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< Elder Scrolls Online: Treasures

Artwork is a type of Contraband. Artwork can be found in (?).

Icon Item Description Value Type
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png 1001 Remedies for Slaughterfish Bites Field Guide (page) Simple illustrations fill this abridged pocket edition. Closer to one hundred. 0000004040 Gold Fishing Supplies, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tray.png Abyssal Charger (page) Emblazoned with a scene looking out at the dark waters of the Apocryphal sea, this is the plate you put underneath your plate. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png All-Flags Navy Tapestry (page) A woven tapestry depicting the story of the All-Flags Navy and their voyage to do battle with the Sload of Thras. 00000103103 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Burial Mask.png Ancient Dragonguard Burial Mask (page) This ancient silver mask is of Akaviri design. It bears the likeness of a hissing serpent devouring the dragon Vuljotnaak. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Ritual Objects, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png "Ancient Ezduiin" Painting (page) Framed painting of the site of Ezduiin, depicting it as it appeared before it was ruined in the Mallari-Mora incident. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Ancient Saxhleel Statue (page) Likely taken from one of the Argonian ruins near Hissmir, this statue depicts a crouching Argonian holding a stylized turtle. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Schematics.png Animal Illustrations (page) Smiths take inspiration from these drawings to replicate the animal's shapes in metal. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Antique "Fort Zantonius" Serving Platter (page) Antique Imperial brass serving platter, with wooden handles, engraved with an image of (now-ruined) Fort Zantonius in its prime. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Antique Map of High Rock (page) An antique map from the time of the Direnni Hegemony. Though inconsistent with modern maps, the calligraphy is beautiful. 00000250250 Gold Maps, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Mat.png Area Rug (page) Dark red with an intricate navy pattern sewn into the border, this medium rug is soft to the touch. 00000100100 Gold Furnishings, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Art Book, "Allure of the Sweetroll" (page) Rare art book, 'Ong's Passion: Allure of the Sweetroll,' depicting healthy unclad Imperials holding artfully placed sweetrolls. 00000250250 Gold Writings, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Ash Mountain Serving Platter (page) Silverware platter with decorative engraving, inscribed "View of Ash Mountain from Senie, with Windmill." 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Autographed Calling Card (page) A signed, sloppily illustrated card depicting someone of indeterminate race and gender. A forger might find use for this. 0000004040 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Cameo.png Autographed Green Lady Silhouette (page) Silhouette graven on copperplate of the late Green Lady, personally autographed by Her Verdant Highness. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Beautifully Rendered Chart (page) This chart is highly detailed with different shades and ink. The strange symbols are rendered in perfect, steady writing. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Maps
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Bejewled Paint Jar (page) While the jar's purpose is holding paint, the quality of the affixed gems and the lack of stain suggests it's only decorative. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Black Marsh Transportation Guide (page) A hand-drawn map of the various underground expressways formed by the roots of the Hist trees and the common routes for traders. 0000004040 Gold Maps, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Bleakrock Isle Scenery Painting (page) A small painting in a frame that sits on a nightstand, it shows a distinct piece of Bleakrock scenery by the artist Oro. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Book of Erotic Stories (page) A collection of erotic fiction, featuring pairings of prominent Aldmeri Dominion figures, including Queen Ayrenn and Urcelmo. 00000100100 Gold Writings, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png The Book of Moons (page) Watercolor illustrations of Khajiit meditating under Jone and Jode fill this art book. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Bound Collection of Fur (page) This leather-bound book contains pages filled with shed Khajiit fur artistically adhered to its pages. Oooh, soft and pretty! 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Essence Box.png Box of Shehai Essence (page) This wooden box is covered in Yokudan runes. Altmeri writing on an attached label reads, "Essence of Shattered Spirit Sword." 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Writings, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Basket.png Braided Wood Elf Basket (page) Made of interlaced and colored strips of bark, the basket is a work of art in itself. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Pipe.png Bramblebreach Pipe (page) A long and heavy pipe, constructed of smooth wood. The skilled craftsmanship sets it apart from others of its kind. 00000250250 Gold Utensils, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Brassy Livestock Whistle (page) A brass whistle in the shape of a leaping guar. Its clarion tone is designed to beckon delicious beasts. 00000250250 Gold Musical Instruments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Brazen Minatory Ordinator Bust (page) Brass bust of a disapproving ordinator; its eyes seem to follow one around the room. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png The Brief Queen in Profile (page) A portrait of Queen Nurnhilde, dressed in full battle regalia, depicting her calm reflection before the siege of Windhelm. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Brothers of Strife Sculpture (page) Sculpture depicting the Brothers of Strife, carved from a single large feldspar crystal. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Burial Mound Etchings (page) Etchings from the ancient crypts at the base of Cath Bedraud. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png Calling Cards of Arcana (page) A set of painted tarot cards, each with a unique magical signature inscribed upon them. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Cambray Hills Academy of Art Sketchbook (page) A sketchbook bearing the mark of the famed art school in central Glenumbra, partially filled with nature drawings. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Camoran Throne-Tattoo Codex (page) Gilt-edged hand-drawn folio depicting the Wood Elf tattoo patterns that may only be worn by members of House Camoran. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Cast Ebony Statue (page) A small mantel adornment from a run of works dubbed 'Anticipation' by an artist later executed for blasphemy by the Ordinators. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png "Cavorting Dremora Among the Ruins" (page) This whimsical painting depicts what wealthy citizens must imagine Dremora are like: All smiling and dancing in an unnamed ruin. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-First Eggmaster Idol.png Ceremonial Xul-Vaat (page) Intricate carvings tell the story of a robust Argonian's life, each detail crafted with painstaking high detail. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png "Cheesemaker of Goldfolly" Engraving (page) Framed engraving of the famous scene showing the making of bat-cheese from the long-lost giant dairy bats of Goldfolly. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Gourd.png Chenille Stem Bundle (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
These flexible wire strands are used practically to clean pipes, and less practically to twist into fuzzy little shapes. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Cherry Blossom Collection (page) This folio contains a vast array of cherry blossom flower pressings. The diversity of species is a sight to behold. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Imperial Coin.png Chimer Talisman of Boethiah (page) Ancient copper disc depicting the once-great temple to Boethiah on Ash Mountain. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Artwork, Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze 03.png Chipped Stone from Skyshroud Barrow (page) This piece of cracked masonry contains etchings that identify it as originating at Skyshroud Barrow in Bleakrock. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Chipped Sun Catcher (page) This chipped glass orb catches the sunlight and creates beams of colored light in the area. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 221.png Collected Writings of Archmagus Shalidor (page) A comprehensive tome of works attributed to Shalidor, though scholars vehemently debate the accuracy of this claim. 000015001500 Gold Writings, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Colorful Tapestry (page) An elaborate woven tapestry depicting scenes of knights and mages doing battle with mudcrabs. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Conquest of the Falmer (page) An erotic manuscript, once part of the Bards College collection before it was banned for obscenity by the Alessian Order. 00000250250 Gold Writings, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Constellation Guide (page) A handsome reference book about the constellations. The Star-Gazers issue these to senior members. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png The Constellations of Nirn (page) A picture book guide to finding and recognizing the constellations in the night skies of Nirn. 00000103103 Gold Writings, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png County Kvatch Map Tapestry (page) A slightly faded tapestry map of County Kvatch, created before the time of Varen's Rebellion. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Covenant Sigil Silkscreen Set (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A fine silk mesh stretched across a wooden frame. The accompanying stencil depicts the Covenant lion sigil. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Crystal Mountain Range (page) A faithful depiction of the Druadach Mountain Range, carved from semi-precious stone. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Curious Family Portrait (page) A painting of an unnamed ancestor of a wealthy family. The eyes seem to follow you wherever you go. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Curious Royal Painting (page) A painting of an unnamed ancestor of King Casimir. The eyes seem to follow you wherever you go. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Waystone.png Cyrodilic Boudoir Etching (page) A partially torn but otherwise well-preserved etching of a bawdy scene, most likely brought to Murkmire by a lonely Legionnaire. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Shark Tooth.png Daedroth-tooth Scrimshaw (page) A deranged artisan inscribed macabre imagery onto this Daedroth tooth. A truly unsettling work of art. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Net.png Decorative Nord Netting (page) A common net decorated in the Nord style, with sea shells, feathers, beads, and other trinkets, creating a hanging work of art. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Deepwoods Thunderbug Serving Platter (page) Serving platter of lacquered thunderbug carapace, painted to depict the Green Lady Shrine in Deepwoods. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Deerskin Gold Pouch (page) A small pouch made of embroidered deerskin, designed to hold gold or other valuables. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Blanket.png Deerskin Singer's Blanket (page) A blanket stitched with fine deer skin. Has been carefully worked all along the edges with symbols in veneration to Y'ffre. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Lanthorn.png Defaced Tribunal Reredos (page) Magnificent carved three-panel mahogany screen depicting the Tribunal, defaced by claw-marks. 00000250250 Gold Furnishings, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Deluxe Dark Elf Pantomime Joke Book (page) Leather-bound joke book of wordless cartoons all mocking Dark Elves, their customs and personal habits; "Stormhold, 2E 578." 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Bell.png Dented Jingleball (page) Crafted from shiny metal, this dimpled sphere is etched with Dagi-raht forms, and it chimes gently when shaken. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Musical Instruments
