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< Elder Scrolls Online: Patch

Released on August 14 2017.

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v3.1.5 and the Horns of the Reach DLC Game Pack!

This update comes in two parts–the DLC Game Pack and the base game patch. The base game patch will be available to everyone who owns The Elder Scrolls Online and the DLC Game Pack will automatically download with it, allowing you instant access to the new content when you purchase it or activate an ESO Plus membership.

Anyone who owns ESO and has an active ESO Plus membership will also automatically have access to the Horns of the Reach DLC Game Pack. If your ESO Plus membership ends or lapses, you will no longer have access to the DLC Game Pack content and areas, but you will still have any items you earned while you had access.

In this update, you'll be able to explore and conquer two all-new 4 player dungeons – Bloodroot Forge and Falkreath Hold. These dungeons offer new item sets, Monster Masks, achievements and unique rewards!

We've also added a new Battlegrounds map – Arcane University – and a new game mode for Battlegrounds: Chaosball. Both of these are available to anyone who owns The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind. You'll also find that we've added several new Medals to support Chaosball.

The base game patch features a number of new features including updates to the Master Writ Merchant, new housing furnishings, and numerous quality of life improvements. These include customizable combat cues, new guild features, research cancelling, bankable Writ Vouchers and Alliance Points, and more. And as always, we've made several fixes and improvements to existing content as well.

You'll also note that we've added a new, separate Combat & Gameplay section to the patch notes so it's clear which changes were done in an effort to improve balance, and which changes are bug fixes or minor improvements.

We hope you enjoy this new update, which is approximately 5.8GB in size. Enjoy! (Link: here)

New Features/Updates/Big ChangesEdit

DLC Game PackEdit

New Dungeons: Bloodroot Forge & Falkreath Hold We've introduced two new four-player dungeons, available as part of the Horns of the Reach DLC Game Pack!

  • Bloodroot Forge
    • The Bloodroot Forge had been buried and hidden away for longer than any could remember, until the unification of Reachmen and Minotaur facilitated its rediscovery. Now, the fires of the ancient forge burn anew and the power emanating from it is palpable. Only blood and sacrifice to untamed nature can unlock its true potential and the Reachmen are generous in their offerings.
    • You can find the entrance to Bloodroot Forge in southern Craglorn, west of Elinhir.
  • Falkreath Hold
    • Falkreath is under attack by the combined forces of the fearsome Minotaur Domihaus the Bloody Horned and his Reachman marauder allies. This army of "beastmen" have adopted his visage when launching their attacks to inspire fear and terror, with much success. You must enter Falkreath and defend the hold as enemies pour through its broken walls set on its destruction.
    • Falkreath Hold can be reached by taking the cart in front of the Eastern Gate north-east of Elinhir.
  • Both Dungeons include a Normal version in addition to a challenging Veteran version.
  • You can acquire unique item sets, including two new Undaunted Monster Mask sets, only available within these dungeons.
  • Unique Achievement awards are available for completing these new dungeons, including:
    • A new, unique skin
    • A unique hat
    • Several titles
    • Unique housing items

New CollectiblesEdit

We've added several new collectibles that you can obtain through the Horns of the Reach DLC Game Pack.

New Item setsEdit

There are 8 new Item Sets available from the two new dungeons: Falkreath Hold and Bloodroot Forge. Each dungeon has 1 Light Armor, 1 Medium Armor, 1 Heavy Armor, and 1 Monster Mask Item Set to acquire. Note that values are for a full set of CP160 gold-quality pieces:

Falkreath HoldEdit

  • Draugr's Rest (Light)
    • (2) Max Magicka
    • (3) Magicka Recovery
    • (4) Healing Done
    • (5) When you deal damage with a fully-charged Heavy Attack, you create a circle of consecrated ground that heals you and your allies within 5 meters for 11,000 health over 10 seconds. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.
  • Pillar of Nirn (Medium)
    • (2) Max Stamina
    • (3) Weapon Critical
    • (4) Weapon Damage
    • (5) When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to create a fissure underneath the enemy after 1 second, dealing 2,000 Physical Damage to all enemies within 2.5 meters and causing them to bleed for an additional 8,000 Physical Damage over 10 seconds. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.
  • Ironblood (Heavy)
    • (2) Max Health
    • (3) Physical Resistance
    • (4) Spell Resistance
    • (5) When you take damage, you have an 8% chance to turn your blood into pure iron and gain Major Protection for 10 seconds, reducing your damage taken by 30%, but your Movement Speed is reduced by 50%. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds.
  • Domihaus (Monster)
    • (1) Max Stamina
    • (1) Max Magicka
    • (2) When you deal damage, you have a 15% chance to create either a ring of fire or a ring of molten earth around you for 10 seconds, which deals 1,000 Flame Damage or 1,000 Physical Damage every 1 second. Standing within the ring grants you 200 Spell Damage or 200 Weapon Damage. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds.

Bloodroot ForgeEdit

  • Flame Blossom (Light)
    • (2) Max Magicka
    • (3) Spell Damage
    • (4) Spell Penetration
    • (5) When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to summon a line of flame that moves forward, dealing 8,000 Flame Damage to any enemy in its path. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.
  • Blooddrinker (Medium)
    • (2) Weapon Critical
    • (3) Weapon Damage
    • (4) Weapon Critical
    • (5) Increases the damage you deal with bleed damage over time effects by 20%.
  • Hagraven's Garden (Heavy)
    • (2) Max Health
    • (3) Health Recovery
    • (4) Healing Taken
    • (5) When you take damage while under 50% Health, you summon a preservation of nature around you for 5 seconds. Any damage you take from enemies outside of the preservation is reduced by 50%, and the first time an enemy tries to enter the preservation they are knocked back 5 meters. This effect can occur once every 45 seconds.
  • Earthgore (Monster)
    • (1) Healing Done
    • (2) When you heal a friendly target that is under 50% Health you conjure a pool of quenching blood underneath them, which soaks up enemy placed effects instantly and heals all friendly targets in the area for 30,000 Health over 3 seconds. This effect can occur once every 35 seconds.

