod | (?) | What Was Lost | The rod corresponds to the Engine. | |
Forged Mournhold Shipping Manifest | (?) | Death Trap | A rather convincing shipping manifest authorizing shipment into Mournhold. | |
Fragrant Herbs | (?) | Quest for the Cure | Tightly wrapped herbs with a strong and pungent odor. | |
Frahjan's Chest Key | (?) | Nothing Left to Waste | This key was the property of a stalwart Nord. Unfortunately, he is now deceased. | |
Full Critter Sack | (?) | The Trial of the Ghost Snake | A sturdy stitched bag that is holding quite a few rodents or other small creatures. | |
Fury Concoction | (?) | Strange Guard Beasts | Use this concoction on the tree outside of Churasu's alchemy lab. | |
Garnet and Pearl Amulet | (?) | Search and Rescue | This amulet is inscribed: "To Edrasa on our wedding day." | |
Gems | (?) | Nothing Left to Waste | This chest contains an assortment of valuable gems. | |
General Gavryn's Signet Ring | (?) | What Lies Beneath | This rank insignia for a House Redoran general belonged to Gavryn Redoran. | |
General's Key | (?) | Rules and Regulations | This key should open any locked furniture in the General's quarters. | |
Giron's Key | (?) | Hiding in Plain Sight | This key must open a locked door somewhere within the ruins. | |
Golden Trinkets | (?) | Nothing Left to Waste | This assortment of golden trinkets looks valuable. | |
Healing Supplies | (?) | Supply Run | Various bandages, poultices, and dried herbs used by Selfora's healer. | |
Hist Branch | (?) | The Ravaged Village | This strange, gnarled stick is covered in moss and thrums faintly with power. | |
Hist Branch | (?) | The Saving of Silent Mire | This strange, gnarled stick is covered in moss and faintly thrumming with power. | |
Hlaalu Cargo Manifest | (?) | That Which Matters Most | This scroll details the contents of the Hlaalu trade caravan. | |
Holy Water Decanter | (?) | Restless Spirits | A vessel containing holy water that can extinguish magical fire. | |
Holy Water Decanter | (?) | Rescue and Revenge | A vessel containing holy water that can extinguish magical fire. | |
Holy Water Decanter | (?) | Rescue and Revenge | A vessel that can contain spiritual energy. | |
House Dres Key | (?) | A Favor Returned | The sigil of House Dres decorates this ornate key. | |
House Dres Wine Bottle | (?) | A Favor Returned | This wine bottle bears the House Dres seal and was part of a larger order. | |
Illusion Dust | (?) | Vision Quest | A natural byproduct of illusory monsters. | |
Impostor's Head | (?) | What Lies Beneath | This severed head belonged to the Dremora Kynreeve that was impersonating General Gavryn. | |
Improved Wand of Finding | (?) | Vision Quest | A wand used to scorch the hide of scamps, shadow clucks, and other nasty poultry. | |
Key to Secret Meeting | (?) | Fighting Back | This oddly shaped key might unlock any door within Narsis. | |
King Kurog's Promise | (?) | Intruders in Deshaan | Use to read contents. | |
Kinhouse Armory Key | (?) | A Timely Matter | This small key opens weapon crates in the kinhouse. | |
Kwama Cuttle | (?) | Carving Cuttle | This waxy growth is from the beak of a mature kwama. | |
Kyne's Heart Healing Herbs | (?) | Quest for the Cure | These herbs are highly valued for their medicinal properties. | |
Letter from Gorvyn | (?) | A Letter for Deshaan | Use to read contents. | |
Letter to Artisans Craftworks | (?) | Mournhold Market Misery | A letter from Blivisi Beleth to her brother in Mournhold. | |
Letter to Evis Marys | (?) | For Their Own Protection | A letter describing a botched shipment that sounds suspicious. | |
Lit Torch | (?) | Cold-Blooded Vengeance | This is a burning lump of cloth and pitch atop a rough branch. | |
Lost Amulet | (?) | School Daze | An amulet that an Academy instructor misplaced. | |
Maulborn Curative | (?) | Proprietary Formula | A bottle of the Maulborn elixir that can supposedly cure the Llodos plague. | |
Merdyndril's Orders | (?) | Unwanted Guests | Orders from the Maulborn commander to forces at Lake Narsis. | |
Narsis Axe | (?) | A Timely Matter | A military issued blade. | |
Narsis Battle Axe | (?) | A Timely Matter | A military issued blade. | |
Narsis Bow | (?) | A Timely Matter | A military issued bow. | |
Narsis Claymore | (?) | A Timely Matter | A military issued blade. | |
Narsis Dagger | (?) | A Timely Matter | A military issued blade. | |
Narsis Mace | (?) | A Timely Matter | A military issued cudgel. | |
Narsis Maul | (?) | A Timely Matter | A military issued cudgel. | |
Narsis Ruins Key | (?) | Hiding in Plain Sight | This key opens the door to the ruins of Narsis, located west of the city. | |
Narsis Sword | (?) | A Timely Matter | A military issued blade. | |
Narsis Weapons | (?) | A Timely Matter | Military issued weapons taken from the barracks in Narsis. | |
Nilyne's Potion | (?) | Quest for the Cure | A small vile of potion you created using Alchemist Nilyne's formula. | |
Nord Clothes | (?) | Cultural Exchange | This is a collection of Nord cultural garb, made from some kind of mammoth fur. It smells faintly of Nord sweat. | |
Nord Relic | (?) | Cultural Exchange | This Nord religious relic appears to be the preserved heart of a goat. | |
Old Bucket | (?) | Quest for the Cure | This old bucket is full of holes. | |
Old Graveyard Key | (?) | Bad Medicine | The key to the old graveyard gate at Serkamora. | |
Orc Orders | (?) | Intruders in Deshaan | This dirty parchment declares the Orcs should kill Dark Elves and collect their skulls. | |
Pants | (?) | The Naked Nord | Mead stains cover these worn pants. | |
Pirate Key | (?) | The Saving of Silent Mire | This simple iron key opens the shackles that bind the Argonian captives. | |
Poison Gas Antidote | (?) | Search and Rescue | This cloudy potion seems to ward off the effects of noxious fumes in the mine. | |
Rat Catcher | (?) | Ratting Them Out | It's pretty much a sack. | |
Redoran Battle Medallion | (?) | A Service for the Dead | An inscribed medallion that proves the death of a powerful house warrior. | |
Redweed | (?) | Search and Rescue | These reddish plants grow in the shade beneath rocks and cliffs. | |
Reliquary Pendant | (?) | A Saint Asunder | Pendant of a hammer, part of the Reliquary of Saint Veloth. | |
Reliquary Spire | (?) | A Saint Asunder | The uppermost part of the Reliquary of Saint Veloth. | |
Reliquary Stone | (?) | A Saint Asunder | A stone block from the Reliquary of Saint Veloth. | |
Reminder: Don't Drink the Water | (?) | Unwanted Guests | A note from the Maulborn commander. | |
Resonator | (?) | Dissonant Commands | This bell-shaped object somehow interacts with the controlling device. | |
Retainer Dispatch | (?) | Rules and Regulations | This letter was written to the retainer appointed by the General, Durel Gilveni. | |
Risa's Amulet | (?) | Remembering Risa | A beautifully crafted amulet engraved with the letter R. | |
Risa's Journal | (?) | Remembering Risa | Use to read contents. | |
Sack of Dremora Hearts | (?) | Healing Hearts | This sticky, blood-soaked sack contains several Dremora hearts. | |
Sacred Stone | (?) | The Ravaged Village | This smooth, polished rock is warm to the touch and painted with Saxhleel pictograms. | |
Saint Veloth Medallion | (?) | The Medallions of Saint Veloth | This small, gold medallion bears the symbol of Saint Veloth. | |
Scorched Scamp Hide | (?) | Vision Quest | The crispy epidermis of a scamp. | |
Shad Astula Invitation | (?) | By Invitation Only | An invitation to the prestigious Academy of Magic. It says to report to the registrar when you reach the island. | |
Shipment Note | (?) | For Their Own Protection | This faded parchment is barely legible. It indicates that more vials of an unknown substance are needed for some ominous plan. | |
Skull of Saint Veloth | (?) | A Saint Asunder | A holy relic once kept in the reliquary at the Shrine of Saint Veloth. | |
Snake Totem | (?) | The Trial of the Ghost Snake | This snake-shaped totem was crafted by the Mabrigash Farseer. | |
Sour Milk Tea | (?) | Quest for the Cure | A drink popular with the Dark Elves. Good on its own or mixed with liqueur or medicinal elixirs. | |
Spinning Gears | (?) | The Seal of Three | Despite their delicate appearance, these gears have a reassuring heft to them. | |
Steel Whistle | (?) | A Timely Matter | This small whistle emits a high-pitched noise when blown. | |
Stolen Hlaalu Cargo | (?) | That Which Matters Most | The crates are battered, but the cargo within is wrapped very well. | |
