Unzoned places are those which are not part of any zone or their associated storylines. Currently, this encompasses locations exclusive to the Main Quest, Prologues, Guild questlines, Battlegrounds, and those locations visited in the Werewolf, Vampire and Event world quests.
This list does not include zoned Battlegrounds. For the full list, see this page.
- Deeping Drome — A subterranean Dwemer ruin-turned-battleground. (map)
- Eld Angavar — A battleground set in an ancient Ayleid complex floating in an otherworldly void. (map)
- Istirus Outpost — A fortification turned battleground located in southwestern Cyrodiil added in Update 19. (map)
- Mor Khazgur — An Orc stronghold in the far northwest of Skyrim.
Dark Brotherhood Places
- Blackwood Borderlands — An area between Blackwood in Cyrodiil and western Black Marsh. (map)
- Jerall Mountains Logging Track — A forest located somewhere between Cyrodiil and Skyrim. (map)
- Smuggler's Den — A hidden base that serves as a sacrament location.
- Sewer Tenement — A sewer system that serves as a sacrament location.
- Trader's Cove — A secluded cove that serves as a sacrament location.
Fighters Guild PlacesEdit
- Abagarlas — An ancient Ayleid city whose inhabitants used to worship Molag Bal.
- The Earth Forge — A secret Dwemer ruin in the Druadach Mountains which is maintained by the Fighters Guild.
- Halls of Submission — A stronghold in Coldharbour where Molag Bal has hidden the Mortuum Vivicus.
- Mzeneldt — A Dwemer ruin most likely in the southeastern Dragontail Mountains of Hammerfell.
- Ragnthar — A Dwemer ruin that exists outside the physical reality of Nirn.
Mages Guild PlacesEdit
- Chateau of the Ravenous Rodent — Sheogorath's "family estate" in Dementia, in the southern Shivering Isles.
- Cheesemonger's Hollow — A secluded valley in Shivering Isles, Sheogorath's plane of Oblivion.
- Circus of Cheerful Slaughter — An ancient ruin in Dementia, part of Sheogorath's Shivering Isles.
- Glade of the Divines — A temple in the Shivering Isles, Sheogorath's plane of Oblivion.
Main Quest PlacesEdit
- Castle of the Worm — Mannimarco's stronghold in Coldharbour.
- The Colored Rooms — Meridia's plane of Oblivion.
- The Foundry of Woe — A prison stronghold in Coldharbour.
- Halls of Torment — A prison stronghold in Coldharbour.
- The Harborage — A cave in the wilderness which the Prophet has adopted as his home and refuge.
- Heart's Grief — Molag Bal's palace and the most feared place in all Coldharbour.
- Sancre Tor — The ruin of an ancient Imperial city in the Colovian mountains of Cyrodiil. (map)
- Stirk — An island off the west coast of Cyrodiil. (map)
- The Valley of Blades — A secluded valley in the Dragontail Mountains of Hammerfell.
- The Wailing Prison — A sub-location of Coldharbour, Molag Bal's realm of Oblivion.
- The Worm's Retreat — A Worm Cult base located beneath Vulkhel Guard, Daggerfall and Davon's Watch.
Psijic Order Places
- Time-Lost Throne Room — The throne room of the White-Gold Tower, accessible through a gaping time breach in Divad's Chagrin Mine.
Thieves Guild Places
- al-Danobia Tomb — A Redguard family tomb found near the city of Taneth.
- Deadhollow Halls — Daedric ruins that serve as a heist location.
- Fulstrom Homestead — A private manor off the coast of Eastmarch.
- Glittering Grotto — A cave network that serves as a heist location.
- The Hideaway — A hidden base that serves as a heist location.
- Secluded Sewers — A sewer network that serves as a heist location.
- Underground Sepulcher — A tomb that serves as a heist location.
Prologue PlacesEdit
- Dragonguard Tomb — A concealed Dragonguard burial site. (map)
- Dranil Kir — An island off the coast of Auridon formerly occupied by the Psijic Order that houses the Obscuros, a powerful scrying device. (map)
- Emerald Glyphic Vault — An Elven vault guarded by the Sodality of the Eye. (map)
- Glenmoril Ritual Site — A ritual site located within the Sunken Road. (map)
- Grayhome — A frozen island with an ornate castle, formerly occupied by the Gray Host. (map)
- Halls of Colossus — Ancient subterranean vaults located along the southern coast of Elsweyr. (map)
- Imperial Cache Annex — A hidden, warded vault whose use dates back to the reign of the Longhouse Emperors. (map)
- Imperial Sewers — Below the Imperial City which contains a Cache Annex. (map)
- Lyranth's Hidden Lair — A hideout used by Lyranth that has been infiltrated by the Order of the Waking Flame. (map)
- Ne Salas Cache Annex — A hidden, warded vault in Ne Salas whose use dates back to the reign of the Longhouse Emperors. (map)
- Norg-Tzel — An abandoned tropical island in southeastern Black Marsh. (map)
- The Deadlands: Testing Grounds — A section of Mehrunes Dagon's Oblivion realm used to challenge the worth of his servants.
- The Spiral Skein — A part of Mephala's realm of Oblivion. (map)
- Sword's Rest Isle — An island retreat owned by High King Emeric, located in the waters south of Daggerfall.
- Vahlokzin's Lair — A dragon lair in a dormant volcano on the coast of Southern Elsweyr, occupied by Vahlokzin. (map)
- Waking Flame Base — A secluded cell of the Order of the Waking Flame that serves as their headquarters for their operations in Fargrave. (map)
Other PlacesEdit
- Atoll of Immolation — A section of the Deadlands accessible from Oblivion Portals in Blackwood and the Deadlands zone.
- Blood Matron's Crypt — The resting place of Lamae Bal, the first vampire. (map)
- Garden of Shadows — A pocket realm of the Evergloam. (map)
- The Hunting Grounds — Hircine's realm of Oblivion.
- Olyve's Brewery — The hidden lair of Witchmother Olyve. (map)