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Detailed Apparatus Instructions (page) Instructions on how to activate a strange Daedric apparatus, rendered in elaborate black ink and complete with drawings. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Spriggan Hoop.png Dibella Napkin Holders (page) Each of these fashionable napkin holders was molded into a voluptuous depiction of the goddess of beauty. 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Dibella's Bosom Night Favor (page) A bust of the god of beauty and erotic instruction, kept in Nord bedchambers to make nightly activities more … invigorating. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Full Mask.png Die Cut Icon of Sotha Sil (page) This sheet of polished brass depicts the masked face of the Clockwork God in a highly stylized design. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Disquieting Family Portrait (page) A somewhat disturbing portrait. Perhaps it's the way their eyes follow you. Or the rictus grins. Or the additional tail. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Disturbing Argonian Portrait (page) An Argonian family portrait, you find something mildly disquieting about the way the eyes follow you as you move. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Dreugh Shell Idol (page) This brownish-red likeness of Vivec has been shaped entirely out of dreugh carapace. It has a faint fishy scent. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Driftwood Birdhouse (page) The twists and whorls of the driftwood give this birdhouse a truly unique appearance. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Druid Picture Book (page) A child's primer, it features colorful pictures showing young practitioners of the True Way. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Mat.png Dunmeri Throw Rug (page) A quality throw rug, imported from a small boutique in Deshaan, features an attractive yet simple Dark Elf design. 00000250250 Gold Furnishings, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Schematics.png Dwemer Animunculi Schematics (page) These complex schematics detail several types of Dwemer builder constructs. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Maps, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Ebony Kwama Scrib (page) This exquisite ebony statue, depicting the hero of the Dark Elf fairy tale, is part of a limited series by the sculptor Nerile. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-furnishing-Heiruna Doll.png Ebony Mermaid Figurine (page) This tiny stone mermaid curls her tail seductively. A common fertility idol for High Isle commoners. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Edifying Illusio-Scope (page) Bulging device with inward-facing goggles and a crank that, when turned, shows the viewer moving images of Bosmer procreation. 00000250250 Gold Devices, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png "Eel-Strangler" Serving Platter (page) Traditional platter depicting a triumphant Lord Zuthorix the Eel-Strangler, who slew his enemies with conger-eel garrottes. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Scroll 04.png Elaborate Blueprints (page) These sketches are the handiwork of the scholar, Neramo. The images depict the inner workings of a Dwemer automaton. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Devices
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Embossed Leather Picturebook (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
The Conquests of Vivec[sic] depicted on supple leather pages inviting to the touch, the proportions appear highly exaggerated. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Embroidered Ogrim Cloth (page) This rather lovely, stitched modesty cloth was once adorned by a fashionable Ogrim. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Embroidered Purse (page) A supple leather pouch with a fish embroidery stitched in fine blue thread. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Pillow.png Embroidered Vivec's Antlers Pillow (page) Silken pillow with an embroidered image of Vivec drowning the Akaviri invaders at Vivec's Antlers. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Pipe.png Enameled Clay Catnip Pipe (page) Catnip pipe painted with images from the tale "How Khenarthi Taught the Clouds to Dance." 00000100100 Gold Utensils, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Erotic Argonian Etchings (page) A set of limited-edition etchings of Argonian erotica. It is impossible to discern the gender of the participants. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Erotic Found Object Mosaic (page) Assorted junk and scrap arranged to resemble provocative figures in repose, strategically oiled to give a glistening sheen. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Erotic Green Pact Drawings (page) A collection of plant life drawings that are strangely suggestive. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Stone 01.png Exquisite Whetstone and Polishing Kit (page) Inlaid with precious gems and the finest oils, this kit can hone edges that will not dull and keep hilts oiled for eons. 000015001500 Gold Tools, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Fabricant Bug Collection (page) This small shadowbox frame has several varieties of small clockwork insects nailed to the backboard. Many still operate. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Faded Wanted Poster (page) A wanted poster from a distant city with exceptional artwork. A fence may purchase this as decoration for an Outlaws Refuge. 0000004040 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Fahara'jad Coronation Portrait (page) This rare painting depicts the coronation of King Fahara'jad. Its frame is made of orichalcum. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tools.png Falconhead Work-Hammer (page) The steel head of this work-hammer is molded into the shape of a broad-billed river falcon. 00000100100 Gold Tools, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Fanciful Map of the Rift (page) This map from the time of King Einar is notable for its depiction of fantastic creatures along the edges of the parchment. 00000250250 Gold Maps, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Fang.png Fang of Krahjotdaan (page) Faded inscriptions cover the surface of this prodigious yellow fang. They depict the slaying of the high dragon Krahjotdaan. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Coronation Decanter.png Faun Feast Decanter (page) Small figurines of fauns dance around the bottom of this decanter, the top is stopped tightly and cannot be opened. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Treethane Nirel Book.png Fauna of Murkmire Manuscript (page) A manuscript of scribbled notes and drawings of various Murkmire fauna. Water damage has made it impossible to read. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Feast of Souls Miniature Painting (page) Vampires of all races encircle a group of willing blood-friends, some already offering necks or naked limbs. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Talisman.png Fine Arkay Talisman (page) This golden talisman may have been worn by Frederique Lynielle. The clasp is broken, but it remains a beautiful piece. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Artwork, Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png First Era Illuminated Manuscript (page) A gorgeous illuminated manuscript from the First Era, decorated with gold and silver leaf, containing prayers to the Divines. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Seal.png First Era Imperial Seal (page) An ancient seal bearing the image of Saint Alessia. She's depicted cradling the mythical Amulet of Kings. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Firsthold Painting (page) A richly textured oil painting of the first settlement of Auridon. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Rabbit.png Flattened Skeevaton (page) This once three dimensional skeevaton has been pneumatically pressed paper thin and fitted with a hook for wall mounting. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png "A Forge-Mother's Wisdom," 1st Edition (page) A picture book of affirmations and avenged transgressions by Forge-Mother Targak. Reprints are wildly popular in recent years. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Forged Painting (page) A very good forgery of a very famous Aldmeri painting. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Framed Duchess Portrait (page) This painting features the late Duchess of Wind Keep—a beautiful woman with eyes that betray a quiet grief. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Framed Eyeless Face (page) The pallid skin is unsettling, but the nose, mouth, and lack of eyes bear no resemblance to either Men nor Mer. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Artwork, Wall Décor
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Framed Snowflake Display (page) A framed display of various snowflakes, lovingly mounted and catalogued by a diligent Nord—before they melted. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Free Wine Chit (page) A wooden token good for a free drink at a winery you're pretty sure went out of business sometime before the Empire fell. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Freehand Schematic Sketches (page) The early designs of an inventor who fancies interesting concepts over precise technical specifications. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png "Frolicking Trolls of Eastmarch" (page) A copy of this whimsical painting depicts how Bretons imagine the frost trolls of Skyrim: smiling and dancing in the snow. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Giraud Family Portrait (page) This large portrait features all the members of a large family who were once prominent farmers in Northglen. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Gold-Framed "Two Beacons" Diptych (page) Diptych, two oil paintings in a dual gilded frame, one of the South Beacon at dawn, the other of the North Beacon at night. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Golden Sword-Singer Bust (page) This golden bust was modeled after the head of one of the most notable Sword-Singers in the history of the Alik'r. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Golden Tooth.png Golden Tooth of a Golden Saint (page) A detailed emblem depicting an elderly man with three faces is carved into this gleaming tooth. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Graht-Oak Carving (page) This carving is of a wild elf figurine carved from a fallen branch of the mighty tree. It seems to be quietly breathing. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Graven Pyadonean Pearl (page) Azure serpent engravings cover this knuckle-sized pearl--a lustrous, if unsettling, work of art. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Clamp.png Green Lady Corkscrew (page) A brass corkscrew with a jade handle shaped in a stylized representation of a reclining Green Lady. 00000100100 Gold Utensils, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Greymist Falls Scrimshaw Tusk (page) Delicate scrimshaw carving on imported horker tusk depicting a couple picnicking at Greymist Falls. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Guide to Approved Methods of Procreation (page) Illustrated folio from the Thalmor depicting methods of coition "that properly reflect our Altmeri heritage." 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Haft.png Haft of a Daedric Scythe (page) This hilt begins and ends with silver guards, though the blades are missing. A single, fanged Daedric letter adorns each hilt. 000015001500 Gold Tools, Artwork, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Hallin's Stand Silver Platter (page) This large silver platter is engraved with an image of the majestic city in Southern Bangkorai. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Hand-Carved Abecean Whistle (page) A small whale-bone whistle, carved to resemble a reclining mermaid. A popular item in Saintsport. 00000100100 Gold Musical Instruments, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Scroll 04.png Hand-Drawn Constellation Map (page) A meticulously detailed map of the stars. The Warrior, Mage, and Thief are the most prominent constellations. 00000250250 Gold Maps, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Handmaiden's Sketch Book (page) The handmaiden to a prominent noble in Evermore filled this book with beautiful sketches before becoming a famous artist. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Blanket.png Healing Cloth of Mora (page) Embroidered with bizarre iconography depicting Mora as a kind of healing saint. Intended to be applied to the forehead. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Hectahame Sketch (page) An artist's rendering of the mysterious ruin of Hectahame. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Yarn Ball.png High Isle Merino Wool (page) A bobbin of soft, undyed, lovingly hand-spun wool originating from a tiny flock on the south side of High Isle. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png "Hooting Lullaby" Ocarina (page) Exquisite ceramic ocarina in the shape of a snowy owl; it plays with a gentle, resonant hooting tone. 00000250250 Gold Musical Instruments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png House Tharn Family Crest (page) This highly-detailed embroidered crest of House Tharn, dating back to the First Era, is of great historical and artistic value. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Sling.png Hunting Scene Scrimshaw (page) Carved into a deer's shoulderblade, this image depicts a clan of Reachman hunters bringing a bear to bay. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Lanthorn.png Icon of Almalexia Blessing Iliath Temple (page) Icon depicting Almalexia blessing Iliath Temple, with the Lady rendered in genuine gold leaf. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Artwork, Furnishings
ON-icon-stolen-Oghma Infinium Page.png Illegible Page From the Oghma Infinium (page) This torn page depicts multiple circular diagrams adorned with Daedric letters in a deep, black ink. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Ritual Objects, Writings