Strange Relics | (?) | Nothing Left to Waste | This chest contains a collection of valuable relics from various races. | |
Student | (?) | School Daze | A student transformed by an improperly cast spell. | |
Tear of Saint Veloth | (?) | Honor Bound | This sacred ancient relic emanates healing power. | |
The Art of Love and Swordplay | Obtained from Adras Sarethi at Shad Astula | Cultural Exchange | This is a Nord book of bawdy poems and heroic exploits. | |
Town Hall Key | (?) | Rescue and Revenge | A key to unlock Selfora's town hall. | |
Treated Kindlepitch | (?) | Oath Breaker | This tar-like substance is extremely flammable. | |
Treated Kindlepitch | (?) | Oath Breaker | This tar-like substance is very flammable. | |
Valyia's Chest Key | (?) | Nothing Left to Waste | The Dark Elf who possessed this key met with a terrible end. | |
Wand of Finding | (?) | School Daze | A wand used to find lost items eaten by shadow clucks and other naughty poultry. | |
Wasp Gizzard | Dropped by Giant Wasps at Silent Mire | Strange Guard Beasts | This organ was harvested from a giant wasp. |
Item | Location(s) | Quest | Description | |
Alchemy Report | (?) | Sleeping on the Job | Use to read contents. | |
Amulet of Kyne | (?) | Shrine of Corruption | A blessed holy symbol dedicated to the goddess Kyne. | |
Another Letter from the Reformer | (?) | Between a Rock and a Whetstone | Another letter from the Reformer to Federo. | |
Appleblossom Honey | (?) | A Friend in Mead | Honey from Cyrodiil's apple orchards, used to craft Voljar mead. | |
Assassin's Orders | (?) | Windhelm's Champion | This scroll contains a list of targets and outlines a plan for the Stormfist champions to reach the final events. It's signed by "Fildgor Orcthane." | |
Bath Salts | (?) | Bath Time | These bath salts were made from various ingredients. They may induce zombification. | |
Battered Compass | (?) | Our Poor Town | This battered and tarnished compass no longer points much of anywhere. | |
Bear Steaks | (?) | Merriment and Mystery | Big, thick slabs of bear meat. | |
Blood Rune | (?) | The Better of Two Evils | This rune allows you to control a bloodfiend. | |
Bloodfiend Dust | (?) | A Right to Live | This dusty residue can be collected from the remains of a destroyed bloodfiend. | |
Bloody Rags | (?) | Our Poor Town | Once supple sheets, now crusted with blood. | |
Bottle of Putrid Liquid | Jaruk at Valeric's Manor | The Better of Two Evils | This foul-smelling concoction provided by Jaruk masks the scent of a hunter. | |
Bundle of Old Life Messages | From Petronius Galenus | Old Life Observance | A small stack of heartfelt messages to deceased loved ones, bound with a paper strip. | |
Burial Urn | (?) | Pilfered Urn | This valuable burial urn might be returned for a reward. | |
Canis Cup Mushroom | (?) | A Council of Thanes | These mushrooms have an overpowering earthy odor. | |
Cat | (?) | The Pride of a Prince | One of the guards at the barracks really detests cats. | |
Clothing | Windhelm | Between a Rock and a Whetstone | An outfit selected at random from a trunk full of very pungent clothes. | |
Commander Bitterblade's Head | (?) | Making Amends | The severed head of the Stormfist commander, Hald Bitterblade. | |
Courier's Permit | The Adept's Retreat, Windhelm | Between a Rock and a Whetstone | A document forged by Mevei for Federo to start his new life as a courier for the Antiquarian Circle. | |
Crypt Key | (?) | The Better of Two Evils | This key opens the crypt beneath Majorn's manor. | |
Damp Page | (?) | Sleep for the Dead | This is a damp page torn from a larger book. | |
Daril | (?) | Bath Time | This powerful Argonian toxin is used in an unusual recipe for bath salts. | |
Dark Elf Dispatch | (?) | Strange Allies | Use to read contents. | |
Death-In-Winter's Head | (?) | The Pride of a Prince | The head of a powerful troll that had been terrorizing Darkwater Crossing. | |
Dragonbone Powder | Dark Water Temple | The Dragonguard's Legacy | The ground up bones of vanquished Dragons, often used in Dragonguard ceremonies. | |
Dresser Key | (?) | Shrine of Corruption | Use this key to open the locked dresser in the Keeper's house. | |
Dry Page | (?) | Sleep for the Dead | This is a dry page torn from a larger book. | |
Dusty Page | (?) | Sleep for the Dead | This is a dusty page torn from a larger book. | |
Dwemer Glass Shards | (?) | Kireth's Amazing Plan | These glass shards look like the useless remains of a smashed glass orb. | |
Exotic Dunmer Wine | (?) | The Pride of a Prince | Bottles of Golden Wine from Morrowind, highly favored by the Dark Elves. | |
Fire Arrows | (?) | Best of the Best | Arrows tipped with a volatile substance that explodes on impact. | |
Fjorna's Skull | East of Bonestrewn Barrow | Torn Asunder | The remains of Sonya Lastblood's second daughter. | |
Fragrant Herbs | (?) | A Friend in Mead | Fragrant herbs used to craft Voljar mead. | |
Gate Procedures | (?) | Strange Allies | Use to read contents. | |
Giant's Toe Mead | (?) | A Council of Thanes | This rich, sparkling mead packs a big kick. | |
Giant-Friend Horn | (?) | Strange Allies | Use at a nearby cave to summon a giant ally. | |
Giant-Friend Horn | (?) | The Siege of Cradlecrush | Use this horn to signal your giant allies and to challenge Lob the Cleaver. | |
Giant-Friend Horn | (?) | The Siege of Cradlecrush | Use to signal your giant allies and to challenge the Orcs. | |
Goat Treat | (?) | Merriment and Mystery | A tasty, leafy herb that goats love to nibble on. | |
Grida's Note to Dralof | (?) | Bath Time | Use to read contents. | |
Hadmal's Journal, Page 3 | South of Jorunn's Stand Wayshrine | Torn Asunder | Use to read contents. | |
Hadmal's Journal, Page 7 | East of the entrance to the Hall of the Dead | Torn Asunder | Use to read contents. | |
Hadmal's Journal, Page 12 | East of Bonestrewn Barrow | Torn Asunder | Use to read contents. | |
Harsh Incense with Attached Note | (?) | Shadows Over Windhelm | Use to read contents. | |
Hidden Package | (?) | Icy Intrigue in Eastmarch | A nondescript package, triple-wrapped with waxed parchment and sealed with twine. | |
House Key | (?) | Our Poor Town | This key opens the door to Stormy-Eyes's house. | |
Hymn to Kyne | (?) | Shrine of Corruption | This collection of songs is used to worship the goddess Kyne. | |
Icehammer's Vault Scroll | Icehammer's Vault | Dragon Lore: Icehammer's Vault | An ancient scroll with techniques for fighting Dragons. | |
Inscribed Orcish Bow with Attached Note | (?) | Shadows Over Windhelm | Use to read contents. | |
Jagged Dagger with Attached Note | (?) | Shadows Over Windhelm | Use to read contents. | |
Jarl's Manor Key | (?) | The War Council | A key that unlocks the doors to the Jarl's manor. | |
Jolinne's Skull | East of the entrance to the Hall of the Dead | Torn Asunder | The remains of Sonya Lastblood's first daughter. | |
Jomund's Research Notes | (?) | Mystery Metal | Use to read contents. | |
Kazok's Head | (?) | A Brother's Revenge | You're carrying the severed head of Kazok gro-Nogremor. | |
Koruni's Dispatch | (?) | Victory at Morvunskar | A letter detailing Fort Morvunskar's status. It's addressed to Thane Oda Wolf-Sister at Fort Amol. | |
Kyne's Breath | (?) | A Cure For Droi | This flower is known for its curative properties. | |
Leftover Lunch | (?) | Merriment and Mystery | Today's leftovers. Should appeal to bears. | |
Letter to Marillan | Dark Water Temple | The Dragonguard's Legacy | A note recovered from Dark Water Temple. | |
Letter to Sonya | South of Jorunn's Stand Wayshrine | Torn Asunder | Torn Asunder | |
Lodorr's Crown | Hall of the Dead | Lost Crown | The crown is warm to the touch. | |
Lothgar's Shield | (?) | A Dying Wish | A soldier's shield, well-used but still sturdy. | |
Lothgar's Sword | (?) | A Dying Wish | A finely honed, well cared for soldier's sword. | |
Mammoth Duty | (?) | Strange Allies | Use to read contents. | |
Maps of Western Skyrim | Palace of Kings | The Coven Conundrum | This book of maps details the holds of Western Skyrim. | |
Militia Supplies | (?) | Giant Problems | This sack is full of foul-smelling meat. | |
Moth-Eaten Shirt | The Grinning Horker Basement | The Coven Conundrum | A long-abandoned shirt. | |
Mudcrab Claw | (?) | Bath Time | This is the claw of a humble mudcrab. It's used in a recipe for bath salts. | |
Mysterious Letter to Federo | (?) | Between a Rock and a Whetstone | A letter to Federo from an unknown source. | |