New DyeEdit

The Bloodroot Wine dye is unlocked by completing the Horns of the Reach Delver achievement.


New Battleground Game Mode: Chaos BallEdit

A new game mode is being introduced to the Battlegrounds grab bag with Chaosball added into the rotation for all maps!

  • This mode introduces a single "ball" in the game, and your team earns points by holding the ball.
  • There are no other requirements for scoring other than holding onto the ball as long as you can.
  • Holding the ball comes at a cost as the Chaosball has a stacking healing and shield debuff, as well as pulsing Oblivion damage to all allies in the area, including the ball carrier.
  • There are no Sigils of Power in this game mode.
  • The game ends when a team has scored 500 points or the match hits the 15 minute mark.

New Battleground Map: Arcane UniversityEdit

Arcane University is now available as a Battleground Map!

  • All game modes, including the new Chaosball, are active in this new zone.
  • You do not need to own the Imperial City DLC Game Pack to play in Arcane University, but you do need to own ESO: Morrowind to play in this map.
  • Access to Arcane University functions identically to all other Battlegrounds by utilizing the Party system through the Grouping Tool.

Miscellaneous Battlegrounds UpdatesEdit

New Battleground Medals have been added to support Chaosball.

  • You earn a medal for each tick of scoring while holding the Chaosball, and can earn additional medals for holding the ball for at least 30, 60 or 90 seconds.
  • The time based Medals are awarded when the ball is dropped or the match ends.
  • Healing medals have been adjusted to trigger off lower values across all game modes. This should result in more medals being earned for support play.

Three New MotifsEdit

The Hlaalu, Redoran, and Telvanni Motifs are now available in Vvardenfell! These three styles and their associated style items can be found by stealing from citizens of Vvardenfell - picking their pockets, stealing from their safe boxes, and looting Thieves Troves left behind by fellow members of the Thieves Guild.

Base Game PatchEdit

Miscellaneous Quality of Life Updates & ImprovementsEdit

We've added a number of updates to the base game affecting guilds, researching, and even the types of items you can bank! This also includes various updates to UI screens relating to crafting, gameplay, and general itemization.

  • Guilds
    • Guild Invites and Guild Invite Acceptances in the Guild History now include the account name of who extended the invitation.
    • Added a guild rank permission for "View Guild Bank Gold" which controls a guild rank's ability to see the amount of gold stored in the Guild Bank. This is enabled automatically when "Withdraw Guild Bank Gold" is selected.
  • Crafting & Enchanting
    • You can now cancel an active research if you want to start researching something else instead.
    • Note: The item consumed during research initiation will not be refunded.
    • Items can now be locked or unlocked from the improvement screen. Locked items can also be improved, but only if the chance is 100%.
    • Equipped items can now be improved.
    • You will no longer be warned that an item can be destroyed if the upgrade chance is 100%.
    • Enchanting a locked item will now require an additional confirmation.
  • Gameplay
    • We've added a setting - Combat Cues - in the Gameplay menu that will allow you to control the color and brightness of Friendly and Hostile combat cues. Enjoy!
    • Damage over time abilities will now display the number of hits you received from that ability next to the ability icon in the Death Recap UI.
  • Itemization
    • Furniture listed in Guild Stores can now be previewed.
    • Added a warning for equipping Bind on Equip items that are blue-quality or higher.
  • You can now deposit Alliance Points and Writ Vouchers into your account bank where they may be withdrawn by any of your characters.
    • Note: A character receiving Alliance Points in this fashion will not increase your Alliance Rank or progress in your Alliance War Skill Lines.
  • Crown Store categories that have new items in them will have a new indicator next to them.
  • Reporting a player will now also ignore them when the ticket is submitted.

Updates for Rolis Hlaalu, the Master Writ MerchantEdit

Rolis Hlaalu's inventory has been updated! His gold furnishing plans have been replaced with new stock, so there is now a new gold quality furnishing plan for each profession available. The previously available recipes are being retired for the time being, though they may show up again at some point in the future in his selection or elsewhere.

New HomeEdit

Hakkvild's High Hall: Hakkvild, former Jarl of Falkreath who freed the hold from the hands of Yasnag's Orcs, built himself this spacious hall on the heights above town, with convenient access to the crypts of his ancestors. And now it can be yours!

  • This home neighboring the Falkreath Hold dungeon shares a similar style, and includes both subterranean and above ground furnishing areas.
  • This home requires you to complete achievements tied to Horns of the Reach in order to purchase it with gold, but is also available for crowns in furnished and unfurnished variants.

New FurnishingsEdit

A number of new recipes and furnishings have been added to the game obtainable by participating in various activites [sic] throughout the world. These include but are not limited to harvesting certain types of nodes, participating in Justice activities, and defeating enemies in the new Horns of the Reach dungeons, Coldharbour, and Ayleid Ruins.

Champion Point IncreaseEdit

The Champion Point cap has been raised by a total of 30 points (10 in each red/blue/green constellation). The Champion Point experience curve has been automatically adjusted with this new cap, so that earlier Champion Points require less experience and can be earned faster.


Fixes & ImprovementsEdit

Alliance War & PvPEdit


  • Renamed the battleground game mode "Capture the Flag" to "Capture the Relic".
  • Fixed a UI-related issue where the rewards earned at the end of a Battleground would overlap with elements on the Battleground scoreboard.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some players in Ready Check to not receive any error message when someone declined the Ready Check.

Art & AnimationEdit


  • Corrected several minor issues with sitting in chairs across Vvardenfell.
  • Fixed an issue where Vvardenfell rugs could prevent NPCs from walking into houses.
  • Merchant Taluri Salen's leg no longer twists and floats while he sits to eat his apple.
  • Spills-No-Drinks will no longer walk through furniture.
  • Fixed an issue so you will no longer get stuck walking near the pillar and plank in Seyda Neen.


  • Fixed some missing textures on the Dwarven Colossus.
  • Vivec's underwear is now the same color as his loin cloth, for those of you who previously checked.
  • Fixed numerous gaps, clipping and distorting that would occur when wearing Buoyant Armiger armor.
  • You will no longer see error messages relating to visual effects when using the Ashlander Ruby Ash Staff.
  • Fixed an issue where the Redoran Heavy Armor would contain floating pieces on the left gauntlet when equipped by female characters.


