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< Elder Scrolls Online: Places(Redirected from Online:Delve)
Barrow Trench

This page lists all the Delves in Elder Scrolls Online. Delves can be entered by anyone at any time, so you'll likely see other players in these locations, even if they are not in your group. Each one of these dungeons contains a Skyshard, so keep an eye out. Finding and defeating the final named enemy in each location earns you a 10 Point Achievement, and doing so in each dungeon within a zone earns you an additional 15 Point Achievement. There are usually 6 Delves in each zone (18 in Cyrodiil). Note that if you traverse the dungeon but do not take part in battle against the final boss, you will not get credit for the dungeon. If the boss has recently been killed, you may need to wait for them to respawn.

At release, delves were much smaller and consisted of a single linear, circular path. Updates 3, 4, 5, and 6 expanded most delves to their current size, but some base game delves still retain the old layout.

Group Delves in Craglorn function differently and are listed separately.

Aldmeri DominionEdit


  •   Bewan — An elven ruin on the western coast of Auridon, just southwest of the town of Dawnbreak containing Sea Viper raiders. (map)
  •   Del's Claim — A mine in southern Auridon, just northwest of the city of Vulkhel Guard, containing Veiled Heritance members. (map)
  •   Entila's Folly — An abandoned mine in central Auridon, just southwest of the city of Skywatch containing spiders and giant wasps. (map)
  •   Mehrunes' Spite — A Daedric ruin in the northwestern corner of Auridon, just west of the city of Firsthold containing Daedra and Veiled Heritance members. (map)
  •   Ondil — An Aldmeri ruin in the center of Auridon, just south of the town of Mathiisen containing a local vampire and his minions. (map)
  •   Wansalen — An Aldmeri ruin in northeastern Auridon, on the western edge of Quendeluun containing Ebonheart Pact soldiers and undead. (map)


  •   Burroot Kwama Mine — A kwama mine located just west of Elden Root in Grahtwood, containing thunderbugs. (map)
  •   Mobar Mine — A mine just south of Elden Root in Grahtwood containing bandits. (map)
  •   Ne Salas — An Ayleid ruin south of Elden Root and west of Haven in Grahtwood, containing Daggerfall Covenant soldiers. (map)
  •   The Scuttle Pit — A cave in eastern Grahtwood, north of Haven and east of Elden Root containing spiders. (map)
  •   Vinedeath Cave — A cave in northeastern Grahtwood, east of Elden Root containing spriggans and stranglers. (map)
  •   Wormroot Depths — An Ayleid ruin in the northwest corner of Grahtwood containing Daedra. (map)


  •   Barrow Trench — A mine in northwestern Greenshade, north of Moonhenge containing bandits. (map)
  •   Carac Dena — An Ayleid ruin in southern Greenshade, south of the Labyrinth containing ogres. (map)
  •   Gurzag's Mine — A mine in eastern Greenshade, south of Marbruk containing undead. (map)
  •   Harridan's Lair — A cave in eastern Greenshade, northwest of Marbruk containing senche-tigers. (map)
  •   Naril Nagaia — An Ayleid ruin in southwestern Greenshade, east of Woodhearth, containing Veiled Heritance members. (map)
  •   The Underroot — A cave in western Greenshade, southeast of the Seaside Sanctuary containing lamia. (map)

Malabal TorEdit

  •   Black Vine Ruins — A set of Ayleid ruins in northeastern Malabal Tor, west of the Baandari Trading Post containing Red Sun bandits and stranglers. (map)
  •   Dead Man's Drop — A mine in eastern Malabal Tor, on the shore east of Fuller's Break containing Ra Gada pirates. (map)
  •   Hoarvor Pit — A cave in central Malabal Tor, southwest of Vulkwasten containing hostile wildlife. (map)
  •   Roots of Silvenar — A set of caves in eastern Malabal Tor, south of Silvenar containing Ebonheart Pact soldiers and lamias. (map)
  •   Shael Ruins — A haunted Ayleid ruin in southern Malabal Tor, just north of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
  •   Tomb of the Apostates — A cave in southern Malabal Tor, west of Tanglehaven containing undead. (map)