Mysterious Ore | (?) | Mystery Metal | This sample of a mysterious metal glows faintly with magical power. | |
Mysterious Ore | (?) | Mystery Metal | This sample of mysterious metal glows faintly with magical power. | |
Note from Gadri to Federo | (?) | Between a Rock and a Whetstone | A note explaining that Gadri left the key by the door and is expecting payment. | |
Note from Magister Osanne | (?) | Do Kill the Messenger | This scroll is freshly inked and tightly wound for travel. | |
Note to King Jorunn | (?) | The War Council | Use to read contents. | |
Old Horse Blanket | The Grinning Horker Basement | The Coven Conundrum | A blanket that smells strongly of horse. | |
Old Key | (?) | Merriment and Mystery | An old key carried by the riekling chieftain. | |
Old Nord Cup | (?) | Sleep for the Dead | This simple, unadorned cup is clearly of Nord design. | |
Old Wig | The Grinning Horker Basement | The Coven Conundrum | A ragged, old wig. | |
Ophelia's Key | (?) | Dark Deeds | This key should open the door to the Barrow's third chamber. | |
Orders to Halskar | (?) | Blindsided | Orders from Fildgor Orcthane detailing plans to capture Fort Morvunskar using the tunnels beneath the royal crypt. | |
Palace Dungeons Key | Palace of Kings | The Coven Conundrum | You found this key to the dungeons beneath the Palace of Kings on a sentry killed by the Icereach Coven. | |
Pickled Fish | (?) | Party Planning | This bundle of small, pickled fish smells terrible. | |
Queen Nurnhilde's Amulet | (?) | Sleep for the Dead | This heirloom belonged to the beloved Nord queen. | |
Rare Spices | (?) | A Friend in Mead | Aromatic Alik'r spices used to craft Voljar mead. | |
Reagents | (?) | Our Poor Town | Reagents from Stormy-Eyes's satchel. | |
Rotten Grain | (?) | Our Poor Town | This damp, molded grain is unfit for eating. | |
Rune of Kyne | Priestess Hodyette's Camp | The Winds of Kyne | This rune is covered in symbols of Kyne, and is said to absorb the power of her presence. | |
Safe Room Key | (?) | The War Council | This simple, unassuming key unlocks the Jarl's safe room. | |
Scroll of Finding | (?) | Shrine of Corruption | Use this magic scroll to find a way into the locked house. | |
Sealed Dispatch | (?) | A Council of Thanes | This note for the Skald-King bears Thane Harvald's seal. | |
Shaman Moramat's Orders | (?) | Security Details | Use to read contents. | |
Sigil of Nature's Accord | South of Kynesgrove | Nature's Accord | This wooden sigil has an odd, twisted shape. It has no seams and appears to have grown this way. | |
Singed Page | (?) | Sleep for the Dead | This is a singed page torn from a larger book. | |
Smash-Skull's Toe | (?) | A Friend in Mead | A large toe removed from the giant Smash-Skull's right foot. | |
Snowmead's Missive | (?) | Labor Dispute | Use to read contents. | |
Sodden Rags | The Grinning Horker Basement | The Coven Conundrum | Foul-smelling rags. | |
Spymaster Ramorgol's Orders | (?) | Security Details | Use to read contents. | |
Storehouse Key | (?) | Merriment and Mystery | The key to the Cragwallow storehouse. | |
Stormcrag Crypt Scroll | Stormcrag Crypt | Dragon Lore: Stormcrag Crypt | An ancient scroll with techniques for fighting Dragons. | |
Stormfist Brigade Emblem | (?) | Windhelm's Champion | This emblem features a stylized "F" etched into the center of a fist surrounded by bolts of lightning. | |
Stormfist Scout Orders | (?) | Strange Allies | Use to read contents. | |
Stormfist Weapon | (?) | Labor Dispute | This weapon was taken from the Orcthane's soldiers in Lost Knife Cave. | |
The About Face | (?) | Madness in Eastmarch | The flayed skin of an Imperial. One side reveals a visage contorted in pain and anguish. The other grins mercilessly. | |
The Crown of Freydis | (?) | Songs of Sovngarde | This crown is ornate, and very cold to the touch. This close to Sovngarde, it hums gently. | |
Torch | (?) | Security Details | Useful for providing light and setting things on fire. | |
Torch of Heirs | (?) | Nobles' Rest | Legend has it that this torch can be used to light the Direfrost Flame, and in doing so, contact the Direfrost ancestors. | |
Torchbug Wings | (?) | Our Poor Town | A pair of delicate wings pulled from a torchbug. | |
Treatise on Metallurgical Anomalies | (?) | Alchemical Analysis | The pages of this book are lightly water-stained. | |
Troll Fat | (?) | Bath Time | This glob of fat from a troll is used in a recipe for bath salts. | |
Truths of the North | (?) | Sleep for the Dead | This is an old, musty book of Nord proverbs. | |
Truths of the North | (?) | Sleep for the Dead | This large, heavy tome contains flowery poetry. | |
Uggissar's Diary | (?) | Dear Cousins | Use to read contents. | |
Uncharged Dwemer Orb | (?) | Kireth's Amazing Plan | The depths of this glass sphere appear dark and empty. | |
Valdia's Skull | Behind Seeks-White-Bird's House | Torn Asunder | The remains of Sonya Lastblood's third daughter. | |
Varla Stone Tincture | (?) | Alchemical Analysis | This rare and possibly volatile concoction was made from powdered Varla Stones. | |
Vial of Vampire Blood | (?) | Eternal Slumber | Blood from a vampire to help bolster the Skald King's life force. | |
Vial with Attached Note | (?) | Shadows Over Windhelm | Use to read contents. | |
Viper's Strike | (?) | Making Amends | Use General Yeveth Noramil's dagger on slain Stormfists to charge it. | |
Viper's Strike | (?) | Making Amends | This fully charged enchanted dagger belongs to General Yeveth Noramil. | |
Voljar Spiced Mead | (?) | Party Planning | This bottle is a sample from the batch being shipped from Voljar's Meadery. | |
Voljar's Meadery Recipes | (?) | A Friend in Mead | This is a book of recipes for creating some basic Voljar meads. | |
Voljar's Spiced Mead | (?) | Merriment and Mystery | Voljar Meadery's most popular flavor. | |
Warlord Halskar's Possessions | (?) | Blindsided | A bundle containing Halskar's orders and a collection of Nord relics from the crypts beneath the fort. | |
Wolf Pelt | (?) | Collector of Pelts | This hide was skinned from a recently slain wolf. It smells foul, but the fur is warm. | |
Worn Doll | (?) | Our Poor Town | This tiny doll is falling apart, the much beloved plaything of a bygone day. |
The Rift
Item | Location(s) | Quest | Description | |
Altmer Golden Pear Ale | Riften | All's Fair | An exquisite ale, but illegal in Pact lands. | |
Amulet of the Companion | (?) | Shattered Hopes | This amulet is linked to one of Ysgramor's legendary companions. | |
Amulet of the Pact | (?) | Securing the Pass | This amulet represents your Nord warrior follower. | |
Amulet of the Pact | (?) | Securing the Pass | This amulet represents your Argonian mage follower. | |
Amulet of the Pact | (?) | Securing the Pass | This amulet represents your Dunmer healer follower. | |
Ancient Goblet | (?) | Lost Companions | This appears to be an ancient, likely valuable, goblet. | |
Animal Hide | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | This hide is clean and disturbingly dry. | |
Animus Geode | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | A shimmering light weakly glimmers in the depths of this geode. | |
Animus Geode | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | A bright energy shines out from the geode's surface. Use this to summon the spirit of the necromancer Nordahl. | |
Archaeological Tools | (?) | Research Subject | A bag of tools, maps, and notes. | |
Arkay the Enemy | (?) | Approaching Thunder | This loose book of papers was hidden on Housecarl Thorulf's shelf. | |
Bag of Vvardenfell Silk | (?) | A Business Proposition | The rough bag is filled with high-quality Morrowind silk. | |
Batch of Glowflies | (?) | Problems Into Profit | These are the glowflies that Odunn asked me to catch so they can be used as fishing bait. | |
Beating Heart | Vernim Woods | Dangerous Union | The culled heart continues to beat dark energy instead of blood. | |
Bloodstained Dagger | (?) | Approaching Thunder | An ornate dagger, its blade stained with old blood. | |
Bonebane | (?) | Approaching Thunder | An old weapon that is apparently magical. | |
Brimstone Cowl | Blessed Crucible | Fires of Battle | ||
Bucket of Water | Riften, well | In His Wake | A bucket of water. Can be used near fires to douse them. | |
Bundle of Straw | (?) | Pulled Under | A small clump of partly chewed hay, smelling faintly of horse. Perhaps it would be useful to investigate the stable outside the southeast gate. | |