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Illiterate Chef's Guide to Seafood (page) An illustrated primer with crossed out pictures of poisonous sea creatures on each page. 00000250250 Gold Writings, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Illuminated Prayer to Kyne (page) A traditional Nord prayer to Kyne written in flowing calligraphy and framed in gusting winds, clouds, and birds. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Illustrated "Vade Mecum of Love" Brochure (page) "The Vade Mecum of Love," a wordless brochure on gilt-edged vellum illustrated with inspiring and instructive engravings. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Illustrated Amor Folio (page) A book of colorful illustrations depicting a variety of armor fashions throughout Tamriel. 00000103103 Gold Smithing Equipment, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Illustrated Arms Folio (page) A book of colorful illustrations depicting a variety of weapons throughout Tamriel. 00000103103 Gold Smithing Equipment, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Illustrated Jeweler's Portfolio (page) A book of colorful illustrations depicting a variety of royal jewelry throughout Tamriel. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Illustrated Manual of Hew Coiffuture (page) A faithful, illustrated recreation of Prince Hew's most famed hair styles and, supposedly, steps for their construction. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Grooming Items
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Illustrated Plant Guide to Skyrim (page) A detailed visual compendium of Skyrim's flora, hand-painted by the artist Tyr Skarfig. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Imperial Opera House Poster (page) The burned and torn remains of a poster commemorating a performance by Pursius Solo, probably carried by a Legionnaire. 00000250250 Gold Writings, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Incomplete Naga Warrior Sketch (page) The fate of the original artist of this piece is thought to be a grim one, given its incomplete state. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Incomprehensible Insect-Thing (page) There's enough order to the jumble of chitin to suggest it was constructed, but the artist's intentions are completely alien. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Toy.png Indrik Maquette (page) This palm-sized sculpture depicts a majestic Indrik, rearing up on its hind legs. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-book-Scroll 04.png Inspirational Illuminations of the Light (page) Every Breton's desk in Shornhelm has a list of inspirational quotes meaningful to the followers of the Light. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png "Investiture of the Primate" Tapestry (page) Carefully-folded tapestry by the famous loom artist Gloria Medilus depicting the holy investiture of Primate Artorius. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Bats Medallion.png Ivory Keeper Figure (page) Roughly carved, but clearly a Keeper. The tentacles are all the same length so it can stand on a table. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Needle.png Ivory Lamb Skewers (page) A pair of long steel skewers used to prepare kabobs. The handles are made of genuine horker tusk, carved to resemble sheep. 00000100100 Gold Utensils, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Ja'khajiit Picture Book (page) A simple picture book with ten images of mischievous kittens. Each picture is composed of a single unbroken line. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Cameo.png Jade Cameo Sculpture (page) This lovingly polished relief sculpture depicts a Dunmer in profile. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Fish Scales.png Jeweled Salamander (page) Close inspection of this small golden salamander reveals that the scales are actually tiny citrine gems. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Julianos Deity Doily (page) A doily with the symbol of Julianos worked into the center. Meticulously crafted in veneration to the god of logic. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Ode.png Kagouti Anatomical Drawing (page) A thorough depiction of every bone, muscle group, and major blood vessel inside the standard kagouti. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Kwama Chitin Carved Nude (page) An opalescent statue of a Dunmer at rest. It glistens in the light, giving it a slightly sweaty appearance. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Leather-Bound Sketchbook (page) A small, tightly bound sketchbook. It is full of charming charcoal drawings of common woodland animals. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Emperor Doll.png Legion Officer Figurine (page) Intricately crafted, every detail on this toy legionary has been accounted for, from its crested helmet to its tiny sword. 00000250250 Gold Children's Toys, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png The Life of Callisos (page) A mural depicting the life of the most distinguished alumni of the Bards College, detailing his early history and travels. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Lighthouse Tapestry (page) A finely woven tapestry depicting the Saintsport Lighthouse at dusk. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Logrolf Tapestry Fragment (page) Once part of a tapestry that hung in the Blue Palace during the reign of High King Logrolf, it was sundered in the schism. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Wall Décor
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Longhouse Legion Banner Fragment (page) A section of banner from one of the "Longhouse Legions" who opposed Varen's Rebellion, recovered by the victors. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png "Lusty Argonian Maid" Art Folio (page) A well-worn book of stimulating images illustrating the popular tale of "The Lusty Argonian Maid." 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Mahogany "Dancing Duo" Serving Platter (page) Serving platter of imported mahogany, painted with a stylized depiction of Silvenar and Green Lady dancing a sarabande. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Cloth.png "Malacath's Vengeance" Tapestry (page) Rolled-up tapestry of fine silk depicting the giant Orc-Father crushing Breton and Redguard soldiers underfoot. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods, Artwork, Wall Décor
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Marble Bust of Queen Ayrenn (page) Bust of the Queen of Alinor sculpted from white marble by Aurelenya of Firsthold. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Abacus.png Micro Etched Theories of Seht (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