Combat & GameplayEdit


  • Numerous NPCs in Vvardenfell will now respond properly when attacked from a distance.
  • Fixed an issue preventing some citizens in Vivec City from being able to properly fight some creatures.

Warden, Balance Changes

Warden, Bug Fixes


  • Fetcherfly Nests are now easier to target, and no longer disappear before moving out of your viewable area.
  • Fetcherfly Nests now leash faster if they can't affect you.
  • Nix-Ox feet now stay planted on the ground during combat.
  • Silt Strider shadows no longer disappear when viewed at certain angles.

Monster Abilities

World Bosses

Crafting & EconomyEdit


  • Fixed a number of minor camera issues that could occur when interacting with crafting stations in Vvardenfell.


Crafting Motifs

Crafting Writs

  • Unified the behavior of crafting Writ delivery sites in Vivec City. These sites are now consistently used for rank one Writs instead of a mix of rank one and maximum rank Writs.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the crafting certification quests to appear earlier than intended. They now appear at level 6 in all cases.

Dungeons & Group ContentEdit

Public Dungeons

  • Forgotten Wastes
    • Fixed an issue where you could be knocked back through doors.
    • You can no longer mount in this public dungeon.
  • Nchuleftingth
    • Fixed an issue where you could be knocked back through doors.


  • The Incomprehensible Artifact found in the Halls of Fabrication now has appropriate flavor text for its incomprehensibility.
  • Standardized the amount of treasure chest spawns in Halls of Fabrication to be consistent with previous Trials.

Exploration & ItemizationEdit






  • Fixed an issue where you could see through part of the second story in the Ald Velothi Harbor House from the first floor.
  • Fixed an issue where Amaya Lake Lodge was incorrectly called "Amaya Lake Manor" in some UI menus.
  • Removed an extra "Common Washtub, Empty" furnishing from the Tel Galen home.
  • Once you acquire the Saint Delyn Penthouse, it will now correctly appear in your list of collected houses in the map UI.
  • You can now manually retrieve the blue floral banner found at the Tel Galen home.
  • Adjusted the view from the Tel Galen home to include Red Mountain on the horizon.

Justice SystemEdit


  • Several NPCs in Vvardenfell will now no longer speak to you when you're, ahem, notorious. Some will comment on how shady you are, while others will have more extreme reactions when witnessing criminal activity.
  • Slaves are now easier to steal from. You monster.
  • Nobles are now slightly more difficult to steal from.
  • Many mages in the zone are now on the alert for thieves. Pickpocket at your own peril!
  • Vos Storehouse is now a trespassing location.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in you occasionally being witnessed while opening illicit goods within Vvardenfell's Outlaw Refuge.
  • Corrected several minor issues with safebox placement.

Quests & ZonesEdit


  • Polished the timing and voiceover for many quest-related theater scenes.
  • Fixed numerous issues relating to quest pins.
  • Fixed various issues surrounding quest voiceover and text mismatches.
  • Fixed several missing quest item icons.
  • Fixed several books that broke stealth when you interacted with them.
  • Fixed many typos found in quest text.
  • Fixed an issue where the Invitation to Morrowind would appear at the level of the character that first received the mail, which would prevent your lower level characters from reading it.
  • Random encounters where two members of the same House meet each other will no longer grant experience.
  • Due to some rather unfortunate events, Tolendir Gals has been sacked from his position as Magister of the Vivec City Mage's Guild.
  • Assistant Maren has returned to work at the Library of Vivec. Don't ask about her vacation, because she's not talking about it.
  • You can no longer be knocked back through doors in Shulk Ore Mine.


  • Ashalmawia
    • Fixed an issue where you could attack monsters without being attacked back.
  • Matus-Akin Egg Mine
    • You can no longer mount in this delve.
  • Pulk
    • Bralsa Inlador will now spawn faster for those who do not have the Pulk achievement.
    • Impassable areas of the delve are now correctly marked on the map.
    • Nix-Hounds in this delve will now animate properly when attacking.
  • Zainsipilu
    • Falling into the magma now hurts, as it should!
    • You can no longer mount inside this delve.




  • Stalkun has decided advertising might help his business in Vivec City and has put his shop name on his banner.
  • Updated the Shulk Ore Mine loadscreen to better reflect the mine.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing several wayshrines in Vvardenfell to be displayed incorrectly on the map.
  • The Library of Andule map now displays properly when at the entrance.
  • St. Delyn's Apartment is now properly listed on the Houses tab of the map.

Dark BrotherhoodEdit

Fixes & ImprovementsEdit

Art & AnimationEdit


  • Fixed a texture seam that would appear on the ears of the Lynx.

Combat & GameplayEdit

Monster Abilities

  • Bounty Hunter
    • Basilisk Powder no longer switches between the melee to the ranged versions (and vice versa) as you react to its telegraph.
    • Lunge will no longer cast while the Bounty Hunter is immobilized.

Imperial CityEdit

Fixes & ImprovementsEdit

Art & AnimationEdit


  • Elbow pads are now fully attached to the forearm on the Xivkyn Tormentor armor.

Dungeons & Group ContentEdit


  • Imperial City Prison
    • Reduced the amount of monsters the Overfiend calls for assistance.
    • Reduced the health of Lord Warden Dusk's clones.
    • The Overfiend will now consistently return after defeating a group of player characters.
  • White-Gold Tower
    • Two players can now receive the Moth Priest's vision instead of just one throughout the encounter.
    • Plane Meld Rifts are now easier to target.
    • Plane Meld Rifts now have less health in Veteran mode.

Exploration & ItemizationEdit


  • The Tel Var Jewelry Lockbox Merchants now sell rings and necklaces directly with no intervening box.
    • These items are always Champion 160, with Legendary (Gold) quality.
    • Their cost remains the same: 100,000 Tel Var stones apiece.
    • As a result of these changes, these vendors (Tumande, Kharzolga, and Hears-the-Stone) are now known as Tel Var Jewelry Merchants.