Burial Stone | (?) | Tomb Beneath the Mountain | The stone appears heavy, but it is surprisingly light. | |
Cage Key | Lost Prospect | Those She Devours | This key opens the prisoner cages. | |
Cree the Falcon | Northeastern section of The Lion's Den | A Valuable Distraction | Senior Scout Justal's hunting companion, a highly trained falcon, is quiet for now. | |
Crushed Nightshade | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | A bag containing dried, crushed nightshade plants. | |
Dark Brotherhood Note | Renna's House | The Emperor's Secret | This note is stamped with the black hand of the Dark Brotherhood. | |
Darkhammer's Amulet | Shor's Stone Mine | Unearthed | Inscription reads: "Bron Darkhammer, shield of Ysgramor. Forever will his spirit keep the unwary from the tomb of Sinmur." | |
Delver Notes | (?) | The Shackled Guardian | Use to read contents. | |
Diamond | (?) | A Diamond in the Root | A small diamond cut expertly. | |
Dwarven Puzzle Box | Avanchnzel | Dead Weight | A puzzle box of this size would contain hundreds, if not thousands, of layers to unravel. | |
Dyta's Head | Northwind Mine | Breaking the Coven | This is the Hagraven Dyta's head. | |
Empty Sack | Geirmund's Hall | Trial of the Mind | A heavy, thick sack, lined with a skin of some kind. | |
Engling's Lute | (?) | Song of Awakening | A simple lute of sturdy construction. Faint golden light plays across its strings. | |
Engraved Locket | (?) | River of Names | This locket is engraved "Amifar." | |
Eyeballs | Northwind Mine | Breaking the Coven | Fresh eyeballs collected from a corpse. | |
Fireheart's Medallion | Shor's Stone Mine | Unearthed | Inscription reads: "Jalarma Fireheart, blade of the 500. Forever will her spirit keep the unwary from the tomb of Sinmur." | |
Fjar's Interrogation Transcript | (?) | Prisoner Dilemma | Use to read contents. | |
Frostheart Blossom | On the Seven-Thousand Steps, west of Ivarstead | Where the Frostheart Grows | A beautiful blue flower that grows only in snow-bound regions. | |
Glass Sphere | (?) | Concealed Weapons | A dim white fire hangs inside the sphere. The fire grows each time the sphere is touched. | |
Glimmering Book | (?) | Guard the Knowledge | The book shines with an inner light. Faint lines of power trace away from its cover. | |
Glowfly | (?) | Problems Into Profit | These are the glowflies that Odunn asked me to catch so they can be used as fishing bait. | |
Glowing Orb | Nimalten, Thane's Hall | Concealed Weapons | A dim white fire hangs inside the sphere. The fire grows each time it's touched. | |
Goharth Ironbelly's Key | Riften Ratway | The Coven Conspiracy | A key that dropped from Goharth Ironbelly's corpse. Maybe it can open locked doors in the Ratway. | |
Gray Jar | Lieutenant Belron, Vernim Woods | Through the Shroud | This jar contains a dark sludge of moist gray chunks. | |
Guard's Skeleton Key | (?) | Approaching Thunder | A skeleton key procured off one of Fullhelm's soldiers through "charming" means. | |
Hagraven Ward | Northwind Mine, Prisoner Gnarled-Root | Scouting the Mine | This ward stuns Hagravens within Northwind Mine for a brief time. | |
Hagraven Ward | Northwind Mine | Breaking the Coven | This ward stuns Hagravens within Northwind Mine for a brief time. | |
Hakra Fragment | (?) | Tomb Beneath the Mountain | The stone appears heavy, but it surprisingly light. | |
Hakra Shard | (?) | Tomb Beneath the Mountain | This sliver of stone contains part of Hakra's essence. | |
Hald's Interrogation Transcript | (?) | Prisoner Dilemma | Use to read contents. | |
Half-Rotten Salmon | (?) | Pulled Under | The smashed, rotten remains of a salmon. The fishhook lodged in its jaw suggests a search of the Riften docks. | |
Handkerchief | (?) | River of Names | This has the names "Svein" and "Viri" embroidered on it. | |
Healing Bandages | (?) | Soldier Down | These bandages stink of Argonian herbs. They can be used to heal injured soldiers. | |
Hilka's Interrogation Transcript | (?) | Prisoner Dilemma | Use to read contents. | |
Horn of the Companion | (?) | Shattered Hopes | This horn will summon one of Ysgramor's legendary companions. | |
Horn of the Pact | (?) | Securing the Pass | This horn summons your chosen companion. | |
Jadwiga's Head | Northwind Mine | Breaking the Coven | This is the Hagraven Jadwiga's head. | |
Josseline's Letter | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | A letter written by Josseline Sidrey to a fellow cultist. | |
Kalodar's Letter | (?) | Kalodar's Farewell | Use to read contents. | |
Kindling | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | Use these fallen branches as fuel for fires around Forelhost. | |
Kraig's Heart | Vernim Woods | Gift of the Worm | A wet, pulpy knot of thorns coat the heart. | |
Letter to Raerana | (?) | Blood Upon the Soil | Use to read contents. | |
Lost Notes | (?) | The Shackled Guardian | This is a page of lost notes I recovered from the Worm Cult. | |
Lucrative Opportunity In Eastmarch | Riften Ratway | The Coven Conspiracy | This flier describes a lucrative opportunity for workers in Eastmarch. Interested parties are directed to report to the Grinning Horker inn. | |
Lump of Pig Iron | (?) | Pulled Under | A lump of rust-colored pig iron. The closest source of pig iron is the Scorched Hammer smithy in Riften. | |
Lurcher Wards | Boulderfall Paass | Smoke on the Horizon | These simple totemic symbols seem to cast a faint, dim light. | |
Madman's Chalice | The Lion's Den | Madness in the Rift | A pewter goblet engraved with faces in varying states of joy, sorrow, and despair. | |
Magical Wine | Fort Greenwall | Drink, Drink, and Be Merry | This wine is clearly magically infused. | |
Northwind Mine Key | Northwind Mine, Alona's Sanctum | Scouting the Mine | This is the key to open the door leading into Northwind Mine. | |
Note from Gullveig | (?) | Approaching Thunder | This brief note, written in a bold, impatient hand, was found among the papers in Housecarl Thorulf's desk. | |
Odanach's Heart | Vernim Woods | Gift of the Worm | A wet, pulpy knot of thorns coats the heart. | |
Or Else | (?) | Pulled Under | Use to read contents. | |
Ornate Globe | Vernim Woods | Dangerous Union | This is a glass sphere with a strange liquid swirling inside. | |
Ornate Globe | Vernim Woods | Dangerous Union | This is a glass sphere with a strange liquid inside. | |
Package for Sarisa | Riften | All's Fair | A gift from the merchant Bar-Neeus. | |
Pact Amulet | (?) | Names of the Fallen | This amulet is inscribed with the name of the fallen soldier. | |
Pale Dagger | Vernim Woods | Dangerous Union | A polished white dagger. Runes are etched deeply into the blade. | |
Pale Dagger | Vernim Woods | Dangerous Union | A polished white dagger with symbols etched into the blade. | |
Poisoned Mead | Geirmund's Hall | Trial of the Spirit | This stein is filled with a darkly colored and aromatic mead. | |
Practical Necromancy | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | A well-thumbed book of necromantic rituals. A cracked leather strap marks a page. | |
Prayer Beads | Fallowstone Hall | The Rise of Sage Svari | A set of prayer beads used to honor past Companions at Fallowstone shrines. | |
Pure-Water Talisman | Shor's Stone | Beneath the Stone | This small magical focus exudes a calming, cleansing aura. | |
Report on Training | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | Use to read contents. | |
Rift Mammoth Steaks | Treva's Farm, Giant Camp | Salty Meats | Steaks this thick can only be acquired from the savage mammoths native to The Rift. | |
Rotting Heart | Vernim Woods | Gift of the Worm | A wet, pulpy knot of thorns coats the heart. | |
Sack | Geirmund's Hall | Trial of the Mind | The mirror is inside this sack. | |
Sack | Geirmund's Hall | Trial of the Mind | The sack now contains water. It is thick enough that the water does not leak out. | |
Sack | Geirmund's Hall | Trial of the Mind | The map is inside this sack. | |
Sack of Salt | East of Treva's Farm | Salty Meats | A heavy sack of curing salt. | |
Salvaged Goods | (?) | Aiding Sigunn | The sack holds goods which belonged to Sigunn before the giants attacked him. | |
Sanctum Key | Northwind Mine, Prisoner Tovisa | Scouting the Mine | This is the key that opens the door to Alona's sanctum. | |
Scent-of-Graves' Report | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | Use to read contents. | |
Secret Door Key | Shor's Stone Mine | Unearthed | Key to a hidden mining tunnel. | |