Reaper's MarchEdit

  •   Claw's Strike — A ruined Khajiiti temple in western Reaper's March, north of the Do'Krin Monastery, containing Dawnmead Bandits. (map)
  •   Fardir's Folly — An Ayleid ruin in northeastern Reaper's March, north of Fort Sphinxmoth containing Colovian raiders. (map)
  •   Jode's Light — A ruined Khajiiti temple in eastern Reaper's March, west of Dune, containing Rotblood goblins and hostile wildlife. (map)
  •   Kuna's Delve — A mine in northern Reaper's March, south of Arenthia containing trolls. (map)
  •   Thibaut's Cairn — A crypt in central Reaper's March, east of Vinedusk Village containing undead. (map)
  •   Weeping Wind Cave — A cave in southeastern Reaper's March, northeast of Willowgrove containing werewolves. (map)

Daggerfall CovenantEdit

Alik'r DesertEdit

  •   Aldunz — A Dwemer ruin in the southern Alik'r Desert, east of Bergama containing Dwemer constructs. (map)
  •   Coldrock Diggings — A mine in the northern Alik'r Desert, southeast of Tava's Blessing containing vampires. (map)
  •   Divad's Chagrin Mine — A mine in central Alik'r Desert, southeast of Sentinel containing Sandgrubber goblins. (map)
  •   Sandblown Mine — A depleted copper mine in the southeastern Alik'r Desert, east of HoonDing's Watch containing Khajiit bandits. (map)
  •   Santaki — A Dwemer ruin in the western Alik'r Desert, south of Sentinel containing bandits and Dwemer constructs. (map)
  •   Yldzuun — A Dwemer ruin in the southeastern Alik'r Desert, southeast of Kozanset containing Imperial soldiers and Dwemer constructs. (map)


  •   Crypt of the Exiles — A tomb in central Bangkorai, south of the Pelin Graveyard containing undead. (map)
  •   Klathzgar — A Dwemer ruin in southeastern Bangkorai, east of Hallin's Stand and south of the Bangkorai Garrison. (map)
  •   Rubble Butte — An Ayleid ruin in western Bangkorai, north of Hallin's Stand containing Disloyal Nobles and their minions. (map)
  •   Torog's Spite — An old iron mine in northwestern Bangkorai, northwest of Evermore, containing infighting Agluk Clan and Morkul Clan raiders. (map)
  •   Troll's Toothpick — A cave in northeastern Bangkorai, north of Kerbol's Hollow containing trolls and bandits. (map)
  •   Viridian Watch — A fort in eastern Bangkorai, northeast of the Bangkorai Garrison containing Bjoulsae Boys bandits. (map)


  •   Cryptwatch Fort — A fort just north of the Crosswych Wayshrine in Glenumbra containing Bloodthorn cultists and Red Rook bandits. (map)
  •   Ebon Crypt — A tomb west of Cath Bedraud in Glenumbra containing Bloodthorn cultists. (map)
  •   Enduum — An Ayleid ruin on the shore west of Camlorn in Glenumbra containing Aldmeri Dominion soldiers and skeletons. Rats and passive Spiders are found in ample numbers within. (map)
  •   Ilessan Tower — A ruin just west of the Baelborne Rock Wayshrine and east of Daggerfall in Glenumbra containing Red Rook bandits. (map)
  •   Mines of Khuras — Located on the shore east of Aldcroft, in Glenumbra, and contain Bloodthorn cultists. (map)
  •   Silumm — An Ayleid ruin just north of Daggerfall in Glenumbra containing Aldmeri Dominion soldiers and werewolves. Rats are found in ample numbers within. (map)