Quests & ZonesEdit


  • Speaking for the Dead: Fixed an issue that prevented grouped players from completing the quest step "Place Auricular Geodes in Skeletons."


Fixes & ImprovementsEdit

Art & AnimationEdit


  • Allice Mondrie will no longer turn her head while eating her delicious apple.


Dungeons & Group ContentEdit

Public Dungeons

Exploration & ItemizationEdit

Eidetic Memory

Item Sets

  • Weapons and armor from the Briarheart, Mark of the Pariah, and Trinimac's Valor sets will now drop in the full set of normal traits.
  • Fixed an issue where some Restoration Staves of the Pariah were Bind On Pickup. These are now correctly Bind On Equip, as originally intended.

Quests & ZonesEdit


  • The Delve daily quests can now be shared. However, you can still only have one Delve daily in your journal at a time.


Shadows of the HistEdit

Fixes & ImprovementsEdit

Dungeons & Group ContentEdit


  • Cradle of Shadows
    • Reduced the damage from Dranos' Orb of Spite and Wrath of Mephala abilities.
    • Velidreth
      • Increased the cast time of Corpulence and Gout of Bile.
      • Gout of Bile now places a visual effect on the player character Velidreth is targeting.
      • Decreased how much stamina and magicka is drained by Diseased Spores.
      • Marrow Fiends no longer cast Searing Bond.
      • Shadow Spine now does less damage in Normal and Veteran (damage with Hard Mode enabled is unchanged).
  • Ruins of Mazzatun
  • Xit-Xaht Sludge-Slinger will no longer clear any taunt debuffs after completing their Feral Blitz ability.
  • Xal-Nur the Slaver
    • Increased the cast time of Brutal Bellow.
    • Increased the visual intensity of Swamp Spice while it's on the ground.
    • Xal-Nur will no longer become immune to taunt while casting Monstrous Blitz. He will still charge his selected target, but will respect an active taunt debuff once the charge completes.
    • Xal-Nur will now cast Monstrous Blitz less often.



  • Fixed an issue where you could walk through the horn of the "Bust: The Mighty Chudan" collectible furnishing.

Thieves GuildEdit

Fixes & ImprovementsEdit

Art & AnimationEdit


  • Fixed an issue where the Abah's Watch heavy armor could clip or distort itself.

Dungeons & Group ContentEdit

Maw of Lorkhaj Trial

  • Lunar Platforms no longer stop providing the Lunar Bastion effect while active.
  • Lunar Bastion's visual effects will now show more reliably.

Exploration & ItemizationEdit


  • Added a small chance to recover the blueprint for an hourglass furnishing from priests particularly obsessed with time. Check the Gold Coast, if interested.


  • Adjusted the description for the Dro-m'Athra Skin to no longer reference Champion 160.

Justice SystemEdit


  • Certain Servants in Hew's Bane were carrying items associated with Addicts. They've kicked the habit, and no longer carry these items.

Quests & ZonesEdit


  • Prison Break: Wearing the Servant disguise, obtained from The Long Game quest, no longer counts as being disguised for this quest.

Combat & GameplayEdit

Combat BalanceEdit


  • Adjusted Elemental status effects, such as Burning or Concussion, so they now scale with your Max Magicka or Max Stamina, in addition to your Spell Damage or Weapon Damage. Their damage has also been adjusted due to this new scaling and should remain relatively unchanged (with an exception to Burning, which now deals approximately double the damage of before).
  • Burning now lasts 4 seconds and ticks every 2 seconds, previously lasting 3 seconds and ticking every 1.5 seconds. The total damage ticks remain unchanged.
  • Poisoned now deals its total damage over 6 seconds, down from 12 seconds.
  • Concussion and Chilled's secondary effects (Minor Vulnerability and Minor Maim) now last 4 seconds, down from 6 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.
  • Summoned pets from abilities and Item Sets now move 10% faster.
  • Dodge rolling now grants immunity to immobilizations when it is used while you are silenced.
  • The bonus damage dealt by execute abilities, such as Assassin's Blade or Reverse Slash, now works more intuitively with global damage done bonuses, such as Mighty or Minor/Major Berserk. Execute bonus damage is now multiplicative with global damage bonuses instead of additive.



  • Storm Calling
    • Surge: This ability and its morphs now use your highest critical strike rating to determine their Critical Strike chance.


Champion System

  • The Lady
    • Shield Expert: This 30-point unlock now increases your Spell and Physical Resistance by 1500 when you are using a Shield or a Frost Staff, instead of increasing the armor value from your Shield by 75%. We have also renamed this ability to Bulwark.

Buffs and Debuffs

  • Major/Minor Defile: This debuff now also decreases the enemy's Health Recovery in addition to decreasing their healing received.

Mundus Stones

  • The values and bonuses of Mundus Stones have been adjusted in the following ways, with the listed values being for CP160+ characters:
    • The Apprentice: Increased Spell Damage to 238 from 167.
    • The Atronach: Increased Magicka Recovery to 238 from 167.
    • The Lady: Now grants Spell Resistance in addition to Physical Resistance. Value increased to 2752 from 1980.
    • The Lover: Now grants 2752 Physical and Spell Penetration instead of granting Spell Resistance.
    • The Lord: Increased Max Health to 2231 from 1452.
    • The Mage: Increased Max Magicka to 2028 from 1320.
    • The Serpent: Increased Stamina Recovery to 238 from 167.
    • The Shadow: Reduced the bonus Critical Damage to 9% from 12%.
    • The Steed: Increased Health Recovery to 238 from 167.
    • The Thief: Reduced Critical Strike Chance to 7% from 11%.
    • The Tower: Increased Max Stamina to 2028 from 1320.
    • The Warrior: Increased Weapon Damage to 238 from 167.
    • The Ritual remains unchanged.

Combat Fixes & ImprovementsEdit



  • Draconic Power
    • Dark Talons: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs were not displaying their visual effect if they were the killing blow on the enemy.



  • Two Handed
    • Reverse Slash: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs would grant slightly less than a 300% damage bonus against a target at 1% Health.
  • Destruction Staff
    • Added new icons for each of the elemental variants of Destructive Touch, Wall of Elements, and Impulse.
    • Fixed an issue where Lightning Staff heavy attacks were not commanding your pets to attack that target.
    • Wall of Elements: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs were not displaying correct tooltip information in their tooltip headers.
  • Restoration Staff
    • Healing Ward: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs could be cast on environmental traps.



