Elder Scrolls Online is a fully voiced game, and its cast includes many notable voice actors. On 23rd June 2017, ZOS developers Bill Slavicsek (Senior Writer) and Becky Ichnoski (Dialogue Coordinator) appeared on ESO Live to give an insight into the voice acting process. As of the Morrowind update, Elder Scrolls Online has 77 actors and 150,000 voiced lines. The Morrowind Chapter has over 6000 lines.
Main QuestEdit
Kate BeckinsaleEdit
Beckinsale (IMDb) takes on the role of Queen Ayrenn, the leader of the Aldmeri Dominion and Queen of the High Elves who is far more comfortable with a blade than her crown.
John CleeseEdit
Cleese (IMDb) plays Sir Cadwell, the cheerful and endearingly mad lost soul who is not afraid of anyone, even a Daedric Prince.
Alfred MolinaEdit
Molina (IMDb) takes on the role of Abnur Tharn, a wily old wizard and politician who is the head of the Empire's Elder Council, and the de facto power behind the Ruby Throne.
Lynda CarterEdit
Carter (IMDb) plays Azura, the Daedric Prince of Dusk and Dawn from Skyrim who is a popular part of Elder Scrolls lore.
Michael GambonEdit
The late Gambon (IMDb) voiced The Prophet, a mysterious blind man who guides the player through their journey to retrieve their soul.
Malcolm McDowellEdit
McDowell (IMDb) plays the key figure Molag Bal, an evil Daedric god from another plane who schemes to enslave the mortal souls of Tamriel.
Bill NighyEdit
Nighy (IMDb) joins the cast as High King Emeric, a merchant prince whose luck and determination won him the throne.
Peter StormareEdit
Stormare (IMDb) plays Jorunn the Skald-King, an unexpected monarch who led his people into an unlikely alliance.
Jim WardEdit
Ward (IMDb) voices Mannimarco, a renegade High Elf wizard exiled from the realm for raising the dead and the world's most powerful necromancer.
Jennifer HaleEdit
Hale (IMDb) appears in the role of Lyris Titanborn, a Nord half-giant, who, along with the Prophet, aids the player on their journey.
Kevin Michael RichardsonEdit
Richardson (IMDb) rounds out the cast as Sai Sahan, a noble martial artist and master swordsman.
Recurring CharactersEdit
- M'aiq the Liar's voice actor is Keith Silverstein (IMDb), who also plays Narsis Dren.
- Naryu Virian is played by Kath Soucie (IMDb).
- Raynor Vanos is played by Joseph Gatt (IMDb), who also voices Speaker Terenus and some High Elf characters.
- Razum-Dar's voice is provided by Christopher Smith (IMDb).
- Vanus Galerion's voice is provided by Taliesin Jaffe (IMDb), who also voices Vicereeve Pelidil and some High Elf characters.
- Lyranth's voice is provided by Michelle Arthur (IMDb) [1].
Orsinium CharactersEdit
- King Kurog's voice actor is JB Blanc (IMDb), who had previously played Wood Elf characters in ESO before being asked to take on the role of the Orc king.
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow is played by Mary Faber (IMDb).
Thieves Guild CharactersEdit
- Velsa from the Thieves Guild is voiced by Debra Wilson (IMDb).
- Spencer Rye is played by Travis Willingham (IMDb), who also voices Percius Loche.
Dark Brotherhood CharactersEdit
- Speaker Terenus is played by Joseph Gatt (IMDb), who previously voiced Raynor Vanos.
- Kor's voice is provided by Taliesin Jaffe (IMDb), who also voice Reman Mevavius.
Morrowind CharactersEdit
- Vivec and Revus Demnevanni are played by Robin Atkin Downes (IMDb), previously Brynjolf in Skyrim.
- Veya is played by Helen Sadler (IMDb), who also voiced Solgra.
Clockwork City CharactersEdit
- Kamid's voice is provided by Taliesin Jaffe (IMDb).
Summerset CharactersEdit
Becky Ichnoski has posted a list of Summerset voice actors on the official forums - the post can be found here.
Elsweyr CharactersEdit
- Anna Vocino - Kiseravi, Mell the Musical, Tasnasi
- Barbara Goodson - Elianna Pevengius, Jo'isi, Kideya, Thadarra
- Benjamin Diskin - Za'ji
- Brian Sommer - Mulaamnir
- Catherine Cavadini - Ezabi, Nirahni
- Cindy Robinson - Magnate Feina-Darak
- David Lodge - Nahfahlaar, General Renmus
- Emily O'Brien - Khamira, Female Khajiit Bards
- Julianne Buescher - Caska
- Kari Wahlgren - Mazza-Miri
- Kath Soucie - Janessa, Khina
- Keith Silverstein - Kargiz
- Liam O'Brien - Priest Haduras, Tamruz, Vole
- Nika Futterman - Clan Mother Tadali, Jun-Jassa
- Olivia Olson - Aeliah Renmus
- Robbie Daymond - Darkhu, Dirge Truptor, Korabi, Mojaluz, Safik
- Steve Blum - Carusian Matius, Rigurt the Brash, Zhasim
- Tara Strong - Domitia Nasica, Fralvia Celata, Nithonda, Sereyne
- Usman Ally - Zamarak
Greymoor CharactersEdit
Fennorian is played by Robbie Daymond (IMDb), and has played many smaller roles. (Dirge Truptor, Arvnir, and several Khajiit: 1 2 3 4)
Markarth CharactersEdit
- Arana is played by Laura Post (IMDb).