  •   Bearclaw Mine — A mine on the far east of Stormhaven, north-northwest of the Weeping Giant Wayshrine containing bandits. (map)
  •   Farangel's Delve — A mine on the southern shore of Stormhaven, west of Farangel's Landing containing Midnight Union smugglers. (map)
  •   Koeglin Mine — A mine on the southwest shore of Stormhaven, southeast of Koeglin Village containing Ember-Eye Slavers. (map)
  •   Norvulk Ruins — An Ayleid ruin in the north of Stormhaven, north of Wind Keep containing Dremora. (map)
  •   Pariah Catacombs — A tomb just south of the Pariah Abbey in Stormhaven containing Stonechewer goblins. (map)
  •   Portdun Watch — A ruin just west of Firebrand Keep in Stormhaven containing bandits. (map)

Ebonheart PactEdit



  •   The Bastard's Tomb — An ancient Nordic tomb in southeastern Eastmarch, north-northeast of the Rift gate containing draugr and Stormfist soldiers. (map)
  •   The Chill Hollow — A cave in northeastern Eastmarch, east of Windhelm containing wispmothers and atronachs. (map)
  •   The Frigid Grotto — A cave in southwestern Eastmarch, northwest of Fort Amol containing wildlife. (map)
  •   Icehammer's Vault — An ancient Nordic tomb in eastern Eastmarch, north of Cragwallow containing draugr. (map)
  •   Old Sord's Cave — A cave in southern Eastmarch, south of Wittestadr containing Stormfist soldiers. (map)
  •   Stormcrag Crypt — An ancient Nordic tomb in southeastern Eastmarch, south of Jorunn's Stand containing draugr. (map)

The RiftEdit

  •   Avanchnzel — A Dwemer ruin in the southern Rift, south of Honrich Tower, containing dwarven automatons. (map)
  •   Broken Helm Hollow — A small cave in the southeastern Rift, east of Forelhost containing wildlife. (map)
  •   Faldar's Tooth — A ruined fort in the central Rift, east of Honrich Tower containing Darkling cultists. (map)
  •   Fort Greenwall — A fort in the eastern Rift, north of Riften containing bandits. (map)
  •   Shroud Hearth Barrow — An ancient Nordic tomb in the western Rift, just northeast of Ivarstead, containing draugr. (map)
  •   Snapleg Cave — A cave in the northern Rift, far north-northeast of Nimalten containing bandits. (map)


  •   Atanaz Ruins — Ancient Argonian ruins in eastern Shadowfen, east of Alten Corimont containing a tribe of ruthless Argonian warriors. (map)
  •   Broken Tusk — A Daedric ruin in eastern Shadowfen, north-northeast of the Forsaken Hamlet, containing Daedra. (map)
  •   Chid-Moska Ruins — Ancient Argonian ruins in southwestern Shadowfen, west of Murkwater containing Blackguards. (map)
  •   Gandranen Ruins — An Ayleid ruin in central Shadowfen, southwest of the Hatching Pools containing Ayleid mummies. (map)
  •   Onkobra Kwama Mine — A kwama mine in southeastern Shadowfen, south of Alten Corimont. (map)
  •   Shrine of the Black Maw — An Ayleid ruin in northwestern Shadowfen, west-northwest of Stormhold containing vampires. (map)


  •   Emberflint Mine — A mine in central Stonefalls, southeast of Ebonheart containing Stonefire Cultists. (map)
  •   Hightide Hollow — An abandoned mine in central Stonefalls, west of Ebonheart containing spiders. (map)
  •   Inner Sea Armature — A Dwemer ruin west of Davon's Watch in Stonefalls containing outlaws and Dwarven constructs. (map)
  •   Mephala's Nest — A Daedric ruin in central Stonefalls, just south of Ebonheart containing Shadowsilk goblins and spiders. (map)
  •   Sheogorath's Tongue — A Daedric ruin in western Stonefalls, north of Kragenmoor, containing bandits. (map)
  •   Softloam Cavern — A cave northeast of Kragenmoor in Stonefalls containing Daggerfall Covenant soldiers. (map)