  • Fighters Guild
    • Silver Bolts: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs were hiding your weapon visuals for slightly longer than the abilities' animations.


  • Werewolf
    • Fixed an issue where some Werewolf abilities were not animating properly when weaving Light or Heavy Attacks with them.
    • Roar: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs were not displaying a debuff icon for their off-balance effect.
    • Transformation: Fixed an issue where this ability would end early if it was used after dodge rolling.

Monster Abilities

  • Banekin Arches| and Stranglers now leash faster if they can't affect you.
  • Mudcrabs now stay submerged while burrowing underneath terrain.
  • The Ranger's Lightweight Trap is now always removed when triggered.

Itemization BalanceEdit

Weapon Traits

  • Adjusted the values and bonuses of Weapon Traits in the following ways, with the listed values being for Two-Handed, gold-quality items:
    • Decisive: Increased the chance to generate one additional Ultimate to 40% from 34%.
    • Defending: Reduced the Spell and Physical Resistance granted to 2752 from 5160.
    • Infused: Increased the bonus value granted to the applied enchantment to 30% from 20%, and increased the cooldown reduction to the applied enchantment to 50% from 40%.
    • Nirnhoned: Increased the bonus to the weapon's damage to 15% from 11%.
    • Powered: Increased the bonus to healing done to 9% from 7%.
    • Sharpened: Reduced the Spell and Physical Penetration granted to 2752 from 5160.
    • Charged, Intricate, Ornate, Precise and Training remain unchanged.
  • The Prosperous Armor Trait has been re-designed to give it a combat function. It now grants 11 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery as a gold-quality item, instead of gold gain. Due to these changes, this trait has been renamed to Invigorating.
  • Reduced the damage on the Damage Health (Oblivion) weapon enchantment by approximately 36%.
  • Weapon enchantments will no longer proc if the initial attack is dodged.
  • Only the weapon you are currently holding will now proc enchantments.
    • This resolves some issues where you would cast an ability then weapon swap, and your weapon enchantment would proc from the weapon you weren't currently holding.

Item Sets

  • Universally adjusted the values of some 1, 2, 3, and 4-piece bonus stats for all Item Sets:
    • Max Health, Magicka, or Stamina has been increased by 13.3%
    • Weapon Critical or Spell Critical rating has been increased by 21%
    • Physical or Spell Resistance has been increased by 13.8%
    • Physical or Spell Penetration has been decreased by 22%
  • Any monster summoned by an Item Set proc now inherits any bonuses you have. The most notable bonuses are damage done and healing done from passive abilities, Major/Minor buffs, or the Champion System.
  • Amber Plasm: Decreased the Magicka and Stamina Recovery granted by this Item Set to 250 from 300.
  • Beekeeper's Gear: Decreased the Health Recovery granted by this Item Set to 400 from 500.
  • Bloodspawn: Decreased the amount of Ultimate generated by this Item Set's proc to 14 Ultimate from 15.
  • Death's Wind: This Item Set now grants crowd-control immunity to the enemy after knocking them back.
  • Draugr Hulk: Increased the Max Stamina granted by this Item Set to 2540 from 2500.
  • Green Pact: Decreased the Max Health granted by this Item Set to 2500 from 4000, and increased the health recovery to 250 from 200.
  • Grothdarr: Decreased the damage of this Item Set's proc by 10%.
  • Ilambris: Decreased the damage of this Item Set's proc by 10%.
  • Ironblood: Decreased the snare applied by this Item Set to a 50% Movement Speed reduction, down from 75%.
  • Leviathan: Increased the Weapon Critical Strike rating granted by this Item Set to 1924 from 1643.
  • Lord Warden: Increased the radius of this Item Set's proc to 8 meters from 5 meters.
  • Maw of the Infernal (set): The monster summoned by this Item Set now only deals Flame Damage instead of a mixture of Flame and Physical Damage.
  • Mother's Sorrow: Increased the Spell Critical Strike rating granted by this Item Set to 1924 from 1643.
  • Necropotence: Reduced the Max Magicka increase granted by this Item Set to 3150 from 4000.
  • Nerien'eth:
    • Increased the damage of this Item Set's proc by 20%.
    • Decreased the delay from when this Item Set procs to when it deals damage to 2 seconds from 3 seconds.
  • Nightflame: Increased the proc chance from this Item Set to 5% from 3%, and changed the 1-piece bonus to Max Magicka instead of Max Health.
  • Plague Doctor: Decreased the Max Health granted by this Item Set to 4000 from 6000.
  • Poisonous Serpent: Increased the proc chance of this Item Set to 50% from 25%, but decreased the damage to 3400 Poison Damage from 6800 Poison Damage.
  • Selene:
    • This Item Set's proc now displays a hostile telegraph to enemy players indicating its area of effect.
    • Increased the delay from when this Item Set procs to when it deals damage to 1.3 seconds from 1 second.
  • Sellistrix:
    • Increased the damage of this Item Set's proc by 30%.
    • Decreased the time it takes for the proc to erupt to 1.5 seconds from 2 seconds.
    • Increased the cooldown of this Item Set's proc to 5.5 seconds from 5 seconds.
  • Shadowrend:
    • Changed this Item Set's proc to occur when you take damage instead of when you deal damage.
    • Increased the proc chance of this Item Set to 15% from 5%.
    • The Monster summoned by this Item Set's proc now deals Magic Damage instead of Physical Damage.
    • Increased the duration of the Minor Maim debuff applied by this Item Set to 10 seconds from 5 seconds.
  • Shadow of the Red Mountain: This Item Set's proc now spawns a volcano that erupts after one second and launches a projectile at the closest enemy, instead of instantly dealing unavoidable damage.
  • Shieldbreaker: This Item Set's proc now only occurs once for each cast of a Lightning or Restoration Staff heavy attack.
  • Slimecraw: Changed the 1-piece bonus to a double 1-piece bonus of both Weapon and Spell Critical Strike Chance instead of Health Recovery.
  • Spawn of Mephala: Increased the damage of this Item Set's proc by 5%, and changed the 1-piece bonus to Max Stamina instead of Max Health.
  • Spinner's Garments: Decreased the Spell Penetration granted by this Item Set to 3450 from 4000.
  • Spriggan's Thorns: Decreased the Physical Penetration granted by this Item Set to 3450 from 4000.
  • Stormfist: Increased the shock damage of this Item Set's proc by 10%. The physical damage portion remains unchanged.
  • Swarm Mother: Decreased the cooldown of this Item Set's proc to 1 second from 2 seconds.
  • Torug's Pact:
    • This item set now reduces the cooldown of your weapon enchantment by 30% instead of one second, and is multiplicative with the cooldown reduction of the Infused trait.
    • Fixed an issue where this item set's bonus was modifying the strength and cooldown of poisons.
  • Tremorscale: This Item Set's proc now occurs after a one second delay instead of instantly dealing unavoidable damage.
  • Twice-Fanged Serpent: Reduced the Physical Penetration granted by this Item Set's proc to 860 per stack from 1000.
  • Velidreth: This Item Set's proc now occurs after a 1 second delay, and displays a warning visual on the set wearer when the proc occurs.
  • Viper's Sting: This Item Set's proc now deals its damage over 4 seconds instead of dealing it instantly.
  • Widowmaker: This Item Set's proc now drops a spore on the ground in front of you that explodes after 1 second instead of instantly dealing unavoidable damage.
  • Willow's Path: The percentage increase to recovery granted by this Item Set will now modify all flat increases to recovery, such as drinks.