- Ard Caddach, Eoinrof and Kathad are played by Wes Johnson (IMDb), previously Sheogorath in Shivering Isles.
- Lady Belain is played by Larissa Gallagher. (IMdb)[1]
- Bradan is played by Billy Boyd (IMDb).
- Ardanir is played by Robbie Daymond (IMDb).
- Female Reachmen bards are played by Anna Graves (IMDb).
- Male Reachmen bards are played by Kellen Goff (IMDb).
Blackwood CharactersEdit
- Bastian Hallix is played by Griffin Puatu (IMDb).
- Mirri Elendis is played by Erin Yvette (IMDb).
- Mehrunes Dagon, Councilor Lovidicus, and Pyroturge Encratis are played by Steve French (IMDb).
- Nuxul is played by Kellen Goff (IMDb).
- Quistley Silvelle is played by Ben Diskin (IMDb).
- Female Blackwood bards are played by Jenna O'Gara (IMDb).
- Male Blackwood bards are played by Colby West (IMDb).
The Deadlands CharactersEdit
- The Anchorite is played by Erica Lindbeck (IMDb).
- Arox the Mutilator is played by Mark Whitten (IMDb).
- Hezehk, Sunel Tharyon and Fothxura are played by Kellen Goff (IMDb).
- Khazasha is played by Dawn M. Bennett (IMDb).
- Rynkyus is played by Ray Porter (IMDb).
High Isle CharactersEdit
- Lady Arabelle is played by Tasia Valenza (IMDb).
- Brahgas is played by Billy Boyd (IMDb).
- Ember is played by Elysia Rotaru (IMDb).
- Isobel Veloise is played by Laura Bailey (IMDb), who previously voiced Serana in Dawnguard.
- Duchess Elea Dufort is played by Tara Strong (IMDb).
- Aurelia Jourvel, Light-Keeper Menoit and Dralcia Keleth are played by Shelby Young (IMDb).
- Viscount Jonne Mornard, Jhaka and Ilyes Maul are played by Ray Chase (IMDb).
- Meryline Barthel is played by Anna Graves (IMDb).
- Squire Rayan, Berjo, Sentry Ennoc and Gaspar Bavette are played by Calvin Joyal (IMDb).
- Sir Nathain Galien is played by Keith Ferguson (IMDb).
- Lord Bacaro Volorus is played by Paul Guyet (IMDb)
- The nameless man singing on his boat in Gonfalon Bay is played by Billy Kametz (IMDb).
- The male High Isle bard is voiced by Tamar Greene (IMDb).
- The female High Isle bard is voiced by Rebecca Riedy (IMDb).
Lost Depths CharactersEdit
- Dhulef is voiced by Phil Lamarr (IMDb).
Firesong CharactersEdit
- Sir Stefan Mornard is voiced by Roger Craig Smith (IMDb).
- Captain Siravaen is voiced by Anna Graves (IMDb).
- Count Leonard Mornard is voiced by Jason Charles Miller (IMDb).
- Bittding is voiced by Kellen Goff (IMDb).
- Various female Bretons, Dark Elves, and High Elves in Galen are voiced by Sara Secora (IMDb).
- The male Galen bard is voiced by Andrew Frankel (IMDb).
Necrom CharactersEdit
Gold Road CharactersEdit
- Ithelia is voiced by Alix Wilton Regan (IMDb).
- Legionary Caepio, Xoryn, and Valkynaz Enuzel are played by Paul Guyet (IMDb).
Japanese Voice ActorsEdit
- High King Emeric: 藤原啓治
- Skald King Jorunn: 佐々木勝彦
- Queen Ayrenn: 本田貴子
- King Kurog gro-Orsinium: 森川智之
- Mannimarco: 平川大輔
- Lyris Titanborn: 小清水亜美
- Sir Cadwell: 立木文彦
- The Prophet: 手塚秀彰
- Abnur Tharn: 伊藤和晃
- Narsis Dren: 花輪英司
- Aelif: 品田美穂
- Molag Bal: 中村浩太郎
- Hermaeus Mora: 加藤清司
- King Fahara'jad: 間宮康弘
- Sheogorath: 白熊寛嗣
- All three of the original Powerpuff Girls actors appear in Elder Scrolls Online: E.G. Daily who played Buttercup appears in the Morrowind Chapter. Tara Strong who played Bubbles and Cathy Cavadini who played Blossom also feature in ESO. This was intentionally done by ESO's Voice-Over supervisor, Becky Ichnoski.
- At launch, every race had 8 male and 8 female voice actors. Then Becky Ichnoski worked out how to "hack" the voiceover tools to add more variety, and these tools have now been rewritten.
- According to Becky Ichnoski on ESO Live, 23rd June 2017, the Nord accent is the hardest for the voice actors to do.
See AlsoEdit
- Voice Actor pages for other Elder Scrolls games:
- Japanese voice actors