Shard of Wuuthrad | Lost Prospect | Those She Devours | A shard of the ancient axe Wuuthrad, shattered by the Worm Cult. | |
Shroud Hearth Scroll | Shroud Hearth Barrow | Dragon Lore: Shroud Hearth | An ancient scroll with techniques for fighting Dragons. | |
Signet Ring | (?) | River of Names | This signet ring is engraved with the name "Hadriss." | |
Treva's Mammoth Horn | Treva's Farm | The Farmer's Champion | This ancient horn is slightly cracked but supposedly will stun a mammoth. | |
Unsent Letter | (?) | River of Names | This letter is addressed to "Zakhal of Mara." | |
Uracaile's Heart | (?) | Gift of the Worm | A wet, pulpy knot of thorns coats the heart. | |
White Moon Tea | (?) | Pulled Under | This soothing tea from Elsweyr may calm Yiri's nerves. | |
Winter's Bite | (?) | Returning Winter's Bite | An ancient relic of the Companions. | |
Winter's Hammer | (?) | Finding Winter's Hammer | An ancient relic of the Companions. | |
Wuuthrad Shard | Forelhost | A Walk Above the Clouds | A shard of Wuuthrad, the famed axe of Ysgramor. | |
Wuuthrad Shard | (?) | The Thunder Breaks | A shard of Wuuthrad, the famed axe of Nord hero Ysgramor. | |
Wuuthrad's Haft | (?) | Shattered Hopes | The haft of the legendary axe, Wuuthrad. |
Item | Location(s) | Quest | Description | |
Alit's Heart | (?) | Shadowfen Smorgasbord | This foul-smelling lump of knotted muscle is heavy in your hands. | |
Ancient Book | (?) | The Tree-Minder's Fate | This book's pages are burnt and torn, but they tell the story of a peaceful Argonian hamlet untouched by the terrors of war. | |
Ancient Sword | Loriasel | Vigil's End | This shattered iron sword, forged long ago, is unnaturally cold. | |
Antique Inkwell | Under-Root Bank | A Mother's Obsession | This porcelain inkwell bears markings from the College of Sapiarchs, but its make is oddly amateurish for High Elven crafts. | |
Argonian Dancing Leathers | Stormhold | Reeling in Recruits | The decorative stitching and bead-craft on this garment make it a true work of art. | |
Argonian Egg | Hatching Pools, beneath the Hist Tree | Keepers of the Shell | Its slick surface pulses with the rhythm of life. | |
Argonian Nightmare Idol | Chid-Moska Ruins | Ruthless Competition | The ancient statue appears to be hollow. Something was removed from inside the idol. | |
Argonian Remains | Loriasel | The Swamp's Embrace | This is the lamia's "trophy." It's a hunk of Argonian flesh. | |
Ayleid Key | Listens-to-Water's Hut | Getting to the Truth | This key taken from Listens-to-Water's home unlocks an entrance to some Ayleid ruins. | |
Ayleid relic | Temple of Sul | Captured Time | This relic is warm to the touch and hums with latent energy. | |
Bellael Keystone | Loriasel | The Dream of the Hist | This is a shard of a Keystone from White Rose Prison. It somehow manifested within the Hist's dream. | |
Blackguard Map | Stormhold | The Cursed Skull | The complete map shows the location of the Blackguards' transport. | |
Blessed Vessel | Deep Graves | Broken Apart | This elaborate vessel is cold to the touch. It vibrates with energy. | |
Blue Puzzle Stone | Sunscale Strand | Buried in the Past | This pale, blue stone has an inscription: a white snowflake surrounded by a corona of energy. | |
Broken Gold Necklace | Camp Crystal Abattoir | Missing Son | This carved medallion is affixed to twisted gold links. It bears the name "Wideem-Voh." | |
Broken Haft | Forsaken Hamlet | The Tree-Minder's Fate | The haft of this staff was formed from the branch of a Hist tree. | |
Bulging Purse | Cold-Blood Cavern | The Missing Prophecy | Glittering gold coins spill out of this purse like water from a fountain. A pity they're all cursed. | |
Ceremonial Sap Bowl | Atanaz Ruins | Give and Take in Shadowfen | A well-worn but beautifully crafted wooden bowl. Painted scenes of Argonian life cover the sides. | |
Colored Glass | Zuuk | King of Dust | This simple piece of colored glass can be embedded in Drillk's crown in place of a gem. | |
Crystal Phial | Atanaz Ruins | Strength of the Father | The phial is filled with a clear liquid that slowly replenishes when emptied. | |
Crystallized Fire Salts | Murkwater | Scales of Retribution | These fire salts have grown additional crystals due to Shadowfen's humid environment. | |
Daedric Urn | Broken Tusk | Will of the Broken | The surface of this Daedric urn is cool to the touch. | |
Dominion Bedroll | Camp Silken Snare | Saving the Relics | This is a stained bedroll from the Dominion camp in Bogmother. | |
Drillk's Crown | Zuuk | King of Dust | This simple crown was pieced together from discarded materials. | |
Drillk's Hammer | Zuuk | King of Dust | This smithing hammer is quite plain, but obviously functional. | |
Enchanted Container | (?) | A Poisoned Heart | This container is made from a wasp husk and vibrates with magical energy. | |
Enchanted Container | (?) | A Poisoned Heart | This container was constructed from a wasp husk. | |
Enchanted Container | North of Hissmir | A Poisoned Heart | Dangerous poison swirls within the container. | |
Energized Daedric Soul Totem | Odious Chapel | The Thin Ones | This totem is now energized: it will protect its wielder from the Daedric energy of the Soul Gem Array. | |
Engraved Locket | East of Camp Crystal Abattoir | A Life of Privilege | Several names are engraved into the metal. They look Dunmer in origin. | |
Erranenen's Lute | West of Alten Corimont | Threefold Folly | This is a exquisitely crafted lute belonging to Erranenen. | |
Erranza's Remains | White Rose Prison Dungeon | The Ones Left Behind | This sack holds Erranza's remains along with a small heart-shaped locket which opens to reveal a small painting of her children. | |
Eyes of the Queen Only | Ten-Maur-Wolk | Hushed Whispers | Use to read contents. | |
Fang of Sithis | (?) | Pull the Last Fang | This relic does not, at first glance, look like a fang, but when you stare at its smooth, egg-like shape, an incongruent sharpness becomes evident. | |
Fang of Sithis | (?) | Pull the Last Fang | This Fang of Sithis is identical to the first one, but the energy inside its egg shape is more apparent. | |
Fenlord Icon | Given to you by Zahra in the Gandranen Ruins if you intimidate her | Riches Beyond Measure | Tiny lines crisscross its surface. Close inspection reveals minute writing in an unknown script. | |
Fire Salts | (?) | Scales of Retribution | This saline deposit is highly flammable. | |
Food Scraps | (?) | Schism | Use this unpleasant mixture of rotting vegetables, bread, and meat to distract Goblins. | |
Fragmented Stopper | (?) | A Stranger Uninvited | This fragmented stopper pulses with power. | |
Fragmented Urn | (?) | A Stranger Uninvited | This ancient urn pulses with power. | |
Gathotar's Amulet | (?) | Catch the Lightning | This hunk of dark stone was fashioned into a simple amulet. | |
Gathotar's Amulet | (?) | Catch the Lightning | The amulet crackles with wamasu lightning energy. | |
Giant Wasp Larva | Wasp Nests across the Hatching Pools | Outside Interference | This slippery, fist-sized egg quivers slightly at your touch. | |
Gnaw-Root Goblin Totem | (?) | Schism | This totem's central staff is covered in bones and feathers. | |
Gnaw-Root Goblin Totem | (?) | Schism | The totem's central staff is covered in bones and feathers. | |
Gnaw-Root Goblin Totem | (?) | Schism | Use the totem to get the Goblin's attention by planting it in the ground before them. | |
Gordag's journal | Atanaz Ruins | Strength of the Father | Use to read contents. | |
Green Puzzle Stone | (?) | Buried in the Past | This greenish stone is inscribed with a hieroglyph shaped like a serpent's fang dripping with poison. | |
Gristly-Boned Fetish | Atanaz Ruins | Give and Take in Shadowfen | A totem crafted from dried bone, feathers, and sinew. Despite its age, the fetish has bits of fresh gristle worked into its weaving. | |
Guar Berries | (?) | Unbridled Wealth | Sweet-smelling berries beloved by Wades-In-Muck. | |
Hidden-Hands' Journal | (?) | Of Dubious Value | This dirty, folded journal recounts the trials and tribulations of someone named Hidden-Hands. A recent entry claims a High Elf pilgrim refused to purchase stolen Hissmir relics. | |
Hideout Key | (?) | Last One Standing | This small, bronze key has a patina from age and seawater. | |
Hissmir Relics | (?) | Of Dubious Value | These relics belong to the Root Stewards of Hissmir. | |
Hist Amber | (?) | Dreams From the Hist | This is a piece of amber created from Hist sap. It's inscribed with ancient Argonian symbols. | |