Apocrypha Edit

Artaeum Edit

  •   Traitor's Vault  — A delve on Artaeum found just southeast of the Colosseum of the Old Ways, containing undead. (map)

Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Edit

  •   Midnight Barrow  — A Nordic ruin located in the Lightless Hollow section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, containing Draugrkin and undead. (map)
  •   The Scraps — A Dwemer ruin found in the Dark Moon Grotto section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, containing Dwarven automatons and Falmer. (map)

Blackwood Edit

  •   Arpenia  — An Ayleid ruin in Blackwood, located east of Fort Redmane, containing Whispering Shadows and gloam creatures. (map)
  •   Bloodrun Cave  — A cave in Blackwood, located northeast of Farmer's Nook, containing undead. (map)
  •   Doomvault Porcixid  — A Daedric ruin in Blackwood, located east of Gideon, containing Daedra. (map)
  •   Undertow Cavern  — A partially flooded cave found in Blackwood, located northwest of Leyawiin, containing goblins and minotaurs. (map)
  •   Vunalk  — An Ayleid ruin in the far eastern end of Blackwood. (map)
  •   Xi-Tsei  — A ruined xanmeer in Blackwood, located northwest of Stonewastes, containing Sul-Xan tribesmen. (map)

Clockwork City Edit

  •   Halls of Regulation  — A malfunctioning water treatment facility in the eastern Clockwork City. (map)
  •   The Shadow Cleft  — A delve accessible through a portal leading into a region of the Evergloam, Nocturnal's realm, that opened up northwest of the Vale of Tiers. It contains shadowy creatures and Shrikes. (map)


  •   Aba-Loria — An Ayleid ruin in central Coldharbour, east of the Spurned Peak containing Worm Cultists and skeletons. (map)
  •   The Cave of Trophies — A cave containing Daedra in central Coldharbour, just southeast of the Cliffs of Failure. (map)
  •   The Vault of Haman Forgefire — An ancient Nordic ruin in southeastern Coldharbour, north of the Everfull Flagon containing draugr and flame atronachs. (map)
  •   The Grotto of Depravity — A cave in southern Coldharbour, southwest of the Hollow City containing Daedra. (map)
  •   Mal Sorra's Tomb — A Dunmer tomb in central Coldharbour, southwest of the Orchard containing undead. (map)
  •   The Wailing Maw — A cave in northeastern Coldharbour, northeast of the Lost Fleet containing Daedra. (map)


  •   Balamath — An Ayleid ruin in eastern Craglorn, north of Elinhir, containing Blackcaster conjurers and atronachs. (map)
  •   Buried Sands — A cave in northwestern Craglorn containing Anka-Ra warriors and desert wildlife. (map)
  •   Exarch's Stronghold — An ancient Nordic ruin in Upper Craglorn containing Iron Orcs. (map)
  •   Fearfangs Cavern — A Nedic ruin in Upper Craglorn containing Scaled Court cultists and wildlife. (map)
  •   Haddock's Market — A cave in south-central Craglorn, just east of Belkarth containing Greycloak Mercenaries. (map)
  •   The Howling Sepulchers — A set of valleys with ancient Nedic ruins in eastern Upper Craglorn containing draugr, harpies and undead wolves. (map)
  •   Ilthag's Undertower — A ruined tower in Upper Craglorn containing Iron Orcs. (map)
  •   Loth'Na Caverns — A glade in Upper Craglorn containing the Scaled Court along with their allied lamias and giant snakes. (map)
  •   Molavar — An Ayleid ruin located west of Elinhir in Lower Craglorn containing fire creatures and undead. (map)
  •   Serpent's Nest — A cave in Upper Craglorn containing Scaled Court cultists, giant snakes and trolls. (map)
  •   Tombs of the Na-Totambu — A Yokudan burial ground in southern Craglorn containing Anka-Ra warriors and desert wildlife. (map)