Itemization Fixes & ImprovementsEdit

Item Sets

  • Fixed a rare issue where some Item Set procs could critically strike.
  • Fixed an issue where the monsters summoned by the Shadowrend and Morkuldin Item Sets would attack sneaking or invisible player characters.
  • Armor of Truth: This item set's proc will now function correctly when you set an enemy off-balance.
  • Engine Guardian: The monster summoned by this Item Set's proc will now stick by your side instead of attempting to wander off and engage enemies (similar to the behavior of the Betty Netch).
  • Galerion's Revenge: Fixed an issue where this item set was displaying the wrong name in Death Recap.
  • Light Speaker: Fixed an issue where this Item Set was not adding Spell Damage to Restoration Staff light and heavy attacks.
  • Ravager: Updated this Item Set's tooltip to indicate its proc cooldown.
  • Shroud of the Lich: Updated this Item Set's tooltip to more clearly indicate its proc condition.
  • Vestments of the Warlock: Updated this Item Set's tooltip to more clearly indicate its proc condition.
  • Wizard's Reposte [sic]: Fixed an issue where the debuff applied by this item set would remove invisibility from your target.


  • Fixed an issue where the cooldown for the Prismatic Weapon enchantment was not being reduced by the Infused trait.
  • Infused: Fixed an issue where the Infused Weapon Trait was not reducing the cooldown on Oblivion Damage enchantments.

Base GameEdit

Fixes & ImprovementsEdit

Alliance War & PvPEdit


  • A Ready Check is no longer required for Alliance War groups formed through the Grouping Tool.

Art & AnimationEdit


  • Fixed several collision issues with a variety of assets to reduce camera clipping and situations where your character would float above these assets.
  • Fixed some texture issues with a variety of assets.
  • Fixed various boulders that had openings on the bottom.
  • Fixed a variety of flames from braziers and lamps so they can no longer been seen through various objects.
  • Indoril wall hangings are back and with more appropriate art. Please review the Tribunal's own Accolade Furnisher and the Housing Editor for more details.
  • Fixed an issue that made certain lights throughout the game brighter than intended.


  • Weapons will now reappear faster after initiating the Dread Anka-ra polymorph.
  • Fixed an issue where large feather eyelashes would visibly shake while on your face.
  • The harvesting animation will now consistently play when you interact with a harvesting node.
  • Fixed an issue where one of the Lute animations would not be usable by Orcs, Nords and High Elves characters.
  • Food will now consistently be in bowls for characters that are appearing to cook.
  • One-handed weapons no longer go through your character's arms at the Character Selection screen.
  • The Kneel emote is no longer listed twice in the Ceremonial category from the Emote menu.
  • Imp wings no longer look stiff when blocking their heavy attacks.


  • Fixed a number of issues where eyelashes and facial adornments would clip through certain helmets and hats.
  • Fixed clipping issues with the tassets on the Emperor's Regalia item set and the Aldmeri Dominion Homespun item set.
  • Fixed issues with the Dunmer Linen Hat so that it no longer cover the eyes or clips through the head of female Argonian character models.
  • Fixed a number of issues with visible seams and clipping on NPC clothing and outfits.
  • Fixed an issue where visible seams were appearing on character arms when wearing the Malacath Iron item set.
  • Fixed clipping issues with the Trinimac Homespun Robe and female character models; also fixed an issue with the Trinimac Homespun hood where it was sitting too high on female character model heads.
  • Fixed the Trinimac Rawhide Boots so that Argonian and Khajiit claws no longer clip through them.
  • Fixed clipping issues with the Imperial Rubedite Helm and some humanoid male character faces and eyes.
  • Fixed an issue where female character model heads were clipping through the Primal Helm.
  • Fixed the Shroud of the Lich item set so that it no longer clips through your character's legs.
  • Fixed the Ebon Gauntlets so that Argonian and Khajiit claws no longer clip through them.
  • Fixed the Ebon Greaves so that they are now dyeable.
  • Fixed Grothdarr's Visage so that it no longer clips into Khajiit character faces when equipped.



  • Fixed an audio-related game crash.
  • Polished many locations where the sound and/or music didn't quite fit the space or, in some cases, was missing entirely.
  • Improved the audio used by a number of monsters, critters and objects in the world
  • Fixed a number mismatched or erroneous text/voice-over pairings throughout the game.
  • Improved and, in some cases, added new audio for a number of quests.
  • Improved the timing of a number of theater sequences for a more realistic experience.
  • The Clannfear will no longer repeat his audio constantly.