Hist Amber | (?) | Dreams From the Hist | This chunk of Hist amber displays carved runes, but time has blurred their edges. | |
Hist Key | (?) | The Fangs of Sithis | Though formed by the mingling of three colors, this ancient stone appears translucent. | |
Hold Key | (?) | Pull the Last Fang | This large key features a crudely carved skull. It should fit in a large lock. | |
Indistinct Idol | Atanaz Ruins | Give and Take in Shadowfen | An unsettling idol covered in an oily sheen. It is unnaturally cool to the touch. | |
Iron-Kettle Runestone | (?) | A Last Reminder | A simple but well made stone covered in Nord runes and bearing the name Hodmar Iron-Kettle. | |
Jewelry Box | (?) | A Life of Privilege | The box holds several loose gemstones and earrings. | |
Kagouti Ribs | (?) | Shadowfen Smorgasbord | The strong ribs of the kagouti are attached to some tender meat. | |
Knight's Shield | Loriasel | Vigil's End | This battered, rusted shield was once used by an Ayleid knight. | |
Kothringi Axe | (?) | Trials of the Burnished Scales | This is a painted wooden replica of a Kothringi axe. | |
lanceata pholiota | Mushroom Cave, Percolating Mire | Clarity | This large mushroom is used in Argonian rituals. | |
Leather-Bound Tome | Lair of the Skin-Stealer | The Skin-Stealer's Lair | The book is heavy and cold, as if it were made of lead. Use to read contents. | |
List of Argonians | Stormhold | The Cursed Skull | A list containing the names of the local Argonians that Jee-Lar suggested I interview. | |
List of Instructions | Dominion Camps at the Hatching Pools, in a cart next to a Strange Device | Outside Interference | This list of instructions is signed "Alchemist Ruuvitar." | |
List of Names | Stormhold Guild Hall, Fighters Guild | Three Tender Souls | This list contains the names of the relatives of murder victims: Dendras Indalor, Gethis Omobar, and Tiiril Alor. | |
Lost Key | (?) | The Tree-Minder's Fate | This key belonged to the Tree-Minder. It unlocks something in the hamlet. | |
Maldur's Heart | (?) | Cold-Blooded Revenge | This still-warm heart belonged to the Dominion leader who slaughtered the hamlet's Argonians. | |
Medical Supplies | White Rose Prison | And Throw Away The Key | This sack bulges with dozens of clean bandages, jars of salve, and a saw. | |
Metal Band | (?) | King of Dust | This band of metal is flexible enough to be bent into a circlet. | |
Mortuary Key | Riverside Markets smithy, Stormhold | Three Tender Souls | Gethis Omobar provided this key to Stormhold's mortuary. If I'm able to examine the bodies, he hopes I'll find clues leading to the killer. | |
Mudcrab Claw Meat | (?) | Shadowfen Smorgasbord | The uncooked claw meat of the mudcrab smells sweet. | |
Nimble-Knuckles' bow | (?) | Missing in the Mire | This is Nimble-Knuckles' bow, a battle-scarred but serviceable weapon. | |
Namira's Hand | (?) | Deep Disturbance | This corrupted artifact was placed near the Hist Tree to corrupt it. | |
Namira's Hand | (?) | Deep Disturbance | Use this relic to interrupt Namira's minions at the high ritual site. | |
Neelo's Notes | East of the Stormhold Wayshrine | Of Knives and Long Shadows | This damp, leatherbound bundle contains all of Neelo's notes on the Daedric artifact. | |
Nuzal's Remains | White Rose Prison Dungeon | The Ones Left Behind | This sack holds various small bones together with a burnt leather bracelet enbossed [sic] with the letter "N." | |
Ornate Ceremonial Dagger | (?) | A Life of Privilege | This small knife is decorated in the style of the Houses of Morrowind. | |
Phial of Hist Sap | Hatching Pools | Outside Interference | A small amount of viscous fluid in a stoppered phial. | |
Poultice | Hatching Pools | Outside Interference | This linen bandage has a medicinal smell to it. | |
Rabeen-Eii's Letter | (?) | Lost to the Mire | This letter is stained with mud and ink spots. | |
Recruitment Handbill | Stormhold Wayshrine | Reeling in Recruits | A stack of handbills calling adventurers to explore the wonders of Murkmire. | |
Red Puzzle Stone | (?) | Buried in the Past | This red puzzle stone is pitted and charred, as if by flame. The sigil inscribed on it looks like a beating heart. | |
Relleis Lor Keystone | (?) | The Dream of the Hist | This is a shard of the Keystone from Murkwater. It somehow manifested within the Hist's dream. | |
Relleis Lor keystone | (?) | Scales of Retribution | This powerful Ayleid relic can allegedly tap into the power of Loriasel's ruins. | |
Ritual Potion | (?) | Deep Disturbance | This mixture contains the blood sacs and venom of creatures from Xal Ithix's bog. They've been mixed with herbs and other simples. | |
Root Rot Poison | (?) | Trials of the Burnished Scales | This poison slowly damages whoever drinks it. Its effects eventually dissipate. | |
Sanguine's Goblet | (?) | Foreign Vintage | An ornate drinking vessel. | |
Sanguine's Reserve | (?) | Life of the Party | A viscous red wine. | |
Scrap of Red Cloth | (?) | Of Dubious Value | This torn scrap of fabric came from the cart that carried the Root Stewards' artifacts. It might be from the thief's clothing. | |
Scroll of Release | (?) | King of Dust | This scroll is freshly scribed and tied with a ribbon in the colors of the Aldmeri flag. | |
Sedormis Keystone | (?) | The Dream of the Hist | This is a shard of the Keystone from Zuuk somehow manifested within the Hist's dream. | |
Seriweed Elixir | Atanaz Ruins | Strength of the Father | This antidote is made from the broad, green leaves of the seriweed bush. | |
Shadow Cowl | Cold-Blood Cavern | The Missing Prophecy | A thick satin cowl, dyed black as midnight. Putting it on would be unwise. | |
Shadowscale's Journal | (?) | Three Tender Souls | Use to read contents. | |
Shadowscale's Whistle | (?) | Scales of Retribution | This whistle is carved from a humanoid metacarpal bone. | |
Shol Relic | Bogmother | Saving the Relics | This relic bears a cryptic design. Though the carving has mostly worn away, a claw reaching toward the stone's edge is still recognizable. | |
Shrine Key | (?) | The Thin Ones | This key opens the door to the Daedric ruin under the hill behind Stillrise Village. | |
Signal Scent | (?) | The Swamp's Embrace | Use this near any Argonian body within the lamia caves in Loriasel. It will alert Akeenus to its location. | |
Silverslip's Journal | Shrine of the Black Maw | Cold Blood, Old Pain | A well-used journal with worn edges and ink-drenched pages. | |
Soiled Blackguard Map Piece | Gandranen Ruins | The Cursed Skull | This mud-caked scrap of paper found beside a dead Blackguard appears to be part of a map. | |
Soul Gem Array | (?) | The Bargain's End | This powerful collection of Soul Gems holds the life energies of Stillrise Village in eternal stasis. | |
Spinning Brooch | Cold-Blood Cavern | The Missing Prophecy | A glistening ruby pin. The inlaid jewel whirls menacingly on a silver spindle. Only a great fool would handle it for long. | |
Stoppered Urn | (?) | A Stranger Uninvited | The power in this ancient urn seems contained by the stopper. | |
Stoppered Vial | Alten Corimont | Warm Welcome | This is One-Eye's "reward" for information on the Khajiit pirate in Alten Corimont. It's wrapped in sticky rags and smells sweet, like honey. | |
Swamp Mud | (?) | A Life of Privilege | This is a steaming handful of warm, viscous mud. | |
Sword Shard | Loriasel | Vigil's End | This is a small piece of a shattered sword's blade. | |
Teegya's Ruby | (?) | Unbridled Wealth | This ruby is unusually large but somewhat cloudy. | |
The Eidar Scrolls: The Merethic Cheeses, Vol 2 | (?) | Madness in Shadowfen | A sealed treatise on the creation and consumption of eldritch cheeses and ingredients. | |
The Temple of Sul | (?) | Captured Time | This book describes the Temple of Sul. It also explains how to activate the Ayleid devices within it. | |
Torn Blackguard Map Piece | Slaver Camp | The Cursed Skull | This torn scrap of paper found beside a Blackguard corpse contains a piece of a map. | |
Torn Red Shirt | (?) | Of Dubious Value | The lower edge of this shirt is torn. Its freshly frayed edges indicate the damage occurred recently. | |
Tree-Minder's Staff | (?) | The Tree-Minder's Fate | Use the Tree-Minder's staff to subdue weakened Argonian spirits. | |
Tree-Minder's Staff | (?) | The Tree-Minder's Fate | The restored Tree-Minder's staff looks grown rather than carved. You feel it brimming with strange energy. | |
Tsith Relic | Bogmother | Saving the Relics | This stone relic's edges have been blurred by time. | |