  •   Bloodmayne Cave — A cave in southern Cyrodiil, just southwest of Castle Bloodmayne containing giant insects. (map)
  •   Breakneck Cave — A cave in western Cyrodiil, southwest of Fort Ash inhabited by the Black Daggers. (map)
  •   Capstone Cave — A cave in northern Cyrodiil, west-southwest of Fort Dragonclaw containing Black Dagger bandits. (map)
  •   Cracked Wood Cave — A cave in southeastern Cyrodiil, just northwest of Cropsford containing Bloody Hand goblins. (map)
  •   Echo Cave — A cave in northwestern Cyrodiil, between Forts Dragonclaw and Warden containing undead. (map)
  •   Haynote Cave — A cave in western Cyrodiil, between Castles Brindle and Roebeck containing Shadowed Path necromancers. (map)
  •   Kingscrest Cavern — A cave in northeastern Cyrodiil, southeast of Kingscrest Keep containing spiders and spriggans. (map)
  •   Lipsand Tarn — An Ayleid ruin in northwestern Cyrodiil, north of Fort Rayles containing Bloodborn vampires. (map)
  •   Muck Valley Cavern — A cave east of Sejanus Outpost in eastern Cyrodiil, containing goblins, kwama, and giant spiders. (map)
  •   Newt Cave — A cave in southeastern Cyrodiil, southeast of Cropsford containing wildlife. (map)
  •   Nisin Cave — A cave in southwestern Cyrodiil, north of Castle Black Boot, featuring a sunken Daedric ruin. (map)
  •   Pothole Caverns — A cave in southern Cyrodiil, between Castles Black Boot and Faregyl containing Shadowed Path necromancers. (map)
  •   Quickwater Cave — A cave in northeastern Cyrodiil, southeast of Arrius Keep containing Black Daggers. (map)
  •   Red Ruby Cave — A cave in northern Cyrodiil, north of Chalman Keep containing Black Daggers. (map)
  •   Serpent Hollow Cave — A cave in western Cyrodiil, north of Castle Brindle containing ogres and their pet bears. (map)
  •   Toadstool Hollow — A cave in northern Cyrodiil, north of Bleaker's Outpost containing undead. (map)
  •   Underpall Cave — A cave in northern Cyrodiil, northwest of Fort Aleswell containing Bloodborn vampires. (map)
  •   Vahtacen — An Ayleid ruin in eastern Cyrodiil, between Drakelowe and Farragut Keeps containing undead. (map)

The Deadlands Edit

Galen Edit

Gold Coast Edit

  •   Garlas Agea  — An Ayleid ruin found northeast of Anvil containing war deserters and Gold Coast Trading Company mercenaries. (map)
  •   Hrota Cave  — A cave located just north of Anvil containing wispmothers and undead. (map)

Hew's Bane Edit

High Isle Edit

Murkmire Edit

  •   Teeth of Sithis  — An ancient temple of Sithis found in Murkmire, located near the Deepmire, containing vampires, their thralls and swamp wildlife. (map)
  •   Tsofeer Cavern  — A delve in Murkmire, located southwest of Dead-Water Village, containing swamp wildlife. (map)

Northern Elsweyr Edit

  •   Abode of Ignominy  — A delve in the northern part of Northern Elsweyr, located southwest of Riverhold, containing undead. (map)
  •   Darkpool Mine  — A sulfurous cave in the southwest of Northern Elsweyr containing Claws of Daegon cultists and Daedra. (map)
  •   Desert Wind Caverns  — A delve in central Northern Elsweyr, located northeast of The Stitches, containing Euraxians. (map)
  •   Predator Mesa  — A delve in western Northern Elsweyr, located northwest of The Stitches, containing wildlife. (map)
  •   The Tangle  — A delve in southeastern Northern Elsweyr, containing Ruddy Fangs bandits and wildlife. (map)
  •   Tomb of the Serpents  — An Akaviri crypt in northern Northern Elsweyr, located east of Riverhold. (map)