Crafting & EconomyEdit


  • Learning a recipe or furnishing plan now unlocks the associated skill line.
  • Eating an alchemy reagent to learn its first trait now unlocks the Alchemy skill line.
  • Corrected an issue where the sound effect for using a research scroll was louder than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Barbaric style was incorrectly referred to as the Reach style in some places.
  • Fixed an issue where Gradual Health Drain Poisons would report an unusual duration difference between the two-reagent version and the three-reagent version.
    • The two-reagent version incorrectly indicated a slightly longer duration than was accurate.
  • Fixed an issue permitting some resource-restoring poison effects to tick more often than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Drain Health and Gradual Drain Health poisons stopped dealing damage after the first tick.
  • Adjusted the icon for Potions of Vulnerability to make it clearer that this is a negative effect.

Crafting Motifs

  • The titles of the Aldmeri Dominion, Ebonheart Pact, and Daggerfall Covenant Motifs now proudly display the full names of their namesake Alliances.
  • Renamed "Crafting Motif 1: Altmer Style" to "Crafting Motif 1: High Elf Style".
  • Renamed "Crafting Motif 2: Dunmer Style" to "Crafting Motif 2: Dark Elf Style".
  • Fixed an issue where the "Primal" style was occasionally referred to as "Primitive".

Crafting Writs


  • Glyphs of Potion Speed now correctly reduce the cooldown on potions.


  • Fixed the names of several furnishing plans to match the name of the associated furnishing.

Master Writs

  • Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Mediator, will now also appear if you have any writ vouchers on hand or banked, given you can now transfer Writ Vouchers between characters on your account.
    • Previously, you had to have a Master Writ ready to turn in or have already completed a Master Writ.
  • Fixed an issue where Master Writs would use inconsistent names when requesting delivery of certain weapon types.
    • Ex: Greataxe instead of Battle Axe, Healing Staff instead of Restoration Staff, and Frost Staff instead of Ice Staff.


  • Reduced the quantity of Bervez Juice required in blue-quality furnishing Designs to 3 from 6.

Survey Reports

  • Updated the Furrier's Traps found at Clothier Survey sites to be more consistent.
    • Every Clothier Survey site will always have one Furrier's Trap that drops leather based on your Tailoring passive rank, and one that drops leather based on your level.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Glenumbra's Enchanting Survey Report from respawning if you had multiple surveys on-hand when returning to its area.

Crown Store & Crown CratesEdit

Art & Animations

  • Pieces of the Storm Atronach Transform no longer intrude on your conversation camera.
  • Increased the duration of the Floral Swirl Aura and the Wild Hund Leaf-Dance Aura to 3 minutes to match the duration of the Storm Atronach Aura.
  • The Imperial Circlet adornment no longer clips into your head.
  • Fixed an issue where you could see inside of the center part of the long hairstyle.
  • Beards, eyelashes and Khajiit whiskers no longer disappear when wearing the Colovian Fur Hood.
  • The Eight-Fang Nose Chain no longer overrides facial accessories selected during character creation.


  • The boot buckle straps on the knees of the Redguard Masculine costume]] no longer float.
  • Fixed an issue with the seams on the Alinor Twilight Dancing Dress [sic].
  • Fixed a clipping issue that would occur with the Wedding Dress while running.
  • Fixed an issue where the collar of the Noble Suit would clip into the necks of smaller Argonian males.
  • The belt tasset on the High-Collared Coin Ball Gown will no longer become warped or clip into the skirt.


  • The "Banner, Vivec" furnishing is now easier to place on walls without putting it inside the wall.


  • Removed inaccurate rank requirements from the tooltips of certain Crown Crafting Motif books. Motifs purchased from the Crown Store can always be learned, regardless of crafting rank.

Pets & Mounts

  • Fixed visible dark seams on the hind legs of the Senche cub and Black Lion Senche mount.

Dungeons & Group ContentEdit


  • Banished Cells I and II
    • High Kinlord Rilis and his summoned creatures will once again leave the platform to engage player characters.
  • City of Ash II
    • Horvantud the Fire Maw will call fewer additional monsters to aid it during the encounter.
    • Reduced the damage from Horvantud the Fire Maw's Ground Quake ability.
    • Fixed an issue which would cause some quest icons to not display properly while in this dungeon.


Exploration & ItemizationEdit

Dungeons & Trials

  • Improved treasure chests found in Veteran Dungeons and Trials. Now, simple-quality chests will never spawn in a Veteran Dungeon or Trial, which significantly improves your chance to get set items from treasure chests in Veteran Dungeons and Trials.
  • Updated a number of bosses to ensure that they have a chance to drop the same crafting materials or monster trophies that non-boss versions of that monster would normally drop.
  • Adjusted the number of chests that can appear in White-Gold Tower and Vaults of Madness to match all other dungeons.
  • Relocated heavy sacks and treasure chests away from areas where your group has to split up, so that you no longer need to backtrack to get all of the sacks or chests in a given trial run.
  • Standardized the appearance rate of heavy sacks and treasure chests in all trials to match Maw of Lorkhaj and the changes to Halls of Fabrication. As part of this, we added heavy sacks to Sanctum Ophidia, which did not previously have any.
  • Fixed an issue so all grouped players that were formed through the Grouping Tool will now receive the bonus rewards after completing a dungeon.