Umoj Relic | Bogmother | Saving the Relics | This relic has a pattern in faded blue paint, visible mainly in the stone's pores. It forms the outline of a bird thrust upon a stake. | |
Vacant Daedric Soul Totem | (?) | The Thin Ones | This totem must be energized before it can protect its wielder from the Daedric energy of the Soul Gem Array. | |
Vial of Hist Sap | (?) | Trials of the Burnished Scales | This small vial of sticky fluid represents Hist sap. | |
Wasp Eggs | (?) | Shadowfen Smorgasbord | These strange, mottled eggs seem to be buzzing with life. | |
Wasp Husk | West of Deep Graves | A Poisoned Heart | This is the outer shell of a large wasp, it's very durable. | |
Xaloc Relic | Bogmother | Saving the Relics | This carved stone shard features an Argonian holding a stylized tree branch. | |
Xthari Elixir | Atanaz Ruins | Strength of the Father | This antidote is made from the orange petals of the xthari flower. | |
Zaht Stone Gems | (?) | Trials of the Burnished Scales | These painted, colorful rocks resemble smooth oblong gems. | |
Zarukhari's Remains | White Rose Prison Dungeon | The Ones Left Behind | This sack holds various small bones together, along with a broken locket engraved with the letter "Z" and a torn cloth doll. |
Item | Location(s) | Quest | Description | |
Alchemical Draught | (?) | From the Wastes | This small flask contains an alchemical healing draught. | |
Alchemical Draughts | (?) | From the Wastes | This small flask contains an alchemical healing draught. | |
Argonian Egg | Given by Sings-With-Reed at the Dagger's Point Invasion Camp | The Coral Heart | These eggs are the spawn of an Argonian named Sings-With-Reed. | |
Argonian Talisman | (?) | Through the Aftermath | This necklace of bone and feathers glimmers with an inner light. | |
Ash Basil Leaf | Vivec's Antlers | Bug Off! | Taking a whiff of this strong-smelling leaf makes your nostrils sting and your eyes water. | |
Ashreeds | Ebonheart, Argonian Quarter | The Sapling | This small bundle of stiff, inflexible reeds could be woven together to protect one's head (or a Hist sapling) from the elements. | |
Bag of Awakening the Dead | (?) | Quieting a Heart | A bag filled with dust, bits of bone, dried blood, and other strange reagents. | |
Bag of Lavender Oil | (?) | From the Wastes | This pouch of medicinal oil is used as an antiseptic. | |
Balmora Blue Wine | (?) | Waylaid Wine Merchant | This wine bottle bears the seal of the Balmora Blue vineyards. | |
Bleiger's Tentacle | (?) | Savages of Stonefalls | This is the severed tentacle of the vicious netch, Bleiger. There might be a reward for killing him. | |
Blessed Oil | Dagger's Point Invasion Camp | Cleansing the Past | With these blessed oils from Priestess Brela, you can consecrate the skeletal remains throughout Vivec's Antlers. | |
Blessed Torch | Ebonheart | Night of the Soul | A flaming torch, blessed for use in Tribunal rituals. | |
Bottle of Alto Wine | Davon's Watch | Exquisite Tears | This is a terrible, terrible wine. Only the most desperate drinkers would swill it. | |
Bottle of Fake Wine | Davon's Watch | Exquisite Tears | This Tears of Amaya bottle is filled with something that smells like Alto Wine. | |
Caalorne's Potions | (?) | Darkvale Brews | The potions in the container have a soft green color, and smell earthy and bitter, with a hint of citrus. | |
Candle | Fort Virak | Evening the Odds | Use this candle to light Serien's books of necromancy on fire. | |
Captain Adrana's Sacred Dagger | (?) | Through the Aftermath | This ornate dagger is stained with its owner's blood. | |
Captain Adrana's Skull | (?) | Through the Aftermath | This skull is plated with small pieces of ornately carved copper. | |
Captain Rysari's Charm | (?) | Through the Aftermath | This carved symbol is a rough depiction of some nameless Chimer house-god. | |
Captain Rysari's Skull | (?) | Through the Aftermath | Her skull is wired together with fine strands of silver wire. | |
Caught Lizard | Ebonheart, Argonian Quarter | Taking the Tower | Use this lizard to create a distraction. | |
Caught Wharf Rat | Davon's Watch | Exquisite Tears | Use this rat to create a distraction. | |
Charred Notes | Crow's Wood | A Son's Promise | These are Rulantaril's notes about Crow's Wood, but some of them have been charred from a fire. | |
Closing Performance Notes | House Dres Crypts, Kragenmoor | This One's a Classic | Use to read contents. | |
Consecrated Ashes | Tormented Spire | Climbing the Spire | These are the ashes Tanval Indoril collected. Use them to summon the Daedric gatekeeper of Tormented Spire. | |
Coral Heart | Coral Heart Chamber | The Coral Heart | This artifact has a barely visible piece of metal gleaming between layers of coral. | |
Daedra Heart | Looted from scamps and clannfear at Ash Mountain | Restoring the Guardians | This is the grisly heart culled from an Ash Mountain Daedra. | |
Daedric Key | Tormented Spire | Sadal's Final Defeat | This key, marked by a House Telvanni insignia, lowers the final ward restraining the Brother of Strife. | |
Dagger | Daen Seeth Dolmen | The Fate of a Friend | This dagger was found on the body of Stands-In-Still-Water. It bears his sigil. | |
Dark Orange Potion | Lukiul Uxith | Enlightenment Needs Salt | This potion smells sour. | |
Dazzling Pin | From Breda | Lava Foot Stomp | A tiny pin worn by those participating in the Lava Foot Stomp. | |
Drelden's Whistle | Senie | Percussive Ranching | Use this whistle near a beaten, friendly kwama to order it to return home to Drelden. | |
Drelden's Whistle | Senie | Percussive Ranching | Use this whistle near a beaten kwama to order it home to Drelden. | |
Dwarven Relic | Inner Sea Armature | Dwarven Relics of Stonefalls | Either an obscure Dwarven relic that could provide information about a long lost society, or a useless piece of junk. | |
Edvilda's Log Book | Above Steamfont Cavern | A Mother's Obsession | Edvilda's travel log from her trip to Steamfont. | |
Empty Potion Bottle | (?) | Restoring Order | According to the label, an apothecary in Wayrest brewed this. | |
Essence of Fire | (?) | The Brothers Will Rise | This spark of Daedric energy writhes and twists, furiously trying to escape. | |
Essence of Wrath | (?) | The Brothers Will Rise | This spark of Daedric energy writhes and twists, desperately trying to escape. | |
Etheric Totem | (?) | The Curse of Heimlyn Keep | This mystical totem wards off the effects of Heimlyn Keep's curse. | |
Faryon's Ashes | (?) | Divine Favor | This small guar-leather pouch contains a pinch of Faryon's cremated remains. | |
Fertilizer | (?) | The Sapling | This small gobbet of mudcrab meat is wrapped in ashreeds. | |
Fetish Statue | Buying the Religious Fetish Statue from Zahshur. | The Fetish | This obscene obsidian figurine is of uncertain origin. | |
Firesap Gel | (?) | Desperate Souls | This container of thick red gel emanates heat. | |
Flash Powder | (?) | Taking the Tower | Throw this powder into an open fire to create a noisy display. | |
Flasks of Blinding Light | (?) | The Venom of Ahknara | Use these flasks of blinding light to reveal assassins in Fort Arand. | |
Focus of Binding | Tormented Spire | Opening the Portal | This focus stone is of Daedric origin. It hums quietly with energy. | |
Focus of Flame | Tormented Spire, south side of the caldera | Opening the Portal | This focus stone is obviously of Daedric origin. It's sheathed in an aura of fire. | |
Focus of Wrath | Tormented Spire | Opening the Portal | This focus stone is of Daedric origin. Air warps around the edges of the stone. | |
Follow-Up Performance Notes | (?) | This One's a Classic | Use to read contents. | |
General Radrathren's Necklace | (?) | Through the Aftermath | This ancient necklace is made up of metal plates deftly woven together. | |
General Radrathren's Skull | (?) | Through the Aftermath | This skull has likely only survived because of the fine gold plates ornamentally bolted to its surface. | |
General Serien's Orders | (?) | Suspicious Silence | A scroll detailing some of the Covenant's plans in Stonefalls. | |
Glitter Prank Kit | Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls | Prankster's Carnival | A prank kit that includes a book fixed to burst with glitter when opened. | |
Graven Caps | Othrenis | Quieting a Heart | This mushroom smells strangely sweet. | |
Guar Harness | Othrenis | Recovering the Guar | These heavy leather straps and yokes are used to attach a mine cart to a guar for towing. | |
