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This is a list of Houses of Worship found in the cities and towns of Tamriel.
Aldmeri DominionEdit
- Vulkhel Guard: Temple of Auri-El — A large temple in the center of Vulkhel Guard dedicated to the chief god of the Altmer. (map)
- Elden Root: Elden Root Temple — Located at the Elden Root Temple, on an island in the lake northeast of Elden Root. (map)
- Southpoint: Cathedral of the Golden Path — A chapel in Southpoint. (map)
- Temple of the Crescent Moons — A Khajiiti temple in southern Khenarthi's Roost. (map)
- Temple of Two-Moons Dance — A Khajiiti temple in southwestern Khenarthi's Roost, just to the east of Shattered Shoals. (map)
- Temple of the Dark Moon — A ruined Khajiiti temple in western Khenarthi's Roost. (map)
- Temple of the Mourning Springs
- Arenthia: Temple to the Divines — A house of worship in the Temple District of Arenthia. (map)
- Dune: Temple of the Dance — A temple in Dune. (map)
- Rawl'kha: Rawl'kha Temple — A temple in eastern Rawl'kha, dedicated to Two-Moons Dance.
Daggerfall CovenantEdit
- Satakalaam: High Temple — A temple in Satakalaam. (map)
- Evermore: St. Pelin's Chapel — A church dedicated to Saint Pelin, one of the greatest heroes of Bangkorai. (map)
- Daggerfall: Daggerfall Cathedral — A House of the Eight in Daggerfall Trade District.
- Shornhelm: Shornhelm Chapel — The chapel of the Eight Divines in Shornhelm, found in the western part of the city. (map)
- Wayrest: Temple of the Divines — A house of worship in Wayrest Temple District. (map)
- Pariah Abbey: Pariah Abbey — A monastery dedicated to Azura in central Stormhaven, northwest of Wayrest. It was previously known as Menevia Abbey. (map)
Ebonheart PactEdit
- Mournhold: Tribunal Temple — A large temple in the northern section of Mournhold in Deshaan. (map)
- Selfora: Selfora Temple — A temple located in western Selfora.
- Iliath Temple — A Tribunal temple in western Stonefalls, northwest of Kragenmoor. (map)
- Ebonheart: Tribunal Temple — Located in western Ebonheart.
- Temple of Dibella — A house of worship dedicated to the Goddess of Beauty in Gideon. (map)
- The Great Chapel of Zenithar — A temple dedicated to Zenithar located in Leyawiin (map)
- Zenithar's Abbey — A public dungeon in Blackwood, located east of Fort Redmane. (map)
- The Hollow City: Chapel of Light — A large temple in the center of the Hollow City dedicated to Meridia. (map)
- Abbey of the Eight
- Bruma: Bruma Chapel — A chapel to the Eight Divines located in the center of Bruma.
- Gottlesfont Priory — A chapel in western Cyrodiil, northeast of Castle Brindle. (map)
- Temple of the Ancestor Moths — A temple in northeastern Cyrodiil, southeast of Kingscrest Keep and southwest of the Scroll Temple of Chim. (map)
- Temple of the One — The southwestern district of the Imperial City. (map)
- Weynon Priory — An abbey in northwestern Cyrodiil, east of Chorrol. (map)
Northern ElseweyrEdit
- Star Haven Adeptorium — A striking locale and settlement in Northern Elsweyr. (map)
- Sunspire — An ancient temple of Alkosh found in Northern Elsweyr. (map)
- Temple of the Purifying Moons — A temple that looms over the small town of Riverhold.
- Two Moons at Tenmar Temple — A temple dedicated to Jone and Jode in southeastern Northern Elsweyr. (map)
Gold Coast
- Anvil: Great Chapel of Dibella — A grandiose temple in the east of Anvil.
- Kvatch: Cathedral of Akatosh — A temple to Akatosh located in Kvatch.
The ReachEdit
- Shrine of the Hunt-Father — A shrine to Hircine located in the center of Markarth. (map)
Southern ElsweyrEdit
- Khenarthi's Breath Temple — A temple on the southern outskirts of Black Heights.
- Pridehome — A Khajiiti temple dedicated to Alkosh located in the Tenmar Forest, within Southern Elsweyr. (map)
- Monastery of Serene Harmony — A monastery found in Shimmerene. (map)
- Temple of the Divines — A house of worship and monastery in central Alinor. (map)
- Balmora Tribunal Temple — A temple and mystic store in Balmora. (map)
- Gnisis Temple — A large Tribunal Temple located in the center of Gnisis.
- Suran Temple — A two-story, Hlaalu-style temple found in Suran.
- Orsinium: Temple of Ire — A temple in Orsinium that is inhabited by priests of Trinimac. (map)