Eidetic Memory



  • Updated the Furnishing Behavior tags of several furnishings to better match their behavior.
  • Adjusted the categorization for several furnishings to better match their appearances.
  • Fixed some missing textures in various furniture pieces from the Molag Bal bundle.
  • Paintings in the furnished Ebonheart Chateau can now be picked up using the Editor.
  • The flames from the "Mehrunes Dagon Brazier" furnishing no longer clip through the bottom of the brazier.
  • Added a number of new furnishings and furnishing plans to a variety of new sources.
  • Target Dummies purchased from the Crown Store no longer bleed when taking damage. They're not even real!
  • Corrected a number of minor typos in various furnishing names.
  • Added cooldowns to trigger the "Decoy Elder Scroll" (5 seconds) and the "Telvanni Rotating Device" (2 seconds) to prevent stuttering or odd behavior when triggering them repeatedly in a short amount of time.
  • Adjusted a number of furnishing item tooltips to more accurately reflect their size and behavior.
  • Updated a number of furnishings to have more consistent categorization in the housing editor and purchase tabs.
  • Improved the lighting for the furnishing "Soul Gem, Great" to be more clearly associated with the item.
  • Updated the tooltips for the Lover and Lady Mundus Stone furnishing to reflect the updated Mundus boons.
  • Adjusted the lighting effects on a number of furnishings to illuminate more consistently with the day/night cycle.
  • Updated error messaging to more clearly state which furnishing cap was preventing further placement.
  • Furnishing limitation types are now more descriptive of their functions. This now consists of:
    • Traditional Furnishings (Most furnishing items)
    • Special Furnishings (VFX furnishings)
    • Collectible Furnishings (Trophies and Busts)
    • Special Collectibles (Pets, Mounts, Assistants)


  • Fixed an issue that could cause Assistants to appear to continue to offer their services while underwater.
  • The main entrance to the Domus Phrasticus home from Craglorn now animates correctly when used.
  • Fixed an issue where the windows in Mathiisen Manor would appear to be made of stone when viewed from inside.
    • This issue could also be seen on other Altmer buildings of the same size.
  • Opening your map in the Ebonheart Chateau home will now open the map of Stonefalls instead of the Ebonheart city map.
  • Furniture can now be picked up normally without having to use the retrieve option for the Strident Springs Demise [sic] home.
  • Returned several missing objects to Stay-Moist Mansion.
  • Adjusted the placement of two large boulders in Earthtear Cavern, returning them to their original positions prior to the Morrowind update.
  • Added previously missing plants from Hunding's Palatial Hall to the beach and in the bay.

Justice SystemEdit


  • Fixed an issue where some smaller art items would appear slightly less often than intended when stealing. This also caused certain containers like wardrobes and nightstands to occasionally fail to contain anything when you tried to steal from them.


  • Stolen furnishings that could not previously be laundered (such as Velothi tapestries) can now be properly laundered at a fence.



  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to get kicked for inactivity when watching the credits.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the bloom on certain light sources to be too intense.

Quests & ZonesEdit



  • Outlaws Refuge: Khorshina renamed her shop from "Ornyenque's Trading Post" to "Dodgy Drover Goods" after Ornyenque demonstrated what she does to low-down pikers who try to steal her customers.


  • The five burial site events will no longer randomly despawn after a minute or two if nobody interacts with the Star-Gazer Priest.
  • You will no longer be knocked through doors in the Howling Sepulchers.
  • Uncaged: Reduced the collision on Aetherion so it's easier to move around the room.





  • Peledil's End: Chests within the area will no longer vanish after completing this quest.
  • Right of Theft: Completing the optional quest step to close the Shadow Rifts will no longer block your ability to complete this quest.

Khenarthi's Roost

Main Quest

Reaper's March

  • Stonefire Machinations: The fight to stop the ritual has been rebalanced to be appropriate to the NPC classes.




  • Clarified the text found in the dungeon cooldown to specify that it only prevents queueing for a new activity.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Too many searches in rapid succession" message would appear too frequently when navigating to the Listings tab of the Guild Store.
  • Fixed an issue where the conversation window wouldn't open while you were swimming.
  • Fixed an issue where the Deposit/Withdraw window would remain on-screen even when a banker walked away.
  • Fixed an issue where linked achievements would appear behind most UI elements.
  • Fixed an issue when selling the last item of junk to a vendor would cause keybinds to overlap.
  • Screenshots can now be taken at the Character Select and Creation screens, and will save in the same folder as they do when taken in-game.


  • Added a minor clarification to Glyph tooltips to indicate the value is the maximum benefit the Glyph provides.
  • Reordered the actions list so Enchant and Charge aren't next to each other.
  • Fixed an issue in the German game client where selecting "Nirnhoned" in the Creation UI would cause text to overlap.

Crown Store

  • Longer product names in the Crown Store will now scale down in font size rather than truncating.
  • Fixed an issue with the alignment of the visual effects in the Gem Extraction screen.

Gamepad Mode

  • Added a quick chat option for "Thank you".
  • Added guild permissions for guild text chat.
  • You can now lock equipment from the Deconstruction menu at crafting stations.
  • Fixed an issue where the voting UI element could get stuck on your screen if it was open at the end of a vote kick.
  • Fixed an issue where your social list selection would not save after selecting a player.
  • Unlocking an item in the Bank Deposit screen will no longer cause a UI error.
  • Fixed an issue with the alignment of the temper chart in the Improvement screen.


  • Fixed an issue where the Champion UI could break if you changed zones while having pending Champion Points.
  • Fixed an issue where the Death Recap would occasionally not include the name of the creature (or player) that dealt the killing blow.
  • Added missing icons for Ravage Health potion abilities in the Death Recap UI.
  • Fixed inconsistencies between the attribute bars and the ability bar where they could appear in cursor mode while not set to Always Show.

Guilds & Guild Stores

  • You will now be able to preview furniture recipes and furniture at guild stores.
  • Permissions related to Guild Bank gold now have tooltips to explain their functionality.
  • Fixed the error message that appears when looking at the Hired Trader section of Guild History without the proper guild permissions.

Help & Tutorials

  • Fixed an issue where the Passive Abilities tutorial would not display when upgrading a passive ability.
  • Fixed an issue where the Crafting tutorial would not display when acquiring certain types of crafting materials.
  • Updated the Synergies section of the help menu to include the Warden's synergies, "Harvest" and "Frozen Retreat".
  • Removed an out of date loading screen tip that discussed level scaling in dungeons.
  • Updated the loading screen tip that describes DLC to include Chapters.

Housing & Furnishings

  • Decorative Wax is now listed as a furnishing material in the inventory.


  • Survey Writ maps will now display their stack count on the quickslot action button.
  • Fixed an issue where the icon for Public Dungeons was inconsistent between the door, map, and load screens.
  • Fixed an issue where Tempest Island sea caves weren't displaying its map pins properly.


  • Fixed an issue where quest markers on the map wouldn't properly clear when completing some quest steps.