Telvanni Peninsula Edit

The Reach Edit

  •   Briar Rock Ruins  — A Nordic ruin found in the Reach, located northwest of Vateshran Hollows, occupied by the Thornroot Clan. (map)
  •   Gloomreach  — A cave with entrances in the Reach and Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern, containing Falmer and wildlife. (map)

Southern Elsweyr Edit

  •   Forsaken Citadel  — A ruined fortress in Southern Elsweyr, located north of Senchal containing undead soldiers. (map)
  •   Moonlit Cove  — A Khajiiti temple and delve found along the southwestern coast of Southern Elsweyr, containing Ruddy Fangs. (map)

Summerset Edit

  •   Archon's Grove  — A delve in southern Summerset, found northwest of Sil-Var-Woad, containing Thornfang Pack werewolves and wildlife. (map)
  •   Eton Nir Grotto  — A delve found in northeastern Summerset, between King's Haven Pass and Eldbur Ruins, containing various Daedra and other creatures. (map)
  •   King's Haven Pass  — A delve running through Eton Nir with two entrances, one east of the Illumination Academy, and the other north of Eton Nir Grotto. It contains Coral-Splitter goblins and wildlife. (map)
  •   Tor-Hame-Khard  — A delve found southwest of Shimmerene, containing Sagacians and Yaghra. (map)
  •   Wasten Coraldale  — An island delve off the west coast of Summerset, containing aquatic wildlife and Storm Sharks. (map)

Vvardenfell Edit

  •   Ashalmawia  — A delve and shrine to Molag Bal found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Gnisis, containing Worm cultists and Daedra. (map)
  •   Khartag Point  — A delve found in the Bitter Coast region of Vvardenfell, west-southwest of Ald'ruhn, containing Camonna Tong and wildlife. (map)
  •   Matus-Akin Egg Mine  — A kwama mine found in the Azura's Coast region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Molag Mar, containing Rumblegarde mercenaries and kwama. (map)
  •   Nchuleft  — A Dwemer ruin found in the Grazelands region of Vvardenfell, southwest of Vos, containing Ash Exiles and dwarven automatons. (map)
  •   Pulk  — A delve found in the Grazelands region of Vvardenfell, south of Vos, containing bandits and nix-hounds. (map)
  •   Zainsipilu  — A cave located in the Bitter Coast region of Vvardenfell, northwest of Seyda Neen, containing Black Darts bandits and wildlife. (map)

West Weald Edit

Western Skyrim Edit

  •   Chillwind Depths  — A cave and delve in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located north of Karthwatch containing Falmer and their livestock. (map)
  •   Dragonhome  — A Nordic barrow and delve in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located northwest of Mor Khazgur containing Dragon Cult cultists with their atronachs, and draugr. (map)
  •   Frozen Coast  — The northeastern shoreline of Western Skyrim. (map)
  •   Shadowgreen  — A delve in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located northwest of Solitude containing Reachmen and wildlife. (map)

Wrothgar Edit


  • Delve bosses respawn every 10–15 minutes. The boss will respawn instantly if a player without that delve's achievement approaches, although this does not result in any extra drops for players grinding that boss.
  • Originally, delves in Cyrodiil behaved more like Public Dungeons, in that they had a very slow respawn timer and often multiple bosses. Unlike Public Dungeons, the number of bosses which would spawn at a time was limited, usually to one boss every fifteen minutes. This was intended to reduce boss farming and allow for better PvP interaction within the delves, but for those with multiple bosses it would mean a very large time investment should the wrong boss spawn several times in a row. This was changed in Update 19 (Patch 4.1.5) so that Cyrodiil delve bosses now spawn like in any other delves.
  • Defeating a delve boss in Cyrodiil grants the Blessing of War buff for one hour.