Guar Prod | (?) | A Gathering of Guar | Use this prod on tame guar to send it back to the guar herder. | |
Gurlisk's Head | (?) | Savages of Stonefalls | This is the severed head of the savage clannfear known as Gurlisk. There might be a reward for killing it. | |
Heartstone | (?) | Window on the Past | This stone is humming with power. Heat sizzles across its surface. | |
Hedranna's Artifact | (?) | Undermined | Use this artifact in the presence of Ziddak's Ashlanders. An Ashlander wise woman named Hedranna Kaliki provided it. | |
Herbal Antidote | (?) | Peril at the Pools | This is a small bottle of foul-smelling liquid. The Covenant captain claimed it would cure the poison he used on Saalu. | |
Homemade Scarf | Above Steamfont Cavern | A Mother's Obsession | A colorful yarn scarf, several knitting errors that add a certain charm to its construction. | |
House Dres Spire Key | (?) | Sadal's Final Defeat | This key, marked by a House Dres insignia, lowers the wards protecting Tormented Spire. | |
House Telvanni Spire Key | (?) | Climbing the Spire | This key, marked by a House Telvanni insignia, will open the final ward containing the Brother of Strife. | |
Idol of the Hollow Moon | (?) | An Unwanted Twin | This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow. | |
Idol of the Hollow Moon | (?) | An Unwanted Twin | This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow. | |
Idol of the Hollow Moon | (?) | Shattering Mirror | This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow. | |
Idol of the Hollow Moon | (?) | Shattering Mirror | This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow. | |
Khajiit Idol | (?) | Shattering Mirror | This carved amalgam of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon was chiseled across the brow. | |
Kwama Cap | (?) | Giving for the Greater Good | This is a small sample of kwama cap, a rare mushroom. | |
Kwama-Grease Candle | (?) | Rending Flames | This is a simple white candle rendered from the fat of a subterranean insect. | |
Letter to Vahara | (?) | A Story Told in Footprints | "Should this find you, know that J'kur never suffered in this place. Only his flesh knew pain. His mind was curled under our tree with you." | |
Mota Fang | (?) | A Storm Broken | This bone knife is extremely sharp. | |
Mudcrab Apples | (?) | A Noble Guest | A bag of small, smelly apples that not many people would consider appetizing. | |
Mudcrab Meat | (?) | The Sapling | This small chunk of white, fishy-smelling mudcrab flesh would be the perfect fertilizer for a growing sapling. | |
Mug of Mead | (?) | A Bit of Sport | This unusually powerful Nord mead is brewed in the town of Riften. | |
Necrotic Hand | (?) | Breaking Fort Virak | The soldier's hand is covered in necrotic patches, having rotted for several days. | |
Nedic Heart | (?) | The Brothers Will Rise | This is the still-beating heart of your enemy. | |
Nerathren's Ashes | (?) | Divine Favor | This small guar-leather pouch contains a pinch of Nerathren's cremated remains. | |
Non-Standard Techniques | (?) | The Truth about Spiders | Use to read contents. | |
Note from Captain Dunveril | (?) | Aggressive Negotiations | Use to read contents. | |
Obsidian Husk | Fungal Grotto II | Lighting the Shadows | This unwieldy stone is warm to the touch. | |
Old Bandages | (?) | Breaking Fort Virak | The bandages, found on the mortal wounds of a Covenant soldier, are caked with blood that has been dried for days. | |
Opening Performance Notes | (?) | This One's a Classic | Use to read contents. | |
Ornskar's Heart | (?) | The Brothers Will Rise | This is the still-beating heart of General Ornskar. | |
Pickaxe | (?) | Close the Scamp Caves | Use this pickaxe to destroy the column bracing the scamp cave entrances. | |
Pickaxe | (?) | Undermined | Use this pickaxe to destroy the support beams bracing the Ashlanders' tunnel. | |
Poppy Extract | (?) | From the Wastes | This pouch of floral oil is used to dull the pain of wounds. | |
Pouch | (?) | Rending Flames | This pouch is filled with tiny silver stones. | |
Pouch of Aloe Extract | (?) | From the Wastes | This pouch of ointment is used to soothe burns. | |
Putrid Eye | (?) | Breaking Fort Virak | This eye, rotting for days, fell out while examining a dead Covenant soldier. | |
Repellent Candle | Davon's Watch | Bug Off! | A pungent odor surrounds this sturdy dreugh wax candle. | |
Roland's Tears | Disciple Sildras at the Tribunal Temple | Night of the Soul | This is an extremely rare variety of the common gold kanet flowers of Morrowind. Roland's tears are sacred to the Almsivi. | |
Serien's Additional Orders | (?) | Suspicious Silence | A scroll detailing some of the Covenant's plans in Stonefalls. | |
Serien's Further Orders | (?) | Suspicious Silence | A scroll detailing some of the Covenant's plans in Stonefalls. | |
Shalk Chitin | (?) | Proving Trust | This husk is from a giant beetle. It's reputed by Argonians to be of medicinal value. | |
Shalk Poultices | (?) | Proving Trust | A stack of poultices made from ground shalk chitin and a variety of pungent Argonian herbal remedies. | |
Silver Arrowhead | (?) | Decree of the Court | This sharp, pointed arrowhead is tipped with silver. | |
Silver Buckle | (?) | Decree of the Court | This belt buckle has a silvery gleam. | |
Silver Dagger | (?) | Decree of the Court | This is a monster hunter's silver dagger. It's far too damaged to be of any use. | |
Silver Ring | (?) | Decree of the Court | This ring is a simple silver band. | |
Skull | (?) | Rending Flames | This humanoid skull was painted a dark shade of red. | |
Skull of Nam Indoril | House Indoril Crypt | Legacy of the Ancestors | This ancient skull has been engraved with numerous runes. | |
Slime Prank Kit | Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls | Prankster's Carnival | A kit made by Soars-in-Laughter that is fixed to unleash a flood of slime when activated. | |
Smoky Pendant | (?) | Through the Aftermath | This pendant seems to have a dark cloud swirling within it. | |
Spectral Essence | (?) | The Curse of Heimlyn Keep | This ectoplasm was harvested from a slain specter's remains. | |
Spider-Venom Wine | Mephala's Nest | Getting the Band Together | A thick, poisonous vintage fermented in the Spiral Skein. | |
Storm Talisman | Given by Walks-in-Ash at the Daedric ruins on the northeastern side of Ash Mountain | The Death of Balreth | Use this talisman to weaken Balreth in Ash Mountain. | |
Strange Elixir | (?) | Enlightenment Needs Salt | This vial is filled with an odorless, bland liquid. | |
Stinkpot Prank Kit | Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls | Prankster's Carnival | This kit made by Soars-in-Laughter is fixed to release a smelly cloud when activated. | |
Superior Dreugh Wax | Vivec's Antlers, The Matron's Clutch | Bug Off! | A natural dreugh secretion, this wax is known for making hardy candles. | |
Tainted Heart | (?) | The Curse of Heimlyn Keep | This dead heart was harvested from a corpse. | |
Tears of Amaya | (?) | Exquisite Tears | This wine is one of the finest vintages in Vvardenfell. It's made from grapes that only grow along the shores of Lake Amaya. | |
The Nightlight | Crow's Wood | Madness in Stonefalls | This lamp glows in darkness without any flame or fuel. The shadows it casts cavort and dance in unsettling patterns. | |
Tower Key | (?) | A Son's Promise | This key opens a locked tower in Crow's Wood. | |
Transformation Potion | (?) | Breaking Fort Virak | Use this potion to step into the "otherworld." | |
Valdam's Spellbook | (?) | The Wizard's Tome | This is Valdam Andoren's stolen spellbook. The tome quietly radiates power. Opening it might be risky. | |
Varnag's Head | (?) | Savages of Stonefalls | This is the severed head of the vicious nix hound known as Varnag. There might be a reward for killing him. | |
Vial of Grub Grass | (?) | Enlightenment Needs Salt | This putrid plant has liquified inside a vial. | |
Walks-in-Ash's Signal | (?) | Proving Trust | Walks-in-Ash was vague about what this signal does, but setting it off should summon her. | |
War Chief's Head | (?) | Kings of the Grotto | You're carrying the severed head of a war chief. | |
White-Gold Tower | (?) | Taking the Tower | This light white wine is known for its crisp taste and fragrant bouquet. | |
Worm Tome | (?) | Wayward Son | This tome details the occult rituals and dark concoctions used by the acolytes of the Worm Cult. |