Within the illuminated borders of this record plate lies an entire volume of Seht's wisdom too small to read with the naked eye. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Miniature Lighthouse.png Miniature All Flags Monument (page) This tiny obelisk is hewn from creamy white marble. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Full Mask.png Miniature Ordinator Mask (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A recreation of an Ordinator's face mask in brass. The patina of tarnish and corrosion adds a splash of whimsy to the piece. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Miniature Portrait of Queen Ayrenn (page) The queen has never looked more stunning in two dimensions than in this locket-sized portrait. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Mother Morrowind Fertility Fetish (page) Iridescent green-gold glassite statuette of a beatific Almalexia, arms crossed over her pregnant belly. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Lanthorn.png Mournhold Folding Altar (page) A simple portable altar. Unfolding it reveals a scene of the Lord, the Mother, and the Wizard in all their glory. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Ritual Objects, Furnishings
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Narsis Dren Portrait (page) This signed, limited-edition portrait of the famed Dark Elf dungeon-delver can be found in the nightstands of ardent admirers. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Needlepoint Hearth Motto (page) The colorful threads stitched into this linen spell out a homey sentiment framed in traditional Nord art patterns. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Petal.png Nibenese Pinwheel (page) This colorful pinwheel often appears in Nibenese landscaping, lending a sense of regal frivolity to any garden. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Mat.png Nord Bath Rug (page) A fine bath rug, imported from a small boutique in Eastmarch, features an attractive yet simple Nord design. 00000250250 Gold Furnishings, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Fishhook.png Novelty Maze Cheese Hook (page) A block of Breton Maze Cheese intricately carved from wood, with a fish hook coming out of one of the holes on the bottom. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Oldgate Lancers Tapestry (page) Rolled-up tapestry depicting the Oldgate Lancers in the Charge of the Shornhelm Knights at the Battle of Glenumbria Moors. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Cameo.png Onyx Relief Portrait of Blessed Almalexia (page) Almalexia's face sculpted in profile from black gemstone. Her face expresses a fierce determination. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Ornate Button Collection (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A lifetime's hoard of colorful buttons held in a wooden cask. No two in the collection are alike. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Cameo.png Outlawed Cameo of Count Ephrem Benirus (page) A once-common ivory cameo of Anvil's former count. Though the Pirate Queen ordered their destruction, a few of them remain. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Painted Claw Chimes (page) Each claw is painted with moons in various phases, and tiny bells dangle and make pleasing sounds when moved. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Painted Pocket Dimension Map (page) A colorfully painted map of a previously unknown pocket dimension in Oblivion. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Maps
ON-icon-stolen-Crow Egg.png Painted Sea Stone (page) A oval stone worn smooth by the Padomaic Ocean's waves. Stars and waves are painted on it in bright colors. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Painting of "The Slave-Coffles of Thorn" (page) Small reproduction of the popular and heartbreaking silhouette-painting of the infamous House Dres slave-raid on Thorn. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Painting of King Hidellith (page) Framed oil portrait of Queen Ayrenn's father, the late King Hidellith. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Painting of the Brief Queen (page) A hauntingly beautiful Queen Nurnhilde stares out from this painting. Every wealthy household owns a copy of the Brief Queen. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Painting of the First Altmeri Landfall (page) Gilded sunwood framing an oil painting depicting the ships from Aldmeris at Nine Prow Landing, with Torinaan stepping ashore. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Painting of the Unknown Queen (page) A hauntingly beautiful woman stares out from this painting, known only as the Unknown Queen. Every wealthy household has a copy. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Painting of the Westwind Lighthouse (page) Framed oil painting of the famous Westwind Lighthouse, signed by the artist, Romain Jurard. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Pamphlet of Erotic Engravings (page) Khajiiti pamphlet showing various forms of erotic dalliance, illustrated by stylized drawings of astoundingly lithe cat-people. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Partial Visual Guide to Trolls (page) This highly detailed visual record of trolls in Western Skyrim saw limited release after the predictable death of the author. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Pottery.png Passion Flower Vase (page) The passion flowers painted on the face of this vase are so detailed, one might imagine a butterfly rustling through the petals. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Full Mask.png Perfidious Accusation Sleeping Mask (page) A painted mask fashioned to look like an individual's face, with open, staring eyes. Worn at night to discourage sneak-thieves. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Phaer Tapestry (page) This tapestry is elegantly woven, depicting an idyllic scene in the village of Phaer. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Picture Saga of Svartr (page) A biography of the first High King of Western Skyrim, written in verse and accompanied by dramatic illustrations. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Pirate Queen Portrait (page) A portrait of Anvil's Pirate Queen. The artist perfectly captured her sneer of disdain. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Portrait of Rislav the Righteous (page) A portrait, done in oils, of Rislav Larich, former King of Skingrad. 00000103103 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Portrait of Svargrim (page) From a series of portraits depicting the Wolf of Solitude, commissioned to hang in official buildings throughout the realm. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Portrait of Yashnag gro-Yazgu (page) A full-color oil painting of the famous Orc warlord, Yashnag gro-Yazgu, set into a gilded frame. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Portrait of the Mane (page) The great spiritual leader of the Khajiit is here captured in simple artistic style. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Prayer Cloth.png Prayer Cloth of the Yokudan War-Gods (page) An ancient wall scroll studied by the Maidens of the Spirit Sword, somehow spirited away from the now-lost island nation. 000015001500 Gold Dry Goods, Ritual Objects, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Queen Mabjaarn's Risque Etching (page) Wild and carefree before taking up the crown, this revealing etching of Mabjaarn Flame-Hair is credited to Fjokki the Bard. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Cameo.png Queen's Cameo (page) A master artisan carved Queen Ayrenn's likeness into this glowing malondo stone, creating an item of both beauty and power. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Risque Boudoir Portrait (page) A portrait of a buxom young Nord wearing nothing but a horned helmet and a provocative smile. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Risque Etching (page) This revealing etching of a masked courtesan was deemed too provocative to display in mixed company. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Roister's Club Tapestry (page) A slightly faded tapestry advertising the Mournhold Roister's Club. 00000250250 Gold Games, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Saint Pelin's Fall Tapestry (page) This tapestry depicts the heroic sacrifice made by Saint Pelin when an army of vampires sieged Bangkorai Garrison. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Saint Pelin's Portrait (page) This striking portrait of Saint Pelin is one of several that formerly lined the halls of Bangkorai Garrison. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Salacious Meridian Statuette (page) A provocative figurine of Meridia, Lady of Infinite Energies. Carved by an artisan with a vivid imagination. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Sanguine Devotional Card (page) An illustrated card depicting the Daedric Prince Sanguine offering the bearer a bottle. 0000004040 Gold Artwork, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Sapiarch Portrait (page) A small, but skillfully painted portrait of an Altmer Sapiarch. His expression suggests a lack of patience and high self-regard. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Scene of Ancestral Duty (page) A collection of miniature urns and offering plates. A comfort to many Dark Elves who are far from home. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Mounted Bird.png Scrimshaw Kynareth (page) A small bird wearing a crown--a common Systrean depiction of the godess [sic] of the winds. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Oghma Infinium Page.png Sculpted Bearer Pipe (page) A delicately carved pipe, fashioned in the shape of one of the giant skeletons that looks over the city of Fargrave. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Seafarer's Stained Glass Portrait (page) A hand-sized portrait made of stained glass in the likeness of Kynareth. Hangable by a small chain. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Blood Vial.png Seaglass Wine Decanter (page) This decanter is studded with rounded pieces of blue, green, and white glass that wash ashore. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Cross.png Seal of Solitude (page) The wolf's head symbol of Haafingar Hold wrought in silver for display on a mantle. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Segment of Dumac Royal Tapestry (page) One of ten thousand pieces of the cloth mosaic that adorned the halls of the Dwemer king. Supposedly awe inspiring when whole. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Veil.png Serpent-Veil of Orgnum (page) Tattered silk embroidered with Maormer runes of rulership and bearing the entwined image of mating sea serpents. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Signed "Trees of Brackenleaf" Folio (page) Signed folio of engravings depicting the leading trees of Brackenleaf, with their names and brief histories. 00000250250 Gold Writings, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Silver Etched Cake Platter (page) The floral design etched into this cake platter is very elegant. You would not serve just any cake on this platter. 00000100100 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Blanket.png Silver Sash (page) A shining sash made from a finespun, fragile material and studded with rubies on its ends. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Silver Serving Platter (page) A grand silver platter with an etched rendering of Elinhir on the face. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Pouch.png Sisei Leather Pouch (page) A small leather pouch, covered in images of small sprouts. Given to young hatchlings to remind them to "ever grow". 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tusk.png Skaal-Carved Horker Tusk (page) This scrimshaw depicts the early ancestors of the Skaal people running their boats aground on the isle of Solstheim. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png "Sketches from Lukiul Uxith" Folio (page) Folio by the popular artist Andrano Andraneth of his drawings of the "exotic" Argonian town; signed and numbered. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Coins.png Skingrad Commemorative Coin (page) The face of Count Calantius smiles on one side of this coin. On the reverse side is a bunch of grapes. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cameo.png Skooma Cat Medallion (page) A medallion to Sheogorath in his form as Skooma Cat. The cat is smiling at you. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Skyrim Animal Carvings (page) This tin box contains ten carved wooden animals native to Skyrim, including horkers and chaurus. 00000100100 Gold Children's Toys, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Small Canvas Portrait (page) The man in this portrait has eyes that follow you. Luckily, it is small enough to be shoved in a bag before becoming too creepy. 0000004040 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Spidersilk Kragenmoor Tapestry (page) Rolled-up tapestry of woven spidersilk depicting a street scene in Kragenmoor, with Dark Elves, guar, and Argonian slaves. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Spring Collection Album (page) A common hobby among young peasants in Western Skyrim is taking petal and fur clippings of local life during the warmer months. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Stallion Portrait (page) A proud white stallion painted in profile. Artwork like this is greatly prized by Leyawiin nobility. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Star-Gazer's Handkerchief (page) A square of black silk embroidered with silver thread, this kerchief displays the night sky. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Su-Zahleel Knot-Tapestry (page) The Copper-Eyes are known for their inventive use of rope in artwork. This tapestry depicts a leaping trout. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Manual.png Sword-Singer Manual (page) This well-worn collection of pages lacks a proper cover, but contains detailed diagrams and illustrations of sword techniques. 000015001500 Gold Writings, Artwork, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Diagna Statuette.png Syrabane Statuette (page) This tiny depiction of the Elven sorcerer deity holds a staff and brandishes his magic ring. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Tall Papa's Starry Tapestry (page) This tapestry was fashioned by a Crown artisan to depict the starry sky over the desert. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Bracelet.png Tattoo-Skin Wrist Cozy (page) This wristband shows off the delicate tattoo artistry sought out by the skin's original owner. 0000004040 Gold Oddities, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Diagna Statuette.png Telvanni Magister Statuette (page) A handsome ebony carving of a Telvanni magister in full ceremonial robes. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Telvanni Wizard-Painting of Heimlyn Keep (page) Magical three-dimensional painting of Heimlyn Keep, quite old, signed "Keeper Vildras Telvanni." 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Three-Temples Picture Book (page) "Khenarthi's Roost: Isle of Three Temples," a folio of engravings depicting ancient sacred sites. 00000100100 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Model Ship.png Tiny Model Ship (page) A detailed miniature ship modeled after a real Dufort ship. 00000100100 Gold Children's Toys, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Toothpick Fort (page) Crafted from toothpicks, this strangely sturdy, rough little fort resembles Nord strongholds from across Skyrim. 00000250250 Gold Children's Toys, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Topal Shell Collection (page) The shores of the Trans-Niben seem to attract all manner of shells. This pristine collection was assembled with great care. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Report 01.png Torn-up Tribute Deck (page) This used to be a beautiful, custom deck of Tribute cards. Apparently its former owner lost one too many games. 00000100100 Gold Games, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Toy.png Una the Green Elk Figurine (page) A small carved figurine of one of the lesser revered spirits in druid culture. 00000100100 Gold Children's Toys, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Unnerving Noble Portrait (page) An artist's depiction of the Mad Duke Dufort stares disquietingly out at the viewer. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Wall Décor
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Uxith Stone Carving (page) A large stone with etchings depicting several nests filled with eggs. Imperial scholars theorize it to be a fertility charm. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Vakka Vase (page) A dark brown vase with a highly symbolic depiction of the sun, painted in gold hues. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Vastyr Storm Glass (page) The alchemical mixture inside this glass cylinder seems attuned to the movements of the sea and sky. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Measures.png Vibrant Paint Set (page) Three small tins tied together with a bit of string. Each cup contains one of the three primary colors: red, blue, or yellow. 0000004040 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Visual Guide to Auridon Flora (page) A handy guide to Auridon plants. Of interest to poisoners is the chapter "A Publication of Malefic Aldmer Essences, 2E 561." 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Volcanic Rock Kwama Scrib (page) This exquisite statue, depicting the hero of the Dark Elf fairy tale, is part of a limited series by the sculptor Nerile. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Vulkhel Guard Harbor Painting (page) The detail of this painting is so vivid, one can practically hear the waves lapping against the docks. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Toy.png Warhorse Porcelain Doll (page) A delicate and beautiful representation of a warhorse, displaying the creature's majesty and grace. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Wax Portrait Card (page) This wax portrait card depicts simple but compelling artwork. A fence could resell this to collectors. 0000004040 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png White Rose Prison Tapestry (page) Rolled-up Imperial tapestry depicting a fortification in a teeming swamp, embroidered "Souvenir of White Rose Prison." 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png The Wilderflowers of Elsweyr (page) An illustrated guide to the various species of wildflowers found throughout Elsweyr, hand-painted by the artist Guta-dar. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Wilderking Sketch (page) A rare sketch of the legendary Wilderking, and worth a great deal to collectors and myth-hunters. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Wooden Draoife (page) This small collection of druid-shaped figures probably depicts the druid's ruling body, the Draoife. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Worn Ayleid Tablet (page) Once used by the ancient heartland elves. Clearly it has some sort of … writing? Sigils? Musical notation? 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Musical Instruments
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Woven Yokudan Rug (page) A finely woven rug that depicts multiple images of warriors assuming bladed and unarmed fighting stances. 00000250250 Gold Furnishings, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Yokudan House Idol (page) An antique-looking statue, about the size of a wine glass, modeled after the house idols popular with the Yokudan people. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Yorran's Yarns of Cyrodiil, Illustrated Edition (page) Amusing and often bawdy anecdotes detailing a Nord's adventures in the Imperial City, complete with explicit illustrations. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Anvil.png Zenithar Wood Sculpture (page) Zenithar-worshippers often keep small devotional anvils in their home. This wooden variant is light enough to carry outdoors. 00000100100 Gold Artwork